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Previous thread: >>10859553

Onara/Eproctophilia Resources:
nyou.booru.org(Fart Image Aggregation)
gas.booru.org(vintage and rare onara art)

Pixiv tags: おなら , オナラ, 放屁, 屁
General Fart Discord/Roleplay Server:
https ://discord gg/XkzsGwk

AI Generation:
Guide: rentry.org/brap

>Keep in variety, try not to post the same artist's work heaps of times in a row unless it's new stuff
>No furry (monster girls are allowed though) vomit or poop. Toilets are allowed if she's farting and we can't see any scat.
>Be kind.
>Don't post art that isn't of decent quality
>Please don't post pictures with girls that have grotesque looking bodies.
>AI art is allowed but do not flood the thread with it, especially if it is low quality and contains errors.
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Hack hasn't done any decent animations in a while
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Honestly, the through-line I'm getting from all of this is that fartfags were bandgeeks, watched some shitty Canadian cartoon, and/or are incestuous.

None of the above applies to me.
i would say that most people get the kink through some kind of irl experience
The fact that it's always their mom/sister/cousin or a girl in band class is the funny part.
God this movie was fucking garbage.
Tomboy neighbour in my case.
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I always wondered how I would get my girlfriend into this? Perhaps start off with some light stuff like facesitting then work my way into it. Maybe a kink exchange. Or deliberately lose a dare where the victor has to fart in the loser's face.
So that’s why they call her Wind God Girl
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page 10 bump
recently opened up to my gf about it and she wasn't that confused or shocked at all. i think most girls get pleasure out of giving pleasure so even if she's not "into it" immediately she'll definitely get something out of it seeing you happy
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Thanks to these threads now I get boners for skunk girls. New fetish.

Most women will be OK with farting if you tell them "hey, this is my fetish". Women fart and enjoy passing gas just like anyone else; not having to hold in farts all day and getting to please you from it sounds like a good deal. Every so often you get to feed her a lavish Mexican dinner and you get to enjoy the results all night, plus she's well fed and satisfied. Win-win, right?

Just bear in mind most women don't really give a shit about farts as fetishes. Some even say it's homoerotic (protip: if your girl makes any insinuation of the sort like that it's time to bail).

Don't expect her to become brazen and shameless. Usually women are still too bound by common decency to shamelessly brap it out. Don't expect her to be as enthusiastic about braps as you are. Don't force her to brap.

Women are not fetishists in the same way that men are. Women have kinks, but not fetishes. When a girl farts you're projecting the female phallus on the fart, it's a less menacing, less dangerous phallus; women inherently don't understand male sexuality in this aspect, because it's inherently male.

women know that guys enjoy watching them pee/shit/fart but most are not into giving shows (at first) because they're too conditioned that it's "undignified for a woman"

I love the ones where they fart on cocks. Farting on cocks is seriously underrated, even better when the cock is shown cumming from the sheer pleasure of the fart.

