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Patch 3.4.0 - https://dislyte.farlightgames.com/m/detail.html?6593dc745be0f725157fca80
Log in for free Yun Chuan and his Divinate.
But why Jin Qiu? His update made his r2 broken. Can even solo Andras.
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what did they mean by this?!
I still have my doubts this will do well in China. I understand the new story and MC is because self-inserting is big over there but so far none of the Espers have been for (You).
>Pritzker and Li Ling.
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This is crazy I thought it was a fan account but it's literally the official company commissioning furry porn to try and gather an audience
They are desperate
Hiring porn artist to advertise the game is usually a good thing but they are low on players that bad cause I heard they release the game in china now? Also one last thing will freddy become a good guy cause I'm only on chapter 8 in the main game plot.
Even disney was caught commissioning hard porn, those are quite tame in comparison.
how do you get the jap rabbit's resonance?
So did they finally realize how big of a furry audience they had because of Drew or something?
I'm guessing this guy was an Infernal too, by laws of the game.
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I can tell they are doing nothing to improve the actual game besides buffing 1 shilled unit.
>launch rewards are a pittance
>the free Jin Qiu requires player level 30 within a month to obtain
>CN players will have the modern powercreeped pool but the starter banner is still limited to the same old 5-star units
It has its death (EoS) warrant all over
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Point War. The max you have to attain is PW16. Good luck.
is that why I'm 4/6, because my highest is 13?
>this is official art
Emma or Sachiko? Sachiko's resonances are through reaching PW tiers. Emma should be in the pool but her divinate isn't iirc.
It looks like everybody is getting a free jin qiu cause of his event and art.
This is what being BASED looks like
Even on euro/american versions?
Even for new players?
Any good rare or epic espers worth investing in? I only used resources on the twins but I wonder if there are other units worth wasting materials
Everyone is getting Jin Qiu.

Just a few to mention initially, but there are plenty others:

