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Anyone got a recent unlock file for trapquest?
Does anyone know where to get the disguise to infiltrate the farm?
Has there been anything new/good in the CoC subgenre in the past ~4 years? I have lots of free time rn and the last /d/ games I played seriously were TiTS in 2017 and Monster Girl Dreams in maybe 2021. Or something like flexible survival, where it's true open world so you don't have to replay the whole game every year to see new content.
also played CoC2 a bit already, waiting another 5 years there because it's so linear and not replayable
Flexible survival is moving to a new engine now.
nice! Probably have more hours on FS over any other game since it's so good for starting new runs with fun restrictions or variations. CoC is great too but all you can really do at the start is grind on imps or sand witches
Yeah its a slow move but they're promising a significantly better UI
Looking for games that feature double vaginal or sloppy seconds, any suggestions?
Sir, this is a wen/d/ys. Would you like a double nipple penetration instead?
Anyone? I've gotten every outfit I can find and nothing has worked
is there any anon playing RJ01065704?

I can't advance to the 3ª tier of services. I don't know shit about japanese, but for what i could translate supposedly i need to get a chastity cage.
The problem is that i have no idea where to get, pls help
guess i'll just do one run of Trap Quest tonight. should be new enough
I like trap quest but the way multiple curses/cursed clothing stacks triggers the fuck out of me. Is there a way to set it to where you can only get one curse at a time?
idk, i beat the sisters once a long time ago but never would have looked for that if it was an option. just going to rp it realistically and let the game have its way with me~
I try to do that but it feels like everytime I find something I like it immediately gets fucked up. Like trying to do a sissy playthrough but you get stuck in a dress and t-shirt. Or becoming a maid only to immediately become a magical girl because you fought a tentacle beast
yeah it's a really hard game! for me the key was to ignore classes, max out heel skill, combat skills, and just avoid anything that makes you worse. then do a few more runs to figure out how to do the last fight. but maybe it's all changed now idk
It's not the difficulty it's my fucking outfits not matching goddamn it. I came here to be a slut not a thrift store shopper
It's incredibly misleading but the two costumes the protesters sell aren't disguises. The actual disguise is sold by a secret npc named judas you have to unlock by doing a quest.
>RJ01134901 had a bug that stopped you from progressing past a certain level
>the patch that fixed it broke UE on windows 7
>the dev recently updated the game to revert the UE version so people on 7 could run it again
Aw yeah it's gamer time
Legit considering buying the game just because of that.
The hardest part of Trap Quest is its UI. I know it has a lot going on but holy shit is it cluttered. It also really REALLY needs some kind of tracker for in-game events.
Is this on the hotfixed version? The original 1.10 had some visual issues (like the double arms there), but those should be fixed. Pink Straitjacket is armor nowadays instead of a weapon, so that seems fine.
Works for me too
What gams is that?
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Ero Dungeons
I just emptied my backlog and now I'm out of games
If by CoC subgenre you mean text-based free exploration, Debasing Ground was the best discovery for me this year.

If you mean furry-heavy, furry-transformation-centric, no clue.
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bug report for madodev.
if a maid uses massage on herself the game crashes
commit hash: a8105aecda77122fb242b37d92c7861c1f83e0cf
this dev is making a sequel, sort of a roguelite thing with 3 routes (feminized male, feminized->shemale, fully female) and it's coming along nicely.
are there any other games that feature feminization of a male protag by futas? seems pretty niche, this is one of my top 5 all-time h-games.
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Huh? How did you manage to do that, Massage shouldn't be able to target the user.
Yes, this is on the hot fixed version.
oh, where can I see the updates?
Playing Ero Dungeons for the first time in a long while, think the last time I played was back when the church was added. Here's some feedback if the dev is interested.

The "gather 5 of an item to make it infinite" system worked well early on when there weren't many items in the game, but now there's so much variety that in my current day 40 savefile I am still yet to get 5 (or even 4) of any item. The thing is only having 1 or 2 copies of an item is rarely an actual limitation since I'd never actually want a party with e.g. 4 Crowns of Intelligence, so it feels like the only thing the limitation actually does is add a bunch of tedium of swapping items around whenever I switch out my clerics or my rogues. Maybe reduce the number needed for infinite to 4 or even 3?

The end day summary should get a total rework. Currently it has too much useless information (I don't need to know someone lost 20 lust at the tavern or that the squad I was just using has returned) and not enough useful stuff. It should tell me when someone's completed a development goal, when a personality trait has been lost or become locked, and when there's a new quest available.

Clicking on an empty job should show you a selection menu with all the girls who have development goals or uncurse quests for that job.

Overall the game has progressed a lot and I'm happy to see it continue to improve.
would recommend holding off til it's done (probably 2-3 years), the demo version can be played with a machine translation using mtool but it's a little rough to understand, and a rare gem like this should be experienced complete + properly translated. can also lurk the dev's ci-en if you wanna google translate to see how things are going.
Does anyone know how to fight the amazon chief? I cant seem to find her.
think she's on the bridge leading to pandora's camp/castle area, after you've already been there once and escaped + gotten the sword. been a few years since i played though, you can probably search it out in the f95 thread.
Thanks, it's only my first playthrough so I probably haven't unlocked it yet. Is the pandora fight on the 4th floor an intended loss then? I've had a few trial runs against her and the fight seems unwinnable with what you're given by just playing normally.
I think that instead of making items infinite there should be a blacksmith building where you can dupe found items for a price and you have to uppgrade the blacksmith to be able to dupe rarer items.
don't think so, if you mean after you reach the castle, get captured, get the sword, escape, beat the bandit queen and go back to the castle you're supposed to be able to win it then.
if you don't get the sword in the storage room it's unwinnable afaik.
Oh sorry yeah what I meant was the first fight on the farm seems unwinnable. I haven't even been to the basement yet
This helps the swapping around items issue but it also adds even more inventory clutter which the infinite system is supposed to help avoid. Maybe dupe items should just be shown as a single stack.
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Well posting this time with a different image since the last one was deleted for some reason.

Any farming sims that have a focus on ponygirl slavery ?
It could be something for Free Cities to add in case that game ever reaches the recolonization stage, but thats a distant dream.
There was a game about capturing slaves I swear I remember playing years and years ago that had some pony play stuff in it. All I remember was you bought and trained slave girls a lot of whom were anime characters like sakura.
Slave trainer ? That didnt have much for pony stuff, only a racing tournament and night cart trips that you could take her with.
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So I've played a lot of TF-CardGame recently and I decided to make my own sort of deck builder game.

Would you be terribly annoyed if the players cards weren't at the bottom of the screen? I feel like I get a ton more space to display the target in I organize them this way. Haven't played much deck builders on pc.

