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Ultra Golden Frieza is here and he's MID.

/dbg/ guild: h7ygsygw

April Fool's Day soon. Anniversary is 2 months away.
anniversary will be mid. FUCK GT
$150 shafted.
oh welp. maybe i should've put that in my vacation fund instead.

at least i managed to not go full out. i dont know if my free CC will let me pull him.
Every single PvP fight is plagued with Ultrahan and S17, AoE greens up the ass, counter blues and cover null.
I don't think I can keep playing this for much longer.
The game is just not fun. The PvE is barely there, and the PvP is utterly depressing.
Touch grass
This was the first banner I ever missed.
I want to refund UUI and GTku for Golden Frieza damn it.
Thanks for your concern, but I already spend me time on the streets as a part of my job.
How will that make the PvP aspect of the game any less shitty to play though?
what's your team right now? im just coping and thinking eh my team's pretty solid but i definitely still feel at a disadvantage. pan doesn't really stop much....
that's HOT
idk why you keep cockyposting when you're literally playing s17 the best unit in the entire game.
And the other guy has ultra gohan
>idk why you keep cockyposting when you're literally playing s17 the best unit in the entire game.
S17 doesn't have a counter blue that punishes you for trying to play the game, or multiple AoE greens to start combos gratuitously, or blasts that break shields, and so on.
I don't know how can you say S17 is the best with a straight face when Ultra Gohan is a braindead unit that carries braindead players to victory practically on his own and for free desu.

>Captcha: XVGT
Odd coincidence, lel.
>s17 defenders
you literally play s17. you can't cocky post.
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S17 requires you to engage with the game to an extent, Gohan doesn't need even that, so I will happily continue to "cockypost" Ultra Gohan kills.

>you can't cocky post.
Yes, I can.
nope can't cockypost when you can just play like a moron and tap blast cards and instantly win the game you fraud
>nope can't cockypost
I literally did, right above you.

>you can just play like a moron and tap blast cards and instantly win
That is not how anything works, not when things like Perfect Vanish and blast armor exist.
yeah anyways i reject your cockyposting and i hope you quite frankly kys you're like the type of person to play gogeta in dbfz when he was OP and be like "a-at least im not playing labcoat!!!"
gohan isn't even top 3 and despite his bullshit is not even in the same league of bullshit as 17.
wanna know why the devs keep giving ultras combo breaker abilities?
units like super 17.
17 just got a literal gohan killer too. at this point gohan isn't even on the best team in the game (17 baby and freeza) and it's massively debatable if he's on the second best team in the game (super 17 mvp17 and probably kamikaze cell).
as a gohan user I can tell you he's not worth shit in this meta. every time I fight someone using him with super 17 the android is the far more dangerous and frankly far more oppressive unit.
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>yeah anyways i reject your cockyposting

>and i hope you quite frankly kys

>gohan isn't even top 3 and despite his bullshit is not even in the same league of bullshit as 17.
Counter for strikes.
Counter for strikes and blasts in the form of a blue card that hits hard.
AoE green.
Armor breaking blasts.
Endurance and insane health regeneration unless you specifically kill him using S17.

I don't know how can you say something as nonsensical as "Ultra Gohan isn't Top 3" with a straight face desu.
oh look at me im so good at the game because i use s17 and im facing ultra gohan whoa guys suck my dick

fucking loser
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Bro, this is a thread to talk about the game.
You're getting mad at me because not only you're an obvious Ultra Gohan user trying to cope with the fact that you have no skill whatsoever and your unit carries you to victory every single time, but also because I stay on-topic and talk about the game.
Truly, who's the loser here?

Anyway, have another Ultra Gohan kill. Courtesy of the house.
>says the s17 user who's carried through lol i just tap random blast cards at any moment and win!!!
oh yeah you're so good at the game NOT
>That is not how anything works, not when things like Perfect Vanish and blast armor exist.
Last played when the released the GT spirit bomb kid goku. Can I get a recap of what happened? How is future/fusion holding up?
im gonna do one more rotation on frieza otherwise i give up. feels weird actually taking an L. ever since december i've never missed out on a unit but fuck
>Can I get a recap of what happened? How is future/fusion holding up?
Future hasn't been meta since the end of the 5th anniversary.
UVB, SoH and UL Rose are still the main units.
I haven't seen anyone using Fusion, but it has access to LL SS4 Gogeta and Super 17, so it should be usable still if you have a good enough bench.
I don't know about a 3rd unit though.
Pikkon/Gogeta is worthless against UL Golden Frieza and UGB is old and powercrept. UUI and Baby can probably kill him with a sneeze.
>Fight GoBardock
>AoE green and practically infinite Cover Null
>Fight Ultra Golden Frieza
>Ridiculous damage and practically infinite Cover Null
>Fight Ultra Cryhan
>AoE green, counters to anything you might try AND ridiculous blast damage
PvP is not really fun desu. It's always a one-sided carnage.
>S17 hits you once

fuck this garbage meta holy
the next campaign is probably Saiyan saga
Wouldn't surprise me, led by the farmer joke and considering that it didn't happen last year when it arguably should have.
I wonder what would they do for a Saiyan Saga campaign.
An LL Goku & Piccolo tag kinda writes itself.
Besides that, I guess that a 1% SP Nappa could be cool?
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gg ez
(I don't have UGF and RoF Frieza is pretty sucky.)
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Jiren? More like JOBren.
$300 later and I FINALLY GOT HIM
....bros he's kinda mid...
i kneel........WHALEGOD
I got him again in the NEXT PULL WOOHOO!!! he's not so mid anymore to me but he doesn't seem to pair well with ulthan imo.....
I miss the time when this game didn't have bs counter gauges that bail you out for playing like shit
The infinite combos and losing a unit because you lost priority a single time are vastly worse and have been around since the second anni.
At least combo breakers mostly reset priority to neutral and allow for actual player-to-player interaction. Might as well just put your phone down for a minute if a unit like super 17 or frieza gets priority otherwise.
I guess I'm just tired of these bail outs basically requiring no skill. Ultra omens dual clash draw pisses me off the most. I can get 988 on my tap meter and my opponent can get a 756 and gets bailed out. If the numbers are close (like 50-100 range then it should be a draw) but I shouldn't be getting a draw for out tapping my opponent by a large margin
What if you could use RR as a combo breaker?
it's weird how frieza fits way more on hybrids than ultgohan does. ult gohan being a blast unit was a mistake lmao
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It's going to be really interesting to see what they do with ui sign's equip. The first ever legends limited to get a plat post-zenkai.
Will they hold back because of the zenkai that frankly barely touched him, or will they give his plat the sort of firepower the other recent zenkai plats have gotten?
If it's the latter ui sign could legitimately become a meta threat again. His unique gauge will never age out, just give him access to card draw speed by default, up his damage inflicted by 30-50%, and give him 20% damage cut and he's already got a good enough base to kick ass again.
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>inb4 buff for BLU Saiyan Saga
>that one guy who keeps posting webms of him playing the number one unit in the game beating the number three/four unit in the game
is he really this fucking stupid? this is like playing a jrpg and being "oh guys im so good i beat the game in very hard mode" but he's max level at 99 and the final boss is designed for level 50
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You really posted it both, there and here?
your such a loser faggot, always looking for validation using your OP unit and expecting people to stroke your dick lmfao
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Looking for validation?
Nah bro, I post pictures and vids to bump threads.
You're the one who's projecting and seething, kek.
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You know what? I'm going to give you another one of these.
Enjoy it!
>i post pictures and videos of my top 1 unit
>look at me im so good at the game i play super17
Don't worry guys, tomorrow the S17 leaves the boost tier.
On the other hand the UI has extra damage against fused warriors so he can be an annoying character for S17
he'll just drop super 17 and then play UUI or UGF and be like whaaaat at least im not playing ulthan hahahaha. so good at the game beating a top 4 unit using a top 3 unit.
>top 1 unit
I don't have Cryhan, Retard-kun.

>he'll just drop super 17 and then play UUI or UGF
I don't have UGF either, but I don't intend to drop the team I have with S17 because I like Androids. Been running them since USJ came out, pretty much.
oh look at me i press blast cards and i guess i just kill your entire unit? oh you're playing a blast unit too? thanks for the free OP buffs!
>That is not how anything works, not when things like Perfect Vanish and blast armor exist.
3rd time I have to teach you this.
you're acting like PV isn't universal you dumbshit
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And what does that change?
No, you can't "spam blasts and win" which is the actually dumb shit you keep spouting Retard-kun, period. Because of PV, because of blast armor, because of counter blue cards, because of AoE greens (granted, this depends on the distance between your character and the opponent's), and so on.
You can keep saying that, and you'll still be dead wrong.
yeah anyways i spam blast you so you can't use any of your get out of jail free cards! LOL :)

fucking kys for real famala
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Tag 4s suck but are fun to use
>he owns a shit phone that isn't 1440p
embarassing, no wonder why you keep shilling your shit s17. you're literally brown.
Super 17 mindbroke you
yes because he's a broken busted unit.
He's not that bad
because you own him you can downplay him, that's how it works
>30% to both attacks and defences
>15% to hp
>gains 30 ki on entry and draws a full hand when using green
Wow his plat is literally trash and barely even better than the equips he already has access to.
His damage is already falling off. He has no card draw speed built in and hard to access cover null. He cannot take hits to save his life.
And all they decided to give him was a 30% boost to stats (not even what a zenkai bench would give him) and a slight buff to his green.

