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Trophy Edition

Previous Thread: >>10971105

Discuss lewd games, share your projects, and have others critique them.
Post pictures (/d/ related, preferably) to inspire developers and keep the thread alive.
Check the archives before posting requests:

>/dgg/ Game Catalog:
Password: lewd
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256 replies and 70 images omitted. Click here to view.
Honestly I think the atmosphere and tone of CoC is actually very well done, for what its worth Fen did succeed in making Mareth feel like a corrupted, dying world and in making you feel like a fish out of water suddenly thrust into it. The pure NPCs are almost all wary and cautious of you as an outsider and the demons and other corrupted enemies can genuinely feel threatening. It can honestly feel like Dark Souls or Morrowind at times, and especially moments like when you destroy the demon factory only to realise you've corrupted the last goddess as a result and completely doomed the world was awesome.

Contrast this with TiTS which is much more blatantly a porn setting. Nearly everything is all sex all the time and nearly everyone is a massive slut right from the start, there are no stakes and nothing feels like it matters. Or CoC2 which is even worse by having complete tonal shifts between generic RPG plotlines and TiTS-style porn logic. CoC1 definitely started to sway into that direction as well with some of the later updates like Urta's Quest but at least the first few hours are genuinely fantastically put together.
why would you do that
sex should be part of the gameplay and lore from the beginning so people know what they're getting into
Urta was added in pretty early on and was the subject of a lot of shitposting about furries.
>a dog with a horsecock ???
Like, if I try to remember the phases of CoC1, at the beginning it was just four areas with maybe 4 enemies and 4 items and then after that they added the town and maybe an extra area or two and then the goddess stuff came afterwards.

The factory and the goddess seems good on paper but in practice it falls into the realm of
"gameplay overrules the writing and lore" - if you corrupt some goddess you might've not even met at that point then you barely care at all. What's she even doing, basking in the sun and shitting herself? Nothing changes any more than giving the mouse boy the bimbo juice, that one single character interaction is now changed and that's all it feels like.

That's a problem CoC and all games like it have - no consequences for your actions. It's no wonder because in a sandbox world it's very hard to make every possible action have consequences that will reach the player. In a linear game, every major decision creates a diverging line of gameplay the dev now has to make. Not only that, if the game diverges, how do you remind the player that what is happening right now is because of a decision they made? What makes them think "I should play again making different decisions"? Maybe there was a diverging path and I just never stumbled into anything about it.
>Urta was added in pretty early on and was the subject of a lot of shitposting about furries.
When I said Urta quest I don't mean Urta herself I mean the quest she has for curing her sterility, if I remember correctly it was one of the final things added to the game.

>That's a problem CoC and all games like it have - no consequences for your actions.
>Maybe there was a diverging path and I just never stumbled into anything about it.
I think you're mixing up some terminology here. CoC is actually very good about having permanent decisions and creating consequences for the player's actions. If you bimbofy Niamh like in your image she moves to the bazaar and gets a totally different set of scenes. If you corrupt Marae she will rape and corrupt you herself when you next meet her. If you bimbofy Jojo you lose the ability to meditate and train with him, etc. What CoC isn't great at is having the rest of the world outside react to whatever you've done, e.g. no-one in the city or the bazaar mentions what you do to Niamh at all.

There are a few exceptions, I know Amelie will get pissed if you have certain other characters in your camp (especially corrupted ones) and demand you get rid of them, but that's pretty much it. Still I was talking more about about the general atmosphere of CoC more than specific character interactions anyways.
Maybe I should focus on that "Atmosphere" word for what I mean, it sucks ass in all Fenoxo games, no atmosphere. What CoC1 has is better writing, unlike TiTS where everything feels made up on the spot and everything is far too different, CoC1 is more consistent.

If you want atmosphere you change lighting, music, characters change without you even talking to them. This is very hard for a text adventure to do but they could at least change up the UI and have less isolated characters and write more interactions using less characters. If a character is on an island where they can't interact with anyone else then I don't care if they change, all that makes me think is "wow I unlocked a new sex scene great" and then undo it if you think there might be more scenes you've missed, so you have them on a switch between corrupted/not corrupted any time you want.
I'm saying that for prospective devs. If you want your text adventure to stand apart from Fenoxo games then integrating music and UI/visual effects will go a long way, even if it just changes based on your corruption level.

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Any and all are welcome, from Prina to Anime-Tamae and everything inbetween
>Old school fans: What do you like/improved with his newer works?
>New school fans: What would you like to see return from his older works?
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>The author will probably die of old age before ending the series
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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10929390
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Extremely hot
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Have you been on these threads before?
I've been lurking. I seem to remember posting my stuff in previous thread or thread before that.
What gender are you
Her pussy is hurting sooooo much, how delightful.
Sorry, can’t help you there. I can at least recommend a pixiv artist.

