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Whatcha doin'?
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I have never agreed with this more in my life. Trully a shit thread.
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>I have never agreed with this more in my life. Trully a shit thread.
Theyre the Ted Bundies of the sea

Qhy don't people like eating gamey meat. As far as I am concerned, gamey meat is meat that has a strong flavor, often a little bloody taste to it.
This is my favorite taste of meat. Normal meat often feels bland to me. So why do most people like bland meat?
This is animals and nature btw because I am discussing the taste of animals
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> This is animals and nature btw because I am discussing the taste of animals
Having to assure everyone like this makes you quite suspicious
your mom gave it to me
To me, “gamey” can taste unpleasantly bitter or rotten. Sometimes it’s fishy, like old spoiled blood, which is also off-putting. Usually these flavors are from the poor handling or bitter diet >>4788536 mentioned. Sometimes it’s just a particularly hormonal animal and too rank and musky smelling/flavored, like trying to eat a used jock strap. I’ve had meats that other people eating the same meal considered gamey, but that I found delicious and savory so I don’t really know what “gamey” is actually supposed to mean.
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Its for jannies. If it's not a "heckin wholesome boop animal" circlejerk thread then janny thinks its off topic. If you make a thread about any debate you run the risk of being banned because janny hallucinates you are some kind of namefag.
I mainly put the disclaimer because people can politicize eating meat and I don't want it getting moved to /ck/ because I want to discuss wild animals not recipes

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Easter edition

previous: >>4725813

short disclaimer: posts about eating/harming buns are not welcome, kindly take it elsewhere! this thread is for rabbit owners and lovers to enjoy, please don't derail with off topic posts or negativity.

general rabbit care resources:

bunny youtube channels:
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and i forgot alexandrapoco
Very impressive! Here's one more (and my favorite).
Bros my love of bnuis cannot be overstated. I adore every rabbit with every fiber of my being. Bunys are the pinnacle of adorability, truly the most lovely creatures in the animal kingdom. My heart aches with an abundance of love and joy every time I see a buunie.
this one is rabbit moffy who loves the garden

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>retarded adult lives alone and buys a pet dog
>dog interacts with no other humans or animals
>dog is completely alone for the 8 or 9 hours the owner works
>dog is cripplingly lonely and sad that entire time
>dog is happy when the owner gets home as the owner is his only interaction
>owner thinks the dog being excited to see him makes him a good owner and not that the dog is incredibly isolated and lonely
i'm perfectly fine with needing to go through training and licenses to actually own cats and dogs

I hate lions. Overrated motherfuckers don’t deserve their reputation as King of the Beasts or King of the Jungle. They get mogged by so many herbivorous animals and even the lesser carnivores give them tons of shit. END THE LION HYPE.
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>jaguar croc
pretty sure that’s a gator
>the people of the mesoamerican jungle believed that the jaguar could help them talk to the dead and that the dead could talk to the living using the jaguar as a medium. thus the jaguar straddled the line between the worlds of the living and the dead, just as the jaguar straddled the line between day and night
>mayans may have kept jaguars as pets. there is evidence that many jaguars had been domesticated for some time. scientists have determined that by doing a radioisotope analysis on the remains of jaguars found in temples. they concluded that many of the animals were consumers of wild foods but many were not
>jaguars are known to stay away from roads and other human environmental features and people alltogether
>but most importantly, when breeding, a pair of jaguars may mate up to 100 times a day. king shit
this post was made by jaguar gang
(giant) kaimans are crocodilians or croc for short.
jaguars are super rare in the usa, while gators are rare outside the usa. and even within the usa you'll find actual crocodiles. according to pic related
what fucking retarded nigger made this map
there is a tiny pocket of crocodiles in the very southern tip of florida. 99.9% of the crocodilians in Florida are alligators.
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>of all big cats, the jaguar is least likely to kill and eat humans unless wounded or cornered
laughably wrong, picrel

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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There's plenty of cool stuff still being imported. Pet keepers have created a culture where there's no drive to keep and breed wild caught animals.
I also think the problem is that whenever they do get imported they're really fucking expensive, so nobody wants to risk wasting a load of money and thus a captive population never gets established. Ironically the problem a decade or two ago was that these herps were so cheap to import that nobody bothered breeding them, just look at firebelly toads for example.

But I still don't get why nobody imports the captive bred herps from Europe that we don't have in the states. We wouldn't even need to deal with the problem of parasites and disease like with wild caughts.
Can you post that vid? I want to do even more research before I begin my next viv project.
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>friend brags about his purebred Russian Blue cat
>it's just a plain ass grey cat with green eyes
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Yeah they bred them for mass blood sacrifice.

>cats did something right
They didnt do anything obviously wrong from the standpoint of stone age retards. What do coyotes do wrong? Teach you to watch your livestock and build more effective fences?
> What do coyotes do wrong? Teach you to watch your livestock and build more effective fences?
I mean yeah. It did those things by being a general nuisance
So did cats by killing off beneficial birds, making a mess, and spreading parasites and disease, hence a lot of people don't really like them

But if you take very basic precautions they are ok, just not as beneficial as coyotes (which keep cat populations below nuisance levels, scare off even worse large pests like deer, and exterminate small pests such as rats)
>killing off beneficial birds, making a mess, and spreading parasites and disease
Hominids from Uggs through to the Edwardians didn't understand the concept of invasive species being detrimental and germ theory. From their perspective, cats were little guys that hung around and caught mice and you could pet them and they were cute, so they kept them around. Like I already said.
It's a start, but that cat's probably like only 24% inbred.
I want those genes SMASHED and those chromosomes SLAMMED until they're unrecognizable.

