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Ultra Golden Frieza is here and he's MID.

/dbg/ guild: h7ygsygw

April Fool's Day soon. Anniversary is 2 months away.
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I was shocked buy going into a training battle actually counted as well
Throwing a bunch of those matches was a releif
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>Be me
>Carry retards in CoOp left and right
>Multiple times I reach a point in which I leave Vados 1 health bar away from death or so
>1 or 2 strikes at most
>Retarded homosexual partners use RR wasting my time in its stupid animation
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>Return of limit break banner.
Not this time old friend. the 20k cap awaits.
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Thread for MonmusuTD as well as other Kumasan games.
>Twinkle Star Knight
>Girls Creation
>Flower Knight Girl
>Mist Train Girls
Also other DMM tower defense games.
>Millennium War Aigis
>Oshiro Project: RE ~CASTLE DEFENSE~

Next chapter in Monmusu is coming along with the shop girl who is in fact Mammon.
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finally some good luck, got literally nothing from free rolls until today.
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That ship was bullcrap I couldn't seem to stun it at all just barely delay it with the maid summon call. Borrowed kokonoha let my barely 90 team just crush everything though it's crazy. I picked up the game again after leaving some time after the first youkai banner and yasome is absolutely silly now compared to when I first got her. Practically carried the stage
My prediction is Vivi and Bikkinu for 3rd anni.
It is specifically only Done's stun that can stun it. For some reason, she alone has the only guaranteed stun 2 years into the game now.
With the -skill cooldown dupe bonus and a borrowed max duplicate Idol Tantarupupu, you get max 2 second skill cooldown with just Rapid and Fast Charger. If you're not bothering with that, she's one of the few units that actually goes well with crit damage since her skill is a guaranteed crit.

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How are we liking the monster hunter colab? The champs are mostly pretty good, but it sucks that they're time limited
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>The problem with my team is that both vogoth and nia can't heal themselves to full before the next cycle.

Placing vogoth in the correct position might help with that, but no mastery will allow him to outheal the CB's damage, it ramps up too high. I'm not sure lifesteal on Nia is gonna help you on UNM; i hope you're not building her for damage, she needs to be in the tankiest gear on your entire account. The only way she'd heal from the leach is from her A1 doing warmaster procs. Your CB team needs to have your very best gear. If lifesteal isn't working out for you, I'd try maybe regen + immortal, with something like 80k HP and 4k defense.

>Also that fusion epic lookin kinda cute tho. I might grab extra copy from Summon Rush for myself

I would suggest refraining from pulling shards when you don't need to; she's not a very good epic and won't help your roster much. Pulling outside of a 2x/specifically to complete a fusion in the early game is a total waste. Like i've said before, you're not at the stage in the game where you can start targeting 10x/15x events or pulling for vanity champs, your roster has a bunch of big holes. You still don't have a cleanser, you don't have any AOE HP burns, you don't have a good posioner, you don't have any solo champs, but what you do have is an abundance of nukers. What's another epic nuker gonna do for your account? not much.
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>I'd try maybe regen + immortal, with something like 80k HP and 4k defense.
Uhh thats what I did on my Nia (60k HP 3.8k DEF + 10% Def from area bonuses) and that is still not enough.

Maybe I switch into pseudo unkillable team like pic related. Warcaster block AOE1, Nia (With the help of others) tank AO2, and Crimson Helm block the stun. With this, Nia has enough time to heal herself. Oh and Sanguinia only there for block debuffs (the extra heal from her is a bonus), but she is switchable with DPS for other affinity. If force affinity, Crimson Helm will be replaced with fellhound blo.

>What's another epic nuker gonna do for your account? not much.
Can any of them nuke my heart? I dont think so
>Uhh thats what I did on my Nia (60k HP 3.8k DEF + 10% Def from area bonuses) and that is still not enough.

Specifically in regen + immortal? Or just broken pieces with maybe 1 immortal?

Even with regen + immortal, Nia can only heal herself by 20% of her hp each turn, and I'm not sure that'll be enough with the new team you're suggesting. Also Crimson Helm won't block the stun; the CB looks at the number of buffs that are placed. Since the block buffs/damage is only on herself, the CB will just stun someone else. She can however potentially cleanse the stun, but you'd have to speed/hp tune her so she's using her A3 right after the stun, but she can't be the stun target either. This is a pretty complex tune.
this game is basically the mobile mafia
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Well well well, would you look at that. 3 Keys UNM achieved. All I did was finished grinding masteries for vogoth AND regearing both vogoth and nia in lifesteal set + 100% crit rate (without sacrifing survivability of course). Now nia always heal herself to full and also her teammates aswell through her passive.
This time is martyr that died first. Her ally protection+strengthen buffs ended before AOE2 (She's last in turn order btw, want counterattack always up for more chance for nia to heal). Plan to regear altan and frozen banshee in guardian to mitigate it.

Then I'll switch crimson helm for gnarlhorn then. Might put fellhound anyway for gnarlhorn to block damage becsuse I'll build him in low hp def. And that just leave 1 slot for dps wow.
I think I switch to infinity shield team since I'm getting wixwell anyway

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Today marks its 3000th day
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>old collab characters can be changed to GC mode which also change their passives and skills effect
>a few of them still have 1 hit damage barrier on their skill unlike new characters
It isn't fair.