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post men with pussies that’s all there is to it
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Edit as in?
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Remove peepis and bestow pussy. could also masc up some futas or women but thats a bit more effort.
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would this work? could post different images if this is difficult or annoying, i’d like the underwear removed if possible
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also obligatory cuntboy post since i’m requesting something
Artist source? Couldn't find anything

Theme questions:

What women are used to appease low status males?
What role do women and their submission play in religions?
How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
How does the system of social status/class play out between men?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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No gatcha is big gay retarded
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I don't know enough about the setting since I've never played it, but it's an FPS right? I always like military slave stuff
The gameplay is something like the old light gun games you'd find it games, except as a third person shooter. (Putting you effectively in the position of the Commander ordering your Nikke around.)
To expand on the setting just a little, it basically takes place in the aftermath of an alien robot invasion with the Raptures (the alien robots in question) having basically won. As far as you know at the beginning of the game, The Ark is the last human city in existence and it's basically a giant underground bunker. The only reason humanity has held out is due to the Nikkes.
Nikkes are combat androids that had the combat capabilities to fight back against the Raptures, who look a lot like human women. [spoiler]This is because they used to be before they were converted, first in mass production models and then more customized ones later.[/spoiler] Nikke are capable of physical feats far in excess of humans, with a built in control systems to prevent them from willingly harming humans. Because of the human-like mind installed in each, the bodies have to correspond to what the mind is expecting. Ergo the human appearance, bleeding red coolant, lack of internal weapons and the ability to eat, drink and sleep despite not needing to. They are almost entirely 'functional' aside from the lack of a womb.
Nikkes are NOT human [spoiler]anymore[/spoiler] and are not entitled to rights. Until the player character, human commanders were encouraged to view them as utterly disposable. That said, they do have a full emotional range with likes, dislikes and personal goals.
>Nothing necessarily wrong with brutal, gotta have some dark parts of a setting
It's Dark/brutal for Certain women in a Certain part of the empire (Malthusians).
Could be more of a Caste system for women, many have lives of menial work with the occasional rape.
The women in the middle ranks are used mostly for sex but are kept on birth control as they're not deemed worthy to breed.
And at the top of the hierarchy are the breeders/women in positions of "power".

It's useful to gate keep women's "power" only for women with maternal investment in society.
As this fits in perfectly with the whole Malthusian idea of restricted reproduction and this sort of thing works well with a system of familial punishment/reward.
Like women might be breed simply to keep the population of menial slaves up, but there's always a chance for these women to move up in life.
AND to pass that status onto her female descendants.
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Old thread: >>10954268
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Shows what I know.

Forgot the one below, I'll do a one-off dump of some other stuff.




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Seaport Hime is my wife, but i agree Battleship hime is also very beautiful.
rubbing Re's belly
Abyssal GILF:
Gotta find her lost eggs she didn't even know she still had!
Blini Hime is cute!

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Futas and/or dickgirls/newhalfs topping men. DO NOT FIGHT OVER TRANNY SHIT. If you absolutely must, at LEAST have the decency to contribute in your posts.
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I can't raise a kid. I'm literally fuckin' nuts.
Oh. Sorry, anon.
I want to have at least 10 kids, though.
Don't be. I have a nephew who's like a son to me.
But it's already the most common futa/male combination, what more do you want?
For it to overtake the trash that so often fills /b/. Just being the top among a fringe is not enough.

Any real or fictional bugs/slugs/worms/invertebrate on and or in girls. Big creepy crawlies are fine too.
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Now with proper thread name.



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I just now realized that SKNR still posts art.

(i thought they have gone the way of Dachaku)
I hate those "defurred" pics with a burning passion
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I want to touch this up more but my shake is acting up. I always hated the black eyes and broccoli perm on the original
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cleaned it up a little, also bump
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This is a thread for pictures of powerful women who for one reason or another abbandon their adventurous jobs to do something more mundane. Why be an adventurer when you could instead be an office lady, a flight attendant or a homemaker? Lewder jobs are also fine.
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I'd say half that. The urge to surrender is built into them, and there's really nothing that says you lose like having a man pump babymaker inside of you.
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I really like the idea of some hotheaded adventurer woman embracing the quiet and calm housewife lifestyle, and doing mundane tasks at home with glee. And before she even realizes it, she's gone so soft (also literally), that she wouldn't even be fit for adventures anymore anyway, even if she wanted it.
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Anyone think about the potential for this with magical girls? If you're chosen to be a magical girl, saving the world in cutesy fashion takes priority over whatever your previous ambitions were immediately.

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Futas looking inconvenienced by their erections
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is there an English TL of this game?
There is an adequate mtl English translation on f95zone.
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Relevant eromanga; https://exhentai.org/g/714987/3b7eb4dd67/
Princess blackmailed into wearing parasite/monster onahole while performing ceremony wearing exposing outfit.

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Previous thread: >>10859553

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org(Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org(vintage and rare onara art)

Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:
https ://discord gg/XkzsGwk

AI Generation:
Guide: rentry.org/brap

>Keep in variety, try not to post the same artist's work heaps of times in a row unless it's new stuff

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discord's tos makes it so the server can get deleted over that if it were to be reported unfortunately, has happened before. blame those jews and fragile retards instead
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To the anon who got this manga recently translated, thank you.
Really good to be honest I had a girl who was willing to do it for me you can actually taste it sometimes the taste can make you gag but that makes it better if you have a fart fetish the euphoria from it happening is magical
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A thread about the throbbing, quivering, leaking, aching, maddening PLEASURE of being denied pleasure.
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Edging my thread archival

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previous thread >>10948212
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>tansho became a nun because she hoped praying to God would make her dick bigger
>they have a massive orgy and they all fertilize an egg at once, making fraternal multiples
Its probably gonna happen that way too. If Tansho is demanding sex everytime Mara and Yuri have ssx, then its always gonna be a three way. And knowing Umanami, she's gonna barge in on that out of jealousy and bring Funou with her.
Everything's gonna turn into an orgy.
Personally I can't wait for the group chapter.
I want more Zombie-chan experiments.
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