Heng Yue (Chang'e) is a great healer/cleanser, a Clara on a budget. Meredith also makes for a strong healer.
Dahlia (Calypso) is a great offensive support.
Djoser (Atum) is crucial for farming Apep, as is Sander (Set).
Jiang Man (Meng Po) elevates any AoE damage team.
Drew (Anubis) provides easy DEF Down and excels when executing a target.
Ye Suhua (Shao Siming) is a good defensive support, a Gabrielle on a budget.
Melanie (Medusa) is baby's first controller and can get you started.
Unky Chai is fantastic in Shadowgale
Tang Yun is good for Fafnir
Q can help out in Inferno/Hell mode Story difficult because of how bloated their HP values get.
Anesidora might be hard to get because she's a shimmer but she's practically a must have for the aforementioned Inferno/Hell mode
>Tang Yun is good for Fafnir
Li Guang is also killer in Fafnir.
How to get this prison guard tiger?
I've heard they are giving him away.
4 star:
Chloe - staple in desolate land and sentinel hunt/falsetto, just insanely good dps with inherently good kit revolved around stealing buffs and does more dmg more buffs she has
Heng Yue/Emma- kind of a package deal but insane pvp combo and very anti-meta and emma does a lot of dmg in content with frequent enemy attacks, namely pvp
Sachiko - pretty busted if you get her r6 but that requires point war rank 16, basically unky chai (3*) on steroids, he should be built too until you get sachiko r6
Sander - single target nuke who does a lot of damage for no reason, staple in apep and pvp
Meredith - you get her for free from ripples and is a desolate land staple also f2p god healer that can be brought into infinite tower content, basically has a good amount of healing buffs and even has dispel on s1
So far I have been surviving this game and now I unlocked a social media like thing to see what some are the characters up to but some if not most is locked.
>just casually shows Liam's pubic hair
Swiftspace is the in-universe social media site, the universe's equivalent to Twitter. Not every character has their Swiftspace account active, but more are unlocked with every update. Increase your trust with Espers by progressing them, and you can even respond to their posts.
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Just reach level 30 on your account that's literally it
They are doubling down hard on the Chinese furry audience
to be fair that one is one of those batch art they did for Liam
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>they're flat out asking if the players use gay dating apps
Really makes you think
The LGBT crowd is noticeable in the global community. The game's varied and modern character aesthetics appeal to them, even if none of the characters are LGBT themselves.
But I can't find any information regarding him being a reward anywhere in the events?
Only some lame challenges to get Xie Yuzhi and Xie Chuyi
Thanks, I will try to focus on this. I think I only built Sachiko and Unky for the esper fusion, time to work on the others
we already told you how to get free jq anon
easy to climb to 30 in a day or two
Ok but can you giv eme advice about what would be the best exp rewarding type of missions?
Is it story or something else?
just play the game normally
They really didn't do any west promo for it desu, we kinda just logged in and saw it as an event available to us as well as the CN playerbase a few days ago. Literally just get to account lvl 30, grind out campaign and spend stamina and you'll be there in no time.
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Hot take: Liam is sexier than Jin Qiu
Well everybody wants a bdsm cat but we got a gentle yet edgy dog. Also got up to chapter 10 in the plot I'm surviving.
I want to play Dislyte again but I'm so lost after not playing for a year, so I guess its time to start in a new server. Any pro advice for starting?
well, start right now because they have two freebie legendaries atm
Selfincert mc acts weird
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ah I see, anon confused Fu Shi the character to Fuxi the god (who is the deity for Feng Xun). no they did not delete Fu Shi. shame Feng Xun isn't a dragon man though, would have been perfect.
I'm surprised that they haven't made a full on dragon yet, be it western or eastern, as a esper considering people in general love that stuff. At least the bad sheep they are adding with the patch is also a good design.
I have a question are the Shadow Decree truly evil cause they kind of give the vide of not truly being evil?
Excuse me, why is there a pic of my husband in this thread?
Villain faction, but the members varies a lot.
Which equipment is the best for Drew? The counter?
Really now what's the list from least evil to most evil members?
From evil to least evil
Jin Yuyao
Long Mian
Xie Yuzhi
Jiang Jiuli
Xie Chuyi
Bai Liuli
Li Ao
Mateo Trump would probably be in the lower tiers too because all he wanted to do was build a wall to keep the illegals (Miramon) out and make Utgard pay for it
Then when Xuan Pin (Biden) told him no he joined the Decree to fight the illegals (Miramon) head on
did the game just forget about Cecilia's existence?
>None of the furries are for (you)
EOS ngmi
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>>None of the furries are for (you)
This one is
>None of the furries are for (you)
Furfags don't really need self-insert mcs.
As long Dislyte doesn't do a sdorica, it will be ok
Not for long

>Furfags don't really need self-insert mcs.
You'd be surprised by, how many would be willing to play if they had a furry simping for them.
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>Not for long
>You'd be surprised by, how many would be willing to play if they had a furry simping for them.
Just releasing one from time to time, and not having them completely character assassinated, is enough.
Is Mateo any good?
Mateo gets mileage in Sentinel Hunt/Falsetto Fantasy, apparently.
>Li Ling triggers Apep's passive.
Time to grind Sander, does he like wind equipment?