What ?
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I think anon is talking about Jack of Nine Tails. If I had to go by *years and years ago.)

You could train the slaves in pony stuff, but I never really explored that part of the game.
what, are the right cards the enemy's cards? I don't really need to see all that, tf card battle has the right idea that it focuses on your cards and not theirs. Granted that's because tf card battle only has one transformation per character from what I saw.
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annual dungeons and prisoners update: as of eight months ago, ILL was on JAK inhibitor therapy and it cleared up his psoriasis but not his eye issues. he subsequently left twitter for mastodon, where the account that i think is his only posted once.

as google now owns blogspot and requires a google account login to view the blog, i won't check it so i have no idea if there's any news there.

this has been your annual dungeons and prisoners update.
>So I've played a lot of TF-CardGame recently
any you reccomend?
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So I know it's a long shot but does anyone know of any h games with kemono/"furry" demon women specifically?
Yea this is somewhat mitigated by me having had 95% of the old items at INF already, can't imagine how it'd be if you didn't.
I have enjoyed Broken Dreams Correctional Facility and, of course Lilith's Throne.
Pretty sure left+right is how the card game from FF8 is and that works well. go for it
hey madodev, is the game supposed to still have no fucking balance at all? I'm still getting completely obliterated by literally any encounter in the first non-tutorial dungeons, I'm talking entire party faltering before I can even take down a single enemy
what is that image from?
skill issue
Western art is not permitted on /d/.
A lot of this thread is probably gonna get shot down if a mod notices.
Sounds like DD to me. Biggest reason I dropped the real game.
>Western art is not permitted on /d/.
Western as in drawn by a western artist, has a western style, or that it only depicts western characters ?
Because at least half of whats shown on the catalog has to be violating that rule alone.
check it yourself
That's a skill issue. I'm only losing about 1 out of every 15 runs, and that usually happens when I over challenge my team.
Update on the bug. It resolved itself after completing a single dungeon with the affected prisoner. Don't know if that helps you though. Any chance you might work on detailing animations on a future update?
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Any game recommendations with male on beast content?
Hard mode: Not Teraurge
Level 1 adventurers are just very shitty. Your first priority should be leveling up a mage as quickly as you can because their AoE spells (left side of the tree) are insanely strong and can let you trivialize a lot of fights.

Also make sure you use the provisions, the game doesn't do a good job of making this clear but using them is a free action, so any time an adventurer gets a debuff you should purge it immediately. The rats mainly apply Punish so bring a bunch of salves to cure it.

Other than that I would say avoid the lab dungeons if you can, compared to the other biomes they have a lot of cheesy encounters that can either be trivially easy or near impossible, the pink gas robots especially are just brutal and you can also roll an encounter with 4 alarm bots that will all immediately self destruct and possibly falter your entire team.
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I just want a simple game where the feminine maleMC gets put in a chastity cage and gradually comes to prefer getting ass-fucked to the point he doesn't want to get out of the cage.
No "turning into a girl" at the end.
No cuck-shit.
Is that too much to ask?
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Why do my girls sometimes get this icon on them in dungeons? Nothing seems to happen when I click on them or inspect them or anything.
there was a promising demo posted here a couple weeks ago but the guy deleted it


means they've got points to distribute or empty gear slots
flexible survival has big dragons
You can do this in trap quest if you just turn off sex changes. Technically you'll still have breast growth but if you don't want that you can also set the max breast size very low.
Any other games like Karry's Prison and goo?
>simple game
I played that game years ago many times, forgot it even existed.
Yeah madodev, why can't you fix the glaring issue of this one anon being bad at video games.

Seriously though, if your strategy doesn't work, try a new one. Adventurers cost nothing, you have no running costs.
what strategy, my entire party is level 1 and recruiting new adventurers isn't going to change that
Maybe you use classes with low hp like Nobles? If you are new to Ero Dungeons, be sure to include Warriors or Paladins, they don't falter after one or two hits.
Pretty sure it means the have empty move slots and unequppied moves or more moves equipped than move slots available. Say you equip gear with -1 move slot, that icon will be there until you unequip one move. It will come back when gear breaks and you get that moveslot back btw
EZ basic team comp:
Rank 1 and 2 will be a mix of warriors, paladins, prisoners, and cows. It's okay to have 1 rogue, noble, or puppy early on. Having a melee cleric is also fine
Rank 3 and 4 will have at least 1 cleric for heals, some classes can work as a substitute when they are sufficiently leveled. your 4th hero should be a ranger, alchemist, or a mage.
Once you level up your stage coach, you will get stronger level 1 recruits and you'll have a lot more strategic freedom. Recruits that roll higher on their stats will be colour coded, with blue and purple recruits being the strongest. Brown recruits are unique.
why can't I seem to find something that gets me harder than trapquest
I'm so sorry
how? There's so little encounters and you're forced into extremely shitty looking transformations.
Not that anon but one of the things TQ does really well is integrating the fetishes into the gameplay. e.g. the sluttier your character gets the sluttier they're made to act, or if you're one of the classes like maid or cow or cheerleader you're compelled to actually act like a maid or cow or cheerleader. It has its issues (some of the fetish content feels like it veers more into joke territory than anything sexy and the content gating can have weird hangups) but it's quite good if you just want an infinitely replayable simulation of corruption/feminisation/bimbofication.
It was a great game at the time it released, not the best but certainly one of the best at the time for its fetishes.
That really tells you how little competition there was, huh?
Is there a way to stop from getting another curse/transformation while already having one active?
What are some of the mandatory Nymph Priestess mods?
The vanilla game seems devoid of actual content despite god-tier art.
If you mean the classes, for the most part you can only get one class at a time and you're locked to whatever headgear you're wearing, e.g. wearing the blue srunchie locks you to schoolgirl and even if you do something that would trigger another class like cow you'll stay as a schoolgirl.