Actually pathetic trash. At least I don't have to spend my erasers and can forgo doing the raid grind for them.
Blows my mind they gave him nothing at all. We have zenkai ss4 gogeta running around with his bonkers plat yet ui gets fucked like it's jiren taking him to town again.
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>he owns a shit phone
I don't play DBL with my phone.

>you keep shilling your shit s17
As I already told you, I post to bump the thread when it goes inactive for too long.
You're the one who seethes at those posts.
At this point though, when I purposefully post S17 with snarky remarks like earlier I just do it BECAUSE it makes you seethe, lel.

Like the other Anon said and like I thought back in /dbg/ too, I really did a number on you.
It seems I quite effectively mindbroke you.
Let me tell you though; I'm not sorry.

>you're literally brown.
A bold claim considering that in this very thread I had to repeat things to you multiple times due to your inability to read and/or understand what you read.

>because you own him you can downplay him, that's how it works
Not quite.
When you're not mentally challenged AND reach a certain age, you start to think about many things more critically and with a more objective mindset.
Not to mention that it's hard not to be aware of the pros and cons of a unit that is widely used by everyone and not just yourself.

S17 is only truly broken if you successfully activate his green card, and even then there's units that retain tools to defend themselves if that comes to pass, such as Beasthan and UGF.
For real, that equipment is really bad.
It doesn't fix any of the few issues that UI Sign currently has meta wise.

To top it off, the BLU Goku from the Raditz fight will boost BLU Saiyan Saga units specifically.
Pretty disappointing honestly.
>the BLU Goku from the Raditz fight will boost BLU Saiyan Saga units specifically
fully expect us to get some new Saiyan Saga BLU LF by the end cause of this, because they have a habit of doing that, and it's so sparse a field that they HAVE to know that doing this makes him as a bench dead in the water
>S17 is .... truly broken
alright i accept your concession. keep thinking your owning people when you're using the same meta trash they are.
>your inability to read and/or understand what you read.
I accepted your concession long ago, lil' bro.
Stay retarded.
And with the celebration being dual themed, they might add a UniRep Ultra by the end of this, assuming this'll be the last big celebration before the anniversary.
I can only imagine that if it comes to pass, it'll be a new FP Jiren, if UI Sign (a UniRep) getting a boost (in the eyes of the devs anyway) is anything to go by.
Cry more S17 downplayer
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>another Ultra
god I fucking hope not, GF was like two weeks ago, and the sad thing is I could honestly see it
>(in the eyes of the devs anyway)
you can't convince me ANYONE on the dev team saw that new equip as any sort of boost
I'm so good at the game. I play S17! I also play Ken and Dragonuv but they're low tier characters mkay
I can kinda get why they did that for balance reasons, goku bardock would have full zenkai benches if they did that.
>goku bardock would have full zenkai benches if they did that.
They already do.
LL SS3 Goku, BLU Pan and the old Nameku.
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Are you ready for year 4 lf zenkais baby
remember awakened equips
they need to zenkai boost units way faster. like them it's so fucking slow. have an event that gives you more coins, zenkais should take two weeks not a month and a half. introduce two zenkais at a time.
They should also make it quicker to catch up to old missed zenkais. I took a two year break from this hellish game, and it sucks that it takes 6 or 8 weeks just to catch up one unit to be useful as a bench.
i had a dream of pulling on the goku/bardock banner and getting him but like desu i don't really need him and I gotta save.... I have 4k CC.....i don't want to pull but that dream though.....he's kinda useless though, I can probably fit him in son family with beast/ultra gohan/him but i don't think the team is that good... maybe bardock goku/ultra gohan/uui?
Just skip. I had 2k crystals and actually got them in a yolo round and they're pretty trash at 3 stars. Amazing kit but the stats are so insanely low they can't leverage any of it unless they've got a red star or two.
Anni's around the corner, stay strong and keep saving.
oh yikes it's not bonus? disgusting. yeah i'm just looking for a red pan replacement right now.
super17 is such a braindead fucking unit. you guys whine about ultra gohan but let him stay free? lmao
17 doesn't reward playing like a moron
17 absolutely rewards you for playing like a moron you retard
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As someone who doesn't own S17 or Ulthan but sees them a lot in PVP, I don't know how anyone can even compare the two. S17 is strong as fuck, but Ulthan will always be meta thanks to his tags. Even if PUR gets some strong units, you can run him with UUI (the most brain dead unit in the game) for cover. Then you have his actual kit. An AOE green, a counter blue, a unique gauge that counters melee 3 times and can combo with blues, and endurance to top it off. S17 wrecks my shit pretty regularly, but doesn't even come close to the bullshit that is Ulthan.
As someone who doesn't own S17 or Ulthan but sees them a lot in PVP. I don't know how anyone can compare the two. Ulthan is strong as fuck, but S17 will always be meta thanks to his abilities. Even if Blue gets some strong units. You can run him with UUI (The most braindead unit in the game) for cover. Then you have his actual kit. A counter green, ultimate on cover change, paralyze and like infinite ki that can combo you throughout the entire game that also hits all 3 battle members. Ulthan wrecks my shit pretty regularly, but that doesn't even come close to the bullshit that is S17.
How exactly?
>get priority once and win the character
>nuh uh he's not busted
Just don't let him get priority. Simple as
Just use your blast cards on ulthan, easy as pie.
Thanks for proving my point
Thanks for proving my point
This general sucks. What do you guys want to see for the 6th Anni coming up?
Android 17 dead in a ditch.
>what do you want to see
Shallet Ult, they can make me roll for it idc
>what do you expect
probably SSJ4 Gogeta Ult
>It's another match with a shitty fucking player in mexico lag switching with his 3 ultras and unoptimized garbage bench
fuck these people so much holy stop matching me with people in latin america they have shit internet. fucking stop it.
is it weird im not really excited for major character releases? Anni/Fest is generally somewhat boring unit choice wise.

Despite goku and frieza being broken, both parts had a huge variety of units released which made pvp pretty exciting.

So im hoping for us to get multiple side characters with the lfs again whatever the units are.
I already told the anon who throws tantrums about S17 the reasons why Ultra Gohan is far worse than S17. A few times in fact.
Feel free to scroll up if you're curious enough.

S17 is manageable, Ultra Gohan carries entire games all by himself because his kit counters basically anything that isn't a blast card.
>What do you guys want to see for the 6th Anni coming up?
Part 1 Future, Part 2 Game Originals and Part 3 GT.

Future is mostly fine, it just needs a few meta-relevant zenkais and perhaps a new unit or 2, that's something the anniversary could fix pretty easily desu.
Game Originals is not a tag that I use (well, it's not meta at all, but I don't have GoDock so there's that), but there's a lot of neat hype-inducing anniversary-worthy concepts and tag units I'd love to see.
And I definitely want to see Ultra SS4 Gogeta for this anniversary.
I guess he wasn't released during the last Legends Fest because now that UVB has come and gone they'll have to rely on Gogeta alone to hype up Fusion Warrior? Or something? Idk.
>Ultra Gohan carries entire games all by himself because his kit counters basically anything that isn't a blast card.
Scratch that, his blue counters blasts too lmao.
I already told the anon who throws tantrums about Ultra Gohan that S176 is just as bad. A few times in fact. Feel free to scroll up if you're curious enough.

Ultra Gohan is manageable, S17 carries entire games by himself because he can just blast card.
>S17 downplaying
Is PTP Goku good? I was trying to make a team with UUI and cryhan but I need a glue to stick them together. I don't have S17 but I've noticed PTP is also ranged.
In what way? 17 is all about making the right guesses against a sloppy opponent
Gohan and other Ultras reward you for fucking up with their unique guages
>Get priority with super 17
>You can now infinite combo something to death
>Constantly refreshing cover change null so your opponent has absolutely zero plays to change situation
>The green that punishes you for trying to stop passive play by poking
>The taps that can lock you out of strikes and specials to force you into blasts for a free green into ult
Units like super 17 are horrible and unbalanced because they make your opponents input worthless for long periods of time.
At least with gohan his cover change null is five timer counts activated the moment he uses an art so even if you get priority you have to choose whether you do a full combo which will give your opponent the chance to break out or quickly hit them with three arts at full power.
There are tons of parts of gohan's kit where you can see the devs held back and allowed the opponent ways to play around him. Not the case with 17. The fact every top tier player ranks 17 high above gohan is not coincidence.
>But the counter gauge mechanic!
People who complain about that need to ask themselves something. Why did the devs even make that sort of mechanic in the first place?
Answer: infinite combo units with infinite cover change null.
Combo breaking unique gauges are the ONLY answer to units like super 17, and even then only in theory because super 17 draws infinite blasts while all the meta-relevant ultras have strike counter gauges so 17 can combo with absolute impunity until ultra ss4 gogeta releases.
Cancerous units like ultra ss2 gohan are responses to units units like 17. Remember that.
>Cancerous units like ultra ss2 gohan are responses to units units like 17. Remember that.
That would be true if his unique guage stopped blast arts, but they all always stop strike arts only. Hell even his cover change is only for strike arts
We've been in an era where blast arts reign supreme as the go-to for a while now, and they keep rewarding that play by punishing strike focused characters
Ultra Goku, Janemba, and Gohan are an answer to endless Strike arts drawing SSB Vegitos and nothing else in the current and past metas
Also, you didn't really answer my question, regardless of how good 17 is he doesn't reward you for playing like an idiot. If you lose the neutral game with him, then that's entirely on you, where-as losing the neutral game with Ultras has a get-out-of-jail-free card, in the form of their gauges or in Gohan's case, a gay ass AoE card that he didn't need
>Green card that punishes you for for trying to stop passive play
Single tap ki blasts are also gay ass passive baby cancer play shit
If you are playing against 17 then you should not be willy nilly tossing out ki blasts. Either swap out if you can, or do a quick gut punch tap attack. It's risky, sure, but this game needs more risky shit over the cancer we're stuck with.
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>retard opponent keeps quick attacking to be obnoxious
>gets aoe'd and combo'd every time
How does it feel?
seriously though the devs absolutely need to make quick attacks punishable by melee strikes the same way tackles are. people that repeatedly quick attack then backdrift and repeat endlessly are no better fucktards than the ui teams that never do anything and sidefloat, just a different flavor of the same fuckery.
dbl gameplay is so fundementally broken that you can't fix it. people always say skill but it's luck if you don't lose on the matchup and it's luck if you get the right cards and it's also luck if you pick the correct card. shit's a constant rps. skill my fucking ass.
Ladies, ladies. Let's just agree that both Ultra Gohan and S17 are both fucking cancer and I hope whatever they're cooking up next will fucking destroy blast units so this passive play and oh look at me IM BLASTING are a thing of the fucking past.
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Anti Blast Spam Ultra Goku real
stoppppp they don't even have a pity system
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I don't know why Golden Frieza and GT Goku are so high up. I'm going to guess Goresh thought so and everyone follows their lead? Frieza main problem is being a melee unit in a blast meta and he still can't stop me when I'm MVP17. Like sure you can put him in a blast team but his blast attack even while boosted is weak af.
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>I already told the anon who throws tantrums about Ultra Gohan that S176 is just as bad.
>A few times in fact. Feel free to scroll up if you're curious enough.
>because he can just blast card.
If only any of those statements were true.
I'd love to see you prove me wrong, if anything that would show that you'd be growing up, but alas.
You have never ever gave me a single counter argument to any of the points I told you over, and over, and over again.

