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>Previous thread:

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(Near) complete unit and character assets from Gihrens Greed: Menace of Axis V
[For those that wish to make their own creations with the potential for them to be added as mercenary blueprints to the current game OR for their own personal uses.]

Character set: https://mega.nz/folder/YSVzWbRB#iLhOMXSbzS_jBq3WGP6NxQ

Unit set: https://mega.nz/folder/EeNBQZTC#hg26dftks0YrIhTW25zL1Q
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>Blexar:...Is that all this? You have some guilt complex over your dead kid? Hard to act so innocent when you keep sending us into deathtraps without so much as a-
>Madle: I knew trying to hold you back would just get you killed like my child. I...chose to selfishly allow you to act as you saw fit for the most part because you were producing results. Even if that meant you disobeying my orders, you always came back alive...I am not going to risk letting you throw away your life when there is no need for it anymore-
>Blexar: Putting faith in that miracle ship? Where is our support? Even if we win this war, there are thousands who will still offer their homes to Zeon. Even Noblesse and some of Bruce's guys hesitated out there...no, my war is not over. Not until every last one of these people is forced off of-
>Madle: You have already been relieved of duty. By the time you are healed, I know this war will be at its end...there will be a life for you to live-
>Blexar: Where is my stuff?
>Madle: Collected in the bag next to your bed. I promise you all of it was-

Rustling through the bag, Blexar pushes a small camera to the side and grabs for a spare set of sunglasses.

>Madle: What are you doing?
>Blexar: Might as well have been a vigilante this entire time, given how useless your kind are. Get out of my way-

Feeling Madle gently planting her hand to his shoulder, Blexar feels the same overpowering sensation of emotions flooding unto him once again. Growling to himself, Blexar grasps his head to keep himself under control.

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Two hours. For two hours, every ounce of Blexar's pent up emotional and chemical frustrations would be released on Madle. Her clothes reduced to tattered shreds and every section of her body trembling from Blexars assault on her, Madle silently cowers at the edge of Blexar's bed as he finally releases her. Sliding his pants but up around his waist, Blexar looks down at his hands, before looking back to his now pride and dignity shattered Captain. Remembering just how cherished she had been to Bruce's men and such a close friend to Bruce himself, a sense of shame floods onto Blexar.

>Blexar:...That scar on your belly. How'd you get it? From a battle or...
>Madle:Kill yourself...!
>Blexar: In a minute. Just tell me, would ya?
>Madle:...M-my son was trapped inside of me. H-he was to large to pass through my...my...I loved him to much to lose him...!
>Blexar: So, you cut him out of yourself? Hardcore-

Placing her hands over her ears and crying, Madle refuses to listen any further to Blexar's words. Nodding, Blexar stands up from the bed, tossing Madle her Captain's jacket as he pulls her sidearm out from it. Looking over to Blexar, Madle recoils at the sight of Blexar planting the pistol to his chin.

>Blexar:...Sorry. I'll leave it up to you and the others from now on.


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RIP Madle
Enough of Blexar's dead gf.
Who do you think might show up in the invasion of Odessa?
I sure hope there will be a brawl between Feddie OC and Zeek OC!

This is all happening in the frame of the Bright OYW portion of this game from three years ago. If any OCs are at Odessa they would just be fodder for Buddhist enlightened Amuros first big killing spree.


Nice art.

Blexar really comes across as a piece of shit. Madle has been a little unstable herself but Blexars just been a seething shithead to her for really no reason. (Unless this is some fucked up mother complex thing) Given how Madle ends up as a GF of Blexar that would mean she was willing to forgive getting raped. (Again, unless she actually wanted/enjoyed it)

I take it Noblesse will be more protective of Blexar cause of the whole village fiasco?

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Bun "color" is the official rominization of their names
dear Moose if you're still around, can I have a gif of Genba and Mira doing the Skylab Hurricane please?
See? Mira isn't fat. If she was fat she'd have no problems weighing down the floaty changer.
Wonder how much adlibbing goes on with the Hassilens. I'm getting Kikainoid vibes.
>Starts off distant from the group
>Steps up and joins the gang
>Shown to be on par with Red's powerlevel
>Have 1-on-1 bonding eps with other members
Genba seems like he's speedrunning through a typical Sixth's arc.

