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>just discover the funny trivia that rabbits eat their own poop
>I remember that in islam pork is considered impure for a similar reason
>do a quick google research to discover if rabbit meat is halal or haram
>it's fucking halal and it's consumption is actually endorsed in the quran

Godamn islam is pure hypocrisy
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That seems unlikely. It’s certainly not anything resembling a habit for most
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All the inbreeding that led to this being the case occured during the middle ages, way after the jewish dietary laws were codified.
To my knowledge, the "poop" that rabbits eat are different from the poop pellets they shit out. They eat it to complete their natural digestion process. Pigs eat shit just because.
That's an instinct that helps transfer the bacteria they need to digest cellulose.
they got it from egyptians, i do always kek at poultry being clean and pork being unclean when poultry is nastier in every way

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Introspection edition
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Well... I cooked up 2 of the bresse in pig bladder. Went the whole way and used winter truffles, made a proper sauce with morels and expensive wine.

In terms of cost to value I believe bresse does deliver. The breast meat tasted more flavorful than the dark meat of cheap supermarket chicken. We(I) need to create a meme campaign that brings the humble french chicken's perceived value up to that of a good $35/lb steak!

I have no pictures from the dinner, but it was fantastic.
Nice to hear, anon. You’re an inspiration and I honestly mean that.
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Got 6 of these 10lb feeders. Only 40 bucks on amazon... Seem to be doing well so far.
For about a week or two we may not have to refill their food everyday! We may need lids, but it seems fine so far even if they do jump in the top some.

That's pretty cool to hear. Thanks! If you have the time find some cheap land to rent. We rent 10 acres with water for 300 bucks a month in a pretty expensive part of the country!

A flock of 1000 hens makes 400 dozen eggs per week!
So cute!! I hope the little chick grows strong
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They're eating 25lbs of food, and drinking around 5 gallons of water per day.

I think I saw them today. Everyone is happy and healthy. Thankfully we are past that high mortality stage now! Only about 10 chicks out of 280 died, which is really great compared to shipped/delivered chicks.

The ohio brooder is so based.

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these budgies piss me off! they make so much noise! look I don't think it's their fault, it's probably society's fault because my mom thinks it's ok to keep birds in a cage. I told my mom many times that I think it's ok to have birds as long as you let them out of their cage and train them but she tells me "they're not trained. they're ok in the cage. they're happy" heck nah they be screaming so much and she says they make good noises. what should I do? I can tell her again I think her keeping the birds untrained and in a cage all the time is not good for them but she'd probably just say they're fine... it's like if someone kept birds in a cage countries away from me and I tell them that's bad because the birds would be happier trained and outside a cage. sure I'll spread awareness but we'll it's as if people don't think of everything. my question for you guys is how do I keep these birds quiet? how do I convince my mom that she shouldn't have birds if they're not trained. also I have this question, should someone keep a dog if they're not trained? I would say cats are ok untrained but my male cat has started hissing at his sister a lot recently. I believe everyone should be trained, from mice to humans.
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thank you :) I will tell my mom the cage needs to be cleaned and show her vids of trained flying budgies. btw I have two cats so maybe I'll tell my mom that the birds should fly in the house and we can put the cats somewhere where they can't get at the birds. big help man
If it's fairly warm year round i'd just buy a shitton of budgies and let them live in an open aviary in your backyard. Even if it's not warm, just add heating to the aviary so they can thrive in winter. Do it. Create an invasive population. Be the budglord. Make up for your ancestors sins of parrot extirpation.
BTW they be screaming. dark forces are among us
I've thought about doing that twice
i think about doing it daily but i'm worried some retarded budgie or five would get frozen solid instead of returning to home base for warmth. hopefully some people further south get the idea to become budglords.

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I have a chihuahua and four fancy goldfish (three fantails and a black moor)
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Ball python (pastel), 6 Dendrobates tinctorius (azureus). As i currently have a stable job im considering getting either a few more tincs cobalt morphs or a boiga dendrophilia but im a bit worried about the boiga venom as people have quite diffrent opinions on its potency
Border collie mix, two tinct dart frogs, a kenyan sand boa, a green anole, and an aquarium with some galaxy rasboras, cardinal shrimp, a siamese algae eater, a couple rabbit snails, and an assassin snail.
Three snakes. It's fun watching them slither around in their enclosures and holding them is cool too but I'm kinda tired of cleaning up their shit all the time.

Are aquatics fun? I like the look of that black moor in OPs pic

The only way to really know how the venom will affect you is by getting envenomated, unfortunately.

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What was his endgame?
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>Bro sauropods couldn't walk bro look at them bro they were way too big must've lived in water or something bro
There are studies out there proving they could fly, go find them if you're actually interested in educating yourself.
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>What was his endgame?