But there are also some special multiclasses you can get, like being a schoolgirl and triggering the magical girl transformation makes you a magical girl/schoolgirl dual class. There's no way to prevent that other than just not triggering the magical girl conditions (or not enabling the tentacle content which is what it's tied to).
I think the sissy curse is an exception. It can randomly add a peice of sissy clothing or a diaper at any time which can really fuck up certain quests and can even soft lock some things
I dont know how people play with tentacle beasts enabled. I like the magical girl class but the tentacle beasts are so fucking tedious to fight.
>Recruits that roll higher on their stats will be colour coded, with blue and purple recruits being the strongest. Brown recruits are unique.
Excuse me, what?
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Has anyone tried out Underworld? It looks interesting but I can't really tell what sort of game it's trying to be.
It's a very very mediocre CoC-like with all content released in the past 10 years being locked behind a monthly subscription. It's absolutely not worth paying for, the vast majority of the game is just one-off transformation routes and bad ends.
That's the vibe I got when I first found it a few years ago. I just found it again and apparently they have free "chapters" now. I was curious if it was an actual rpg or just a collection of interactive tf scenes.
The whoredra is a incredibly hot concept absolutely squandered by those kike devs.
The border around their portrait will have a colour that corresponds to the rarity of their stats rolled. In a previous version it was easier to see what this meant, because below their stats (strength, constitution, intelligence, wisdom) it would tell you how "rare" they were as a recruit. If the border around their portrait is blue, they are "rare", meaning their stats are high. If the border is purple, they are "very rare", meaning their stats are very high. Upgrading your stage coach makes them more likely to have higher base stats. They will still start at level 1, unless you employ horses, then they will start with a random number of upgrade points.
I played it like 3-4 months ago for a few hours, it's somewhat obtuse and seemed poorly designed. On paper it should be good, but damn if it wasn't a slog to actually play/navigate/engage with the central premise.
paladin rogue cleric wizard
when I say first dungeons I mean FIRST dungeons as in day fucking 1
Got it, that's a workable team comp. Now, are you paying attention to the difficulty level of dungeons before you go in? There's a big difference between novice (dark green icon) and adept dungeons (light green). You should also accept that the early game is going to be a bit of a meat grinder with your small selection pool for recruits with low average stat spreads.
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For what it's worth, I'm making the novice dungeons easier next update. Currently they still have a chance to spawn medium difficulty encounters, which can fuck you over if you don't know the game. So now novice dungeons will often be only two or three enemies. I'm adding an additional dungeon difficulty to compensate though.
>if you don't know the game
come to think of it, I wonder how much the restriction of information that comes with the pornographic elements impacts players' perceived difficulty. Anybody can go on youtube and type in [boss] tutorial or no hit or challenge run and get a passionate fan's breakdown of exact mechanics, but the best you can get for most smut is a txt file or quarter-finished wiki page saying what actions the author took that worked for them.
can anyone link the /sgg/ pregmod thread I can't find it
Does anyone have a copy of the demo?
I made a futanari game 2 years ago that I plan to update soon:
Today I just released a bullet hell prostitution game:

Trying to start to make money from this. Already made a Patreon. What do I do now?
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>Trying to start to make money from this. Already made a Patreon. What do I do now?
Right now, the games you're making are not the sort that I expect to do well on Patreon.

Your goal is, regardless of what game you are, to spam updates on your games to bump yourself to the top of every pirate site so you get maximum attention. You can do that regardless of the quality of your games.
You need some sort of benefit such as early access to entice people to actually sub to the Patreon, ideally with multiple cascading tiers of access that lets you put out an update each time, so everyone feels like they're getting a benefit and it gives you an excuse to give an update each time.

Now, the hard part is that you're gonna have to hit the bare minimum to get people to sub. Stuff like,
>Does this appeal to a fetish people have? Can players anticipate there being more of the sex appeal?
>Are there characters that people want to fuck/be fucked by, and players want to see more content for those characters?
>Is it a game and not just a porn gallery?
>How much playtime is there?
You've got a game but you don't have any characters, you don't have much playtime, you don't really have any fetish or much actual sex going on. The first step in the right direction would be to draw characters with clear faces or to at least describe and detail characters in a text adventure, it doesn't work to do faceless orgies. Even if the men are faceless, at least the girl needs a face.
Thank you!
Are there any other H-roguelikes?
I don't care for the fetishes in TQ, but I've always liked the moment-to-moment gameplay of it.
The problem with H-roguelites (distinct from traditional roguelikes) is that H-games are extremely dependent on the player seeing new content throughout the course of the game.

Roguelites and usually also roguelikes work differently - they are dependent on the player seeing new interactions, learning, overcoming difficulties or just trying out different classes.
It's the antithesis of a porn game. You have to start from scratch to be able to see the content you came for.
Solutions to this and their faults are:
>allow savescumming: but then it's not a roguelite, really?
>frontload content: but then there's no progression and it's a tiny sandbox?
>metaprogression scales down the difficulty immensely to allow progression: this just has the problems of the first two combined, plus it's hard to balance.
Succubus Haven tried to go for the permadeath+metaprogression route but I can assure you, the moment I'd done one run I had absolutely no intention to play it all again just to lose for one sex scene or a different ending. Play Succubus Haven if you wanna see my point.

Maybe once AI is more usable someone could make a dungeon where every unique combination of characters, items, enemies, scenarios results in a different scene so the game is super replayable. Until then, we've got ToA / CoCTiTS and every game that you lose your save file for that you start from the beginning over and over because they're 10 years in development.
Big disagree. Even if the porn is the same I find roguelites very replayable compared to CoC. But yeah AI is the ideal
Flexible survival with random self imposed challenges works well for this. Been playing it for years
The popularity of Degress of Lewdity, Lilith's Throne, and the lesser known Broken Dreams Correctional Center all disprove your initial thesis of H-games.
People don't mind repetitive content as long as the context of that content changes. Most use h-games as a supplement to their own imagination. If not most, then a significant portion.

I just want a dungeon crawler where I can either fight things, cast magic at them, or fuck them. Maybe fight them or cast magic at them so I can fuck them.
Just reminds me that a properly modded Skryim is the absolute peak of h-games.
maidenssnow eve
But every game that has been mentioned thus far is barely a roguelike. The reason I mention playing through games like ToA or CoC again is because, yes, you can get the scenes with different alterations or contexts or find new ones, but it's still not really a roguelike (from now on I'll just say roguelike, hardcore purists need not judge me for not saying -lite).

Succubus Haven and Last Evil are examples of games that seem to have actual roguelike systems, including death with the expectation you'll play again from the start. In both of them, I had no desire to play again after one run. I know I'll run into a lot of the same shit, even if I look slightly different. All of the games that feature customization and large scale sandboxes are also very against roguelike natures because it means you won't try out scenes that seem dangerous, you have too much to lose. The power scaling in a typical roguelike isn't there at all.