I don't know what are you playing at here when literally anyone can scroll up and see that your childish "I'm going to copy-paste-edit your message and use it as a "got you"" doesn't hold up.

In short, try harder.
Is everyone here a spic? I don't think white people play with Dragonballs anymore. We've moved into maniacal entrenched electrically binding light fired through seams in the land which project light into the retina with binary.
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imagine defending s17 when it's already exposed he's a broken ass unit. sad
Mr Butt I have hundreds of goyim at my disposal. These goyim are thirsty. We need aids. The brown ethos heeds you mortals.
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>Nobody can beat me when I'm ACK!!!!!
Lol imagine I'm the guy that gets sent to save you. I can't manage to even save myself in hell.
Nah, I'd win.
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Kind of a mixed night to play this.
I got some wins, but I also had to deal with 3 lag switchers, 2 of them using meta units like Cryhan, GoDock and UGF.
how the fuck do GT players always seem to insta PV all the fucking time. do they have some type of hack or something holy shit so fucking annoying.
Why the fuck are they considering legends limited at 7 stars and ultras who have vastly better kits at EIGHT stars?
and yeah no fucking way golden freeza is second best in the game. gets melted by ultra ui and baby.
beast being above gocock is also a joke. at seven stars beast is meh and at higher stars gocok are batshit insane units and offer much more than beast offers.
even if you're taking into account frieza's combo game being a threat to bardock frieza does way worse to beast when he gets priority on him because at least gocock have super endurance while beast just dies when his hp hits zero.
the biggest joke on this list however is zenkai cell being on it. he offers NOTHING.
>b-but rising rush fodder
yeah cool whatever. good luck having his first life last long enough to even be relevant against a rising rush. he's squishy, he has no cover change null, he doesn;t combo for years and his damage output is okay. there is no fucking world where he's a better unit than zenkai ss4 gogeta, revival pikkon, mvp17, and gofreeza.

tldr: retarded tierlist is retarded.
>saiyan saga mega rising
>sick ass yamcha
>skip tien, skip krillin, skip piccolo
>straight to fucking goku


bros, I just started playing this and I feel like it's the best gacha I ever played. pvp is pretty cool but UI goku dodging everything seems OP.

Anyway what should I be doing first? I tried hyperdimension co op but everyone keeps leaving because I'm obviously too weak.
I was afraid they were gonna fumble this campaign and my fears came true
We're dry on content right now because the big 6 Year Anniversary is coming up some time in May. The Anni celebration tends to last about a month and a half, has a ton of new content, and some busted/meta-defining characters. Just stick with the beginner and recommended stuff for now, and work on grinding the story missions to farm crystal chronos. I would recommend not spending any CC until the big celebration starts. Even then, it usually hits in 3 waves so don't blow your load on the first banner that drops. Lastly, if you plan on staying free to play, you probably won't get all the characters at high limit breaks or stars. Think about what units buff what tags and focus on them. Some popular tags are things like Son Family, Future, Regen, and Saga from Movies. There are others too, but they seem to always get some love.
You guys got any recommendation for this team in terms of equipment + other units? I feel that UUI melts way too quickly that he's kinda ass to me at 5 stars. Maybe I'm just using the wrong equips.

Red GS1+2 is going to be changing to zenkai hybrid kid gohan
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sadly don't have much ranged blasters so I don't know who to replace red pan with if anyone. i know people usually stick ultra frieza in here too but mixing melee and ranged units kinda suck for me imo.
welcome to goku ball legends
Yamcha unironically looks better.
>Yamcha doesnt even buff super warriors
Anyone else feel like they just gave up on buffing super warriors at all at this point?

Feels like they should've at least created a dragonball legends equivalent of earthbred fighters at this point. At least it'd encompass more characters than Super Warriors.
>Anyone else feel like they just gave up on buffing super warriors at all at this point?
Yeah, that tag is deader than dead.
The developers seem to favor Movies, Androids, UniRep and to a lesser extent, Future and Fusion Warrior too.
Any other tags get mild boosts and the ones who don't are ignored entirely.

This campaign could have been something big.
New Yamcha, Tien/Chiaotzu and Piccolo/Krilin, or hell, even just Krillin.
The devs could have done something big with the Z-Warriors just like they did with the Ginyu Force last year, but instead, they cooked this nothingburger.
It feels kinda sad honestly.
I'll never get why the devs choose to let tags just die, or never give them a chance in the first place. I remember during the early days of the game, a lot of Z abilities just buffed 1 tag. But now we're up to 3 tags at 6 stars. Why not make it more tags? Wouldn't it add more variety? There are so many tags that feel stupid even being in the game, like Namekian, God of Destruction, Otherworld Warrior, Potora, Kids. It just doesn't make sense to me
because you touch yourself
but no really the only way they can "buff" units is if they tag them with meta units. then you get a team of all tag units THEN you can finally create just that tag units.
>Reads goku's kit
>Mid until the end
>"Seals random card slot every time enemy uses an arts card on the field for ten timer counts."
Okay this unit might be busted just because of that ability on its own. You get up to four attacks and then you can't do anything to him for ten timer counts.
Four attacks if you're lucky that is. The seals are random so it can and absolutely will seal the arts you were planning on using, seal the art you were planning on using next disrupting the entire combo by causing you to drop it, and otherwise be a real pain in the ass.

People already called g/f broken because of the strike seals on the frieza sides green and his solitary art slot seal when you switch characters and this is way way WAY more broken than that.
If there aren't any restrictions on this ability and none were listed then this might actually be a secret broken unit. He's also yellow so golden frieza can get absolutely fucked.
Shame his art is lame as fuck. this was their chance to do a banger angryku art like dokkan did for this card and they choose to instead have him looking to the side mildly annoyed. lame as fuck and a massive and unusual fumble from the artist.

All signs point to a fumble like the db saga celebration, at best the lf will be usable.

I became wary when rra piccolo didnt buff the tag, but they went out of their way to give orange piccolo the super warrior z ability buff, i dont get it, we got 6 super warrior buffs from 4th anni till the 5th (f2p krillin tien, buu tien, pur piccolo, roshi, and orange piccolo) And now when they had the perfect opportunity to boost the tag they just abandon it?? Ginyu force had less than that to stand on, they didnt even have a bench!

It was a perfect moment for a less represented saga and tag to get some decent representation since most people skip for anni anyway and this was a filler banner.
what a waste of time, im so mad.

They deliberately skipped super warriors, as if he would be too op with 1 extra tag to buff with his z ability. Im so miffed.

They managed to bring the ginyu force to a meta state from nothing. I dont believe krillin yamcha and tien are less popular than the fucking ginyus. The saiyan saga is iconic. Why cant they get the same love for their singular saga buff in 2 FUCKING YEARS

why am i cursed to love og db and saiyan saga.
tbf ginyu's not really meta anymore and I don't seem them making a comeback in legends lifetime.
saiyans will ALWAYS be top dog. just how it is.
They are usable if you have them maxed out, i have been using them a lot for quick daily matches and beaten plenty of gohans and 17s

its more than you can say of the fucking super warriors
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>could've had a cool ass Tien-Chiaotzu unit with some sort of death/revival mechanic
>no Krillin scatter kamehameha
>no Nappa/Vegeta
Whatever we get to finish off this campaign better be really fucking good because god damn man can my favorite fucking saga please stop getting fucked like this all the time
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can someone elaborate on the new stuff? should I come back? Any new meta units i shoudl know about?
>tfw I wanna pull for UUI again
how much better is he at 5 stars to 8 stars? because holy shit he's melty as fuck.
>triple UI team
>opponent is so retarded they always float back and fall for every tap attack
You know what's more annoying than someone playing max passive? Someone with literally zero skill playing passive. If you're just backdrifting and then letting your gauge absorb everything and not even trying to pepper in things like quick attacks then why fucking bother, it's easy as piss to play around.
>can someone elaborate on the new stuff?
The meta is dominated by LL Super 17, UL SS2 Teen Gohan, UL Golden Frieza and UL UI Sign Goku.
There's a number of units that can keep up with them like the Goku/Bardock tag and Red Beasthan, but more often than not you will see at least one of those 4 in every single high ranked PvP match.

