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Akitaka and Yoshitsune bringing back mecha musume!
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...where is her clitoris?
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Do you guys think a tokusatsu-adapted Gundam show can work? If so, how?
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Are we allowed to post real-life mecha here too?
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It's a mining vehicle iirc
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Walking dragline, it's for digging holes and pits.
Fuck, I see a reference to Flubber once every year at most and it takes me by surprise every time

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Mainly just in Japan, Japan

Transformers Masterforce is the only good Transformers show to successfully make humans matter while being a good change
of direction desu
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Sixshot is a chad
I guess partially; personally I couldn’t face the mirror if my bread and butter was making videos essentially just reading out the wiki, however popular they might be.
>worst video
I’ve only seen about three; enough to tell that style of video is the antithesis of what I want to be watching.
Either way, he’s alright; last year he covered Andy Couzen’s slot at TFNation completely last-minute when Andy couldn’t make it due to illness and did a pretty good job presenting all of his EuroG1 concept art goodness.
Sorry to disappoint you mate, happy owner of a penis and keen to keep it that way.
I’m over 6ft and he was clearly way taller than me.
What’s your favorite: Super-god Masterforce or Victory?

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>Mecha is a genre primarily centered around asians driving vehicles.
>their rides inevitably get totaled.
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Funnily enough whenever a female character from the big three (79,Z,ZZ) got into the main Gundam usually in a aggravated emotional state, it always was nearly destroyed somehow
Comedy sucks these days. No one is allowed to make jokes about sex, race, countries, fat obese people, women, etc.

There's nothing left to joke about.
Stop changing lanes in an intersection. Pie face.
>they bailed out and left The Gunbuster behind
Never Forget. Never Forgive.
Does that make Katz a girl?

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I can understand that the bald monk can control minds, but how is it possible for Newtype bullshit to spoof multiple sets of electronic sensors to show a Big Zam that isn't there?
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>simulate digital data of the Big Zam
>mindcontroll all the scouts in the area
>feed them fake data, they relay it back to their HQ
>electronic sensors tell you something is there when it isn't
Also, gotta love that this faggot finally landed a shot just to help Daryl regain balance
So I was thinking about nabbing the english pos releases. Before I throw my money away, I know that shit gets fucking goofy as hell but is it at least a fun story?
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Buyfag here, I love it specially since the Viz release is printed bigger than the regular nip mango. From tomes 11 to 15, iirc, the art went to shit since the author's hand exploded and had to draw left handed, but he got better
The core fighter and leg combo clicking their heels in the background is an excellent detail.

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It's been a while since we have had one of these threads.

picrel is Heavy Gear which recently got a 4th edition to their RPG rules to go along with the wargame rules.

Battletech is still going strong in the game stores I frequent. Post your favorites tabletop mecha games.
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Cyber Newtypes demand recognition!
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Is this game any good, my /m/egros?
This is Botwar, right? Havent tried it sonce TF aint my thing, but it seems nice.
Nah, it's ABC Warriors by Warlord, but Bot War does look cool as well.
Judge Dredd?

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ur a shock
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>We are not living in the timeline where "The Desolate Hope" became a cult classic, leading Scott Cawthon to make the sequel "The Desolate Abandon" instead of FNAF, and him becoming a prominent mecha artist/creator.
Look on the bright side anon, that means we didn't have to watch The Desolate Hope get run into the ground like FNAF.
it's a bit sad because around 2017 Scott actually said he still wanted to make a sequel, but fnaf fans kept bringing him back to it

It reminds me of Kojima who kept trying for years to have other staff members on Metal Gear (outside of spin off games) but fans who kept bringing him back (including with physical and death threats), he only was able to make a new IP by leaving Konami
Well he's more or less done with FNAF now isn't he? Hopefully that'd give him some time to work on something new or a sequel to Desolate Hope.
For now he's only making games for his kids, he did do a few fnaf mini games though they were actually reskins of the games he did for his kid