I'd be happy to try more roguelikes and see if I actually like any of them but I've yet to be satisfied with any of them. It just doesn't seem to work.
Oh interesting, did TQ finally remove diapers? I don't see the options for bathroom stuff anymore.
Yes, patreon made them do it. You can re-enable diaper content by downloading the devs diaper game and loading it from the same directory
There’s 2 TQs now and one is 100% diaper
If you put both files together after loading a game of DQ you can then start TQ and have diaper content enabled
I think something like lewd cata would be great and potentially really fit into the same niche as something like lilith's throne while being much better as an actual game. I kind of think just remaking LT or CoC or something in that vein as a roguelike, or even just making a fork or total conversion of an existing roguelike would work pretty well.
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I once joked around with the idea of a DoL conversion mod for Slay the Spire.
oh, also kinky dungeon
There's Noxico, but it's really unfinished.
Does anyone know what happened to "badtraining quest" game?
Discussion thread and links are on ATF
You mean they got shutdown?
not even into diapers but holy shit Patreon is hilarious with how excessively puritanical it is.
No, if you visit the game online right now there's a banner stating that had to switch hosts. Go to the ATF thread for details and alternate links.
>best discovery for me this year.
>About 5 short stories turned into incomplete queslines and hundreds a copypasted non-characters.
Truly a sad year for degenerates.
that little battletf rpg getting finished by the dead dev's fiancée who didn't want his passion project left unfinished was a pretty sweet story even if the actual game is just ok
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I'm happy he's doing better but yeah maybe he should start over with a new project that's adapted to his current disability.
To all the h-game devs be careful with your health, there's a curse that makes them drop dead.
It's not patreon it's the payment processors/card issuers who control online transactions.
all the same, yea.
What was the name of that Japanese roguelike where you were playing as a loli, and there were 2 lolis on preview. It was in development, but I didn't about it in a while, and I lost the name again.
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The right will be the buy pile.

The TF-cardgame is named 'TF card battle'. It's a mix of 3dgc for the player avatars and real graphics and gifs. I enjoyed the game play / challenge of it.

I went through F95 and played each deck builder game on there. There was maybe 3 or 4. Started to look at modding the TF-cardgame one, which was in Twine, but decided to just make my own instead.
>Western as in drawn by a western artist, has a western style, or that it only depicts western characters ?
Has never been answered, will never be answered, and will always be ignored.
/aco/ is just slightly more focused on western properties but everyone just posts whatever honestly.
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Originally /d/ had a "shitty/western" prohibition which wasn't really elaborated on. But it didn't need to be, because most western art on /d/ topics was DeviantArt tier or worse, with the few exceptions (RIP Doug Winger) often veering into furry territory. In the decades since, western /d/ art expanded and improved with sites like Hentai Foundry providing platforms for artist development. Dmitrys was a turning point - the art was decent and the themes were /d/.

Thing is, moderation on /d/ is silent unless something really big goes down. Users report, mods remove, board goes on. A number of years back, before /aco/, /tg/ purged the lewd content it was quietly tolerating. /d/ got flooded with lewd writing, CYOAs, and captions. Each of these broke the "flow" of the board: walls of text with no relevant images, people reposting the same CYOAs over and over, captions using western art or 3DPD. Things came to a head when a janitor started removing all text, and even this thread got pruned. Users protested, which led to a mod sticky saying "/d/ is not for discussion, except /dgg/ which shouldn't have been caught in the purge." I think it was the same one that called out western art and said specifically Dmitrys art was fine.

When /aco/ was created, multiple boards thought it was made for them - a lewd version for /co/ & /tg/ and a western /d/ among them. One janitor on /d/ started deleting everything western to push everyone posting it to /aco/. Things have settled down a bit since then, but the rules are still in place. They're just not being enforced as harshly or in a way you can see.

And, to be honest, /d/ polices itself. Look at the AI thread. Users tell each other which art is too western and should be elsewhere to avoid mod wrath.
It really is just a nominal measure against low effort garbage
>captionfagging permanently killed
Kinda sad. I like writefagging but don't have the autism to maintain a serial or novel
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Any games featuring oni girls anyone could recommend?
>/d/ is not for discussion, except /dgg/ which shouldn't have been caught in the purge
Don't forget too, our sacred covenant to add an image whenever we post, as often as possible.
Elona+, maybe?
I played that thinking it was a dirty game and it was just a shitty grindy game.
are there any sort of city builder games? dont tell me i have to create my own /d/ city builder
what exactly would be the lewd/erotic aspect here? i mean... if masturbating to zoning commission meetings is your thing, more power too you, but even by /d/ standards that's gonna be way too fucking niche to have much of an audience.
Thank you for the history lesson.
Modded Rimworld is the closest thing I can think of.
Any games like monster girl island out yet? Also Redamz plz do something
>ten days in
>three adventurers with three different maid dresses (basic dress, latex, and bikini)
>have not seen a single other piece of maid gear
madodev I think the item pool is getting a bit bloated...
rescuing trapped maids or getting your people applied with maid gear is your general source of maid gear, to be fair.
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Why can't games like DoL, Lilith's Throne, etc be even remotely as colorful and engaging as cookie clicker? Even more colorful games like Karryn's Prison and Kobold Adventure's color palette and UI still make me feel like a fucking degenerate in their parent's basement--I'm a degenerate in my own home office, damnit.
Because it would require talent.
There are games like TiTS that put a lot of color into the UI, why not compare to those? Is it to criticize specific games only such as LT? Of course, comparing a single screen game to an open world sandbox is a bit extreme but we can still talk about the UI.
You can't expect every developer to be good at everything, especially in an amateur market. Cookie Clicker rose to fame because it stood out from the competition. You didn't say "why can't games be like the lollipop game(that cookie clicker was based on)?" you said "why can't games be like one of the most played games ever?"
We call that survivorship bias. If you look at indie games not by popularity but by picking them randomly out of a hat, you'll find they're often worse than even DoL or LT. The only reason we know DoL and LT is because there was a big demand for those games when they came out even if they aren't very polished.

Feel free to make your own game. If it's good and has my fetishes I'll play it.
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No one has answered yet? It's by Throtem.
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the only reasons the question would need to be asked are either learned helplessness or phoneposter, neither of which is worth respecting
you asking purely about presentation, or are you asking for an idle h-game?
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No one asked, fag.
>imgsearch on right click menu
that actually seems pretty neat
sorry i hurt your feelings
There are a bunch of other badly made open-world 3D games like it. Random examples being 'Breeders of the Nephelym' , 'Sapphire Safari' 'Monster Girl Tailes'. (These aren't recs, there ae no good realtime 3D weg's)
Just use F95's search filter '3D game' along with preferred fetishes.
Even TiTs is worse than Kobold Adventure and Karryn's Prison--both of which I mentioned. TiTs is honestly a terrible example because, despite having some color to it, the UI is still absolute ass with same-sized buttons all over the place, inconsistent button placement, and no visual haptic feedback.
>comparing it to a popular game
Yeah so why the fuck don't people LEARN from this game? Making a good GUI is basic introductions level programming. If I just wanted C O L O R I'd play Free cities, you obtuse bitch.
>maek ur own :DDDD
Go fuck yourself. If you're just being a troll, lede with that next time. It's not a thoughtcrime to hold hobbyists to a standard.
Presentation. It's really not hard to make a good UI, especially in niche fetish markets where you can just ape 90% of your UI.
Calm down faggot
Has any game captured the fun of edging and keeping your V-Card as good a CoC, TiTS or specifically DoL? Like legit having a hard time finding good shit like that these days
I just get passionate about my niche fetish games.
>Making a good GUI is basic introductions level programming.
No, it's not. You have shit like loops and conditions in that.
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What are the general thoughts of CoC2? How does it compare to TiTs? What about other games?