>should I come back?
It'd be wise to start saving CC for the anniversary which starts on the last week of May, unless you don't need to.
S17, UL Gohan and UGF can't be obtained anymore.
UI Sign's banner is on a comeback for the next 9 or 10 days.
Fuck a Saiyan Saga campaign this Saga needs a whole fucking year dedicated to it jesus fucking christ
saiyan saga deserves better man
what I want to know is, was the Ginyu Force banner unsuccessful? did it not make as much as they were hoping? that single banner more or less made an entire team out of nothing and people still USE them, so clearly it worked, but I can only imagine the cost of making all those units outweighed what they got from it, cause they totally could've done that for Saiyan Saga
I think it's partly that but much more is the fact that they realized that they could've split the ginyu force up and made an lf of ginyu and an ultra of freeza to make overall more money.
I won't be remotely surprised if we see a godly sp krillin released alongside the upcoming saiyan saga lf in two weeks that clearly should've been on this banner.
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Ngl, that was very satisfying desu.
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>GT campaign
>GT goes from a joke to dominating
>Saiyan Saga Campaign
>lmao here's some pokcet lint and an equip for UI Goku for no fucking reason
>>lmao here's some pokcet lint and an equip for UI Goku for no fucking reason
You forgot the punchline that ui goku's plat was absolute trash and not even worth the erasers to get.
see now this is based. fuck you s17 fuckers
Remember to bully all Ultra FAGS
I'm almost sure at this point that the LF or Ultra releasing at the end of this campaign is gonna be broken.
It better be
No reason at all that Saiyan Saga 6 years into this game's lifespan should be this barren and unusable
>charge step lowers damage in lbr
>gohan running around so strikes are rendered useless
Bravo legends, you continue to outdo yourselves
Haven't played for a few months so, how goes the legends bros?
Unbelievably based
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>two Ultras in a match
What a little bitch
I hope his phone bricked after that match also based clip
Name a more satisfying feeling than perfectly using goku/frieza and perfectly timing the super attack to bypass ultra gohan's gauge and one-shot him.
This game still sometimes has those gaming highs.
Today marks roughly 100 days until the end of the anni.
So begins a massive undertaking. I plan to grind four friendship levels a day between now and the end of the anni. If this plan works out I shall net myself an extra 12000 crystals by anni end, almost a 50% chance at the ultra on its own (or hitting pity on an lf banner of my choice).
Between now and the start of the anni we'll probably get around 9k in crystals from rewards. Add on my 6k and I'll enter with 15k. Add on the 120 crystals from this daily grind and I shall enter the anni just under the crystal cap.
If the headliner is a must pull then I shall have the chance to grab them, if not I can ease off the farming until part 2 and 3 and straddle the cap via the limit break banners.
>Did 1 rotation of GoDock's banner
>Knew it was a bad idea but just had to do it anyway
>STILL couldn't get 1 miserable copy
With the 19,8k I spent on it during Legends Fest that's 22k spent on it in total.
Terrible banner, god awful format.
shit takes too long bro. just spend $300
I am so fucking tired of this Gohan bailing out stupid players it's unreal
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What are they waiting for?
if the ultra for 6th anni isn't Gogeta 4 I could unironically see SSG Goku as it instead, it's been neglected for a while and they have to realize it
I'm just hitting rematch every half a minute while going about my normal life. Besides I have a rule of not spending in gacha unless I'm getting something out of it.
>Third daily pvp match yesterday
>App force closes itself
>Get warned
>Third daily pvp match today
>app force closes itself again
>timed out for five minutes
Fix your fucking game holy shit. I can't even risk doing my third daily now because another crash during the loading screen and I lose all my seasons crystals.
It was annoying as fuck the last two weeks during pve play doing this but now it's doing it on pvp it's going to be an actual problem instead of a nuisance. Can I even risk playing next season with it being THIS unreliable?

Oh and then I get a faggot passive pan/beast player on my treasure battle. Love this game.
i can't believe you fags are still whining about beast. he does fucking nothing in this meta anymore.
t. Beastfag who used him and Red Pan shamelessly when they were the meta
>when they were meta
well you're implying they're not meta anymore which is my point.
No one is whining about Beast here, so you're just being a schizo
You're still a fag for using him regardless
Maybe in a year or two that stigma will fade for that unit
dbplayers can't read
just barely made it to top 10k god bless fuck this shit game
>Kid gohan zenkai gave him everything he needed
>Might be the first zenkai in years to be a powerful unit in the meta
>Also has a relevant zenkai z ability combo with his zenkai ability boosting the relevant tag and his normal z ability boosting his teams with two stats
Okay legends you did good for once. And considering how cool this moment was in the series and how this will likely be the only ever unit to rep that AND how it has top tier animations it's nice you actually gave him a real zenkai.
Now if only you could fix the crashing issue for us snapdragon2 users so we don't get banned from pvp because of crashes during load screens that'd be perfect.
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>even at 3 stars and off the featured boost he is still wrecking ass
Is this the most dominant unit of our time?
>Might be the first zenkai in years to be a powerful unit in the meta
> Cell revival
>Goku feet
>SSJ Red Trunks
Just say it's the first zenkai you can do
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>3 Counter Blues
>3 Unique Gauges
>3 AoE Greens
>1 Ultimate
>1 Anti-Armor Blast
>Obviously, I lost the match in which I had to go through all of the above
I am exhausted.
My interest in an Ultra SS4 Gogeta is the only reason why I still play desu.
If the 6th anniversary Ultra isn't him or if I can't pull him, I'll quit.
I refuse to deal with this for most if not the entirety of the rest of the year
>Thinks dealing okayish damage makes something powerful in this meta
Just say you don't play in high rank pvp where you're constantly fighting meta teams.
I would consider using the gohan past plat. You couldn't pay me to use those three.
I'll give cell one thing though. He's a nice unit in tournament of power.
Your opponen's faggy ass team is the reason I thank God we got Super 17 as we did
super17 is even more broken than your opponent team
is granddaughter Pan (Super Hero) in the normal summoning pool?
That guy's opponent has Ultra Gohan, so that's factually incorrect.
You can check the different pools on dblegends.net.
She's only present inn the Mega Rising Banner I think.
>He thinks ultra gohan is more broken
nta but maybe once ss4 gogeta comes with his blast gauge to shut down blast units.
Ask yourself this.
>What does his opponent do once super 17 gets priority
The answer is
>sit there and watch as something either dies or takes critical damage
The team has absolutely zero outs to super 17. It's a garbage team from a team building standpoint. Super 17 is the top of the meta right now and not only does that team use the very unit super 17 was designed to hard-counter but he pairs it with a frail outdated piece of trash and a unit that has to be wary of super 17 specifically because his only defence to blast units is switching out.
>The team has absolutely zero outs to super 17
Good. Super 17 being the answer to UI get out of jail faggotry is a good thing
Super 17 is strong, sure, but that doesn't change the team he was going against is for mega faggots
>s17 downplayers
cry about the hans one more time
Sure I will because they bail you out for playing like shit
>downplaying s17
I'm not downplaying him
I LIKE that he shuts down ultra faggotry
I wish he was more broken and just downright cancelled out Unique Guages
mexican detected
>>He thinks ultra gohan is more broken
Well, yes, but the important thing is that it's a fact
See >>1457367.

>Ask yourself this.
>>What does his opponent do once super 17 gets priority
>The answer is
Git gud. Or at least try to get better.