What's the best way to beat 12-16 vs one punch bunny
>still using nerfzha
Use poison and sustain, this strat is pretty much mandatory on Hell mode.
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>li ling but if he was gay
>LI 'literally wears pink and screams master master' LING
>we want the genshin audience
it is big and gay
The little flashfowards in the story are weird.
Looks familiar...
I hate everything in the main story except Sachiko and Tevor
I got a weird feeling reading the main story, it is like they were forced to do it.
100% it was done for the China release because everything about it was right up the average Chinese mobage player's alley with things like the isekai'd self insert MC, the cutesy tragic love interest, and nonsensical plot revelations like Gaius being evil
Tips against Fafnir?
Prioritize Espers with multi-hits, as you need those to get through Fafnir's shield when he freezes one of your teammates. That's the key.
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Build Lu Yi (Dayi)
Yeah I know it feels like a waste using 5 legendary miramon to max him out to level 60 since he's a 4 star but trust me he makes it way easier thanks to his multi hit attacks
Ahmed is also a big staple there but if you don't have him Berenice is your next best option. Then fill in the rest with wind options like Gabrielle for shielding Li Guang for offense, Meredith for support and multi hitting, etc.
Try and stick to wind espers since they deal more dsamage
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>New Espers: Feng Xun (Fu Xi), Yalina (Mamitu)
>New Event: Inescapable Fate (Feng Xun's story event)
>New/Returning Event: Passions & Ideals (Valentine's Day event, compete events to hit milestones and potentially earn Clara's skin)
>New Event: Spring Feast (Chinese New Year event, complete activities involving zodiac-related Espers)
>Returning Event: Heron Box (complete miracles to open boxes for prizes)
>Returning Event: Golden City Challenge (sportsbet on CPU fights)
>Returning Event: Alice's Magic Hut (complete tasks to unlock fortunes for prizes)
>New/Returning Event: Ex-Invasion (community PvE event, fight bosses to gain progress and unlock rewards)
>New Event: Prizes Galore (buy packs [or get lucky] to get tokens to spend on a roulette of prizes, odds get better the more tickets you use, chance to get Tiye's skin)
>Banner Espers: Feng Xun, Javid, Gabrielle, user's choice (Shimmer)
>You can now spend Resonance Stones on banner Espers and the Resonance pool
>New Swiftspace accounts: Feng Xun, Gabrielle, Jin Yuyao, Eira
>Rival Runes now easier to manage
>Increased starting tier points for Knockout
>Javid's story event now available for replay
>Can now choose audio language (English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese)
>Buffs to Divinates for Unas and Bonnie
Like Mona, Yun Chuan and Li Ling?

Thanks, but unfortunately I don't have these.
Yun Chuan (especially resonance 2) is a strong pick. Other strong picks include Gabrielle, Ahmed, Li Guang, and Elaine.
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Now that's a cool design, where did that pop up? Who's the deity they are based on?
I heard rumors of Bai Ze.

Absol is based on its Japanese version.
This event is better written than the main story.
who is this daddy
but Bai Ze was wearing a jacket
Considering the scarab, he may be Khnum
source? i doubt they'd allow blue nipples
Another Eidos Solvé?
wouldn't hold your breath, designer said that a bunch of the designs ended up being wasted
A new story event, a grim reminder how some of the main characters of the Union are boring. Li-Ling's not an appealing lead, Feng Xun and Yalina were compelling enough on their own. And it's funny how sometimes a writer remembers the world's supposed to be gray, with the inclusion of Freddy in the story, but that's forgotten sometimes. It's been such a long time since we had a Shadow lead in a story.
He was used more for introducing Feng Xun.

>And it's funny how sometimes a writer remembers the world's supposed to be gray.
It was surprisingly how Yalina's parents were used.

>with the inclusion of Freddy in the story, but that's forgotten sometimes
Freddy is kinda of a low hanging fruit.
emma is supposed to be in the pool yet I haven't encountered her
actually, I haven't seen any of the new epics
He may be low hanging fruit but I love the lad. But yeah you're right in that the spice was with how Yalina and the parents were dealth with.
Feng Xun gets to present himself as the blue oni to Li Ling's red oni.
they changed gaius' affiliation to SD
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Weird, it is a spoiler.