What do people think of the writing? A lot of hentai games are translated, which can impact the writing.

What do people think of the art? The main artist of the game (Artwithmoira) has some pretty good CGs.
It's an insult to itself. "Corruption of Champions"? more like "Whore Simulator". It gave up on Corruption so it could become a giant collab writing project that I assume Fenoxo still grossly profits from. Is he even managing that shit anymore or is it all just a bunch of modders doing their own thing?
Not only that but because it's a Fenoxo game it now gets advertized in every fetish game space whenever anyone asks for a game that has X in it someone will mention a Fenoxo game because yes, technically, you can do X even if it's just a page of text some modder added.

Essentially, the creator of the project abandoned it and left it to become a confused mess, moreso than its predecessors. I want to see games made with someone's creative vision in mind and at least TiTS still has some level of cohesion. Give me TiTS but with corruption and without the sci-fi theme and you'd have a solid CoC2.
>ToA censored all use of the word slave
Fucking gay
I personally like it compared to TiTS since there are actual women in CoC2 unlike TiTS where every single 'female' is actually a secret futa. There is two I know of in TiTS that start off as regular women but you can give them dicks so they're still futas. Plus CoC, TiTS and CoC2 doesn't have beast content so I also don't like it for that reason.
>LT at version
Has anything of substance been added in the past couple years?
Self indulgent wank doing nothing to earn the name it commandeered with writers more interested in making verbose slop about their precious OCs fucking each other than anything to do with the player or premise and when not doing that removing content out of pure spite while lying about it being a grand expansion for months before
Rate my game idea:
>raising sim
It's okay. The writing is pretty dogshit in that it spends way too much time trying to develop the setting and plotlines and characters only for them to all suck anyways, it's very amateur fanfic writer-esque. CoC and TiTs understood to keep that shit to a minimum and focus on the sex scenes that 99% of people are playing for.

And as far as the scenes themselves go, most of what I've seen in CoC2 is actually quite good. It just sucks that you have to trudge through several hours of what is otherwise not a good game at all to access them compared to CoC where you can go fuck a goblin within minutes and even reach endgame content in an hour or two if you play optimally.

A great example of this is the gyms in both games. In CoC you go to the gym, meet one of the several NPCs there, work out with them, and fuck after. In CoC2 you meet one of several NPCs, read half of their life story, work out with them for 4-5 days in a row, read the second half of their life story, and finally unlock a sex scene. It's just a very different philosophy of writing where all the CoC2 authors want their NPCs to be special unique OC waifus instead of slut #14, though that's ultimately all they end up being regardless.

Fenoxo never had anything to do with CoC2 beyond giving them the right to use the CoC name. It's developed by Savin (who wrote CoC's Helia) and his friends, which is why it's completely different in tone and style and has basically nothing to do with og CoC besides the name.

CoC has the hellhound but all beast (and incest) content was scrubbed from the future games for fear of Patreon retribution.
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Also Unveiling the Unknown got finished a couple weeks ago:
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Latest TrapQuest unlocker:
Maybe try Aurelia and Monster Girl Dream, they're great games.
Is there any games with proper weight gain/feederism/gainer content?
I can only think of freecities :(
It's furry.
Fattening Career:
3dcg renpy v0.09
It's not a popular fetish, I think Trap Quest also has some weight gain mechanics but I don't think it's visual.
You can also ask for more there.
If you consider shit like loops and conditions the basic level of programming, you're either using assembly/cobol or are too retarded for programming.
I played it once forever ago. The only character I remember liking in it was the fox wife, but everyone who's played more than I have say that that whole questline gets pretty bad once you free her, so I've never felt any desire to pick it up again.
I aint downloadin that shit
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If you want "peer reviewed" download links, just search the game name on f95. Tag system, game description, and to a lesser degree thread search (like putting in "futa" or your preferred fetish to find out how much of it is in the game) help figure out if anything is worth a DL.
So I tried debasing grounds and wtf do you even do, what can you even do, it's like they talk about a hostel, but where the fuck is that?
I'm what way is it better than degrees of ludity?
The hostel is a trap anyway. You can go through one of the slums sections to find safe housing and some quests for non-degens. There's also an apartment you can rent that you can find by asking around, then just try to get enough cash to stay in it.
No, it's not as old. It had plant enemies in early presentation, and, I believe, one mc wore orange dress.

Is Elona+ even an h-game?
not really, but it does have sex in it, though it's not animated
Release 0.3 of my smut text "game" is now out. Nearly 100,000 new words of terrible things happening to you, a knight once left for dead after an ambush. This update focuses on hordes of goblins and one particularly infatuated futa goblin as well as a few satyr for good measure, focusing on corruption, body alteration / spiritual corruption and stepfordisation - and lots of (optional) dirty dicks, watersports and m/m/f fuckery, for five bad ends and one somewhat secret one. I'm slowly adding more mechanics to make it more like a game and less like a glorified adventure book, but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.