It is my dream to someday get my cock farted on and even to cum to live farts from a woman.
What's your favorite variation on this theme? Mine is "multiple coloured stink clouds" because it shows an unstated truth of it, that everyone has their own brand and it smells differently than other people's
Another one is group farting because there's something very equalizing in the idea that we're all human and need to deflate sometimes. To see that in a group of attractive women makes me feel like they're very intimate with each other. Imagine how the room smells now? It probably smells like an orgy in there.
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Thoughts on centaur girl farts? It wasn't my thing years ago, but recently I've come around to the idea.
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>horse ass
No way.
That's just horse farts with extra steps. Absolutely not.
Only if it was Centorea (or her mom) doing the farting. Not really interested otherwise.
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I still think about that one doujin Kill Geppu where a drunk Yuugi causes a massive explosion with her fart lel. It's non-h but funny as fuck and made me extremely horny regardless. The art is amazing too.
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I love vintage stuff! Thank you, Ojii-san!
source please, I collect as many artworks of Patchouli farts as I possibly can
Why the fuck are they gassing Shinji to death
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Used to make really good videos as well as comics, mainly size fetish mixed with fart/scat. Unfortunately, he's stopped making the videos.
Tsuchiro just released the recent Maid to Bocchama chapter. Hope you guys like girls farting on food, but primarily chocolate.
thank you so much!
How can i Join the discrord?
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sucks that aerodynamics suddenly just disappeared because aside from the game being abandoned he was getting pretty good at mmd animations i really wondered what happend
I fucking hope lost treasures comes back one day. We never got to see the Skunk sisters.
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Rumor has it that aero stopped releasing updates because he's planning on releasing the full game next, he is still working on it, there was even recently some teaser vids that were released
damn really? that's awesome. where did this vid even come from?
Wasn't the game suppose to be three chapters long?
I'm sure some Canadian toon planted the seeds in my head, but I think what solidified it was [spoiler] taking Brawl screenshots with Wario's uncharged down+B that makes people trip and angling it so it looked like Peach or Zelda were ripping ass [/spoiler]
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Neat to see this, though not a fan of the swirlie eyes personally.
dude that is the most homosexual way that girl farts have ever been described, no wonder girls tell you they think you're gay
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guys don't look at bangyak's recent retweets, worst mistake of my life
Yeah, that's gross. Scat warning for others.
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That's it? I was expecting something a lot worse. And he draws tons of scat himself anyway so I don't know why you'd even follow him if you don't like that stuff.
Oh yeah, I bookmarked some of those pics on Pixiv already.
This dude's gay.
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She should torture Syuen with her farts.
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the lack of brap art of Motoko is both infuriating and baffling
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Gassy OLs are the best
the fuck you mean some women consider braps homoerotic? i'd consider it a unisex kink, since anybody can rip fucking ass, anon
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Kazo is a blessing
Brap niggas won't even draw popular characters much less an obscure character like Motoko
He's homosexual and projecting, I thought we agreed on this.
Nigga, when in the 2010s were you born?
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I want to print this on a pillow cover
Damn these threads are so dead if anyone wants to share fart art, videos, or irl stories I have plenty message theenix on discord
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It's actually pretty weird that despite more people going on the internet than ever before, and fart fetish becoming more popular than ever, places like /d/ and nyoubooru seem to be getting more dead, with less people contributing these days despite higher traffic.
everyone is over at the ringo thread, just saying
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Might as well put my name out there too. discord is luxmechanica if anyone wants to share art or talk about braps or whatever.
I don't really have much interest in vtubers specifically, seems parasocial
A little interactive cyoa I made a while back

absolutely clueless faggot who has never shared a room with a woman that wasn't a family member or classmate alert
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Aren't you the same guy who made that gyaru cyoa?
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Anyone have the guides for drawing gas? I'm working on a (Blue Archive) project with an artist who's open to drawing fart content and want to help develop her style.
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He's never been to a doctor's office?
What do I do after I pick everything out?

contemplate your choices or post ur answers for everyone to see ur degeneracy
It won't let me give my skunkgirl girlfriend non-perishable farts.
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I can imagine the dense, pressurized gas in her colon from just looking at that butt.
being a cyborg it's more like exhaust...
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the image generator just gives a white image, even after scrolling down to load it
nta but mine had:
>rich human girl around my age
>chubby, large ass with enormous tits
>bratty personality and is always happy
>very short but had the power to shrink me to whatever size she wanted
>slightly sweaty, slightly musky, doesn't necessarily wear clean clothes or shower daily
>above average farts and farts somewhat frequently
>lactose intolerant
loves smothering me in general, especially with her ass, tits and feet and would make me worship all 3
>combat expert, presumably to grapple and pin me down in various holds despite being smaller than me
>has girlfriends who will join in on the fun occasionally
cute as fuck
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purple farts are underrated
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I am again asking for fart art guides. I know some of you have them saved
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i only understand the first 4 seconds of this
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Anyone got any more?
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need Makima to use me as her office chair
Does anyone have any good Makima braps?
I hate to be that guy but nigger, open your eyes.
>extra rib
What a dumb bitch.
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if you have a gf for the love of god tell her about this fetish you have no idea how much gas she's holding back from you lol
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>if you have a gf
I'm too scared she will tell everybody or blackmail me if/when we break up
Blackmail you with what? God already knows, who gives a fuck what man thinks.
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Chances are, even if you're in a great relationship, she'll gossip with one of her friends that she farts on you.
And admit she indulges? Yeah, I don't think so
It'd be framed around you rather than herself
Thanks to these threads I have a huge fetish for skunkgirls now
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honestly it just comes with fetish at this point i desperately need some skunk girl stink in my life
My gf was always too embarrassed to admit she'd do it for me even when my friends knew I had the fetish so you never know.
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Emergency Bomb