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What's even more cursed is that the devs made Liam shave his pubes and now that swiftspace pic is lost forever, I should have saved it when I had the chance :(
Liam losing all his hair like a cancer patient
Holy shit, it does. They're really committing to this "Gaius is evil" bit.
Didn't know the game updated the swiftspace for other characters despite not showing notification.
>Sander AND Falker still have photos of each other
>somehow, Tang Yun knows Falker still has his photo
>Jang Jiuli uses swiftspace
>Freddy is very in switfspace yet his account is still private
How do you get legendary starimons?
weekly voucher shop
reward for first time completion on various stuff
bai ze
why do they have a naked reference of him
Gotta know how a character looks naked before you start putting clothes on and posing them.
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>Abigail is against 996 (work from 9am-9pm, 6 days a week), a popular Chinese work schedule
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>no story update
the side events actually are story relevant
disregard my post I thought I was posting in another eidos thread
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eyy fushifags
No Main story No Care. What’s the point in including all of this if it’s not even progressing the main storyline what’s the point if they’re just going “so here’s a piece of information and this new character” then proceed to not advance the main plot at all.
They mentioned Javid story in the new main story
Glad I saved my 107 wish stones was about to grab embla for falsetto fantasy scores lol
Going to sit on my 29 pity too and see if I can lucksack a new esper the next time one releases
Gift code: WoodDragon
Good for 1 stam pack 20k gold and 200 crystals
expires the end of march
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>R6 Yun Chuan gains a 15% block rate (chance to take no damage when attacked), 30% if the enemy is afflicted with his debuff
wait I don't get it, wouldn't follow up attacks wake up someone from sleeping?
>Da Ji is free by playing the new event game mode
>4 star esper free through the event shop
Holy fuck that's generous all you really need is 100 wish stones for Bai Ze
This update is pretty good
were you not around during anomaly
Hopefully they learned from all the feedback they got from anomaly, especially doing something about those bullshit 1 hit kill archers.
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>New Espers: Yu Ran (Bai Ze), Su Jue (Da Ji), Yu Xu (Jingwei)
>Celestial Anomaly returns
>Leora and Ollie's story events are available to replay
>New Event: Farewell Fireworks (Yu Xu, Yu Ran, and Su Jue's story event)
>Returning Event: Boomboom Gacha (complete event missions to earn rolls for prizes)
>Returning Event: Heron Box (complete miracles to open boxes for prizes)
>Returning Event: Golden City Challenge (sportsbet on CPU fights)
>Banner Espers: Yu Ran, Leora, Ollie
>Improvements to Knockout, including trial runs
>Can now set an option to skip ultimate cutscenes
>Can now sort Espers by Power and Rival Runes, Diviniate info shows in filter displays
>Assorted optimizations
>New Swiftspace accounts: Yu Ran, Yu Xu, Leora, Elaine
>Other assorted changes, including Quick Unequip
>more chinkslop mythology characters
Boring, they really need to expand into different myths.
Did you really think that they would do anything else for the month of Chinese New Year?
You know for a game made by lilith games there really is a lack of lilith in it
Dislyte isn't touching anything even vaguely Abrahamic, although I think one of the basic mobs is the Esper of the Succubus.
There will never be an Esper of Christ.
not to mention they just released in China
give it some time
One NPc was the esper of El
>equip Drew with 2 level 60 relics.
>Start reliably beating level 12 Apeps.
Surprisingly how this game can snow ball
Fu Shi is finally leaked to be an Inferno Controller legendary. White haired floating guy is Kouya (Tsukiyomi) and we got an unknown Bai Chen (Tai Sui)
Oh and Fang Jie (Xing Tian). Xing Tian is pic related.
Also in the leak is a Defender Shimmer meant to counter Anna. So Toland stocks on the rise.
yeah I am now wondering if I should pick Toland over Anna
Initial verdict: Yu Ran is a bit fucky to build for, especially since his employment assesment reccommends 100 crit and 280 cmd, but it's doable. Ocean with a focus on damage or Wind with speedy tank would be my reccomendations, acc is always good no matter the build.
what annoys me more is the sudden HP requirement for the assist
>have 99 wish stones
>5 purple things show up
>all 5 are divinates
I hate that divinates don't give wish stones
Anna is still incredibly broken in PvE, so she has that still going for her. Toland on the other hand seems future proof for PvP because to create an Esper to counter him would utterly disrupt the balance even harder than it's already been.
What's the best set for goat man? I know he's lackluster like his design and want to try and build him.
chained and gagged
i left around the 10th estero harbor event (like farrah), is it worth getting back into? >>1389416 looks cute
what the fuck how was this game allowed to get even GAYER
The devs found out the existence of suspiciously rich furries.
So my shimmer reverb's soon done, and of the ones I've gotten I'm thinking of picking up Xuan Pin, JJ, Toland, or Feng Nuxi. JJ and Toland are to try completing my Shadow Decree lineups, Xuan Pin for PvE and Feng for the off chance I want to be a bastard in PvP. You fellas have any input on which way I should go?
You sadly missed his event, so you can't wish for him, but he may come to ya with some luck.
Feng Nuxi and Xuan Pin jockey for best overall support in the game, so I'd aim for either of those.
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You can wish for him for 100 wish stones but I don't know how new you are to this game so that basically means slamming down 10 pulls and praying for purple or gold espers and not hitting any divinates
Good time to come back though I've gotten loads of pulls from the event (70) and I'm about to pop my shimmer esper cherry in 3 days when my reverb finishes ToT
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After a 2 year hiatus of leaving the game then picking it up again last November, I can finally say... it's over. My Dislyte dreams have come true thanks to Reverb. Not going to lie, it feels surreal knowing I have the character I've been chasing all these years now. Who knows what the future will bring for this game. But I can be happy right now. :)
I think most characters are hideous
I can't play this
Based Tevor schizo.
Ok go back to whatever generic anime coomerslop gacha or chibi trash like R:1999 you were playing before
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fushi after kaguya lady
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>New Espers: Fumitsuki (Kaguya-hime), Ikki (Tsukuyomi)
>Anomaly phase 2 is open
>New Event: Exposé (Fumitsuki/Ikki's story event)
>Returning Event: Reincarnation Tower (roguelike tower, drafting teammates as you go)
>Returning Event: Royal Flush (spend stamina to flip cards for prizes)
>Returning Event: Graywater Bootleg Market (spend Nexus Crystals on specialty goods)
>Returning Event: Spring Puzzle (log-in event)
>Returning Event: Boomboom's Treasure Kingdom (earn points to throw dice to walk a board and earn prizes)
>Returning Event: Scratch-Off (win Point War matches to earn scratch-off tickets for random prizes)
>Banner Espers: Fumitsuki, Gaius, Embla
>Beatbout now offers double battles at 1500 points
>Point War matchmaking improved
>UI improvements
>New Swiftspace accounts: Fumitsuki, Su Jue
>Anna's Rainbow Shield altered specifically to avoid infinite mirror matches
oh god fushi's new sprite is fucking ugly
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Oh please there's no way-
WRSD is epidemic in Tangton, first Yun Chuan's story now this
I think it's that esper illness Fu Shi talked about where the Sync Rate reaches 30% and some espers instead of transforming into a god's avatar go feral and berserk
Work Related Stress Disorder.