>>sit there and watch as something either dies or takes critical damage
That happens with Ultra Gohan btw, who gets priority far, FAR easier than S17 because that's how it is with AoE greens. If your tap attack is even 1 action late, you're in for a world of pain.
Refer to my post in >>>/vg/dbg (which I'm sure you've already read), I'm not going to copy-paste it here.
Today the app has crashed on me at least five times and it's gotten so bad my s23 ultra even went all "hey we've noticed this app is crashing a ton."
I don't even dare do my daily pvp matches with things this bad.
eat dirt retard. imagine bitching about ultra gohan when you're playing s17 lmfao
Manifesting a revive vegeta who's green card nulls gauges for 5 timer counts and has infinite aoe green card immunity
God I wish
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>No arguments, just ad hominem
>Calling anyone else a retard
You'll never learn, will you?
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You're as dumb as talking to a monkey. I can only look at the monkey and laugh.
>infinite aoe green card immunity
I'm sure it's a matter of time before a character gets that and I totally would want it, but I'd be annoyed if they gave such a meta-relevant ability to what's presumably the last pre-anniversary LL.
I don't wanna spend any more CC until the anniversary begins man...
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That's a pretty damn good Galick Gun animation, ngl.
>another vegeta LF
Been waiting for this for too long
I WILL be dumping all my CC
Anniversary can blow me
Nappa is purple
Also fuck these faggots
hahahahaha. you stupid bitch lost when you're literally using s17. duumbass
17 is not better than a 10 star barku, 9 star beasthan or maxed out ulthan, especially at 4 stars and off the boost lol
Awaiting the day when a unit comes out and just locks Unique Gauges for the entire match to make these faggots actually play the game
didn't read, you lost using s17 lmfao
>Reads napgeta kit
A fantastic hard counter to revival ui and a great way to enter the 5th anni.
Wait what do you mean this is 2024 and we're heading into the 6th anni!?
did one rotation and got bulla who i mostly wanted. kinda wanted one more pull of GT Goku but got SoH Trunks instead. whatever.
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They were free, and yet, I feel scammed.
>Pulls revival gogeta
Noice. Even better is the fact I skipped his banner entirely so I bagged him for literally free.
Not that he's usable or anything at 2 stars.
I want a refund for the small twinge of hope I felt in my heart
Vegeta is fun to use but I really wanna know what their thought process was to give Gohan an aoe which he doesn't need but not this vegeta. I guess cause his armor isn't broken in the character model lol
at least you got a sparking. mine were all heroes and extremes
As you correctly surmised it's because this vegeta isn't from that part of the battle. It's pre great ape vegeta and his green is pulled from the moment he lost his shit at goku before powering up and flying into the sky to launch the galick gun.
Plus to be fair to the devs from where they're sitting they've already done that with the original lf vegeta.
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fuck this game
Literally what's even the point playing pvp against ultras it doesn't even matter. I make a small mistake I'm punished heavily, meanwhile my opponent makes a mistake, I can't even capitalize on it fully because the game just says heehee your combo is cut in half
I'm gonna continue to hope that we just get a unit that completely and totally shuts down Ultras
I never want to see a UUI or Ulthan ever again
Blue Hybrid Melee that counters that fucking faggot 17 when
Anything powerful enough to shut down ultras will itself be an ultra.
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Something powerful enough to shut down an ultra?
Say no more, I have just the right thing for you.
I don't know maybe it's just a mind thing but whenever I face disruption characters like bulla and pan they can stop a combo in its tracks but when I use them they do jack shit lol
Does anybody actually enjoy these insanely hard fights they sometimes put at the end of the fierce fight missions? It just feels like a bunch of input reading nonsense they want you to play a bunch until it feels like letting you win
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>Adjusted the exchange costs of some items that can be exchanged for with Weekend Medals and Full Power Battle Medals.
hey update on this
....12* goku
0* yamcha
im killing myself
any update that makes me play less coop is a good update
such a shitty mode
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so the proud game mode is for men and the normal salad mode + 3 zenkai vensh are for women? I guess it's okay I think
proud game mode is cringy as fuck
it's just
>ultra team + UI stack so they can stall round 2
Does anyone else's blast input just not input when getting into a blast duel?
Or maybe my blast card cost just went up :/
If you use charge or side step combos or the character switching combos you are a cheater and are a dishonest gamer. You press your cards in order and then let me have a turn.
That's basically the best change in the entire update, lel.
Everything else in the news post ranges from mediocre to downright worthless, bugfixes aside.
The recent Presents are lacking too (10 tickets for a banner with god awful rates, 300 CC which is not even half of a multi summon, 5 Slot Removers and Zeni), and the Goku Day banner has retardedly low rates for the LL units even though they're all plain useless due to being way too old and power crept.

Really helps set one's expectations for the anniversary desu.
Annis are almost always shit. The devs usually try their greediest shit during the anni and the meta is always utter trash for months after them. I've despised every single meta born from the annis.
I barely even play pvp anymore and I dread how bad pvp is going to become with whatever utter cancer they have in store for the anni.
Or maybe I don't dread it since legends is basically just an afk app for me nowadays and I have zero intentions of farming pvp during the anni since my 90 crystals a day will put me well over the 20k cap by the time it starts.
Can't believe I slept on this game for years. Look real nice graphics wise and is kinda fun.
>is kinda fun

hey toshi what's your nigger ass doing here
But the game gives you a tutorial and basically encourages that style of play tho
The game does cheat.
>Or maybe I don't dread it since legends is basically just an afk app for me nowadays
Pretty much how I'm feeling about it
I've gotten pretty bored of the line-up for banners these days. Game Originals is the only tag I'm midly interested in, but if all it's gonna be is just what-if tag units then all lose all interest entirely
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Thank you based Toshi!
I am absolutely satisfied with the excellent quality of the Goku Day banner!
can we get a better s17 counter? thank you!
What team do you use?
That's embarassing brother. I know my team is like max stars but how the fuck did you lose to this?
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I am not looking forward to having to deal with his cover null on green and ridiculously long combos with high damage.
Interesting that they're advertising 2 equips both under his own card design though.
Maybe the other equipment is for the old Nameku?
I hope it's for UVB or the LL Super 17
finally I can try a double blue team, i don't know who should be my third though
>Nameku w his new equipment
>GTKU or SoH Trunks
>Ulthan? Frieza? Red Pan? I don't know who else I can slot in here. I don't really want ulthan since I wanna go full melee....
>Blue Zenkai Pan
>Zenkai Buffer for third unit
>Zenkai buffer for third unit or Super Saiyan Gohan Blue Zenkai (he's kinda ass though)
It's probably nothing. I recall they announced the buu duo plat and orange piccolo plat while only using the buu duos background.
The second plat could be for any legends limited. Beerus since anni might be bog themed, trunks and vegeta since they're more than a little powercrept, ect.
>It's probably nothing. I recall they announced the buu duo plat and orange piccolo plat while only using the buu duos background.
Fair enough.

>Beerus since anni might be bog themed
I could believe that.
Part 1 is either going to be Buu Saga with a headliner Vegetto (or Goku & Vegeta that fuses, doesn't matter) or BoG probably.
That Beerus who I have at 2 stars lel would need a massive equip though, like, stupidly long list of buffs and an excellent 3rd slot.
I highly doubt the devs could deliver.
Most if not all the recent uniques have failed miserably desu; none of them managed to bring back the units they boosted into the meta successfully, because they failed to address the lack of modern features in their kits.
Sure, units like the PUR SS4 Goku or the GRN LSS Broly can more or less work with their unique equips, but in my experience, the huge majority don't actually use them.
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That felt nice.
>Second plat is for red vegeta clan
>Not super vegeta, just an impotent eraser guzzling tag equip
Say it with me.
>Vegeta is never clutch.
He curses all summons he appears in unless his son is saving his ass. His units are always shit or age like shit.
Hail the Prince of Jobbers.
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Nameku's Plat will null counter gauges and 17's infinite blasts gauge trust the process
>10% to base strike and blast defence and health regen
>35% to base strike attack
>10% to Max health
Vegeta jobs once again kek.
Goku didn't fare much better, just a measly base 35% to stats and 20% damage inflicted.
>play pvp 20 times
I hate this fucking game so much
Good morning.

>>10% to base strike and blast defence and health regen
>>35% to base strike attack
>>10% to Max health
>Vegeta jobs once again kek.
Not even an ounce of Ki recovery speed, damn.
I heard that's the biggest problem with him and the devs couldn't deliver even on that front.

>Goku didn't fare much better, just a measly base 35% to stats and 20% damage inflicted.
Seems to be more like 40% if you get a maxed out 1st slot?
Still, all it does is making him hit harder, which is pointless when you're put up against UUI or Cryhan.
I wasn't expecting anything, I didn't even intend to use Nameku2 because I don't have the old Nameku zenkai'd which seems to be kind of a mandatory bench for him, and yet I'm still disappointed.
Check if going into a treasure battle with some funny meme unit and losing counts. It might.
I was shocked buy going into a training battle actually counted as well
Throwing a bunch of those matches was a releif
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>Be me
>Carry retards in CoOp left and right
>Multiple times I reach a point in which I leave Vados 1 health bar away from death or so
>1 or 2 strikes at most
>Retarded homosexual partners use RR wasting my time in its stupid animation
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>Return of limit break banner.
Not this time old friend. the 20k cap awaits.
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>One week till anni start
My stash is 18k which equals the largest stash I've both saved and got shafted on at ultra janemba.
Top crystals will push it to 19.5k leaving me to get the 3k more I want to secure a high chance at the new lf alongside 600 z power for my goku bardock.
2000... I seem to have poor impulse control when it comes to this gacha game...
Would've have more if I didn't forget to log in yesterday
"Played" it like for four years. Daily. It's a fucking chore
4786. I made poor pulling choices ever since Legends Fest 2023 Part 2 despite being aware of how poor those choices were because I wanted the characters featured in each banner.
I don't regret anything.
>buy going
Kek nigger
Building it up but now I have around 1k at the moment. I haven't played this game in a few months and kind of rusty playing the story mode for cc.
What type of asshole plays this type of team?
Behead all UIfags
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Got like 2k lmao. Blew a bunch of crystals trying to get lf Nappa because I foolishly want to invest in Vegeta clan knowing how much the tag gets bullied. If part 1 anni ends up being BoG I can safely skip.
This fucking stupid ass game never reads my inputs correctly, especially taps. Can't tap blast, can't quick attack, can't tackle, and can't close range tap. It just doesn't work, and I know it isn't lag because when I start to say "what the fuck? why isn't anything happening?" and I tap again, it reads that second tap perfectly fine.
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>Not even an ounce of Ki recovery speed
Pairing him with Bulla solves a lot of his ki problems. IMO his biggest flaw is that he doesn't reduce card costs so even if you have ki recovery you'll still end up wasting a lot on cards. He has the draw speed, he has the damage, he has both unfavorable element and cover null and he has sub count manipulation.
Sadly he's a melee unit in a meta that hates melee units (unless you're UGF).
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>Does anybody actually enjoy these insanely hard fights they sometimes put at the end of the fierce fight missions?
I just did Whis' and I can't say that I had fun.
I'm rather indifferent to it.
I mean, the gist of it is 50% building a sturdy bench and 50% abusing the flaws in the game's AI.
I wouldn't say that is something fun desu.
>zenkai rush and the other zenkai boost flavor of the month in a nutshell except less "difficulty"
yeah these modes suck ass
They may not be the monster they once were but 18's green card is still killer
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>Arts boosted lineage of evil
>win six out of six battle royal matches
Well that was easy, guess kami ranking yellow frieza's plat way back when it came out and max arts boosting him was worth it.
now to start and complete my tournament of power run and go past the 20k cap for the first time in my almost-six years of playing legends.
speaking of battle royal good fucking god the game is so much more fun without all the counter mechanics running around. a few small tech abilities like green cooler's green card but otherwise just a game of anticipating your opponent and being rewarded for winning priority and your clashes. none of that bullshit escaping combos and getting a cheap super attack that wipes half your health out for being in control bullshit.
how do you handle faggot teams that just combo you to oblivion?
>Blew a bunch of crystals trying to get lf Nappa because I foolishly want to invest in Vegeta clan knowing how much the tag gets bullied.
Based Vegeta clan user.
If you can't tank, use a revival unit to take the fall.
If you can't do either and you just know that you're going to lose, then forfeit and move on.
Oh yeah, before any of that though; try to avoid getting caught in a combo.
Try to keep things on a level playing field.
If you use your vanish, switch your character asap and watch how your opponent reacts and such.
But yeah, once/if you do get caught, bring out your tankiest unit or a revival I'd say.
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Is YEL Perfect Cell the best aging zenkai awakening in the whole game?
He has good offensive stats, he can take a few hits, he gets cover null on green, has an IT cover change, a very useful ranged blue, good team availability, some banging voice lines AND his ultimate hits like a fucking truck.
I hadn't used him for PvP purposes when I was still rocking yellow on Androids because I had the Gammas, but this man is just as solid if not more even though it's been almost a year since he got his zenkai.
This anniversary I hope we finally get a card for super saiyan goku during his battle on namek with frieza.
Probably not gonna happen.
The game already has 5 Gokus from that period, arguably 6 if we count the LL one that tranforms, and one of them (the latest LL Namek Goku unit) just got its first unique equipment (which is normally done as an attempt to bring the units that get one back into the meta) too.

