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Why do you play gacha games?
gameplay and unironically im in too deep to stop now even though i dont care about the story or anything anymore
softcore porn and interesting story/characters
i am mentally ill
Gambling addiction
Sunk-cost fallacy
They're fun
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I got memed into "it's real megoomi tensay game". Rn I just wait until eos, lose account or drop dead from cancer since my collectathon went too far to simply drop after I, even more regrettably came back to this shit. I did not spent a penny on it and never will
i don't anymore
dropped all gachashit
got ex astris, it's worth the money
also got drastic and some pokemon ds roms
any game that makes me log in and do stupid chores daily is shit to me
the only thing i might pick up in the future is heartopia
i feel like it would be the kind of game that has microtransactions for clothing and furniture instead of gachashit
plus it'll be a live-service life-sim game that gets regularly updated, so it'll always be refreshing
I don't, I avoid that shit like the plague. Majority of it is just you spending shit tons of money over some png and it's always pay to win. That's why gambling addictions happen and that people may try to outlaw gacha games or even do the drop rates law which I don't blame them. Playing gacha is like playing the lottery, unless you've got lucky, you will always be cucked and be forced to spend more money on some anime girl png but moar powerful
My PC broke.
i shit alot and gaccha is good for shitting time
Only games left where player agency still exists. Your decisions matter, mistakes are costly. Be it time, or your wallet.

In other games game designers don't dare designing stuff in ways you could possibly mess up.. or get rewarded for your decisions. Skill-trees have little to no impact, exploration gives you nothing.. you know. The (unfortunately) usual.
this has to be the most retarded cope ever from a gachafag
Don't only koreans use this word? I just disregard all esl sea monkies that use this.
Why would it be cope? Tell me a modern game where you still have any impact on anything. These games tend to play themselves, being made for the most casual audience possible. Skill trees full of +0.5% to stats, sidequests giving you 5% of the resources compared to main quests (aka you can skip them without losing anything), and more.

Sure there are still some exceptions, but shit's rare by now. Especially in the rpg genre, everything has been streamlined and easy as fuck shit.
I've always been enjoying the Atelier series, due to making my decisions matter during gameplay. But with the years these games became so easy, and the time limits got removed, so I literally have to cheat engine the highest difficulty, as the game doesn't even allow me to set it in New Game. If I do that, it can still be fun, but this shouldn't be the solution. And most games don't even HAVE a solution. If you play a new Persona game, you have beaten the game the moment you actually start caring about fusions. When the first dungeon or two are the hardest, something isn't right.
It's free and i play casually and i have good self control.
gachafags are mentally ill, especially the hoyofags
the primary audience is third worlders like sea monkeys who think the overdesigned censored crap characters are any better than western garbage
Dx2 had garbage rates the entire time I played, so by the time my few good pulls and fusions started getting powercrept, I stopped cold. Then my account didn't transfer, so I never had any inclination to touch it again.
Enjoyed the setting and story, but logging in is a force of habit at this point, not that I don't enjoy reading through the event stories and stuff. Couldn't feel bothered to progress through the main story since chapter 14
>AFK Journey
Same as NIKKE but even less commitment
>Star Rail
Hooked by the side stories and random minor events that give it a bit of that old school RPG feel. Haven't done a bunch of them too (space China boat aesthetic is droll as fuck) so there's still stuff to do, to the detriment of my backlog of console games
I can satisfy a pseudo gambling urge. I haven't spent money on a gacha since Brave Frontier was new. But man does grinding for some pulls and getting something good, feel good, until it doesn't then I either like the characters/lore enough or switch games after getting bored.
good thing i play the ones that aren't over designed and aren't censored then
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>Why do you play gacha games?
Because westslop is feces and they push fugly mannish women like the psychopaths they are.
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>Why do you play gacha games?

I'm a reformed spender, i spent $150 bucks my first year before realizing how dogshit and greedy the devs of the game are, so I quit spending in disgust. I haven't given them a dime in 4 years now, and I never will. That being said, I can find enjoyment out of playing as a free player. I'm in the top 3k PVP leaderboards in the entire game, and given there's like 10 million active accounts, I think that's pretty impressive being so low spend. I routinely stomp accounts that have spent thousands, sometimes tens of thousands on this game, with extremely budget/free options, and I get to watch people question their life decisions in real time as they lose to someone who's spent a fraction of what they did/hasn't spent anything in 4 years. The gacha element where you gamble on everything doesn't appeal to me because I'm not spending money, idgaf about opening shards/chests/whatever the lingo in your game is, simply because I get so few pulls. All i care about is PVP, I ain't here to collect champs or for the riveting plot.