>Summary. Some of the many causes of work-related stress include long hours, heavy workload, job insecurity and conflicts with co-workers or bosses. Symptoms include a drop in work performance, depression, anxiety and sleeping difficulties.
I.e, Tangton is full of black companies.
Yeah, Fumitsuki's story is part 2 of the "Tangton sucks because everyone except the hero is corrupt" arc. Dislyte's getting pretty unsubtle with that "China fucking sucks" subversive messaging.
In the case of the battallion, they were in close proximity to the Miracle, which accelerated their Esper Sync Rate, which leads to one of two things: either you Esperize, or you become a monster. This appears to be a new detail - that everyone in the world has an Esper Sync Rate and is influenced by proximity to a Miracle.
Only now I found out that summoning tickets can be bought with crystals
korea posted earlier
he looks better here than >>1423643 but man they should make his snout more pronounced like >>1402691
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Simp King a.k.a. Fu Shi
they changed his kit from Controller to Defender
◇ Ability 1 (Billowing Strike): Deals damage to 1 enemy based on ATK and DEF. Gains 1 stack of Smokescreen.
Smokescreen: (Undispellable) Increases DEF and DMG Mitigation. Dealing damage recovers HP. Increases healing amount. Max 5 stacks. Will not be removed in subsequent rounds.
◇ Ability 2 (Thick Haze) (Passive): Gains 5 stacks of Smokescreen at the start of a round. When having 5 stacks of Smokescreen, becomes immune to all controls. When both Embla and Fu Shi are present, Embla won't die, and this effect will be cleared permanently upon Fu Shi's death (this effect only takes effect in PvP battles). After Embla actively casts basic ability, Fu Shi launches a Pursuit Attack with basic ability. After Fu Shi actively casts basic ability, Embla launches a Pursuit Attack with basic ability.
Fogbreaker: Deals damage to 1 enemy based on ATK and DEF. Ignores Shield. Gains 1 stack of Smokescreen.
◇ Ability 3 (Eightfold Mistblade): Deals damage to 1 enemy multiple times based on ATK and DEF. This ability unlocks when Fu Shi has 5 stacks of Smokescreen. After casting this ability, consumes 5 stacks of Smokescreen and gains Dispersal for 1 turn. This ability's cooldown is not affected by any abilities.
Dispersal: (Undispellable) Increases DEF and DMG Mitigation. Dealing damage recovers HP. Increases healing amount. After casting Billowing Strike, performs a Pursuit Attack using Fogbreaker. Will not be removed in subsequent rounds.
(Ascension) Deals damage to 1 enemy multiple times based on ATK and DEF (ignores Shield and won't miss). This ability unlocks when Fu Shi has 5 stacks of Smokescreen. Casting this ability consumes 5 stacks of Smokescreen and grants Dispersal for 1 turn. This ability's cooldown is not affected by any abilities.
>Liam but Inferno
>New version highlight video
>BTW the lead dev who had been doing these vids? They're gone and working on a different game

