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o-oh my....
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Is this supposed to be insightful? It's instead retarded, as expected of a tripfag.
>People who say this don't understand the horror of the human vagina
my insight is that this is probably the most disturbingly gay paragraph ive read in a very long time

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Why didn't humans domesticate red pandas instead of cats?
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>I have unironically seen this argument being used
The last one I was at even had signs in multiple languages everywhere saying its forbidden to feed the cats.
Asking the important questions
Mustelids in general are pretty sociable and intelligent. It’s just that they’re still wild animals but if you raise them they’re pretty friendly
they are, and you can totally tame one
but they communicate lot more through scent glands, much more information where we can't access it with them vs cats and dogs

It's not uncommon to hear people say that animals must have souls because clearly their dog, cat, horse or whatever has a distinct personality, emotions they can understand and relate to and so on. But if that's the case where do you draw the line? At cattle? Reptiles? Fish? Insects and other invertebrates? Amoebas?
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Anima is the Latin word for soul.
>convert to eastern philosophy I dont actually understand but my own poor understanding of it leads to believe this is what it is
thank you sir very thankfulness sir please do the needfulness and do not eat the beef cow praise vishnu
But enough about Islam.
If anyone deserves such a fate it would definitely be muslims so that makes sense
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Name one heretical thing I have said that far. I’ll wait.

Also keep in mind I’m not catholic like the billion times I said before.

Agreed >>4788413 that this thread now belongs on x or pol. I still stand that OP and my first few posts were on topic from an, until a bunch of cringe atheists decided to derail. As you may note I’ve tried tying animals and their souls back into conversation with no avail

Look what you did atheists. You bought the x philes into our board

Has anyone been to a cat cafe and was it worth it? There's one in the city closest to me and they charge you just for playing/petting with the cats
>>$25 for 30mins
>>$40 for 1 hr
>>$45 for an hour long puzzle activity
>>$60 for a 2hr movie screening
And you have to buy at least 1 drink or snack per hour from their cafe. The main reason I wanted to go is all the cats are available for adoption.
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Yes. There's one in Georgetown in DC. I took my GF there for her birthday. It was okay. Great if you're looking to adopt as you can spend real time with potential cats. Kind of lame as a cafe in and of itself.
perhaps but they also eat all your chargers and other wires
>I took my GF.
larpers need to be stopped
I am stunned by the carpet and soft furnishings in the op pic
That shit is gross in a non cat cafe
What is actually wrong with catfaggots?
Fair point.
If I ever manage to actually go to the bunny cafe, I'll take a look and see if there are wires anywhere and, if so, the status of those wires.

Why do the mourning doves mourn? What tragedy has befallen them?
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The death of their cousin. The passenger pigeon
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The only avian to be conscious of the fact that they do not have a penis
… What?

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You're telling me I'm made out of this black rock?
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Crazy how plants can take that shit out of the air and turn it into a solid.
maybe you are, but I'm not black like you, nigger
this is so me when my orbitals are sp3 hybridized
nah, thats cabron you're made of, holmes

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I believe it's possible to accurately guess characteristics/traits of somebody by their favorite animal
For example,
>If their favorite animal is a fox, they're a furry
>If it's a wolf, they were the weird kid in school
>Horse, they want to be dicked down by a horse
>Cat, they're feminine or a woman
>Dog, they're very basic
What do you think? What are some other examples?
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>beast tamer chud archetype
What is this?
the uggo tapir more like
exactly what it sounds like
I literally cannot fathom it.
Please, anon.
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Blurry animals
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>scavenger vs scavenger
She fucks dogs.
my bets are on the opossum, that eagle just looks flabbergasted
only the craziest may win
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How do you deal with feral cats? They're going out of control in my area, I don't know what to do especially with the kittens. Shelter won't take them in anymore either and are already overcrowded.
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Where there are stray dogs you always see the same dog for years and years, like, their full lifespan, as long as they don't get rabies. It's crazy compared to the cat turnover.

We eliminated the street dog as an institution and bred smashed and slammed shit like goldens because dogs are actually so good at surviving without us it's somewhat dangerous. Recently a feral husky decimated a small goat farm near me and they never caught it. 13 goats were killed, one was partially eaten. It was likely an escaped pet that ran back home, and its owners never cared because dogs can pack up and take down moose on saturday and laze around getting pet by kids on sunday and never harm a human in their entire life.
>It was likely an escaped pet that ran back home, and its owners never cared because dogs can pack up and take down moose on saturday and laze around getting pet by kids on sunday and never harm a human in their entire life.
That just seems wildly untrue. Any dog that naturally shows the prey drive and levels of aggression needed to take down wild animals on the level of moose is sure as hell going to display the same aggression towards people, let alone kids or something.
Dogs can tell the differences between species.

Small dogs however? Large dogs appropriately recognize that they are not the same species and sometimes need to be socialized with them.
This is coming from a guy that likes cats - you people are fucking insane.
Lobby to have that law changed, because that's fucking stupid.

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The age of mammals is probably the most cinematographically kino moment in natural history
Pretty much. So many legends we’ve produced. Makes me proud.
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Are cane corsos less or more bad than pitbulls?
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cane corso/neapolitan mastiffs(they were the same dog before dog shows decided to make them 2 separate species)
were used as protection dogs for shops or traveling merchants, peddlers, pastors and the like.
So they had to be able to protect their owners from aggression while also letting other customers conduct their business safely.
So if they're well trained and socialized they should be rather safe.
But then how many are pure crisis and how many are mixed with pitbulls nowadays
How well-hung are they?
Only quite recently been "show breed" standard breeding. The "natural" landrace should be something akin to a common ancestor to the Neo Mastiff and the overly-typy show breed of the Cane Corso, which is sort of artificially divergent to the Neopolitan (which is overly fiverged in the opposite direction)
But are the long jowls a show breed thing like the sloped back for GSD's? I'm not a huge fan and I heard it's a nest of bacteria for the dogs.
Why is that important

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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their need for respect?
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His eyes are so human here. Lots of emotion expressed
How many levels of abstraction is this monkey on? That's fully human behavior.
you guys think he ever finished this book?
this is funny on such a fucked up level.. of all the fingers he could’ve bitten off he chose the most important and OP one. and the orangutan probably knows that too.

I would give another chance to the classic non-avian theropods. So, my choice includes two big guys:
two medium-sized predators:
and a small, clever rascal:
Yes, they are a few tens of millions of years too late and are unlikely to catch up with mammals in intelligence. But do they really need to?

*Yes, I learned about Imperobator from that really questionably-scientific show made by a slopmaker from Disney. Don’t judge me, I'm not a professional paleontologist.
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It is AI and probably made by using Bing; you can tell from the airplane's fucked-up wings, the filename, and the image size.
These 2 are cool

I would add Megatheridae (ground sloth)

Pachycephalosaurus wyomingnesis too

And for the last one some pterosaur. Not necessarily one of the big ones though
Possibly one of the teethed bunch. Definitely not memecoatlus
You don't even have to look very close
hmmm I suspected as much
You have them twerking down in atlanta

post order chiroptera
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A Field Biologist?
He's got beady little eyes
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"Vultures of the sea".
Just as misunderstood, just as threatened.
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