I want for scientists to think they've found non-carbon based life when they look at the EXOTIC MICRO-PERSIAN EXTREME SMASHED toadcats.

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I'm going to post a platypus every day until all of /an/ wants a puggle to snuggle. Old thread hit image limit
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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This is your daily reminder to want a platypus
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Thank you for the template

This is your daily reminder to want a platypus

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>women now think they are safer with bears
>men think they can beat up a bear
>bears refuse to acknowledge the issue

what the hell is going on in the bear world?
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You must suck a moist creamy log of shit out of andy sixx's ass
I could beat up at least some bears
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No one ever answers the species of bear Or the duration of time they are in the forest. They say if I have to ask those things I am sexist. I would much rather spend a few pleasant hours bonding with a backbear than even the nicest man. Perhaps it is a panda and functionally useless unless I disturb it and I just get to wander around the woods until help arrives or something.
Would not take a male grizz or female with cubs. Unsure of the stamina of a polar bear depending on type of forest, but I would play it safe and chill with a dude for a while. I don’t think he would try anything as I am also a dude and only a small minority of mentally deranged folk are homos, and out of those I could kill 100 percent hand to hand

>pic rel, grizzly after I choose to hang out with a guy instead.
No hard feelings, I just know he struggles with anger management

Ever gone out to look for a bird, and while you didn't find it, you were rewarded for your effort with an unexpected surprise lifer?
While it wasn't picrel, this happened to me today and I was glad I forced myself to get up early and at least put myself in a position to see something.
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gangstalking birds is not cool
it's okay, they like the attention
Mine was easy. I stopped to pee and there he was. Snap snap on phone.
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>the only way a camera can actually get better is by getting bigger
lol lmao. the exact opposite happened
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>nullify the joy of seeing the world through a lens
>remove the last stand of photographic integrity - the optical viewfinder
>charge more for photography without its single best aspect, the joy of reflex
nope, worse

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He must be partly run over, his rear leg is destroyed
I can't find a wildlife rehab that will take him help!
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This is a better outcome than me drowning it in a bucket though, isn't it?
I never asked for this
>This is a better outcome than me drowning it in a bucket though, isn't it?
Who knows, it could have died very painfully or instantly, I guess you can take solace in the fact we’ll never know
But now we know the real villain in the story is the so called wildlife rescue that you have to contact through email and will only reply during regular business hours
I continue to be let down by institutions I want to trust

Now all that's left is to see if I still have my old guinea pig cage and keep it handy in case something like this ever happens again I'll have a comfortable habitat to temporarily keep the animal instead of a cardboard box under some bushes
You really should have killed him.
Anon, I know ir sucks but it would best to just have him put down. He's clearly beyond help, it's cruel to keep him there

He sit
he shit
that it
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Poppin' outside, no smelling up the house. (Good for the gardens too)
>clean guinea pig cage
>half a day and he shit 3 times his fucking weight and make a mess

i love this lil thing but this is nuts how quick guinea pigs can dispense shit like breathing pez dispenser.
Pets are for the soul purpose of just having them because you can. ToadlineaKINGS have the right idea
Stop being a white gokufan, nigga. Do you have ANY idea have fast rodents breed? If you're pissed they dont play with you, just become an exotic breeder, breed until you get something cool, get ez money and spare meat for empanadas/meat pies/patties/whatever the fuck they're called
Rodents process food extremely fast. You also might want a bigger cage
They just suck and I’m glad they’re eaten is all it’s that possible
Guinea haters and Peruvians should be banned from /an/.

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See goblins.
Post goblins.
Talk goblins.
Discuss goblins.
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why he lookin at me like dat
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Would you attempt to answer his riddles or take the longer path through the shadowed forest?

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Discovery channel edition

Post all things insect and arachnid
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Also, being nonpredaceous beetles, they are of course very goofy, and get up into antics.
to add onto this, if you don't have to worry about grubby fingers grabbing them, velvet ants are also a really interesting option and are incredibly active, moving around the enclosure nearly constantly. Super cheap too. Just... don't get stung.
Yeah, they're super cool. They're basically little hummingbirds.
You can feed them with two 'giant' size ant feeders filled with water. One with sugar/honey, and one with a pinch of salt.

btw the sting sounds scary because of the pain, but it isn't toxic
>It's hard as a person who doesn't know anything about bugs (and had a slight phobia of them growing up)
I understand 100%. I used to be disgusted and freaked out by moths, now I’ve got a dozen sleeping in my bedroom. Here’s a male Anisota virginiensis that emerged in my hand yesterday. It makes me feel like a mother when they emerge in my hand kek
That the cow killer? Here's one at Dulles airport.

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So what, if you run into one of these things and it decides to attack you, you're just fucked? You die, end of story? How is that fair?
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So do normies ACTUALLY dance to pick people up or like what? Do people ACTUALLY do it in some weird form of courtship?
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these fucks can kill ELK with their bare hands, the fucks timmy gonna do?
That's true, you'd have to be a trained fighter but I'm sure a heavy weight MMA fighter could take on a gorilla and win
Shoot it? Not a hard concept
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