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Why did it fail?
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The most important aesthetic aspects of mecha are really difficult to communicate. The proportions and geometry of the mecha, how they move, the scenes in the cockpit, these all make or break a mecha show/movie. These are all difficult to express, mecha fans may have a feeling of when these are done well or poorly, but to the avg person PR1 was no better or worse than a Bayformers movie (some of which had redeeming qualities)
PR1 nailed all of them. Particularly the piloting system, the idea of pair piloting and the drift was such an amazing vehicle for interpersonal drama (and PR1 didnt even really make full use of it)
You can tell just by comparing the designs of Gipsy Danger to Gipsy Avenger that the film was headed by people without the requisite taste level to make good mecha
Pacific Rim 1 makes every motion of the machines an event. Gypsy Danger's got so many moving parts, and so much care and thought put into it's design that every time it does anything it's visually and audibly exciting. There's all of these wonderful little flourishes to its movements. A really good example is during the Knifehead fight, when it does the two fisted smash. You hear this sound like a winch or cable being pulled taught, and as the sound reaches it's highest pitch, and the arms lock back, the forearm guards lock down to the elbows, signifying that it's locking it's joints down to withstand the impact. That stuffs almost completely absent in Uprising.
For me, it was mecha design and the way they moved being worse in the second movie.

For one, Jaegers in Uprising were too mobile. Yeah you had Red Typhoon in the first that was super mobile, and the Australian one could run with a turbo booster, but still everything had weight to it. They remembered these are literal walking skyscrapers that weigh thousands of tons. Meanwhile Uprising had them pull acrobatic maneuvers, everything felt weightless and free of inertia and less special. There's "tech advanced ahead" and then there's bs.

Boyega is a less charismatic actor overall, killing off both heroes of the first movie shot them in the foot.
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You'd think Pacific Rim would actually be able to make cool robot designs, but once they figured out people only cared about Striker and Gypsy, it was all recolors from there

Or like 343 era Halo armor where it's just a visual mess where everyone looks like they're wearing techno football armor
i thought the russian mecha looked really cool

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Mighty Orbots
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I look like this and talk like this.
Its literally what happens when Transformers writers meets Osamu Dezaki's animation team.
Thirty-nine years ago, the Friday night before Orbots premiered, a friend called who was all excited that Godmarz had been dubbed. He was going off the description in TV Guide about six robots uniting into one. Man was I disappointing the next morning to see how wrong he was.
This from a pamphlet which Mattel distributed at the industry's Toy Fair expo that year.
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And here is ABC's promotional photo.

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The CGI is terribad but holy cow, this is one gem of a show.
>Takes place in the distant future, providing for interesting backgrounds and buildings
>It has a great futuristic soundtrack
>The main robot is a yellow and purple train and some of the other robots are freaking pirate ships, dual rotor helicopters, and steam airships
>The story is about being forced to fight/rescue your friends, so there's a lot of good drama -- it's basically if the crew of GGG got Zonderized rather than random civilians
>One of the evil kids wears a Char mask
>The episodes get into some interesting stuff like Goethian philosophy and have some good variation on the MOTW formula -- they also get pretty surreal at times
>The last half is schizo-tier and only a fraction of what it was initially going to be
I also feel like Divergence Eve, based on the one episode of it I saw, borrowed a lot from Webdiver. Is it worth watching or just technobabble-heavy ecchi garbage?
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We need more mecha medias that are not about war or fighting
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Albedo, we have to care for each other.
>we may as well mention the Valerian and Larueline (I saw the first episode a while back but I never continued it -- is it worth continuing?)
It's no work of staggering genius, but I enjoyed it and it does some neat things. Hell of a lot better than the movie.
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just things we did for fun, feel free to do whatever you guys feel like doing to them. consider us as unknown artists.

https://vocaroo.com/1lWI6nTmnWxA - Coffin of Steel
https://vocaroo.com/1eVPGxRN1EVU - Falcon's Might
https://vocaroo.com/1bRGVFIndV9Y - Fall of the Duke
https://vocaroo.com/1mBgSoYoHcdF - March of the MechWarrior
https://vocaroo.com/1dtgJreIz1iS - Mercenary
https://vocaroo.com/17RITIF3av9A - Steel Embrace
https://vocaroo.com/1iwGfdu84KUL - Timber Wolves Ascend

don't care what you do with them, as long as you enjoy it
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Wow! This was a super cool thing of you to do, anon. Thank you mucho for these!!
Neat. Thanks!
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That's because AI is the future.
someone was nice enough to make a youtube channel for it, so when this thread gets pruned, the songs aren't lost
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Fucking phenomenal stuff anon. You and your boys are fucking /m/en. Thank you.