>100,000 new words
Is that a lot?
Average length of a chapter in a book is 5k~
Moby dick is 200k
It's a lot
cool but if there's no feral animals then not interested
same but everyone else except MC being futas with uncut hairy dicks
LotR is 500k long
thanks anon
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EroDungeons Contributor here.
The number of items needed is 4, it has always been 4, because that's your party size and the reasoning is "If you have enough for everyone you might as well have an infinite amount." You do need to identify the items (and break the curse if applicable) for them to count towards the 4 item limit.
However since you fags won't stop whining about it, we're gonna add it as a NewGame+ option in the next weekly build.
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I actually thought I remembered it being 4 from playing earlier versions but I checked the in-game encyclopedia when writing that post to make sure I wasn't talking out of my ass and it literally says you need more than 4, i.e. 5, so I assumed the encyclopedia info was correct and I either misremembered or the game had been patched to increase the number. I never got to test if it's still 4 by myself because again, I never even managed to collect 4 of any piece of equipment despite playing for over 40 days. Calm down buddy.
not him but weird; been playing since a birillion years ago and always remember it being 4.
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That's just a typo, it should be four or more.
Hey dev, just wanted to say Ero Dungeons is in my top 3 ero indie games. It has a lot of charm, and I appreciate the work you put into it.
nice thread
can you also make it easier to find class equipment for classes you already have partial equipment for
I'm tired of recycling adventurers that get one piece of maid/pet/whatever gear because I know I'm never going to actually finish the set
the cursed gear is supposed to be the entire point of the game but right now it's just fucking annoying and tedious
File deleted.
So I'm curious, is there a decent game with similar themes to trap quest (slutification, rape, mind control) just for gay stuff/orientation play? Like you have to avoid monsters trying to make you gay or something.
Closest I can think of is "Dawn of Corruption" but it's more focused on size/muscle growth and there's something left to be desired. I'd be interested to hear anons' recommendations I know barely anything gay-focused.
Thanks I'll check it out. I'm really looking for something where orientation play and corruption/mind control is the main focus.
Girls becoming useless because of a single cursed item? What version are you playing? Cause we nerfed that shit like 3 times already.
i liked it, how long have you been working on this?
The artist blueballs has done a few pretty good games that fit that general description but he's the only one I know who really does stuff like this.
Pretty great content
There are
I never understood why Blue isn't more well known. Yeah his stuff is VERY gay and VERY furry but he puts put pretty high quality fetish games fairly regularly and I never see anyone talk about them. DV has some fantastic mind control scenes.
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Added a jellyfish monster girl to the alien dating sim I'm developing.
show us her jelly benis
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No updates on his Japanese blog since 2017, English blog since 2016, no news on his patreon (that 10 people are still supporting for some reason) since 2016 as well. I can't find his mastodon, can you tell me what to search?
what game?
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Galactic Love Utopia.
I like red-skinned girls but I was hoping for a more Oni-style one
Now, Oni red/blue sisters, that needs a game..
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Does anyone know any good guro games?

I've recently finished Blood Rush and I loved it to death and I'd like to know if there are any similar (preferably as or even more fucked up than it) games out there.
Can't talk about it here, anon. Rules.
There's one about two twins who are torture spirits or something, though. You have to drill someone's eye for a code at a point and all the enemies have animations for it. It's..rough.
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actually I am 99% sure you can talk about guro content, you just can't post the images.
A guro thread will get baleeted, because it's a thread you can't post any relevant pics in, but asking about guro games in /dgg/ is fine IMO.

Screenshot of the global rules and /d/ board rules:
Global Rules #3 You will not post the following outside of /b/: "Grotesque (guro) images".

/d/ board Rules #2: Images depicting guro [etc] are not to be uploaded

Both of the rules specify images.

I'd be careful to not post images that are "close to the border" when discussing it, but IMO it's OK to talk briefly about guro content, including where to get it / linking to it, so long as you don't post the images and (to be polite) warn other posters that the link is to guro.
You're not unreasonable anon, but we know how jannies are.

Anyway it's not my thing but look up 'graveyard executioner', it's translated. Gallery on sadpanda if you're curious. It's seriously messed up though.
male or female or create your own character, anon?
Is there no way to access the Halloween events in TiTS outside of changing my system date? I remember CoC had a toggle to make Holiday events happen year-round but I can't find that in TiTS.
I think the first one fires regardless of date, as long as some amount of time has elapsed in-game. At least it did for me the last time I played the online version. Not sure how long after that another one should trigger.
No, but that slot gets taken up and prevents better cursed items that don't have idiotic 'you need 3+ items from the set before they actually do anything' requirements, like the spiked bunnygirl shoes that give you more damage on 'kick' moves. Wow, great, how do you get 'kick' moves? Right, right, find more bunnygirl gear. Got that gear on the wrong girl and need to get it off? Find MORE bunnygirl gear.
Cursed class items should not universally require completing the class set and then maxing out the class skill tree to remove.
cheats menu, unlocked by triple clicking the dot on the i on the main menu
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That's been changed a long time ago. Accessories no longer give the class uncurse goal, they just ask you to work as the given job for three days.
So it's not playable yet?
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Sorry, not quite yet. I will probably be able to put together a test version with some minor missing assets before the end of next month. And a more polished public version with the first act in Q3 of this year.
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you've gotta add a hand massage scene pls
>gradually tone down the sexual elements of my game to focus on the gameplay and lore
>give it to a friend to play
>they say "it feels like playing a cool game and then suddenly you're slapped with stuff that's obviously a fetish"
Are there any games that pull it off well?
Pull what off? Making fetish stuff fly under the radar? Whether a person notices "subtle" fetish content is actually fetish content is basically entirely dependent on whether the person in question already has knowledge of the fetish existing. If they do, they're gonna be able to instantly spot it no matter how subtle you *think* you're being.
Dark souls
lean into the artistic and aesthetic elements of the fetish
I played that game and vaguely recall those NPCs, but I don't remember that scene.
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>Are there any games that pull it off well?
Depends, if it becomes something you are looking for, there's nothing to do to make it better. The suggestion of sex or a nudge into something more intimate could be enough to set someone off and think 'oh ok now it's porn time'.
I'm going to assume you aren't just making a basic platformer or something similar where the game is so simplistic that you don't have to care about what you are here for; it'd be like complaining about the world building in a movie where a young handsome pizza delivery guy has a pizza with extra sausage to deliver to two young petite girls who have never had sausage.
Doing it better just means making it makes sense in the world you built, for the most part. The plants in the forest of COC never made sense to me because the chance of a plant to naturally change in a way to specifically suck cock and nipples just feels like a 'it's magic I don't gotta explain shit' thing.
Try to make actions consistent with your world and the characters in it, if a librarian is always timid and shy, but then she turns around and wants to be your butt slut, make it clear why.
>the chance of a plant to naturally change in a way to specifically suck cock and nipples
Did you seriously miss the whole CORRUPTION part of "Corruption of Champions"? The plant wasn't NATURALLY like that. The game's whole plot is that the world got fucked (litearally and figuratively) relatively recently, and your actions can either unfuck it a little bit or fuck it up further.