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Do chicks actually dig giant robots
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Oh i'm still really into her, though I don't understand a thing in dating apps so I don't know how long this will go.
Never saw a chicken grab a shovel and play archaeologist before let alone for bigbots.
But the Mechanicus has cyborgs AND giant robots.
Did you forget about the Collegia Titanica, anon?
My wife is into old transformers shows (my first gift to her was a Starscream Masterpiece) so I guess it can happen
Are you the male kind or the female kind

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--------------***READ THE OP***--------------


Previous Thread:

Gundam 00 Raiser - Trans-Am Raiser Sword:
Altron Gundam - Twin Beam Trident Assault:
HG Huckebein Boxer info

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So, you're saying the next protagonist should be a kid.
Some units are grouped up into predetermined squads (like Gundam, Guntank, Guncannon and G-Armor are one squadron, the Macross Frontier Valkyries are another etc) but unlike the other squad games only the leader is active in combat (no platoon attacks) and you can use the other pilots' spirit commands on the leader like they're subpilots
Sounds lame. Can you at least switch between the pilots?
I think aside from swapping between the two Getter Teams and some characters like Amuro, Show, Setsuna, and the Geass characters having more than one unit, every other character is locked to their default unit.
Next Thread


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Sorry gaijin kun, only Japan gets SDF and Do You Remember Love for a limited time
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I hope Summer because that's when Macross II's BD is supposedly shipping.
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Got a real information high from that link.
It's her world, we're just living in it.
The estimated delivery date for MacII is December 2024. It'd be nice, if the disc does come before the end of the year, but I'd expect to see it in 2025, based on other AnimEigo crowdfunders (or just crowdfunders, in general).
I thought that was just a placeholder as I went to their update page on kickstarter and saw a Summer estimate from them. Plus already has me impatient enough.
The December date is an estimate, but like most crowdfunders, it's usually an optimistic guess. I took a quick look at the Updates page of the Kickstarter and can't find anything on a summer release; the pre-order page AnimEigo opened after the Kickstarter also still says December. That said, the people handling disc authoring only started working on the materials around April; unless other physical items are already in production, at earliest we'd be seeing the product is late 2024 or early 2025.

No live service bullshit allowed.
>Gundam Breaker 4
>Megaton Musashi
>Macross Shooting Engrish (jap is already here)
>Front Mission 2R PC (supposedly with fixed translation)
>Daemon X Machina 2
>Brigador 2 (development hell)
>Scramble Vice
>Kriegsfront Tactics
>Heavy Storm Shadow
>Lavrock (actually not sure if offline)
>Iron Saga VS (same, it's based on mobage)
Ok let's go
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What about psycho patrol R? That's a wip
What's there to do once I beat the game. I want Adam's armor and still don't have the black knights armor. I've beat all the story missions and side ones at max level
Dead thread?
>You people treat games from people you supposedly care about like utter fucking shit.
I don't care about the localizers thoughbeit.
Factorio has a small team, but the issue was that it was the head of the team/company who said "take your cancel culture and shove it up your ass."

They demanded he step down as head of the company. He laughed and went back to work. The outrage had zero impact on Factorio as it's more popular than ever and cemented itself as the de-facto/premier factory game.

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This show was so much better before it became a Gundam show in the 2nd half.
Not saying that Gundam is bad or anything, just that I felt the show was unique and funny if the first half, while the 2nd had too many politics movements and crazy women that I couldn't care less about.
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>best girl
Nah, that's Lillith
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Was reading up on the differences in the novelization by Yuji Watanabe and apparently Kyao dies at the end and Daba brings his remains home with him and Olibee, and Full Flat is the real Poseidal instead of Amandara. Sounds really wacky.

Also found this page from a magazine called マイアニメ (My Anime) which has Nagano saying one of his plans that didn't get adapted into the show was for there to be a Temple Knight No.0 "Baphomet" (it's written Paphomet but all the Japanese discussion I see about it write it Baphomet so I'm assuming it's a typo) who was the man-behind-the-man-behind-the-man, the real original Poseidal.
So what sites have the Daisuki subs? The youtube subs I watched a while back seemed sketchy.
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Sounds like what he put into the proto-FSS artbook. Interesting there's the red eyers like FSS Amaterasu.
Ah, neat. I'm definitely checking out FSS soon, I need to see this guy's writing unleashed.

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