We might see him featured in some of the anniversary banners though.
I think the devs do tend to do that so newbies have a chance to pull and make use of the new equips and such.
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The Part 1 of the anniversary will be Majin Buu Saga btw, so we'll be getting a Vegetto as the headliner.
>New hints are Majin Buu saga
Okay I've got a few ideas. The hint is the wt arena followed by the flight to babidi's ship followed by the wasteland where goku fights vegeta ending with the planet of the kais.
Obviously everyone's going ZOMG BEJITOOOOOOO!!

But I've got a different idea. Vegito has fuckin' nothing to do with those four shots, they all take place long before vegito even exists. Know who's in all four shots? Goku.
Every anni usually introduces a new mechanic. SS3 is a super memorable moment of the saga.
So what if the big gimmick this anni is double transformations of some type?
Alternatively it could be gohan (also in all four places) as a 1% sparking and revival vegito as the headliner which is also a likely option.
Personally I'd rank lf jiren's zenkai a bit better aging. Cell's good but jiren's so good he's still a strong option in high level play whenever there's a green running rampant.
Cell's a great zenkai tho definitely agree with you there.
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was busy playing xiv but i'll come back for this
>But I've got a different idea. Vegito has fuckin' nothing to do with those four shots, they all take place long before vegito even exists. Know who's in all four shots? Goku.
>Every anni usually introduces a new mechanic. SS3 is a super memorable moment of the saga.
>So what if the big gimmick this anni is double transformations of some type?
Personally, I think it's going to be the infamous "LL Goku/Vegeta that fuses".
Maybe red and green (before the fusion anyway) so they could take advantage of the recent zenkais like Rev Kidhan's and RED SS3 Goku's in a SonFam team?

>Personally I'd rank lf jiren's zenkai a bit better aging.
Ah, that's very fair too, although Jiren's is a lot more recent, it's barely half a year old I think.
Still though, he's definitely better equipped to withstand the current meta and deal with the crying rat.

I hope he's featured in the upcoming banners, I'd love to be able to use him. I have his zenkai, I just need 1 or 2 pulls because at 3 stars he's naturally not viable at all.
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Will they be brave enough to keep him in base form?
The new UL will be a tripple revive unit. It will be Mighty Mask that revives into a switch unit of super saiyan trunks and goten that revives into gotenks that then can go super saiyan 3
kill yourself xiever
Don't think there's anyone I really want from Buu saga desu
I guess somethin' like a multi-transforming Goku unit who does the whole "even further behind" schtick would be cool, but eh not sure if I'd really go all out with my CC for that
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>The devs increased the max amount of Awakening Z-Power you can buy in the USTR at a same time
>But you still only get 25 medals (2500 Awakening Z-Power) every 2 weeks
>Meaning you still have to spend 1 month and a half maxing out 1 single character's zenkai
Very cool. Thanks.
It will still be helpful when they throw us those pity USTR Lite events, but they need to do that shit more often.
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Ultra only teams with no tag/team synergy are so boring to fight because you know the only reason they use them is because they're banking on their gimmicks to win.
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I really wish they would just pair off the UL spammers so they only fought eachother but also playing against a team that isn't synced at all is funny
>1 mission short of red ticket
>1 day left
This game better not screw with me
>win pvp battles 20 times while taking no damage
Jokes on them! I'm in the shitter rank with U UI because I only play during big celebrations
>was busy playing xiv but i'll come back for this
You should hang it up, tie a noose and just kill yourself
So what gimmick besides damage on auto dodge and clash auto win will ultra mui have when he's released? I'm gonna say damage on cover change and said cover change bypasses cover null
Unique gauge that depletes slowly over time, that can counter EVERY SINGLE THING except for RRs but including tap blasts and attacks, and strikes the opponent back just like LL MUI when he's hit by a strike or a blast, while the gauge is still active.
>have to grind 8 coops in a row
even in beginner this is torture because only the mexicans with shit internet are up...
how can they design the new unit to stop passive gameplay? remove vanish? stop unique gauge gain?
Stoping unique gauges is the only way passivefags can truly die
The moment UIfags, or Gohans, can't just let the game get them out of trouble for free the moment you see them fucking squirm
>Stopping unique gauges
Never happening. Unique gauge mechanics are basically how they distinguish one unit from another and over three years of products have been balanced around them at this point.

There's a reason that blue Beerus that nullified endurance never saw that mechanic return on another unit (and also might never zenkai). Revival units are balanced around both forms, the moment you nerf revival the same way you nerfed endurance you can't market new characters around revival mechanics.
Same reason they'll never go as far as unique gauge sealing abilities. You introduce that as a mechanic and you're basically removing the ability to sell new units.

The best we'll get is some bullshit broken ultra that ignores counter gauge activations, but even that ability will turn up on one unit and then never again. And that unit will itself be some cancerous piece of shit ultra that makes things worse.
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>Come across an androids player with the green A18 (+ MVP17 and S17)
>"Woah, A18? Now that's an interesting pick."
>Turned out to be a laggy scumbag
>"Of course."
Why is it that most of the poasts sound like niggerbabble
Another unit that rewards losing lol
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>correctly guess RR
>get punished for correctly playing the game
These fucking gimmicks are exhausting.
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>RR defeat nullification
tbf i don't find RR nullifcation that bad compared to what we already have. i mean desu if my opponent RR'd me, i already fully expect to lose my character lol
just thinking, LF Vegito doesn't really have any good zenkais huh.
Gfd I'm cooked
>double fusion
Don't we have enough brownly furys in this game
Finally, a counter to evade gauges.
Burn in hell, ultra SHIThan.
All the ones we have are F2P ones
This is the first premium one that'll be actually be usable to some degree
Summoning for Broly and Gogeta
Buu saga banner can suck my taint
>counter counter
these characters are getting way too convoluted
I love you assault chain
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Total 17 and Gohan death thank fuck
>zenkai broly
>yellow gogeta got shafted again
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Shin is whatever. New Broly unit is alright. Free 18 with best outfit is neat.

Vegito was predictable but at least he looks cool. Also stop making units that reward you for losing.

New blue Gogeta looks incredibly useful for fucking over Cryhan and UUI. Guess this means the first tag Goku/Vegeta and lf Gogeta blue will never get a zenkai.

Zenkai lf Broly is fucking nice because ultra Janemba now has an actually good zenkai bench. If his zenkai ends up being good it'll be fun to run double blue along with the new Gogeta. Why no zenkai for Buuhan though?
I just woke up.
Haven't read any kits, and I obviously didn't watch R&S.
All I can say is that I seriously didn't think them to do 2 separate tag fusions in one same part.

So, how broken are the new fusions?
I'm reading something about RR nullification above?
Yeah, if you guess vegito's rr it doesn't matter and I'm pretty sure he nulls endurance on rr too
Ha, jokes on them, my opponents tend to guess my RR more often than not!
Okay, I'm reading it.

>New gauge that activates a fusion into Vegetto when it's full, with Vegetto coming out at full health
That sounds interesting. So you can fuse when it's most convenient with all your HP recovered. Dope.

>Vegeta side has cover null but only for 5tc and 2 times
Another Vegeta L.

