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Cuántos cristales tienen reunidos para el festival?

Have you ever played a mobile sports game before?
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Finally after all the tears and struggles, A Happy ending Dazu

And it was the Biggest Win! Against one of the faves- /vp/. I Wanna Be The very Best. Like no-one ever was.

Thought that /vmg/ couldn’t win that. That You Can’t win

But there was no Falling Down back to fetus this time

Cause today, today was a Winning Day

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I tried installing Baseball Highlights 2025 because I liked the boardgame and there was a phones only digital version, but my phone is too new for the app.
are there any good tennis games for iOS?
any good badminton games?

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How does /vmg feel about this game? I started this week and I'm having fun, I love Lucia Crimson Abyss and cant wait for a chance to get weave
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>Nierbab skipping Drakenchad
I would try this out but the threat is eos is too palpable at this stage, good luck though
pgr devs never played any drakengard
I got 21 feral, very qt and funny (as in fun to play), would recommend her
Chinese server is still going on and ahead a year, it's not going to reach eos any soon
no feelings

Somebody put down a general description of what kind of mobile game they want to play and people answer games they think would be a good fit.
First example I would like them Three Kingdoms Mobile game with collecting officers well you don't need to play 24/7 and people can attack your resources when you aren't there. Then people try and find them a game that fits that description.
I am looking for a mobile game that is similar to final fantasy tactics ogre, or "Valiant Force 2".
Something turned based with pvp.

The best turned based "relaxing" mobile pvp games that I've liked so far are BraveNine guild war pvp, and Valiant Force 2 pvp.

Travian Kingdom type game for mobile would also be interesting, if the pay 2 win wasn't so bad.
I want to play a game that involves Soviet Russia in any way. It's my current autistic interest and I need something to satisfy it
Another gacha like disgaea rpg

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why did it flop?
objectively the best and the most original moba for mobile devices
insane potential wasted
too hard for your general moba brainlet.
>moba for mobile devices
inherently flawed concept. mobage should never be sweat fests because phones suck as controllers
>best and the most original moba for mobile devices

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Is Reverse 1999 any good or is it an asset flip of Star Rail?
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Did OP give it a try?
Has the translation (both in the text and the voiced lines) improved at all since launch? I dropped pretty much immediately because it was unbearable.
i felt like I was reading william gibson dialogue but steampunk,

literally felt like technobabble gibberish but british
filller game

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I finally got to king level 15
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Also apparently, if you already have max elite wild cards on the princess tower, you get 50,000 of them for free
F2P or not? Your gem count seems F2P desu
sucks that I can't play the damn game (>>1460225)
It’s F2P
How are you still playing after all the Pay2Win updates?

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I play troll decks in Clash Royale 2v2 for my only form of entertainment and joy. I usually run mono spell decks and hit the enemy's crown tower at the start of the game and laugh emote, picrel. It brings me giddy joy and I sometimes drop my phone and clap my hands together and shriek with glee when my opponent angry emotes or disconnects. Nothing makes me happier.
Why are you black?
>It brings me giddy joy and I sometimes drop my phone and clap my hands together and shriek with glee when my opponent angry emotes or disconnects.
Fatherless behavior. Go back to >>>/r/eddit.
ok dude

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What are you favorites point and click for android guys.
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Can I emulate Civ 3 or 4 on this?
Never tried. You can play Unciv on Android though.
Where can I download the secret of monkey island for scummvm, the files I downloaded so fact can't be used for emulation.
Nevermind, i found it, the original with no voices.

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Genre: runner game, action game, not an open world game

Estimated year of release: between 2010-2015, couldn't be later than 2015

Graphics/art style: 3d polygon graphic, more of an anime style, cyberpunk, cityscape, not dark or gritty

Notable characters: The character you play as is a human girl with long black hair, light skin, and she wears a tight dark suit (cyberpunk-like style). There are multiple skins for her, one is a red outfit, and another is a dinosaur/dragon outfit (there are more but I can only remember those two). She carries a sword or some sort of weapon. There is no other playable character.

the enemies are red robots. they are shaped like geometric shape (similar to the image below), (I think the normal enemy is more accurate to those from the game than the boss/advanced enemy). They fly in from far away and from left/right into the player's range of attack.