do you know the meaning of the word "taboo"
They don't do anything for me, they're too saturated.
This is hilarious, source?
Imagine being so autistic you get a boner from shit particles billowing out of a woman's ass.
We get it Yoshi. You felt the need to shitpost here because you got ousted on /brap/ again.
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The artist is PervDarkling.
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Shut up schizo, your samefagging isn't entertaining.
hell yeah

If you say you don't love it either, you're lying.

Aqua is an absolute massive braphog and you know it.
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Not an expert at it, and my computer kinda struggles to run it, but I thought to let y'all know there's apparently a Lazei style SDXL lora on Civitai.

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So that new Spy x Family movie actually has Anya farting in it. Just wanted to drop that knowledge here.
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Why people are excited about a 6 or 5 years old cartoon kid farting? Ik we are all weird here but thats too young
NovelAI’s furry module can do braps, I’ve gotten decent results with human characters if they’re popular enough.
Yeah, I saw it in theaters, was taken by surprise by the farts. While she's one of those characters I don't lewd, it was a fun scene. That's the part they chose to pour the movie budget animation in, that's pretty funny, happy to see some visual braps, anime farts like that are rare as far as I know.
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What kind of prompt did you put in to get that style? I keep getting these thick outlines.
I like the thick outlines.
Strengthen the “prompt guidance rescale” slider. I also checkmarked “SMEA” but idk how much that helps.
Make some ebony queen Ai art based off uchemba a true black beauty
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i hate cucks so much
stay in your own general ffs
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I associate pink gas with pheromones.
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Anyone got the new 13o pic?
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Sorry, I don't
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Wish there's more something like where the girls are being forced to fart until they go crazy
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This is so fucking dope
This is so fucking bad
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Never let a skunk girl into a greenhouse.
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poison gas girl stocks rising
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do you have other pics of him?
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What did Aerith mean by this?
you got some more of his stuff?
aruna's work is honestly god-tier
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Onara beam.
One more time theenix on discord for fart art, vids and irl stories
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kills perverts dead

added u
what's the name of this character again? she's from that demon slayer anime, that I know
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I know this is just conflicting personal tastes, but if someone was to ask me, "what's the fastest way to ruin a good piece of erotic art," one of my answers would be "have her flatulating a noxious haze of fart clouds."

However, I see a learning opportunity, so for the sake of my morbid curiosity, I want to temporarily suspend my personal disgust long enough to ask, as cordially as I can: why? What/where is the appeal in fetishizing farts?

Even for other fetishes that I personally can't stand, like WG and futa, I can kind of understand the reasons why people are into that, and I've even talked with people who are and they've given credence to my hypothesis. But farts is just one of those things that I can't even think of reasons for why it arouses some people. It strikes me as an aromatic version of scat porn, which is another thing I cannot fathom: not without proposing some ultra Freudian speculations as to how anyone could have a kink for human biological waste.