Side note: don't refer to yourself as "F2P" if you've spent anything at all. It's an insult to the actual F2P players who got to where they are by staying strong and actually not spending. I see people doing this shit all the time and it irritates me to no end.
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>MY gacha has good gameplay and good story and plenty of rolls and values your time!
lmao okay pagpag
these 2 and there's no hope for me
>softcore porn and interesting story/characters
Same. Story is shit but no reason to expect good stuff and not enjoy it for what it is
i wouldnt play them if i werent a coomer
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Try #COMPASS. One of the best action team pvp games. One of the best gacha.
When it comes to people like me who can only enjoy anime games, it's either gachaslop or low budget looking ass games that look like they could have come out for the PS Vita 12 years ago. Since gacha actually prints money, the games (that aren't total quick cashgrabs like Chink VIP 20 Battle Passes Idle Simulator #249032) actually look really nice for anime games. It's sad to say but a real anime game would never make even a tenth of what gacha anime games like Genshin make. Therefore I just go with the anime games that look prettier and as "live-service" games the content will be forever expanding until the company starts losing money (which most likely won't happen with big gacha games) or the company dies because of external forces and even in those cases, offline versions can still exist (see Dragalia Lost).

I just really can't get into westoid games anymore because of reasons like >>1434773 said. I tried to get into DD2 for instance and barring poor optimization, microtransactions in a single player game, etc. the women were just too ugly/3D for me. The only thing that would get me out of gacha hell is if devs made some open world anime game with stunning graphics that was actually aimed at PC hardware instead of phones but phones is where all the money is nowadays I believe considering how much more money gacha makes over developing "real" games.
Gambling addiction and aesthetics. Aesthetics mostly, non-gacha anime games are usually low-budget, really old, or don't focus on gameplay either.
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Emptiness honestly
Starved for the touch of emotional comfort real human beings can't give me
I've tried making friends for 25 years and they just die or leave me every time so I stopped
Gachas experience EOS, sure, but at least they've lasted longer than any friendship I've managed to hold. Collecting characters is like collecting friends for me. They'll never leave my side and will always support me no matter how shitty I feel. They're the ultimate fantasy escape
Are you aware that there are much easier ways to get porn?
It's last bastion of gaming that hasn't been jewed up. Have you seriously taken a look at modern AAA gaming? Soulless, endless mutt, nigger, jew propaganda, with the same monetization as any other gacha but with a $70 box price on top. I was with sony from the PS1 in the mid 90s to the PS4, then they went full western goyslop with the PS5. Console gaming has nothing for me, and PC gaming is just flooded with so much indie shit, it's hard to find good gems. Chinks and Koreans are the last stand for us old gamerfags. That's why I sympathize with the chinks with the GFL2 debacle, if gacha falls to the jew, I quit gaming.
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>It's last bastion of gaming that hasn't been jewed up
Nigga gacha mechanisms are literally the most jewish of possible video game monetization methods.
>completely free game with variable optional pricing vs $70 game with optional pricing but with a strong compulsion to purchase in-game items

stop being disingenuous, modern AAA monetization is worst than gachas. you can fully enjoy a gacha without spending a dime, while western games strongly compel you to spend well past the $70 box price, for a broken, incomplete game
>>completely free game with variable optional pricing
Are you unironically making the argument that they made the game free out of generosity and the goodness of their hearts, and not because it's been proven to be a more profitable business model? You're a goddamn retard, anon.
what kinda mobile games do you play then, anon?
>whales don't exist
you realize whales make up most of the revenue for gachas, yes gachas are a form of communism where a bunch of saudi oil barons, and streamers pay for everyone else's free ride. Are you not aware that like 95% of the playerbase is f2p in most games?
>you realize whales make up most of the revenue for gachas
How does that take away from my point? Yeah developers adopt the gacha model because they realize that they'll get more money than if they made every player pay. And funny how you bring up whales as if there aren't constantly new horror stories about theses addicts going into debt or pawning off their assets to fund their crippling addiction. If exploiting the mentally vulnerable and ruining their lives isn't the epitome of jewish I don't know what is.
Gacha are broken and incomplete. It's all grind with no gameplay and no payoff. It's also piss easy for devs to drip feed you new jpegs that can be artificially generated ad infinitum at this point.
I only play Battle Cats, which is technically no longer gatcha. If it was I wouldn't play it.
>Why do you play gacha games?
I don't care about the gambling aspect but it's the least annoying f2p game monetization aspect
>no ads
>no constant nag screens to buy p2w currency (at least in good gacha games)
as for my desire to play f2p mobile games it's because my brain is broken and i can't stick to games long term without GaaS dailies/weeklies bullshit keeping me coming back. before gachas it was destiny2 or MMOs.

