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Recommend me some anime/shows (preferably anime) that give similar feels to Gurren lagann.
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No really mecha but Megalo Box has similar theming
Promare altough it's a movie, by the same studio
Sure! If you enjoyed "Gurren Lagann," you might like these anime with similar vibes:
1. Kill la Kill - A high-energy series with intense action and a rebellious spirit.
2. FLCL (Fooly Cooly) - Quirky and fast-paced coming-of-age story with surreal elements.
3. Promare - A visually stunning film with mechs and a story about fighting against oppression.
4. Darling in the Franxx - A mix of mecha battles and emotional drama.
5. Eureka Seven - A sci-fi series with a mix of action, romance, and adventure.
Dead Leaves
G Gundam
Star Driver
Mazinger Z the Impact (Shin Mazinger Z)
Getter Robo Armageddon
Shin Getter Robo
Giant Robo
Gundam AGE
Macross 7
Code Geass
Blue Gender
The Big O

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Looking for a higher resolution image of this art by Yoshitaka Amano. Its called Deva Loka Bleu, and was made in 2008. I have had little success :(

I tried to find out who she was, but I couldn't find out.
I found this video on Dvach and all I know is that she is probably Russian.
Please help me, anon.
I hate when people do it for obvious girls, but it's on point here:

lmao even

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Looking for this video on HQ, since is old I doubt I found it in HD. Also, there was a version where a japanese woman voice is heard at the beginning and a boy walking to hold an sphere at a technological place, if can give that video regardless of quality please.

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Thank you
Google Lens worked fine for me to find the sauce.
You can download the far-from-perfect youtube version here on any youtube to mp4 site https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuKalnFbj7I and edit it back down to the right length
I'll admit that the video sauce isnt perfect but I dont speak moonrune so I cant get a version without the D: overlay
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Thank you!

does anyone have a torrent or download link for this?

Where did this song come from? Did the composition already exist before it was used in Lucky Star or was it made for the show?
made for the show i reckon
How is the information that you reckon its made for the show useful at all

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who is this swordfish lady character and what show/comic is she from
100$ that it's an OC
OC called Periwinkle. the artist's name is right there in the bottom left corner.

Thank you so much now I can get that anon in /aco/ to shut up about it

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Looking for a quote by Tesla warning of the monstrosities that mankind will create in the future
Usually quoted as: "You will live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.”
thanks bruv

Looking for the name of a Polish photographer who takes pictures like this. I really struggle with Polish names and I can't remember the way the name is spelled.
Joseph Saltis

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I need more lolcow Youtubers to watch

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Looking for The Ring of The Buddha, a German documentary (original title Der Ring Des Buddha).
Hopeful bump.

Looking for white male/non-white female historical romance literature. Preferably heavy on courting and not so much erotica. Novels preferred but I will accept fanfiction.
Historical romance is a wonderful genre! I'd be happy to help. Here are a few recommendations:

1. **The Lady of the Tower** by Elizabeth Fremantle (2012) - This historical romance novel features a white English nobleman, Thomas Howard, and a non-white Indian woman, Nalini, who is a slave in his household. The story is set in the 16th century.
2. **The Black Moth** by Georgette Heyer (1921) - While not exclusively a romance, this classic novel features a white English gentleman, Jack Carstares, and a non-white Indian woman, Lucy Beauly. The story is set in the 18th century.
3. **The Scandalous Flirt** by Emily Greenwood (2012) - This historical romance novel features a white English gentleman, Alexander Fothergill, and a non-white African woman, Aminah Abdulrahman, who is a slave in his household. The story is set in the late 18th century.
4. **The Desert Queen** by Joanna Hickson (2017) - This historical romance novel features a white Englishman, Thomas Darcy, and a non-white African woman, Fatima, who is a slave in his household. The story is set in the 15th century.
5. **The Last Queen of the Arabian Desert** by Kate McCaulley (2019) - This historical romance novel features a white British man, James Fraser, and a non-white Middle Eastern woman, Khadija Al-Salem, who is a princess in the Ottoman Empire. The story is set in the early 20th century.

If you're looking for more modern or contemporary authors who write diverse historical romances, you might want to check out authors like:

1. Soniah Kamal 2. Pamela Knowles 3. Mary Ellis 4. Candace Robb 5. Jeanne Mackenzie

These authors often feature diverse characters and settings in their historical romance novels. Remember to always approach any reading material with sensitivity and respect for the cultures and communities represented.
Thanks chatgpt
Madam Butterfly
edgy boi huh

Do you know any programs that can put this unallocated disk space from the same SSD into my main partition? Also, do I have to back up?
3 replies and 2 images omitted. Click here to view.
how many drives do you actually have?
>1678.02 GB unallocated
wtf why?
Move all important data do an external drive and reinstall windows, formatting the entire drive and using all the space for the reinstall.
I'll try these options. thanks guys
Usually some leftover from disk cloning or somesuch

Any other films like this?
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Any that aren't Don Hertzfeldt?
Maybe Stalker? It's similarly melancholic and surreal, but it lacks the humor of It's Such A Beautiful Day. What in particular are you looking for? The Little Prince (the book) might also scratch your itch
>What in particular are you looking for?
I should probably specify I'm looking for other animated films with traits like you've just listed: melancholic and surreal. Humor is optional though.
The Tragedy of Man would be my first recommendation. The premise is that Adam and Lucifer travel through time, with each period animated in a corresponding art style.

Son of the White Mare is by the same director. It's less melancholic, but more surreal, and is based off a traditional folk tale. I prefer it of the two, but both are excellent
Thanks for the recs, anon.

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