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What game is this?

been trying to find who this is but no luck on any reverse image search engines i'm aware of
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This is the furry meme, not the answer. Quit thanking yourself also.
>This is the furry meme
whats the difference?
>Quit thanking yourself also.
??? Is this what happens when poster counters are removed, you just make shit up?

My professor wants us to do our homework on 8.5in × 11in green engineering paper, take a picture of it, then upload it online. But I want to do them digitally and upload them. He said it's fine as long as the engineering paper looked really similar to what the picture is showing. Can someone make me this? Maybe post it as an image and I can make it into a PDF? It has to be 8.5in x 11in, and green tinted like in the pic
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if you can't make it yourself you don't deserve the engineering degree
What's inkscape?

No I can definitely figure it out. It just might take a while to perfect it. Hence why I came to this board to see if someone already has the skills to make it quick. Work smarter not harder, but if brute force is the way then fuck it
Idk why I asked, nvm
Inkscape is a vector graphics program
Learn it because it's pretty useful
And this simple project of yours sounds like to perfect intro to learn it
Have any youtube tutorial recommendations for this kinda project?

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Switched from the shitty free internet at my apartment to Verizon, but now Catbox is blocked. What do I do to fix it?
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Using a different DNS server might work.
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looked into how to do that for my router but I can't change the settings, wtf?
Oops, forgot incognito strips images from posting.
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Don't change your router dns settings, change your computers network adapter machine settings via the control panel.

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how can i play stalker SoC at 30fps w my specs guys

is there no hope without a hardware update

give it to me str8 bros, game runs at 10fps so far
Maybe find someone locally who is trying to sell an old PC. I always find cheap PC builds for 100 on Facebook marketplace that could easily run that. However may not be an easy find in your country.
im on desktop tho. Where did you get that im on laptop?
Check your power management settings or whatever it's called; usually has options to select maximum battery life, or performance.
My bad. Those specs reminded me of my first laptop. Getting a cheap used graphics card might be an option. Beats using onboard CPU graphics.
Set graphics to low, lower the resolution too, search internet for how to modify game files to disable/ lower visual effects even further

Would Someone post that BANNED FROM 4CHAN image where the guy sees that He's banned then turns into a skeleton?
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I think this is the one... But My memory tells Me that there's an Asian guy in the first of two panels...

Two BANNED images with the same concept?..

Still pretty funny though.

Dubs says it exists.


I do remember this one for sure however.
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something similar to this maybe?

Checked, but no. It's a YOU ARE BANNED image.

What's a good Korean word, insult for Someone who's a not Korean?

Troll. The last one isn't even Haangerr.

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Hello wsr,

I've been trying to acquire digital copies of "You Will Not Replace Us!" by Renaud Camus and "A Handbook for Dissidents" by Dominique Venner but I've had no luck. Even Library Genesis didn't stock them. Does anyone here have some pdfs/epubs they'd be willing to share?

Thanks in advance

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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
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bump for Doraemon
You can find the ultimate Doraemon movie released by Conan06 torrent. Bear in mind that some might have subtitles and the rest aren't.


Next time use the Japanrunes to search.
I've already used the runes, those seeders arent moving at all and it's been a month so my hopes rest to anyone who can use bakabt like the other anon.

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I remember a photographer, I believe American, all of whose photographs had the same blue tint. He's fairly old by now, in his seventies or eighties. To be clear, it isn't Yves Klein.
Might help you out
cool, so that's why 'blueprints' are so... blue

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I need help with one photo
Can someone edit it please
I don't wanna waste your time, so I have to say I only need a really good edit

What to edit

Left hand, the one less shown needs editing. The two fingers there look like they need a little touch. Also the nails on those 2 fingers are really bad looking compared to the nails on the other hand. (the only nail that I like is the first nail on the right hand, next two are close to being good but I think they miss a little something, especially on the sides it looks like they have little missing parts, due to poor quality probably)
The knuckles on the left hand looks little bit deformed aswell

I mentioned what I need for the right hand tho it's not as important as left hand is. But if you understood what I want there would be nice too

Also I want different nail polish color, will add photo of it

Other little thing is the ending of the left eyebrow

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I don't edit troons
Good news, it's not a troon, it's AI
So get to editing

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Looking for parts 2 and 3 of the REFORM! docuseries

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I remember a long time ago there was a Tower Defense game I had that was set on a big grid with small segments. It was really difficult and each of the towers were like little geometric symbols, like triangles and squares and stuff. They were all different colors and if I remember right some were wireframe and others were solid. The enemies were also very geometric and simple in shape.
I remember it being super difficult and it had a really large variety of towers. The background of the main menu was also somebody with a decked out map playing a couple rounds I think, with a very large variety of the towers.
For the life of me I cannot remember the name of this game or if it was even on a computer. Does anybody know/ remember it?
Maybe it's Gemcraft chasing shadows.

Not sure if this is the best board to ask for something like this, but this is something that's been in the back of my mind since i watched it years ago.
>early to mid 2010's
>browsing random recommended youtube vids out of boredom
>came across this one odd looking 3D Ducktales animation, and no it wasn't the one where Donald cleans up poop in Scrooge's money pile before anyone says so
>from my faint memory of it, it opens up with with one of the nephews sleeping in a bed. I don't know which one it is since their body was covered by a blanket. To make things easier i'll just assume it's Huey
>"Huey" had a clearly uncomfortable expression on his face for almost the entire video, for reasons that will make more sense in my next point
>Scrooge Mcduck suddenly enters his room, and he has kind of a creepy expression on his face, like a sexual abuser stalking his prey.
>he walks up to "Huey" and starts mumbling something under his breath that i can't really make out because my volume was pretty low at the time
>"Huey" is still facing away from Scrooge, i guess pretending to still be asleep but he looks terrified for the entire duration of it
>After what i think was a minute or so that went by, it cuts to the part that i remember the most vividly, where "Huey" apparently hung himself on a tree outside the mansion
>The shot outside the mansion was framed far away. It had a very airless atmosphere to it if that makes sense.
>I think the other nephews might have appeared, but they weren't important like "Huey" and Scrooge were
>no music was in the video either, but there was ambiance in the form of what sounded like air blowing
Ever since i watched it years ago i have not been able to find a single reupload of it. I've tried typing in all the keywords i can think of, but i get no results back. Is there anyone here who can try to identify what im describing?
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I know it sounds insane when typed out, but I swear with every fiber in my being that this was a real animation.

I always see this scenario in cartoons, but in Our world that would give You a serious injury.
I think Robot Chicken had a segment like that.

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