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88 replies and 6 images omitted. Click here to view.
It's called heart, something XY lacked
SM is the most heartless shit ever then, it only existed to leech off a competing franchise lmao
>n-no we were always besties
No you pathetic leech,
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I stopped watching when I couldn't recognize Ash anymore.
Better than Horizons

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carmine love
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Affectionate but clingy, she already acts like a clingy gf in the league club room.
Likely to be the kind that spoons you in the couch while watching movies so tight that you can barely move.
And yes, you'll be the little spoon because she's taller.
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I feel like Carmine would be the kind of girlfriend who would seethe more in a public place when you ask her to relax.
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>Carmine gets passive agressive when talking to Nemona
She knows she's competition.
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Oh boy, they should've added more interactions between Carmine and Nemona.
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It's in the League Club room ones.
If you ever see Carmine in it invite Nemona.

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Does any pokegirl can compete with her?

>Muh %protagonist_female%
Blank characters for ACTUAL girls to play as. They don't have a personality to be considered a waifu
>Muh %other_gym_leader_female%
She's the best gym leader, live with it. Even in such shit games as SV she kicks ass, unlike whoever you simping for
>Muh %irrelevant_side_character%

Face it fags. Iono is thhe best POKEgirl, "POKE" meaning her connection to POKEMON, not being some random skank from shitty franchise they share. Iono is Magnemite-girl. Magnemites are cool. Iono is cool.
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Callate pendejo.
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Okay, okay. Let's be real.

Iono's design is perfect

Like, ain't she a qtп that deserves all the love? Long hair, colored in pink and blue, awesome jacket with comically long sleeves. She is soooooo cutr friends. I really want to pick up her and kiss her
Looks like clown, what a clusterfuck of a design.
>kills your dog

Ain't she a smug bitch?

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am playing platinum and I don't know which starter to choose all 3 seem bretty good
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>It's almost the same level of "find it yourself get fucked lmao" game design as the Gible cave.
this is a good thing
I said it rewards backtracking and exploration but you shouldn't NEED to do it if all you want is a fire type that's not the horse. It gives you work for just one option instead of multiple one, and in one point in the entire game.
Based, torterra is one of my favorite mons
>>It's almost the same level of "find it yourself get fucked lmao" game design as the Gible cave
I might just have autism but as a kid I found magmar really quickly after getting surf and rock climb when I played blind because I always go back to the start of the game and surf every single body of water and climb every mountain to look for anything I missed. I agree you get cucked with fire types but that one isn't too ridiculous, it's not like the lake is hiding or anything, you just need to want to explore potential new paths to places which is what pokemon is all about.
I feel like even the gible cave is the kind of thing I could've found on my own with a little luck too (but I very much did not)
> I always go back to the start of the game and surf every single body of water and climb every mountain to look for anything I missed
That's what i mean. I do the same in most runs that i play, but not everyone is as patient and it shouldn't be necessary to do all that just to have a little bit of diversity in your team.

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I wonder how that girl you gave the pokedoll to is doing 25 years later.
It was kino seeing her in GS and I hope she returns in the next game.

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>villain is [FANFIC]
>hires greedy, selfish rich people to be apart of his survival group
>intends on killing countless innocent, good natured people and pokemon alike
>will probably fuck up the ecosystem with the blast as well
>"yes, this will surely make the world more beautiful."
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>"yes, this will surely make the world more beautiful."
Wtf the villian is a racist 4channer white pipo?
Two reasons: to highlight a foreign element in culture, as tipping isn't a thing in Japan and GF wanted to make Kalos exotic like that, and to have a hidden number from the player caller refinement that gatekeeps them from certain areas.

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A thread to discuss and appreciate Pokégirl legs.

Is there a specific Pokégirl who gave you your leg kink?
Which Pokégirl has your favourite legs now?

For me it's
>1) Shauna.
>2) It changes but most of the time it is one of the lasses. Right now it's the ORAS Lass because I'm playing through ORAS.
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Don't really care
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I wanna jerk off on live cam to some leggy Pokégirls. Would anyone be interested in joining me?
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nah its not
the concept of pokemon itself was taken from ultraman where they used kaijus in capsules to fight, and a good chunk of early mons where kaiju/tokusatsu inspired

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Keunotor is a good name.
Better than Bidoof.
No, sounds like something satanic
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For me, it's Daaihngàhlèih

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It's funny how Lucario, THE furry pokemon (in the past) has less humanoid proportions than modern pokeshit.
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Cute art, but man I thought she was giving him a blowjob
And Blastoise has blatantly artificial cannons on its back.
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but rabbits don't have digitigrade feet
They do when they're not sitting. Humans aren't assigrade.
Why does this say rabbit virus?

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I get why some fans want more of these. They shake up the game and breath new life into old mons, and they can indirectly nerf existing OP mons/types. What I don't get is, why are some fans so strongly opposed to the idea?
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This shit exactly what many of these fan typings do wrong
>Majority of “Wind” Pokemon are just Flying types anyways
>Pokemon that aren’t Flying have some weak as explanations
>Some simply just don’t have explanations
>Wants to completely change the type of Pokemon with perfectly fine typings like Weavile and Shifty
>Replaces mostly Flying moves (but guys it totally isn’t just Flying!)
>Non-sensical type match-ups like being weak to Dragon/Psychic, or being Super effective against Ghost
Makes sense to me
How are any of these more wind than just flying?
Plus what special moves would flying still have after this?
Lol fuck Cassette Beasts and its entire fan base, which somehow manages to be cringier than this one.
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>Fold Wind and Sound into one type called Sonic
>Psychic inextricably linked to cosmos from day 1, so Cosmos unnecessary
>I don't want to expound a full argument about why this applies to Psychic and not Wind; fuck you
>Plastic is too niche for a whole new type
>Polymer type more original and covers more ground

I hate this game!! I swear, it's like the regular games but 10x the luck based. I'm fine with losing, but losing because I was unlucky really grind my gears. The amount of time of me just having a basic pokemon on my side, waiting for a energy card and get nothing but stage 1 and stage 2 pokemon is infuriating. It's even worse when trying to relearn the strength and weakness of every types all over again, especially since this is Gen 1 version of the cards.
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Would be cool if the dolls could take more than a hit. As is it's too contrived for little benefit
how would you "fix" the game?

nerf prof oak? nerf energy removal? 1 trainer per turn? buff evolution mons?
draw power/consistency is fine for base set. What really needs fixed is every evolution card that is not wiggly or blastoise being shite. So buff the shit out of evolution mons and errata energy energy removal to a coinflip or outright ban it
its fun as fuck
Lets post more comfy cards from the games, here's Dark Fearow

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet would be the best pokemon games in the entire series if it weren't for the glitches, stuttering, and the graphics.

Fix the bugs and just up the graphics a little, you don't need anything big, then you'd have the best game in the series. I will not pretend otherwise.
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Okay now I know you aren't serious
The Sevii islands are more of a region than one village and academy are.
Have fun knowing Kantooooooo wins again.
IF the game was flawless the characters and Pokemon look like shit also dexit + 35$ DLC
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I know I'm beating a dead horse, but let's face it, SV could've been handled better.
Here's hoping that "break" Legends PizZA is getting is put to good development use.
lmao no. SV is "child's first deep storyline" at best.

For me, It's Penny.
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She’s my shining star as well. <3
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I want Penny to stroke my penis like that... The painted nails make so much better...
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Sure, enjoy the comfiness.
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What do you anons headcannon sex with Penny would be like? Wholesome babymaking? Rough mind breaking?

May or Mei
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Sapphire > May > May Emerald Edition > Mei > NuMay

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