Please, enlighten me.
This pasta tastes stale.
>go to /onara/ discord
>full of faggots complaining about "Umm actually she is underage in canon!"
>you can't post BA or FE stuff because of that
>somehow an pic of ashley from warioware is okay even when her age is confirmed 15
fuckoff tranny staff glad i quitted this shithole
Why don't you ask the omorashi thread why they're into girls wetting themselves.
it's a discord, it's always filled with annoying trannies
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Do you know of any of his other artworks?
His pixiv account has already been deleted...
who was this?
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oh I forgot sorry!
And this is his data using SourceNao.
pixiv url
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Since when could Nami fly with the power of her farts?
Oda's newest power-up for her so she can keep up with the haki and Devil Fruit users. Read the latest chapter.
How does it feel to be farted in the mouth?
discord's tos makes it so the server can get deleted over that if it were to be reported unfortunately, has happened before. blame those jews and fragile retards instead
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To the anon who got this manga recently translated, thank you.
Really good to be honest I had a girl who was willing to do it for me you can actually taste it sometimes the taste can make you gag but that makes it better if you have a fart fetish the euphoria from it happening is magical
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Franky has been teaching Nami how to use the Coup de Boo.
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[Kaori no Chikara (Kaze no Koe)] Onara wo kagase rareru to 100% Shasei suru o Mise
Any anime/manga girls that can canonically wilt plants with their farts?
Anyone have any
Love Live
Fart stories / scenarios they’ve thought up
Galko and Nikuko having a fart contest
This sounds almost alien to me. How different is it from just smelling it? And how does a fart taste? More or less how they smell?
I glad you found someone who was willing to do that. Lucky bastard.
You know how pregnancy farts smell worse
I have read accounts from women who legit said when they were pregnant with their second or third kids they didn’t even bother buying a test because they could tell from the smell of their farts
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Posion ivy farts
Morrigan Aensland sexy farts
It's similar to how they smell but not exactly had a girl tell me fairly early on in the relationship that she did freaky shit along those lines to other people I knew I hit the jackpot
Extremely good image
Yeah, I love this artist
agreed, this kinda gal is cute
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I voted for her
who is this?
Crown from Nikke, she doesn't have a fart scene like Anis though.
>she doesn't have a fart scene like Anis though.
Maybe he's gaslit himself into believing that she actually farts in that "line of fire" scene? That's my guess. There was that one high-effort edit.
Mind linking the edit you're referring to?
I remembered it being a bit better than it was, but here.
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>AI art is allowed
Hm, one AI post is fine I guess. Started exploring what can be made with it and it kinda works I guess?
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ah, I see

AI truly is demonic. If one can generate infinite brap pictures, what is going to be of humanity?
It will never have the soul that human made pictures have.
huh. never knew that. any brapologists who can explain this phenomenon
does anyone know of literotica where the girl is forced to fart against her will? noncan farts. not femdom
The last two parts of kaze no koe's new work are scat related. Fuck I hate this
No, not the edit, but the line of fire thing is referring to farts. Crown doesn't have some fart scene.
so farts are okay, but the thing that follows (which is why the fart is happening) is where you draw the line? You fartbros are a weird and silly bunch
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another gift from the goat, he is too kind
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Have you tried finding a girl with an anal or ass kink first? My current girl I met randomly, and I found out she loves getting her ass ate. Did that for a while before I introduced ass worship. Also a hit, then after about 6 months I let her know about all my kinks including farts, sweat, smell, etc.
now we do dutch ovens and she let’s it rip all over me lol. She was nervous I was gonna get sick so we’ve only done it with her in panties so far.
I think her enjoyment of anal stimulation definitely helped.
also worth noting that most girls will be just fine with this fetish. from their perspective, it gets you off (+) and they don't need to hold in braps around you anymore (+). farting in front of you is a stage in any relationship and they're usually happy to accelerate that process if you ask.

letting gas escape your body is very different from actually shitting. scat is really niche, i doubt more than 10% of us are into it.
I don't think there's any, the only one that exist already posted here.
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