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Futas and/or dickgirls/newhalfs topping men. DO NOT FIGHT OVER TRANNY SHIT. If you absolutely must, at LEAST have the decency to contribute in your posts.
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Source for all of these: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/95128476
somehow didn't see this before i started >>10981349

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It’s ok. I’ll just dump to assert dominance over yours, much like how these women are doing to these men.
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Futa cum with the power to feminize men is probably my favorite thing futa-on-male related
Uh, I could swear I had posted a pic with that post, weird
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Futa on femboy is so GOATed, especially when he gets mpreg from it
A cover preview for a doujin coming out at futaket
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Anyone know any sites to extract text from images?
Or any translators in the thread?
I wanna get this translated, even if I have to do it myself.
I tend to just use the LINE messaging app and just not send the image to the person I’m texting

Then I just grab the text and paste it into DeepL
>Anyone know any sites to extract text from images?
Occasionally it messes up the order of characters when you scan a dialog box, so you will have scan line by line when that happens.

Here is a good ChatGPT translator that often does a better job than DeepL:
It will give different "variations" if you translate the same text more than once.
plapping and moaning
I translated it. Thanks for the tools anons, but I figured it out myself. I don't read Japanese very well, but I can speak it at a fairly good level.
As it is it translates poorly directly to English, but this is the gist of it.
>You were thinking there's no way an older man like me would have his "virginity" stolen and be irresponsibly cum inside by some one like me, right?
>Moreover, especially when you're a stereotypic character who'd do that to others?
>There's no way you could do that to me!
>You really thought you'd be able to do that to me?
>YOU'RE the one who's gonna be a mom here old man!

Hot as fuck. IDK what the hell futa or porn has done to my brain. Why am I aroused by this.
dgarchive just updated if anyone's looking for written futa/male
I wish gnhume did more it felt like he was going in the right direction
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I like this kind of mundane scenario. Guy goes to a futa brothel and gets fucked by a cute girl, simple.
more of those please!
women slightly going out of their own way, audaciously inconveniencing themselves, careless for the lack of elegance of some positions, to get the most comfortable position for discomforting someone, mounting them down, for their own dominance. Lodging them to handle them comfortably...
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>Why am I aroused by this.
The futa's masculine desire for (You) is very arousing. In this case, (You) are the sex object who is being acted upon by the futa, in direct contrast to real life sexual dynamics. Her penis and facial expression also make it very easy for (You) to sympathize with what she is feeling, both physically and psychologically.
Sauce? I've tried both the image searching and scouring for dickgirl_on_male + prostitution tags and I couldn't find anything. And I agree, that scenario is incredibly hot.
cool. source? saucenow doesnt pull up shit
Sauce ?
new release at futaket. not seen a rip of it anywhere yet, but it's on dlsite
Why does every futa on male image look like rape?
ai trash
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Thanks for the bump!
why can't you just stay in your containment thread? if your ai bullshit was actually good I wouldn't know it was ai.
Nowhere was specified that ai isn't allowed, I'd tell you to stop crying but quite honestly the bumping is still welcome
i bet you're vaccinated as well
The best images usually are.
ashley cutest futa
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Myself, I post AI-gens when the thread is at page 9 or 10. Don't want to see it? Post content instead of leeching, faggot.
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This one is stupidly hot.
Come on man. Its AI just look at the eyes and teeth.
because they're drawn by japs and gays who don't know what love is
Please tell me there is a source
Lol, die
I feel like I am a niche within this niche.
I prefer feminine futa on masculine male. But the boys always seem to be femboys or shotas.
On the rare occasion I do find a masculine male with muscles and facial hair, the accompanying futa is usually on the more masculine side - tall and big muscles as much as the man has.
Is it really such a niche, or is there somewhere I missed that has cute feminine futas railing the shit out of papa bears?
As much as I like femboys, twinks, and shotas, I'm interested in the concept at the very least now. If I wrote a short story about a lumber jack type of man perhaps a Knight or a Blacksmith, getting dicked down by his Genki princess would you consider reading it? If you need proof of my writing I'm willing to post, but I don't want to shill without reason.
Well, I don't read like I used to; But I might dust off the bifocals for some femfuta on mascman content.
I'm not a critic though if you're looking for a review.
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The year is 2024 and this is still one of the rare, coveted futa x normal male works.
It's certainly not easy to find that's for sure.
Then I'll do my best and report back when you can. Also don't worry I gave up on expecting feedback a while ago.
I had a form of this preference once, but reality only ever produced a small trickle of Futa/Male at all.
So over the years I managed to stop giving a shit and just take what I can get.
I still can't and won't do the extreme out-there shit.
However, if the girl's got a dick and the guy's getting fucked, I'm good. I can like this one more or that one less but it's in the wheelhouse.

I'm not saying don't go for what you like and enjoy it or anything. But I will recommend to anyone that they should try to identify when "beggars can't be choosers" applies to them.
The only other thing you can do is make it yourself or pay someone to make more of it.
Yes do it, please.
Smalldom is so rare it's depressing.

Petite futa x larger male = SO UNCOMMON and hot
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For me it's futa on male (futa)
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This stuff is so rare to find but I love it.
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Sorry, the quality varies enormously
Gender equality
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Aimaitei has some stuff in that vein. Facial hair not so much, but femme futas fucking men that have muscle definition, at least.
Ideally I would want a normal, lean guy, about 5'10" to 6'5" getting fucked by a futa who is just taller than him, including around 15 feet tall. But futas fucking femboys and shotas gets me there enough. Would be cool to see a fairly normal guy being made to look like her plaything too. But whatever, still big futa fucking smaller male which is good enough.
Is there a free ai art generator where I can prompt shit like this and get porn to this effect or to the art style?
>clothing entrapment
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Your best bet might be fujoshi artists dabbling in futa x male.
for example
is another search you can use.
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I prefer them both to be broadly average physically. Normal guy, not a shota/trap, but not a buff muscle guy either, and a smaller (cock aside), conventionally cute girl.
I don't really tie it to hard into other fetishes much - I prefer futa on male more romantic rather than hard femdom, for instance, but that's a super common one.
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I like the idea of a cute feminine princess overwhelming her honorable knight protector with genki energy.
watch 3d porn then
Wish futas were real and they could knock up males
I have no idea why it's not more popular. The idea of being a pretty little boy who's all dolled up getting used by a girl whose penis dwarfs your own, putting the exclamation point on why you're the bottom is so fucking hot.
That sounds like something I would definitely read. I would also love to get a sample of your writing, but if you don't want to "shill' I can post an email.
check out An Almost Normal Life by PenguinEmperor on hf
I too wish to be impregnated by my futa wife.
If a dickgirl puts a baby in me can I get a butt abortion?
Why would you abort the symbol of your love for each other, your pride and joy offspring produced by the love made on your wedding night?
I can't raise a kid. I'm literally fuckin' nuts.
Oh. Sorry, anon.
I want to have at least 10 kids, though.
Don't be. I have a nephew who's like a son to me.
But it's already the most common futa/male combination, what more do you want?
For it to overtake the trash that so often fills /b/. Just being the top among a fringe is not enough.
That will never happen. Any kind of futa on male is always going to be a niche interest. Surprisingly seems to be more popular with women than men, though.
>Surprisingly seems to be more popular with women than men, though
You sure? I always find fellow men reading or watching these type of contents. Never seen a women do it.
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Well it wasn’t actually a vaccination, which is why they made sure to call it one.
i miss gura nyuuto so fucking much dude
Literally everything about sylvia is fucking perfect.
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Becoming a living fleshlight

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