of course i would never spend a cent, i'd rather buy real (single player) games with that money
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Brainless grinding makes the negative voices in my head shut up. Also account building feels almost like simulated productivity and tricks me into thinking I'm not wasting my time. Sometimes the games can have their good moments too. I don't like gambling in the slightest and usually hoard premium currencies for months until I'm guaranteed to get the units I actually want.
They are pure gameplay. You've been fed lies by random shitposts and have never actually played one.
I play gacha games and I agree with him.
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You guys play Alice Gear Aegis? The Code Geass is in a few days. Something about getting you into gacha predatory monetization scheme? Don't worry! AGA is one of the lowest earning gacha from IAP and fuelled by it's plastic models sales and you wouldn't buy those things anyways.
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>you wouldn't buy those things anyways
I wouldn't, they have worse designs and higher prices than the regular megami device kits. Something about the girls feels too schoolgirl-ish to the point where it doesn't fit in with the mecha parts even compared to buster dolls.

Sitara is cool though, maybe I'd get her if she was cheap.
I played Nikke and Nier but ended up dropping both due to powercreep and the fact that I'm a poorfag. They were fun though. I will never play mihoyoslop because the fans are unbearable.
I like the gameplay, story, characters, and I've been playing so long now that I don't think I'll stop until EoS.
I don't know, really. It sucks, but I like DMC and it scratches an itch for me. Very predatory and P2W with ridiculous prices though. PVE co-op is fun though.
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Day 1 of the #COMPASS event at NicoNico chokaigi is here. There will the tournament stuff, cosplay, music etc. Come watch the peak competitive gacha.
Only started AFKJ because it was day1 and if I ignore the whales I can progress at a decent pace until they inevitably introduce powercreep heroes that make anything prior obsolete.
Same as other gachas, as soon as I hit a wall for which I need an exclusive unit, I quit.
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I like low effort games. I also like beating the odds. I also like seeing hot anime girls in revealing clothing and (if it's a 3d game), will attempt to upskirt the ones with wide hips.
this but unironically
Day 2
Is #compass just alive in Japan but has 0 reach outside of it? It seemed like it was super dead from the searches, but the guides are near instant on JP sites, they just got another Collab and new char and the queues are near instant in JP timezones.
It has no translation so. And also the name is bad for SEO in english. Inside Japan it does seem popular enough or at least sustainable with the various merch, it's own cafe that's always available, constant offline events. Also has an anime next year.
Here's a qooapp link if you need it: https://m-apps.qoo-app.com/en-US/app/4799
Havnt really touched a gacha in a while, but i usually enjoy the first few months before the invenitable endgame grindfest.
But reaching that point, with limited ressources and constraints due to RNG is somewhat satisfying
why not
> anime games, it's either gachaslop or low budget looking ass games that look like they could have come out for the PS Vita 12 years ago. Since gacha actually prints money, the games (that aren't total quick cashgrabs like Chink VIP 20 Battle Passes Idle Simulator #249032) actually look really nice for anime games
Not really, most games still look like ass, these hatch’s games are built for phones to begin with. All of these open world gatchaslop look mid
>AGA is one of the lowest earning gacha from IAP
You say this but it still has the most expensive 10 rolls on the market.
Sure you can infinite grind rolls (that cap) (and also have a time limit to use them) but that's beside the point.
>You say this but it still has the most expensive 10 rolls on the market.
How so?
They're free.
I play to pass the time at work
Usually Blue archive and CookieRun Kingdom
I did payd like 20 bucks in total thanks to CookieRun but never one cent on BlueArchive
Tried BattlefieldGirlsFrontline but got bored
And Arknights, but the slow tower defence game drove me off. It was the most visually appealing to me tho

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