The Last Sovereign is a fairly solid "come for the porn, stay for the plot" game. If you're talking about games that gradually become less sexual over time, the FATE franchise is a prime example. Initially popular at least in part because of lewd stuff, moved away from that as popularity rose.
it's where they get their fire hand and electro hand powers, it's mandatory, even follows up with a whole underground tutorial
it's been living rent free in my mind since
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Sorry for insulting COC by disliking one thing about it. Corruption is a broad term, I understand that we are talking about smut games so we just assume it generally means more sex in most games, but in a world you are trying to build where corruption is your through line, it might be helpful to have some sort of consistency. If you say that corruption has entered a person so now their hormones are heighten, or it shifts neural pathways to make sexual acts pleasurable or more pleasurable, or it's a drug that fogs your mind, you can then take any of the previous example to understand what corruption is.
If you say that it will effect pollen from being something light enough to be blown away with the wind to becoming human sperm and also all of the plants will be shaped and act like human genitalia, also 25% of people will be futa horsecock furries, but only make one person into a giant, some people will lose their mind from corruption, and some people will physically change but their mental state has hardly changed, then you might say it's a magic thing that just makes things happen to justify the world/person/action. In anything other then H games, we would call this bad storytelling, and in a conversation about lore in games, I'm going to say it makes no sense because it is the silliest part of the COC world to me.
I'd want further details of how you fucked it up.
Don't make everything about sex like how TiTS / Monster Girl Dreams / etc do. I hate that and the West does that way too often.
I'm not sure I'd call Monster Girl Quest thrilling lore but even though it's "MONSTER GIRL BABES HORNY FOR HUMAN COCK" all throughout it's not as if you enter palaces made of cock and every girl is wearing the holy robes of dicksucking, the key thing that happens is many monster-girls will do stuff that their monster counterpart would do in nature.
Nobody is going to say the maker of the game has a fetish for cock transformation because at one point the main character turns into what is essentially just balls. The creature in real life that it's based on absorbs the male in the same way, so there's a reason for it.

This is especially true for "I gave this girl a horsecock." Horsegirls have it easier when you give them a horsecock. TiTS tries to magic that all away by saying everyone just gets gene mods.
I didn't know poison swamps could be a fetish, but apparently life finds a way.
I don't care if you insult CoC, the point is that the plant didn't naturally evolve to extract fluids. Even if demonic influence didn't directly change the plant to be lewd, there's a literal plant goddess in its vicinity who's being corrupted by the demons. The whole forest might as well be the manifestation of her (suppressed/subconscious) desires given form. This is probably the worst example to use for "inconsistent worldbuilding" in CoC, which has a ton of patchwork stuff due to every furry futa waifu having to be special in their own way. Several of them don't even want their massive horsecocks, but won't trust the PC (who they recognize as the same person despite constant radical body changes) that an egg of the right color will make their problem go away permanently with zero corruption.

As a trailblazing/groundbreaking game, CoC is a bad example in general. It's a mess because it had a long development cycle, because many hands tried to steer the wheel, because it changed focus multiple times, because Fen said "fuck it" and dropped it without finishing everything or cleaning up loose ends. Of course there are going to be inconsistencies. Of course things will contradict each other and the world won't make sense. CoC got away with a lot of things because it was the first to make it big.
are the hgg and xanxia mods of CoC completely different?
I thought hgg was just a variation of xanxia for some reason
iirc infinity/hgg mod includes xanxia and some others
>I never understood why Blue isn't more well known.
>Yeah his stuff is VERY gay and VERY furry
Honestly I think the atmosphere and tone of CoC is actually very well done, for what its worth Fen did succeed in making Mareth feel like a corrupted, dying world and in making you feel like a fish out of water suddenly thrust into it. The pure NPCs are almost all wary and cautious of you as an outsider and the demons and other corrupted enemies can genuinely feel threatening. It can honestly feel like Dark Souls or Morrowind at times, and especially moments like when you destroy the demon factory only to realise you've corrupted the last goddess as a result and completely doomed the world was awesome.

Contrast this with TiTS which is much more blatantly a porn setting. Nearly everything is all sex all the time and nearly everyone is a massive slut right from the start, there are no stakes and nothing feels like it matters. Or CoC2 which is even worse by having complete tonal shifts between generic RPG plotlines and TiTS-style porn logic. CoC1 definitely started to sway into that direction as well with some of the later updates like Urta's Quest but at least the first few hours are genuinely fantastically put together.
why would you do that
sex should be part of the gameplay and lore from the beginning so people know what they're getting into
Urta was added in pretty early on and was the subject of a lot of shitposting about furries.
>a dog with a horsecock ???
Like, if I try to remember the phases of CoC1, at the beginning it was just four areas with maybe 4 enemies and 4 items and then after that they added the town and maybe an extra area or two and then the goddess stuff came afterwards.

The factory and the goddess seems good on paper but in practice it falls into the realm of
"gameplay overrules the writing and lore" - if you corrupt some goddess you might've not even met at that point then you barely care at all. What's she even doing, basking in the sun and shitting herself? Nothing changes any more than giving the mouse boy the bimbo juice, that one single character interaction is now changed and that's all it feels like.

That's a problem CoC and all games like it have - no consequences for your actions. It's no wonder because in a sandbox world it's very hard to make every possible action have consequences that will reach the player. In a linear game, every major decision creates a diverging line of gameplay the dev now has to make. Not only that, if the game diverges, how do you remind the player that what is happening right now is because of a decision they made? What makes them think "I should play again making different decisions"? Maybe there was a diverging path and I just never stumbled into anything about it.
>Urta was added in pretty early on and was the subject of a lot of shitposting about furries.
When I said Urta quest I don't mean Urta herself I mean the quest she has for curing her sterility, if I remember correctly it was one of the final things added to the game.

>That's a problem CoC and all games like it have - no consequences for your actions.
>Maybe there was a diverging path and I just never stumbled into anything about it.
I think you're mixing up some terminology here. CoC is actually very good about having permanent decisions and creating consequences for the player's actions. If you bimbofy Niamh like in your image she moves to the bazaar and gets a totally different set of scenes. If you corrupt Marae she will rape and corrupt you herself when you next meet her. If you bimbofy Jojo you lose the ability to meditate and train with him, etc. What CoC isn't great at is having the rest of the world outside react to whatever you've done, e.g. no-one in the city or the bazaar mentions what you do to Niamh at all.

There are a few exceptions, I know Amelie will get pissed if you have certain other characters in your camp (especially corrupted ones) and demand you get rid of them, but that's pretty much it. Still I was talking more about about the general atmosphere of CoC more than specific character interactions anyways.
Maybe I should focus on that "Atmosphere" word for what I mean, it sucks ass in all Fenoxo games, no atmosphere. What CoC1 has is better writing, unlike TiTS where everything feels made up on the spot and everything is far too different, CoC1 is more consistent.