whole new level of over
>New Esper: Fu Shi (Suan Ni)
>Anomaly phase 3 is open
>High-FPS and power saving modes are added
>Event story reruns now available for Mateo and Ahmed
>New Event: Mists of Memory (Fu Shi's story event)
>New Event: Curtain Up (similar to earning Su Jue, but for Feng Xun, Ethan, and Jin Qiu)
>Returning Event: Championship (complete batches of activities for prizes, including Yamato)
>Returning Event: Zodiac Trials (complete team fights and recruit Espers in the process to earn currency for rewards)
>Returning Event: Celebration Collection (complete activities for bazaar stamps for prizes)
>Returning Event: Golden City Challenge (sportsbet on AI matches for prizes)
>Returning Event: Alice's Magic Hut (complete tasks to earn fortunes and rewards)
>Continuing Event: Prizes Galore (buy packs [or get lucky] to get tokens to spend on a roulette of prizes, odds get better the more tickets you use)
>Banner Espers: Fu Shi, Mateo, Ahmed
>New "Bonuses" tab on the home screen
>New Swiftspace accounts: Fu Shi, Xuan Pin, Embla; Sander and Yu Xu's Paths of Experience tweaked
>Other assorted adjustments
Oh my God... so many of the characters are pure husbando materials... but the game is so dogshit. It's not fair.
I wish the game was better, I have zero interest in AFK Journey
People keep calling him a simp but he actually dated Embla, how many simps can say that?
It's because post-amnesia Embla is a monstrous psychopath, and Fu Shi goes "I will make it my life's work to fix her."
Unless you're a whale, you're better off not bothering with Curtain Up. Just collect the letters and let them convert into crystals, you'd profit more that way.
Is this game still alive? I liked it quite a bit but it has by far the worst rates ever. Never got the legendaries I wanted, not even a single one. Getting bara art is based but also suspicious.
I started playing afk journey and the rates are generous, surprised its by the same developers.
Then again my only experience with gacha is Disney battle mode which was also a very generous one.
It's still alive and they did a bit to help rates but the game is slowly but surely entering maintenance mode as the devs shift their focus to AFK Journey.
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They gave away a free Shimmer legendary for the anniversary a little while ago so I knew it was kinda over if they were being that generous
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>Fu Shi didn't save the game
Owari da...
Hair too big, and face too weird.
He's a simp for a bitch who barely cares about him. His story ends with him riding off into the sunset with Embla after giving Fumitsuki his research.
one of those rare SD wins too
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>Lillith going all in on AFK Journey advertising
>the new Esper just gets quietly dropped despite being a distinct lore figure
man his likes are paltry compared to Fu Shi and fucking Yu Ran of all people
Furry boost, suspiciously rich furries can easily sustain mid tier gachas.