Notable gameplay mechanics: Third person, top-down view (to camera position is similar to subway surfers).

During the gameplay, the main character automatically runs on top of pipes, building, in a city/factory-like landscape. she carries a sword to attack robots coming into her. There are normal mode and hard mode (which the player can gain more point/score to buy skins/outfits). There might have some other "lanes" for the player to switch to (I'm not too sure about this one). I can't remember if the player can control her attack or not. There might have stages/levels, but I'm really not sure.

Other details: I played this game in around 2010-2015 on a HTC phone which was bought around 2008-2010.

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Bumping, because this seems interesting.
i dont know it

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Why does every single game need a billion duplicates to max a unit out nowadays?
You can't just luck out and roll good units at the start and even spending $100 doesn't help you at all.
Why do they make the game impossible to play for people who might spend some money but don't want to literally dump $5k just to max out a single specific unit?
Because its very easy to get a guaranteed unit nowadays when it doesnt follow the mihomo system; most of the whale incentives are from minmaxing characters for top rankings.
from the games I played, either they need dupes, but some kind of material can be acquired in game to max the character, usually through grinding or waiting. or you have to pay hundreds to thousands to max the character, but maxing is usually pointless because you're making the character like 5% stronger. Devs are trying do milk tryhards that think they are playing competitive games that want to min-max or show off their strong characters to their online friends
>Why does every single game need a billion duplicates to max a unit out nowadays?
>You can't just luck out and roll good units at the start and even spending $100 doesn't help you at all.
because almost nobody is retarded enough to spend $100 on gacha, they'd rather focus on the giga retards who will spend $5000 to roll 9 dupes of their waifu than the moderate retards who would spend $100 since there aren't 50x as many of that second group
Because they know they can get away with exploiting impulsive horny morons who absolutely will spend that much even if it takes a year. And players only grow more tolerant to this over time.
>Why does every single game need a billion duplicates to max a unit out nowadays?

Google play just gifted me 1€. What are you getting?
I'm thinking of getting lichtspeer
It's been a while since I bought anything, and I don't think I will anytime soon. After all, I don't play as much as I used to.
Some of the long-standing items on my wishlist are: Part Time UFO, Dicey Dungeons, Don't Starve: Pocket Edition, Space Grunts, Gloomgrave, Critical Mass, and Forager.
>I'm thinking of getting lichtspeer
Well, it's on sale right now, but no rush because it goes on sale regularly.
There is no good game for 1$

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Why do you play gacha games?
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Day 2
Is #compass just alive in Japan but has 0 reach outside of it? It seemed like it was super dead from the searches, but the guides are near instant on JP sites, they just got another Collab and new char and the queues are near instant in JP timezones.
It has no translation so. And also the name is bad for SEO in english. Inside Japan it does seem popular enough or at least sustainable with the various merch, it's own cafe that's always available, constant offline events. Also has an anime next year.
Here's a qooapp link if you need it: https://m-apps.qoo-app.com/en-US/app/4799
Havnt really touched a gacha in a while, but i usually enjoy the first few months before the invenitable endgame grindfest.
But reaching that point, with limited ressources and constraints due to RNG is somewhat satisfying
why not

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wait this game is still alive? im glad. how its doing?
no one cares

I only got Gacha or otherwise online only games, need something better when going off the road without wasting much data or need to be offline.
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Unciv. It's literally the only good civ 5 clone. It's has no ads, No microtramsaction shit, no gachashit and a tons of mod ton create such comparable experience like you playing civ 5 (the best Civilization series all time
Any games with character creation?
Candies and Curses
>Any good Offline Mobile Games?

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