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How does /vmg feel about this game? I started this week and I'm having fun, I love Lucia Crimson Abyss and cant wait for a chance to get weave
It's cool and has some nice designs.
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>How does /vmg feel about this game?
Smartphone Fine China gacha.
My wife
>Nier-tier suffering
>challenge modes have players fight enemies with corrosive aura and barrier
>swarm of enemies are a norm
>players can only dodge around six consecutive times and only the first one will slow down time
>players are encouraged to roll for characters that can spam i-frame specials
>got a Lucia that dashes towards the enemies if the player either presses the dodge key for a whole second or just after an attack
>the dash kills your i-frame
>9/10 times the game will glitch on co-op stages, specially the ones with the dragon, causing you to remain airborne instead of disabling the dragon's limb/head
This will soon be our new home once the general on /vg/ gets taken off life support.
>I love suffering!
>Wait, not like that! Not to me!
uninstalled a couple years back right after the china boat arc, has the story gotten any less disjointed and dumb?
Of course, that I love a gritty story must mean that I must also love bullshit gameplay
>Nierbab skipping Drakenchad
I would try this out but the threat is eos is too palpable at this stage, good luck though
pgr devs never played any drakengard
I got 21 feral, very qt and funny (as in fun to play), would recommend her
Chinese server is still going on and ahead a year, it's not going to reach eos any soon
no feelings
game looks neat gameplaywise for a gacha and I've been postponing actually starting it bc it seems daed

also there's something like a mentor system or whatever that you need someone to actually complete your dailies? are ppl even active enough to make this work?
It's worse than life support now
Taken over by hoyoshills and shitposters
It got a PC client and EN dubbing added last year, they seem intent to keep global around
CN is fine
Don't play it anyway

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