But don't take them for granted, Sdorica lost its furry fanbase by abusing them too much.
oh I know
still I find it funny Jin Qiu is retardedly broken as a support fighter. Actually the legendary furry defenders are pretty good.
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The 2nd anniversary patch

>New Espers: Wu You (Dijiang), Chu Yao (Taiyi)
>Anomaly S1 phase 4 unlocked
>Lian's story event available for rerun
>Ritual Miracle now goes up to difficulty level 20

Burning Beat Rave Events:
>2024 Night Carnival: home screen has a temporary night theme
>Sweet Wishes: complete Esper requests (mission, quiz, or item search) for Esper messages and rewards
>Jigsaw Fest: log-in event
>Flaming Echo: acquire coins from log-in, quests, or max-activeness days; spend coins to summon legendary Espers; reach certain echo spin milestones to get certain Espers for free
>Rewind: you can freely downgrade Espers to recover materials
>Flash Back: personalized year-in-review recap
>Burning Beat Ball: Esper popularity vote contest, the winner gets a new song

>New Event: Items of Faith (story event)
>Returning Event: Warm-up Match (live ranked PvP, achieve Master rank to earn Tang Xuan's new skin)
>Returning Event: Scratch-Off (win Point War matches to earn scratch-off tickets for random prizes)
>Returning Event: Heron Box (complete miracles to open boxes for prizes)
>Returning Event: Endless Nightmare (explore maze levels for prizes)
>Banner Espers: Chu Yao, Lian, Ginny
>New Swiftspace accounts: Chu Yao, Lian, Ikki
>Other assorted adjustments

this game fell off so fucking hard, this is what happens when you try to jump on a bandwagon..
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>failed to appeal to furries
>failed to appeal to Japan
>failed to appeal to China
when they pandered to furries they actually had a short success, the problem is that their greed always got the better of them
So the Tangton arc ended?
Unless something new pops up, yes, I think it's safe to say we're done with the Tangton arc, and just in time for the second anniversary celebration.
It was better than the main story.
Not even suspiciously rich furries can save a middling game.
Well maybe they could if it had actual porn on the game itself and not just risque adversting
think about it
why bother playing the game with terrible payback when you can just pay for freddy, javid and jin qiu porn
Housamo was bigger than Dragalia
For comparison, the Estero Harbor arc also lasted for four character stories (Lian, Hilda, Norah, Farrah).
The Burning Beat Ball popularity contest is now active. Vote for your favorite Esper in a 1v1 bracket by spending votes (earn extra votes by winning Beatbout matches), with the votes you spend counting towards your progression of the event. The final winner of the contest gets a new exclusive song.
Furries are like a tide, they come with a force than retreat.
The secret is making them come again.
Or rather, making it count.
Like they missed the memo when after they released JQ and saw a push from furries again, they somehow forgot that it's also because they updated his kit to be decent too.
Hard to appeal to anyone with this horrible gacha.
I remember that when they released the warden tiger, I came back to maybe get a chance to get him... yet there wasn't one. At least not for someone who doesn't have the special currency from whaling out. And so, I decided to spend my 60 or something gold records, only to mostly get upgrade materials for characters I don't have.
Nobody is going to play this shit if you don't even get characters from the main gacha, such a retarded system.
You can buy golden records with the crystals.
The primary uses for Nexus Crystals are stamina (which the game throws a ton at you) and gold records for spins.
>1000 dollars for a fucking frame
They're getting desperate.
Not going to miss this game honestly when Wuthering Waves and ZZZ come out I had fun but that time passed after January
Anniversary event is live
Not rewinding Rival Runes is ridiculous. Also, when did they scrub speed boosts on them? I remember using legendary wind speed stones on Toland before I gave up on doing better in Beatbout.
Top 4 of the popularity contest has been hardlocked for the entire event.
>Feng Xun
>Su Jue
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Anna is a powerhouse. She's an attractive waifu so that appeals to guys, she has yuri teasing in her story so that appeals to the LGBT, and she's one of the strongest if not the strongest unit in the game so that appeals to the meta players.
To no surprise, Anna won the contest, so now she will get an exclusive single down the road.
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>New Espers: Sakura (Sakuya-hime), Momo (Bakeneko)
>New permanent club mode: Triple Threat (1v1v1 club war to control territory on a map for points)
>Hilda's story event available for rerun
>New Event: Cherry Blossoms (Sakura's story event)
>Returning Event: Championship (complete batches of activities for prizes, including Momo)
>Returning Event: Boomboom Gacha (complete event missions to earn rolls for prizes)
>Returning Event: >Returning Event: Graywater Bootleg Market (spend Nexus Crystals on specialty goods)
>Returning Event: Boomboom's Treasure Kingdom (earn points to throw dice to walk a board and earn prizes)
>Returning Event: Scratch-Off (win Point War matches to earn scratch-off tickets for random prizes)
>Banner Espers: Sakura, Hilda, Liam
>New captain abilities for Jiang Man, Pritzker, Unas, Alice, Taylor, Jiang Jiuli, Aurelius, Elliot, and Everett
>Can now preview other clubs with Club Check
>Additional missions for Shimmer Reverb
>New Swiftspace accounts: Sakura, Hilda, Feng Nuxi
>Assorted optimization
>>New captain abilities for Jiang Man,
They're all related to the new Triple Threat mode
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>Triple Threat uses Rival Runes
I mean, that's fair, but fuck. I have so many espers with runes I haven't built up yet.
>Uses Rival Runes
>5 espers per team
>10 teams