>He really can secure a RR, period. He always wins a RR no matter what.
I mean, FW needed a buff, but this is a bit too much.
OK so I guess that you get to keep your endurance if you guess wrong lol
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>Gogeta nulls counter gauges like UGB's, Cryhan's and USJ's

This is peak. I was already planning on jumping right into his ̶p̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ banner because I run movies.
I only have 2 questions; am I reading this right?
Does he really have infinite cover null and can he really null the evade gauges of the UI units?
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Wait a minute...
>The new tag SSB Goku/Vegeta doesn't have the Movies tag
>Even though they literally fuse into a movies character
I will not make summons for these characters, I think P2 will be Unirep with a fusionable Kefla or Hit goku Lf I prefer to use the 18 F2p it is super sexy with that outfit
I have 176 Chrono Crystals, am I gonna get either of the characters?
>The new Broly: Fury buffs Movies but he ALSO doesn't seem to have the Movies tag
I don't understand.
For all the steps forward they took, the steps backwards are impressively stupid.
dblegends.net has been updated with the new characters and the banners with their summon pools btw.
I'm gonna laugh so hard when it turns out these guys suck because it takes too long to get into their fused forms.
Dunno if I'll pull or keep my 23k stash. Vegito being blue, the color I wanted the least for my son family team, really hurts how much I want him.
That makes no sense their Z ability buffs movies
They do have it, oh thank god. They just didn't show it in the R&S.
Awesome. If I pulled them I was gonna use them in SonFam, but now I don't have to worry much.
12k and nothing. Yay.
>>1479649 (Me)
Never mind pulled vegito while I was tapping and bitching here kek.
This is what 7k cc worth of summons gets you on rate boostes anniversary banners.
gg legends
24k cc into gogeta's banner for one sparking broly. Guess gohan will continue to ruin this game for me.
6.7k (all I had) into the new SSB boys and the only worthwhile things I got was Super Hero Gotenks' 7th star and the 8th star for the LL FP Broly.
I have him and sadly..... it's fast as fuck. I can get Gogeta out in about 1 full hand + 2 green and if I'm smart 1 green and a full hand of cards.

Its not like gamma's at all nor like ss3&vegeta.
23k into the banners. vegito was shafting me so I went over to gogeta and pulled him three times in two rounds kek.
Vegito only showed up once in the remaining crystals but hey. better to pull the unit and be able to slowly limit break them over the weeks than not pull them at all.
Doing my dailies I'm pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to fuse. the devs haven't repeated last years mistake of overestimating their gimmick to the point the unit doesn't function properly.
You'll be glad ultra rat exists once you fight vegito because without the rat there's nothing stopping vegito soloing you.
I didnt get them :c
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The pity ticket just saved my Part 1 from being absolute ass.
I can't believe it's saving me yet again.
I got my 2nd copy of the Buu Boys last year with the pity ticket.
I got my 2nd copy of Evoken in Legends Fest with the pity ticket.
And now this.
This is the only good thing that's happened to me in the last 2 and a half hours.
Kinda weird that they have the regular shade of blue for the card's art and then the Broly movie's for the actual units though.
>got broly like 4x
does he even look good? kinda disappointed I only got gogeta like 2x. gogeta seems better in the meta right now though.
Maybe my scrub is showing but after playing a dozen or so fights in pvp I'm coming to the conclusion that gogeta kinda sucks.
>B-but ultra rat counter
Most of my fights he was made into the rats bitch like every other unit. You have to line up his bypass and if you don't then you're stuck in the same predicament as usual.
I've already thrown him off the team and put ultra ui back on. the stalling capabilities are more valuable than the occasional burst damage.
Vegito is kino though.
Is 3 rotations on Vegito without a single LL supposed to happen?
>got gogeta because of hype
>forgot my most hated unit is fucking s17 whos counter is vegito
pain i fucking hate s17 so fucking much.
Damn, that's disappointing. I went for the Gogeta Boys first because of Cryhan too...
nah this guy doesn't know what he's talking about. gogeta real trouble is that s17 is still in the meta.
i just wish the fusions had some sort of better disrupt or defensive mechanic. they heal and tank pretty well but that doesn't stop SOME units....
First 5 matches with the Gogeta Boys.
They can tank... but only if the opponent is not a modern red unit.
The kit says they go type neutral for damage received for a while when they have 50% HP or less left, but it's completely worthless.
They don't do crazy damage, but they're a bit of a combo machine. Then again, I do have them on 3 stars with no zenkai bench on Movies.
You get access to the fusion pretty quickly and pretty much within 1 single combo like >>1479666 said. 1 green, 2 switches and presto.
Gogeta's chained strike animation looks very hot.
Deciding between two teams right now:
which one should I go for?
Yellow Goku will be zenkai'd I have the 70 medals for him.
>nah this guy doesn't know what he's talking about.
If you think the rat has been countered by gogeta then you're in no position to be making that sort of claim.
Why anyone thinks because a unit can now melee gohan he's done is beyond me. The rat positively florished in the ultra frieza meta, a meta where he had to be on the lookout for a unit that could very quickly ko him if he played things wrong for a single second.
If that wasn't enough to start shifting him out gogeta's kit sure as shit isn't. It's a nice feeling to be able to combo without regard for counter gauges but gogeta is hardly some sort of silver bullet that's going to purge all your ultra rat problems.
Can anybody beat him when he's super 17?
I'm the Anon that Anon was replying to, and I have to agree.
Gogeta has some nice tricks to deal with the rat, but they're either very situational or not guaranteed to work out in your favor.
He can resist 1 single AoE green, which only lets you disable 1 of his combos and nothing else.
His only tool against the rat's armor-breaking blasts is his blue, and if you don't have one or you're in long range it's worthless because the opponent WILL get away scot-free.
Gogeta's chained strikes can hurt him, but as you said, you need to have gotten the upper hand prior in order to take advantage of it.
He's fine, but he's definitely not the counter we need.

Many, many units.
Cryhan + AoE green kills him with a few blasts.
Any non-Yellow unit with blast armor can turn him into a joke or force him out.
I don't need to mention Rising Rush.
We've already been through this.
do not get hit
>blast armor
simply win a melee clash
Pick the right one.
He's invincible.
did i trigger some type of bot? o-o
oh it's fucking you. kill yourself holy shit. imagine defending s17 of all things you absolute fucking fraud
>people downplaying vegito and gogeta
>mfw in a week or two when goresh puts them on his top 10, people suddenly start shittalking them like they did with goku and bardock

although really the fusions need some endurance or something damn...
the only LL i got waas the ss3 goku/vegeta unit. I wanted it for a long time but never got it, now i get it when I wanted one of the new boys
I don't care much for the fusion mechanic.
this should've been a revival tag unit
What are you talking about here?

Oh, you.
Listen, I'm not expecting you to remember anything I told you for the span of many weeks, because we both know you neither can't read nor be reasoned with.
But I'm still going to repeat myself for the nth time because at the end of the day I'm right, you're wrong, and that satisfies me.

I'm not defending S17.
I explained you many, many times that he's simply not as broken as you think he is.
He's very manageable. Literally a blast based UVB.
The same doesn't apply to your beloved Cryhan because his kit is actually broken. AoE green, counter blue, anti-armor blasts, yada yada.
That's just how it is.
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13k and nothing. I think I'm going to just do events for crystals and wait for part 2. These new units look cool but it's clear they're meant to be whale units since they only unlock the hp boost at 14 stars and I refuse to spend any more money on this game.
Fwiw, the Gogeta Boys can be buffed by the yellow SS3 Gotenks who has a zenkai, so it's easy to plug them in a Son Family or Vegeta Clan team with some hybrid on the 3rd slot and whoever on the leader slot.
Their own HP buff is pretty meh desu, it's just 10%.

Still, waiting for Part 2 is wise. I think the Part 1 banners will still be available with x2 Z-Power and everything by the time the Part 2 banners come out, so.
I'm right and and you're wrong you dumbass. fucking everyone knows s17 is broken as shit and yet you're the only fucking anon in the world that believes otherwise (because you use him and you're a dirty fucking downplayer)
>Playing w Gogeta
>going against gohan
>about to kill him
>hit him with a blast attack
>have a strike card to finish him off
>my dumbass auto dashes forward
>got shafted
How would you rank Vegito vs Gogeta? I think people are overplaying Vegito's RR mechanic a little too much considering revival units are still popular.

How would you rank Broly vs Shin? (I only got Broly and tried him out in Zenkai rush and he was kinda meh desu)
>I'm right and and you're wrong you dumbass.
I'm sure you wish that was the case.
As my arguments and your lack of counter arguments prove though, that's simply not the case.

>fucking everyone knows s17 is broken as shit
He's broken under the right conditions, every other time he's not as big of a threat.
Again, his a blast based UVB.
You trigger his green? You get cooked.
You don't? Then you'll be fine because you can outsmart him with relative ease or tank him.
Pretty shrimple.

>and yet you're the only fucking anon in the world that believes otherwise
You got replies from other Anons in this very thread and I recall you got replies in one of the threads at /dbg/ as well.
Replies that weren't mine (though one of them almost always was mine.)

>(because you use him
Yeah, I started to use him the last couple of days.
Most of the previous season I used Movies, and the one before that I used LoE + Pan though.

>and you're a dirty fucking downplayer)
You really won't ever change, will you?