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What were they thinking releasing this crap?
The only pleasant thing is the credits music
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>I meant Ruri.
>Is she still as sassy as she was in the show?
Absolutely not. She's boring not to mention not cute at all.
That still doesn't explain the radical shift.

it was some multi-media thing where games would recreate and fill in the gaps from the show and movie and beyond
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Retrospectively, Akito getting experimented on and being turned into an edge lord was such a massive mistake.

But they just couldn't let Yurika and him ever get together on-screen and live a happy life together.
Then what's the point in making her the main character if you're gonna remove what made her good?

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New edition.
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Some governor that shot her dog because it killed a bunch of chickens and tried to bite her and her kid and people are mad.
Aren't you aware that canine lives are worth more than humans? Haven't you seen John Wick? Aren't you aware of the majority gender of the majority ethnicity in America's preference for canine male companionship than human males?
>Aren't you aware of the majority gender of the majority ethnicity in America's preference for canine male companionship than human males?
Yeah, Bimajo is the best pizza wife I'm glad you like her.

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end of the semester for me, anyone want to talk about my favorite mecha anime?
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Anyone remember the PS2 games? Where they any good?
Anon, I have no doubt in me that he did that on the very same day.
As i said here>>22609524 i would try them out and i did. However i dropped the first game like 2 hours in. Unbelievably boring story and characters with kinda dogshit gameplay. Another anon said it was janky AC and i wish it was that.
Although i didn't get far enough for LFO lifting battles, im willing to give it another try if anyone can confirm these are at least more fun than the ground battles.
The first game barely has any lifting battles. The second one has a lot more, but the story won't make sense if you skip the first one. The games aren't very good.
Gekkostate wasn't that bad overall Ken-Goh was stayed professional, Hap, Hilda, Mathieu, Stoner were functional people, but not a professional crew. Gonzy and the doctor did their own thing.

So around half the crew was more eclectic individually than dysfunctional and could function as a ship crew when needed, they just didn't bother with discipline or stayted to their own lanes most of the time. Only time they really have issues is not knowing how to deal with Holland/Rention. They actually ended up helping others on the crew straighten themselves out. Mathieu gave down to earth talks to Renton(which often didn't directly help, but sent him soul-searching), Stoner was able to help Eureka tell the concept of being an orphan to Eureka, Hilda gave sane advice to Tallho, Hap let Holland he was going to far, Ken-Goh tried to make the crew act like a crew sometimes.

On the other hand Holland and Tallho were losing there shit on several angles, Eureka had a sort of fake maturity that comes from being quiet and obedient which fell apart, Gidget/Moondoggie were younger/callow, Renton is essentially a new cabin boy.

The apple duo were largely anti-social most of the time, so they were shown to be eclectic, but didn't function much differently when working than the other crew.

Only the captain, Dominic and the xo of the rival ship got some fleshing out and sort of acted as a parallel for Holland, Renton and Tallho. Dominic has some scenes where he is struggling, but most of it is away from the crew. The captain just waited to the end of the show to have his little breakdown with Dominic. More of a situation where both crews had some members falling apart with one outwardly keeping it together and they ended up at the same destination.

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Sequel announcement any day now, am I right?
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Bravern Popular Character Ranking
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old character ranking polls that happened while the show was broadcasting
differently from dengeki online those polls have the number of voters

>[Women's Choice] Top 24 characters in the anime "Bang Brave Bang Bravern" that they would like to work with (820 votes)

>[Men's Choice] Top 19 ranking of characters they would like to work with in the anime "Bang Brave Bang Bravern"! (144 votes)

>Anime “Bang Brave Bang Bravern” popular character ranking TOP 21! (508 votes)
BD furage when? I'm sure somebody already has it
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the 10th, but you might see japanese buyers getting it a day earlier
i read some western fans got it, i hope they gonna share
I know the release date, I was asking if anybody already got it, that's what a furage is

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Will we ever get the latest novel animated?

Also how in the fuck Berserga is still getting merch?
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It just feels wild how 40 years old franchise with still active fanbase and regular merch cannot even get another anime greenlit. Is it the fault of the previous batch of OVAs?
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Post ATs
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It wouldn't be the same without Shioyama's art anyways.
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Where did you find this image?
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I spent multiple hours the other night looking at all of them and being sad that we'll get model kits fucking NEVER :(

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So did ZR get bored with shitting up the board with zeta that he moved on to unicorn?