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can anyone help me find a mecha series?
Probably a 90s OVA, possibly early 2000s
I remember the opening scene featured a POV shot from the main female lead. She was in some maintenance corridor on a ship (or in a base). She was lost, and carrying some metal tubes.
Then through a wacky chain of events she ends up piloting a mech to fight the aliens or whatever, and despite being a total klutz she is very successful.
thank you
In case the thread on /b/ falls off page 10, I'm pretty sure it's Tekkaman Blade II.
TB2 is also what came to mind for me, with the tube scene being pretty close to the start.
Man I love Gravion so much.
Fuck off, necrofaggot.

This is the best mecha show ever produced and it will probably never be surpassed. Deal with it.
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When are they going to permaban this nigger?
Go away. Piece of shit.
TTGL curbstomps Shitbuster.
>b-but ttgl sux fuck imaishit and m-muh normalfags a-and-
Take a moment to regain your composure, whore. Even if you hate TTGL anyone of sound mind should be able to acknowledge it's better than Shitbuster. I repeat: TTGL curbstomps Shitbuster.
It sucks I know.

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Fumo, fumo!
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Gatoh is LN writer not anime creator
I'll just drop this here.

Thanks for sharing.
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The truest threesome of the series who should literally do everything together in a three-seat Knightmare Frame.
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Lelouch and Suzaku are ______ _____.
Kaguya's playthings.
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I still miss my little half-brother, despite his gayass self fraternizing with that Honorary Eleven boy, bros.
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Not sure if sincere or parody (satire?).
Euphie's friends n_n

What went so wrong?
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The plushies sold out pretty fast so an audience is out there and according to Japanese Twitter little kids liked it. That does remind me, what is the update with that one anon that got an AMAIM Blu-ray set for his nephew this past Christmas?
They need to rename it too Babby's First Real Robot. And autocorrect needs to stop spelling Baby correctly, I put a third B in there as a joke damnit.
Was that second season any good?
Weaker villains and less action, but the birthday episode was heart filled.

That one was understandable because the game is a prequel and that the anime worked to help introduce people to the franchise as a whole. As I understand it, "anime first, game later" is where the game is a sequel to the anime.

We are currently in Golden Week for GBO2 for console. A good time to enhance any of your favorite MS with bonus hanger and banners which grant you extra mechanic tokens and mod kits.

The new MS for the week is one handmade by Scirocco which is part of the Valpurgis Plan and is has the power of the Curse of Gryps which ended Scirocco's life, Over.on has arrived as the next 4-star MS.

On stream we are in the 1st Anniversary Celebration pre-event with special step ups and an MS request campaign event. The new 4-star MS is Perfect Gundam Perfect Gundam [TB] with Zeta Gundam 3A Type as the next MS.

GBO days will also arrive for the usual first week of the month.

Previous thread:

Follow Tenda on twitter

GBO2 Clear Banner Art Page

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>my team: level 4 bawoo and proto stark
>enemy team: the greatest gustav karl player in history and a lagswitching shezarr a
free hong kong!
I agree. Just for the cinema alone.
I believe this is what the youngins refer to as 'rent free'
methuss kai so good.
i go pew, stun, pew, stun, pew pew pew, maybe stun.
infinite stun.

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webm thread
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Liked how Lock-On learned that trick from his little duel with Graham and was ready for it at that time. Talk about an accidental indirect kill. I... Still hear HOWARDOOOO MAAASOOOOON!!!1!! from time to time...
>Aegis Gundam.
>Scores a kill with its shield.
he paid the tolle
Because people didn't get that Kira didn't mean to intentionally kill Nicol and thought he was being hypocritical, so they had to spell it out to the audience with the HD remaster

Kira ultimately is still responsible for Nicol

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Mobile Suit that only you like
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The zaku 1 is so rad.

For me it's the gaza-c
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Wtf, I thought Baundy was universaly loved...
Everyone likes the Doc except that guy who malds about Kobayashi being right wing or whatever.

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early preview of Ep1 later for a limited time
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The only waifu'ing going on is how much the MC loves trains and the rail system.
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Is S3 gonna have an EVA episode too?
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I guess they want to be a little more serious this season with the unknown actually causing damages and not just spooking people on spawn. I mean, he's fine in the preview so it's literally nothing. but still.
>this boy is deceased
We have entered the age of chuunibyou, where it's all dark and serious.

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Is Big-O considered "so retarded it's good"?
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I'd kill for a Big O The Return
>muh revival/sequel no one asked for
Fuck off.
No, Big O is just good in general.
I just asked for it. Unless you meant Twin Peaks which ended on a cliffhanger so people were asking for a sequel for 25 years.
The ending was a bit funky but it wasn't bad. It just feels like it wasn't originally in the plan.
I prefer the first season but I still liked the second one pretty much

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