Most coop hosts just instant disband if no one using that character for some reason despite doing shitty boos coop just take a bit longer without him with 4 GC characters.
Tbdesu I'd leave the room too if there's no Silva on sight. It cannot be helped, the coops are just unbearable without him.
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Still 2 more weeks left
Calling it bros, it's a MOBA.

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Anyone play this?

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Christmas events, draws, and 2x CP are currently live. Warzone is coming soon™
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solo queueing blitz has been miserable this season, but even playing with leaderboard sweats, it's really tough to win consistently. it's extremely chaotic...

Two weekends ago i won about half my games playing pretty passively when solo, but last weekend i probably played 40 and only ended up with 2 wins. game after game of the scrub jump leader landing in the hot zone and dying immediately(along with the rest of the squad) in the worst possible place to recover their tags.

I've had to switch up my style and use shotguns(striker groundloot and custom jak), lmgs and smoke bomber which really helps when things get hairy
I bit the bullet and did Goliath Clash instead. Will the seasonal camos ever rotate?
Got this on 2nd spin, too bad the ironsight is default
dont care

When I tried getting into Goliath Clash last week, there weren't enough players so I was stuck with BR Blitz. They say that Alcatraz Island will be returning soon since Warzone isn't doing that well.

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SF6 has just ended, what are your hopes and fears for the next year?
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>kills your money sink
We are getting at least one new character in two weeks. Whether is a completely new one or a retrain of one already in the game, is anyone's guess
Another Kyo
>Piss off whales with this shit
>Proceed to piss off whales even more now that they're rerunning UE characters on the same banner of a new UE character so now whales have a bunch of useless dupes
It feels like the dev team has had enough and is trying to purposely kill the game
no hopes and fears

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Have you ever bought a mobile game?
Several. The ones I'm pleased with include: Slice & Dice, Solar Settlers, Kingdom Two Crowns, Rusted Warfare
yeah, i put around 100 hours into the android version of romancing saga 2.

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This thread is dedicated to Kisaki.
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Does this game have a future?
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How long did it take from the first Darkmoon Faire teaser until it came out?
Guys our Guild has two spaces left. Join the " JESUS IS GOD" Guild.
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rumBULLs we're so back

They made ragnaros able to become a tower like in hots, nice

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Patch 3.4.0 - https://dislyte.farlightgames.com/m/detail.html?6593dc745be0f725157fca80
Log in for free Yun Chuan and his Divinate.
But why Jin Qiu? His update made his r2 broken. Can even solo Andras.
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They're all related to the new Triple Threat mode
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>Triple Threat uses Rival Runes
I mean, that's fair, but fuck. I have so many espers with runes I haven't built up yet.
>Uses Rival Runes
>5 espers per team
>10 teams

So it's just more knockout for the megawhales and their clubs. I was actually looking forward to having a 3v3 format again. At least they haven't taken the gem rewards for playing it from other things yet.
Holobattle crashed and burned because no one wanted ANOTHER avenue for meeting the PvP sweats.
looks gay

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Another year with spider mech daughters!
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Did you already buy a Nio? A character's cost goes up by 30 tokens every time you buy a copy of them.
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Oh nah I meant in this shop. I'm guessing its just cause shes the newest or the oldest one there.
You're absolutely right. She's cheapest because she's newest, and then when Factor Pavo comes out, Pavonis will be 300 per 10 tokens, and Rela will be 450.
>work on 4 piece set like speed, riposte, etc
>a little voice in my head tells me to build lifesteal instead
Every time...
axed when

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Discuss the DALSP, the ongoing remake of the game, and how Kurumi is the cutest

Remember to do your dailies!
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Who died now?
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I'll miss him...
date a live

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Some new coomer gacha just dropped. Any of you lads try it out?
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Yeah every character being a cow has started to get old.
Where's the cunny bwos?
Meant to post this
>you realize you're going to hate over half the characters shown there
No one is here for highbrow discourse, but I like it that the game isn't afraid to make characters that are just irredeemable assholes as opposed to the tranny trend of relatability and audience sympathy being mandatory for every character.
not feeling like jerking of right now, no

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Not sure what happened to the other thread, but at least we can update the OP with the most recent decor they've added to the game.

Speaking of new things, the missions they've recently added were an interesting change of pace, especially as someone that has exhausted his local area of all seedlings. Also, they are apparently adding new mushrooms, according to a recent datamine (presumably during Halloween, since they're orange and purple).

Regardless, how do you guys feel about the game now that we're approaching the 1-year anniversary?
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You will always get a net positive from blooming specific nectar than from mushrooms. From what I've gathered the flower type is mainly dependent on the majority flower planted. The biggest the diversity of flowers on a bloom the more random it is, so pretty much if you plant 300 carnations on a bloom it's pretty much a gaurenty that it will be a carnation. Only the basic pansys have a higher chance to be another flower type but it's still pretty low and either way the fruit bloom will always give you more than enough nectar than what you spent to bloom.
>the flower type is mainly dependent on the majority flower planted
White flowers used to be random based on the colorpool of what can be bloomed (e.g., white Lily of the Valley flowers would bloom white or red 50% of the time), however it seems like recently they've made white flowers significantly more likely to bloom white flowers, or maybe even guaranteed. Haven't experimented with it enough to make an education statement, but I know for a fact it used to be painfully tedious trying to max out white nectar for rare flowers.
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flowerposting bump

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