So it's just more knockout for the megawhales and their clubs. I was actually looking forward to having a 3v3 format again. At least they haven't taken the gem rewards for playing it from other things yet.
Holobattle crashed and burned because no one wanted ANOTHER avenue for meeting the PvP sweats.
looks gay
It unironically tried to appeal to gay Chinese furries in its official art. Hell, the bat furry has visible pubes at one point
I was confused for a while about who you are talking about but I figured it out, Liam isn't a bat he is a dog, the breed is Xoloitzcuintli the breed of dog named after the dog headed Mayan god he is the esper of
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>And I'm right right right in the deep end
>And I'll fight fight fight to the very end
>Will you be my guiding angel?
>Nothing to lose so what the hell
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>Matched against a club of leviathans in Triple Threat
>Immediately starts knocking over our towers
Yep, already over this mode.
Nice. My club is stonewalled and dying this week because last week, one of the other clubs forgot to set defenders and we took almost all of their towers in the first minute. Additional points of interest: it's not PvP for Fu Shi and Embla, and max RR Clara somehow outspeeds max RR Toland for turn 1.

At least I'm done with the shit championship and have a copy of Momo now. My last goal before I quit is getting the few shimmer records left to hard pity Wu Yao.
Thankfully I am immune to that worry because I am too autistic to join any club
What compounds the issue is that you can only use a given Esper once on offense. So if you send out one of your strongest teams to attack and lose against a defender, you're almost assuredly bricked for that cycle.
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>another shimmer reverb event
EoS eminent
>New Esper: Fatimah (Gilgamesh)
>"Courses have been updated. The new mission, Peak Performance, will be introduced, and Desolate Lands' advanced chapter will be unlocked."
>Mavis/Archibald's story event available for replay
>New Event: Blazing Night - Part 1 (Fatimah's story event)
>Returning Event: Shimmer Reverbotron (complete activities to earn Reverb spins; spin enough times, and gain a 5* Shimmer of your choice)
>Returning Event: Royal Flush (spend stamina to flip cards for prizes)
>Returning Event: Celebration Collection (complete activities for bazaar stamps for prizes)
>Returning Event: Golden City Challenge (sportsbet on AI matches for prizes)
>Returning Event: Heron Box (complete miracles to open boxes for prizes)
>Banner Espers: Fatimah, Mavis, Archibald
>New Mechanic: Rival Rune Synthesized Levels (artificially bump up underleveled Rival Runes for Espers based on the number of real Rival Rune levels you have)
>Falsetto Fantasy has reworked fight and scoring mechanics, and improved rewards
>Knockout has new matchmaking system
>Cube Miracle lets you raid (read: auto-skip fights) even further into the miracle up to the final boss
>New Swiftspace accounts: Fatimah, Mavis, Jin Qiu
>Other assorted optimizations
>>New Swiftspace accounts: Fatimah, Mavis, Jin Qiu
Did he get internet connection in jail?
what about his wife javid
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is there a zip with all the concept art for dislyte? asking before lilith bombs the game and i lose out on the nude references, asking for an artist friend
Yes, there an official one over in the discord.

I can't post here because the files are too big.
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found it, thanks
considering the number of massively swole furry men in the game, I wouldn't be surprised if someone involved with the game was a gay furry
Even Disney does it.

I think it was accidental at first, "swole furry man" is a common archetype in jrpgs and gachas.

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