>Error: Duplicate file exists. here.
I wanted to close the post with a S17 own, as usual done to show you that S17 can be handled normally, but meh, just look at >>1471474.
How can you even look at yourself in the mirror, you downplaying fuck. According to your logic, Ulthan isn't broken shit either because oh look :3 I can kill him with S17 :)))) totally poggers
Actually kill yourself, god will smite you down where you stand. Stupid retard, no wonder why your parents abandoned you.
shut the fuck up you bitch ass cunt.
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>How can you even look at yourself in the mirror
I stand in front of it, like anyone and everyone else.

>you downplaying fuck.

>According to your logic, Ulthan isn't broken shit either because oh look :3 I can kill him with S17 :)))) totally poggers
>The same doesn't apply to your beloved Cryhan because his kit is actually broken. AoE green, counter blue, anti-armor blasts, yada yada.

>Actually kill yourself, god will smite you down where you stand. Stupid retard, no wonder why your parents abandoned you.
Ouch. That smells like a lot of projection.
Is this the reason why you are incapable of using logic and looking at things in an objective manner or at least trying to?
One thing's for sure though, the lack of parents explains your lack of manners.

>you neither can't read nor be reasoned with.
As usual, this quote of mine aged like a fine wine.
Very disappointing.

>Most of the previous season I used Movies, and the one before that I used LoE + Pan though.
As a matter of fact, I'm rocking SonFam+VegClan right now.
>watching literal cartoons
it's a pedophile too. disgusting. I'm going to call you Chris from now on.
who even fucking types sigh as a response what are you a fucking white boy with a skinny lanky body and glasses?
I tried to help you so many times and for so long, but even I have my limits.
Last few things I'm going to suggest to you:
Take a break, go outside, maybe stretch your muscles and inhale some fresh air.
Perhaps that'll help you settle down your anger and clear up your mind.
Good luck man.
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>Gogeta boys with hybrid son senpai/vegeta clan
Ooooh now that's an idea. I spent my crystals trying to get the Gogeta boys so I have some mileage already so if I can at least pull them once I'd be happy.
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>oh shit unskippable sparking!
>oh shit unskippable sparking again!
Looking at the stats again, I think Vegito is better, Gogeta has better equips and teams though. But Vegito green card + destroy all cards at >50% health along with Goku (SS) and Vegeta (SS) being a Evoken-lite is straight baller. I don't get why they gimped Gogeta Blue so much. His "defensive" bonuses aren't really great in this meta.
Lag and triple ultras, so much fun
Is it just me or does Gogeta (Goku SSB and Vegeta SSB) just not generate enough fucking arts cards or ki compared to Vegito?
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>Revival Gogeta isn't on either banners
That sucks so much ass dude. I just know for sure that that we're getting that Gogeta on an Ultimate pickup banner soon.
>download legends for first time since 4th anni
>0 (zero) free cc
Okay so after some more matches I'm gonna maybe sound crazy but I don't like the new vegito and especially gogeta.
They hit hard. But their tools in general are lacking. No hard surviability in this meta means you get one-combo'd if you make even a single misplay.
I've already dropped gogeta on my son family and brought ultra ui back on and I'm really close to dropping vegito and just sticking to goku bardock.
Super disappointed. Neither of these guys were what their main teams needed.
They're definitely lacking, which is very surprising
I guess it's karma for having to deal with annoying fusion teams over the years, but I was really hoping these Anni units would just shit all over the annoying batch of units the game has started to cultivate.
Part 1 definitely feels just kind of "alright" and that's about it. I know people were hoping for Ultra G4 for this anniversary, but I really hope it's not him, just because it's pretty boring when the Anniversary picks are this obvious
If you don´t mind Cryhan losing some damage inflicted and ki recovery stacks, I´d use the first one. He provides more utililty with his disrupt than Blanco, who´s just a beatstick at this point.
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They're very squishy even with two zenkai benches but man are they really fun. I wish I had enough to go for the new Vegito because he looks fun too but I have more units that would complement Gogeta.
10k on Gogeta's banner and only 2 copies of Broly and no Gogeta
800 of my last CC on Vegito and got him.
2/3 of the units I'd want, so not bad but still
Guess I wait for part 2
Hoping it's BoG Godku that reverts to normal Super Saiyan and GOES IWILLNOTLETYOUDESTROYMYWOOOOOOOOOOORLD
i pulled him twice and he's pretty tanky. i mean certain combinations still make him melt but still. genuinely surprised. i wish he had better disrupt though or something that warrants staying as G&V and then transforming (aka transforming causes vanish removal or something) as of right now, you have that kinda awkward "well do i stay to cover null him, or do i just transform for the extra damage and hope for cards to unga bunga"
Guys... I don't think I'm gonna pull Vegito or Gogeta...
Do you have them at high-ish stars?

They seem like units that shine the best when at high stars, but to be completely honest, looking at units like S17 and Red Beast who can be pretty vicious at low stars, they do seem to be lacking.

I wonder if they held back on them because they didn't want to potentially break the meta. I kinda hate when they do this because it's like they want to try to "save" the meta when broken units like Ultrahan, Ultra Frieza, and S17 are running around.
>wonder if they held back on them because they didn't want to potentially break the meta
Could be the case. If so, then a very stupid decision because the current meta absolutely needs breaking. I don't think it's possible to really save things though at this point. Unique Gauges have been a Pandora's box for this game, and since they won't ever make a unit that simply shuts them down we are stuck in this endless Hell
The first anon you quoted here. My gogeta is seven stars and my vegito is four stars. I've max arts boosted both of them and only ran both with a zenkai bench.
Those are the conditions my experiences were formed under. They're a little squishy and only really shine offensively.
If they're squishy right now they're going to get absolutely demolished once the featured boost and its pure 15% to defences runs out too.
8 Star Gogeta here with Gotenks Zenkai. idk why you guys say they're squishy. Although desu my biggest problem is trying to find a chance to engage in. I feel like they need a unit that can easily go in and help them start off but even so not having cover null until you switch can get you fucked.

They're kinda mid, I don't think bad but I don't think they'll hit the top 10 list unless Part 2 gives them a unit that makes them completely shine.
holy shit broly, ssb g&v, ultra frieza are my favorite team now. it's cover null heaven. until you go against a ult gohan but otherwise, everyone's fucking free LMAO. the only that sucks is I wanna go full unga bunga but green and yellow don't really have great or if any strike attack zenkais
why do the dbl devs think ultra frieza is a problem when they still haven't released a counter for Ultra Gohan and S17? like lmao? why does ultra frieza get like nutted by like 3 meta units?
The devs probably think vegito counters super 17 and as for gohan they released two anti-son family purples back to back including the aforementioned ultra frieza.

The scary thing is there's a real possibility the devs think all three of those units are sufficiently "countered" and we don't get anything to counter them for months on end until they just eventually get powercrept.
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>servers are down
Free 100x pull compensation incoming.
>It was just 500 Chrono Crystals
Supreme Kai Shin is the counter
Youre welcome
- Toshi
>Realizing my anni is already basically over
Very anti climatic. the reality is there won't be nearly enough crystals from the anni for a decent shot at part 2 or 3 starting from zero now.
All for what? Two garbage headliners that'll rot in my box unused because they're vastly inferior to goku/bardock and ultra ui.

It dawned on me as I was logging in today how I have nothing to look forward to for the coming month and a half as all I'll be doing is dailies and the limit break banners.
Depressing anni.
>4 rotations without a single LL
Fuck this game. Keeps pairing me against try-hard whales in pvp too
>everyone saying gogeta and vegito are mid
>everyone putting them at number 1 on their tier list
uhhhh brosss?????
Yeahhh I haven't gotten a single LL either. This has happened to me on every banner since at the very least LL Namek Super Saiyan Goku.
It's almost like there could be financial incentives for jewtubers to say stupid shit
The amount of times the average player got their initial impressions the complete opposite of reality is pretty high. Especially for hype releases.
Saying that I'm already seeing a lot of cope on various places complimenting the devs for gogeta and vegito being "balanced". Same cope was used for ll super vegeta kek.
I'll be fair I don't believe they're even close to as shit as vegeta was but they feel like 5th anni units with 6th anni damage modifiers slapped on in terms of their kits. Compared to what gohan and frieza and super 17 offer they feel very lacking.
You know what would be a cool UL Unit, one that's a swap of goku/vegeta and depending on who you're using you can fuse into Vegito or Gogeta.
I need 2 more friends for the qr thing bros
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uh huh uh huh yeah sure, anyways TAKE THIS RISING RUSH TO THE FACE
>Switches in gokufrieza
>Switches to gocock
Assuming you live long enough to fuse and then rising rush when my ultra rat is pounding your ass.
It's a nice little tech I'll grant you that, even used it to kill a pesky ultra rat that was trying to green me the other day. But a tech is all that mechanic is and a single tech is not going to make you number 1 in the game.
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>It's a high defense UltGohan, Gogeta, Vegito/UltFrieza team
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuck this game holy shit fuccccccccck this, they just made ultgohan even more obnoxious
Insane faggotry when my partner fuses and instantly rushes so i am denied the chance to fuse too
Yeah, kinda irritating.
Did a full rotation on both banners and didn't even get the Shin or Broly.
Anyone else finding this game completely unplayable?
EVERY time I try to enter coop it force closes, as well as every time I attempt the challenge raid. I've tried redownloading, emptying the cache, syncing data, but nothing.
PvP is insanely FUCKED right now. god damn where did all these annoying passive fucks come from
>Be me
>Shitting on vegito
>"bUt GoGeTa!!!"
Okay? How does the super 17 fodder unit matter to the topic at hand?
Yeah, the game has been freezing for a couple seconds before loading stuff.
Vegito is NUMBER 1, you are number 40,000. destroy yourself from existence hakai

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