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So seeing how Armored Core 6 and the Front Mission remasters went what do you think the future looks like for /m/ games? Is more mecha even viable within the current video game industry?
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This is a retarded demand to make. How do you prove "depth is superior"? This game has a lot of mechanics you need to learn to be effective in PVP. That makes it engaging. You don't like it but that's subjective and irrelevant.
I'm warming up to the Laser Slicer.
Any demand must sound retarded when you can't read.
>Another Century's Episode
Are there people that defend 6's pvp?
It's like the worst aspect of it, old fans and newcomers hate it, no matchmaking on launch aswell.
It doesn't mean 6 is a bad game, it's just more single player focused.

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Where's my stompy mecha thread?
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Which designs do you consider goofy?
The Cossack, the Hitman, the Atlas, the Kabuto...honestly it'd be easier to list the mechs I don't consider goofy, we'd be here all day otherwise. To be fair though, I prefer my mechs to have a more 'tactical' look.
MWO and MW5 are pretty awful, as are PGI who keep nickle and diming DLC and paypig mtx for their games. On the bright side fucking solid taste for wanting the Shootist, Devastator and Grand Crusader.
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Uhh stompybros wtf is this zoom zoom anime boostan shit???
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Feels like Heavy Gear.

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So /m/ who are your favorite vampires in mecha? Sivil wins my vote.
Made for bounding and gagging.
No that would be the bridge bunnies. Also


Binding is the term you're looking for.
Wow aquarionoid in the flesh.
Wow, someone that cares.

Inb4 Valvrave take over
There's like, what, only two candidates!
Anyway, have you been shared the gospel of Truth by our Lord and Liberator, Valvrave?

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Do you guys unironically consider this crap great? This somehow is more ridiculous than G-Gundam yet also soulless and stuck up its own ass made for people who have never seen Gundam think Gundam is. Do yourself a favor and watch Gundam Age instead, you'll get more out of it.
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Victory is objectively better than fukui's fan fic. This is as factual as the earth being round. Meds. Now.
You are reaching zetarager levels of retardation. Stop
it retcons stuff that came before it and stuff that comes after it chronologically like Hathaway pretends it doesn't exist
Honestly it just feels like a non-canon side story at this point
Always thought it was meh. It was only talked about so much because it was the most accessible Gundam show during the 2010s being on streaming so it was a lot of people's first exposure.

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Finally getting around to starting this game, what am I in for boys?

I've barely dipped my toe in but so far I'm enjoying the slower, almost "plodding" aspect of the mechs.
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The only real issue is that 70% of the meat of the game is online. Parts, maps, etc.
Still a great game. It's a shame.
You're in for an extremely mediocre and short experience, sadly. The single player campaign is like 3 hours long. The multi-player was the only reason to play it
7th gen graphics are honestly great, this was the last time graphics were any modicum of impressive still.
I have 300 hours of single player and never had the chance to try the pvp aspect, I do enjoy piloting my hounds that much.
My two main dumb fun builds are quad cannon biped and octo howitzer tetrapod.
It's a real shame none of them got backward compablility with the xbone, but atleast we got Otogi 1 & 2

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When you think of /m/ what is the very first mecha that comes to mind?
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A golfcart with a gun in the cup holder
A Trashed Zaku
Bump, I wanna see where this goes.
Optimus Prime is my favorite Gundam followed by Cowboy Bebop at his computer.

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expanded universe edition (l-gaim is semi-related and nagano's other works rarely have threads)

discuss the works of the king of mecha design, mamoru nagano!

>i like l-gaim, will i like fss? / vice versa
just read/watch them. l-gaim is a tomino show through and through, just set in a world of nagano's design. the only real similarities are an initial setting draft and the fact that a lot of designs from five star stories are based on designs from l-gaim. nagano's storytelling, worldbuilding, and characters are very different from tomino's
>is fss a sequel to l-gaim? how are they related?
no. read this thread https://twitter.com/TheBangDoll2989/status/1185353448839155712
>why the artstyle change? is gothicmade a retcon or an in-universe progression of technology?
retcon. nagano's artstyle has always been changing and fss designs were iterated on even before gothicmade
>where can i read fss?
up to date high resolution raws are on archive https://archive.org/details/fivestarstroriesnewscans
>but i can't read japanese!
it's never too late to learn. https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/ https://learnjapanese.moe/

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<-Cutest MH
It's kinda odd because L-Gaim has been in anime/mecha fandom in video games like Another Century's Episode and even in SRW 30. So it's not like it's completely forgotten.
That's a fucking awful word.
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Is it wrong to buy a recast over the legitimate version of a kit if the recast has more accurate detail?

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