Tip over bins and eat garbage, but sadly born way too early.
Why does he need a head bigger than his body?
4d10 piercing damage
But with a +1 to hit

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kakapo is my favourite
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Just mount a perch over your monitor. Screw two vertical plywood strips or whatever into the VESA mounting holes on the back, then fasten a crosswise perch across the top of these strips. Maybe let some fabric hang down on the back from this to protect your cables from poop.
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I was hoping somebody posted this, want a gem of a video. He even went for a post-coomer cuddle, truly a distinguished gentleman. >>4707346
This looks like heaven, actual heaven. Wonderful. <3
I've always loved birds and would love to keep a bird in my house, but we already have a kot and a dog, and that's not a good mix. And I'm afraid it could fly away or get chased by one of the neighbourhood's cats, since there's a ton of them here. Budgies and parakeets are so pretty, I love when birbs go "WEEEEH"
These birbs in pic rel literally look like plushies that have come to life. I wonder why they have two red dots on their head/cheeks, though
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Also spreading the love for a wonderful engineer birb, my country's national birb, the Rufous Hornero. I can hear their chants almost every day, together with the benteveos or bichofeos as we call them here.
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I just heard some of them singing just a minute ago, beautiful.
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w a l k

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/dog/ clothing:
For work and play
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise.

/dog/ training:
[YouTube] Why Mastering Reinforcement Is The Linchpin To Reinforcement Based Dog Training #196 #podcast (embed)
[YouTube] I REFUSE to Be the “Alpha”. What 4 weeks of Positive Reinforcement looks like with an Untrained Dog. (embed)

Be nice to /dog/s:
Just because hurting them works faster, doesn't mean it works better.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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marcie and dalton have the same owner
I know! The linkup would still be amongst the three dogs.
Sadly he wasn't eating anymore that's how everyone knew something was up. He's had a lot of random food over the last few days and normal walks for a 15 year old dog.
He layed in the sun which was favourite thing. I'm so glad it was sunny today
thanks lads
im thinking of using those hog hunting collars just for its thickness
There is no such thing as a good cat

what is the most alien looking animal you can think of ? for me it's those guys, that's the kind of stuff you'd find on some exo planet

>giant ears
>a hose for a nose
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What is that thing?
Assassin spider
I think velvet worms are pretty neat. Never expected the goo squirting or the fangs.

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When are we going to get some new animals?
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New animals drop like every week. You just don’t pay attention because most of them are beetles
Was hoping for new cats...
We need to get rid of some first to make room for them. But which ones?
We're currently remastering synapsids. Stay tuned!
Humans first

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What is the species name of this beetle?
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A weevil, exact species could be Otiorhynchus cardiniger
Thank you, that's the one. Is it a pest? I read something about strawberry root weevils, but I don't know if that has to do anything with this species.
This species does seem to have pest potential, with adults liking to eat plants like beets, strawberries, clovers and such, and the larvae feeding on the roots.
Cock chafer
Bombardier beetle. They shoot acid in your eyes so be careful

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Fentanyl edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here.
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Toadlines actually can't go to heaven as they were made outside the purview of God.
Wonder if half of those fuckers are alive
Wonder how much it’s worth… millions? Billions?
redpill me on hamster skeem

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Name 1 reason why you cant like cats AND dogs.

Pro tip: you cant.
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>just take the shitty fucking skittish squeaky turd dispenser pill
no thanks
You could also get hamsters (these die quickly tho) gerbils, chinchillas, rabbits, ferrets, mice, etc
He probably will, guy is fucking unhinged, just give it some time
He's been in the dog general occasionally for the past couple months.
>he doesn’t know

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Doeritos edition
What is your favorite species of deer?
Have you even seen a deer up close?
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Woah. Such pretty eyes. I don't think I've ever seen a deer's eyes look like that.
Bitch literally wants nothing else other than to S the D.
They're reflecting the surrounding is why

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>pics pls?
im eating so no thanks haha

how different would life be if we were on a tidally locked planet? would we develop sleep? would life even develop on the other side of the planet where it's always dark?
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im pretty sure its just liquid water, large cellular life is kinda impossible without exposure to a star because just like deep sea life, their lifestyle is reliant on bacteria doing whatever it is they do at underwater volcanoes to inject energy into the system,
>geofag still in this thread
>minimum requirements for a planet to harbor life?
That's very hotly debated. There are a vast array of conditions to consider & how they interact with each other, then you have to define what is life. Most people say water & oxygen, but Earth had little free oxygen when life first developed. With water argument requires all conditions supply water in sufficient quantities, and any other thing (such as oxygen) will determine many of the conditions. I've seen very convincing arguments that life could develop in a methane ocean in the complete lack of the presence of oxygen (one of the moons of Jupiter, I forget which one. It had methane volcanoes when one of our probes passed by).

Every condition you can imagine, including all the ones in this thread like radiation and temperature and tides ... however you want define the possibility of life, define the conditions that will support it. You can get really science fiction fast on it. Could life exist inside a star? David Brin wrote a book called Sundiver that explores that very question. Brin is no hack, he's a very successful sci fi writer who happens to be a professor of astrophysics.

Read up on the conditions on Mars & Venus in wikipedia. It is strongly believed that life can exist on both those planets (and the methane oceans of one of Jupiter's moons). Now imagine life can probably live in much harsher conditions. Perhaps Mercury? I doubt it, but wouldn't be shocked. More like mildly surprised. And a bit excited. That would open massive possibilities all over the universe IF that turned out to be true.

Also, distinguish between "harbor" life and "develop &/or evolve" life. Very different things.
>Could life exist inside a star?
The questions might sound retarded, but all life needs is self replication and this can happen inside a star for all we know.
>Most people say water & oxygen
Most people don't deserve water & oxygen.
For emergency reasons. Plants are conscious.
Would plants evolve to absorb green if they appeared on a more distant planet like Mars or some gas giant moon?

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Parrot thread

Picrel: Ultramarine lorikeet (Vini ultramarina)
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