If you want atmosphere you change lighting, music, characters change without you even talking to them. This is very hard for a text adventure to do but they could at least change up the UI and have less isolated characters and write more interactions using less characters. If a character is on an island where they can't interact with anyone else then I don't care if they change, all that makes me think is "wow I unlocked a new sex scene great" and then undo it if you think there might be more scenes you've missed, so you have them on a switch between corrupted/not corrupted any time you want.
I'm saying that for prospective devs. If you want your text adventure to stand apart from Fenoxo games then integrating music and UI/visual effects will go a long way, even if it just changes based on your corruption level.
It affects the ending you get at least. Purifying many characters including the final boss, removing Urta's sterility and having many kids with the ant waifu is pretty necessary for the best ending.
>doing fenoxo's bullshit OC quest is worth way more points than anything else
People here sure like to shit on CoC1 but I haven't found a text adventure game I like more than it, and I've tried quite a few recommended to me. I don't claim that it's a perfect game, far from it, but if there's one true asset it has, it's the sheer volume of content. Being a sandbox works to its advantage due to the huge amount of encounters and interactions it has. It takes several sessions to truly exhaust the available content, and the game play mechanics are not so tedious as to make you lose interest in unlocking new scenes. Very often what happens when I pick up a new text game is it runs dry of content within one session, or two at most, or else it's mechanics are so needlessly elaborate that it kills my boner entirely.
If quantity is your only concern TiTS has at least 3x the content of CoC1 and even CoC2 has probably surpassed it by now.
Trying to mess around with Twine/SugarCube for the first time. Put some simple inventory logic in the 'Story Javascript' section, tried to call a function defined there from a passage (inside script tags) and it just tells me the function is not defined (presumably out of scope). Is the 'Story JS' section not equivalent to JS in a <head> tag, as in global scope? How am I suppose to handle it?
I doubt either game can rival CoC1 for content simply because of the sandbox transformation mechanics in CoC1. CoC2 doesn't really have any of that, has fewer contributors, and a much narrower range of permitted fetish content.
Anyone remember this tower defence game? It was 3D and you were like some evil wizard or something and could carve out the path the enemies come at you from and you add monsters to it that attack the enemies in lewd ways.
Pretty Warrior May Cry
Guys, I'm working on one of the best games you'll ever play
just trust me
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I'm not a coder, but I hear "did you read documentation" is the usual response. Twine/Sugarcube might be simpler than what you're used to.

>you'll ever play
That would imply you actually release it.
putting my life on hold for this, can't wait
black souls
please tell me it has art
Whats your Patreon, substar, and onlyfans, I have to give you $500 monthly.
I trust you believe this, but I will not invest any of my attention or money into you or your project until I see something playable
I completely trust you but I will never ever play it due to being a poorfag despite spending 40 dollar monthly on xbox gamepass ultimate and netflix.
There really isn't anything that comes close to CoC1 honestly. Its still the GOAT and likely will be for some time.
I'm looking for games with good writing and story like devious worlds, preferably a game that's easy to just rip the text from. For devious worlds I wrote a script to map out all of the stories/decisions and given input tags take matching storylines and pump them into a good tts engine and make pretty good 1hr+ audiobooks from.

Any other games like that? Been trying to do a live tts version of Lilith throne too.
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This looked so good until I saw the last panel where the guy completely turns into a girl. I was super ready to pull the trigger and buy this till I saw that.

Coffee Story dev is still alive incase anyone cares, been like a year since their last post. If you can't recall, it's that pixel art game with parasites and transformations, had a creature with bunny ears.
New animation they've posted; https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/118889038
Why bother?
Which one was it where the guy was living in a shared loft during "kinda" covid ? He was corrupting the others girls of the house
>What are the general thoughts of CoC2?
It's very underwhelming. It's a game that requires ambition, developed by a team that has none. If CoC was anything like it then I don't get how it got a sequel.
>Some of the art is good, most of it is ok or meh, some of it must be plagiarized.
>The fighting is bad: Very small level cap to much EXP demanded to level up overly balanced skills and equipment and the list goes on...
>The resource management is terrible: The game has a very small limit on both the items you can carry and your storage despite the fact it keeps giving you items.
>Barely any picture in the sex scenes.
>The character's are ok at best.
And perhaps the worst of all:
Maybe I got the wrong idea (and from previous conversations I've had, it seems like I didn't) but I thought that CoC was all about transformations. I was expecting that you could run around like some perverted version of Kevin 11. But no, you can't. In fact, you can't even change your character's race, at least not in a way that matters. The transformations are for the most part cosmetic... In a game that has doesn't show you your characters appearance, it only gives you a wall of text. There are character customization games old enough to vote.
Are there any good games you play as a futanari?

Played most that look decent of F95. Not a fan of RPGM. I like the one handed mouse controls ;) haha.

Wanna live my fantasy of being a futa and boning girls and others.

Even if it's playing as a trap, as long as it's not a "you're a sub in a world of doms" type beat

Bonus for choices and stuff to do(not just a VN)
Bonus for fantasy
Bonus for monster traps/girls (player or non player)
There's 2 I can kinda think of.

Confined with Goddesses
Stuck at Home
I like CoC2 in small bursts. A decent idea that gets in its own way. Good enemies and ideas, I'd prefer MORE art and scenes in it. The game 100% leans towards "get corrupted and turn into a slag" and there's really no way to go through the game as a "I'm not a slut and only wanna screw my companions/people I'm building relationships with"

But hey, that's just me and maybe I haven't played the game enough. Just so many NPCs felt a bit flat.

The game would do really well with a PC visualisation. So you can see you're transformations as you're playing and see the results, rather than a line of text that goes away and you forget because you didn't find that 1 image that matches what you look like and uploaded it.

6.5/10 I check it every now and then but it's not the holy bible or porn games.
>The game 100% leans towards "get corrupted and turn into a slag" and there's really no way to go through the game as a "I'm not a slut and only wanna screw my companions/people I'm building relationships with"
As someone who wants to play as a slut fucking and being fucked by everyone I meet I feel like CoC2 is actually really bad at that. Too many characters being written as waifus with their own sob story you're forced to listen through unlike CoC1 or TiTS which with a few exceptions just has every NPC be a whore you can casually sleep with within a minute of meeting.

Though the real problem isn't that the characters are too flat or too detailed, it's that despite near every NPC having several pages worth of dialogue they still almost all come off as shallow and uninteresting because the writing just isn't very good, so neither people like you or I are happy.

>The game would do really well with a PC visualisation. So you can see you're transformations as you're playing and see the results, rather than a line of text that goes away and you forget because you didn't find that 1 image that matches what you look like and uploaded it.
I normally don't care for AI slop but this is actually the one good use case for it, it's very convenient for generating character portraits on the fly and you can even get it set up to specifically copy Moira's style to better fit with the game.
>Though the real problem isn't that the characters are too flat or too detailed, it's that despite near every NPC having several pages worth of dialogue they still almost all come off as shallow and uninteresting because the writing just isn't very good, so neither people like you or I are happy.

I agree. They do feel flat. I like how the characters appear visually and aesthetically, and their idea of the characters I feel are decent. But like a cold wet noodle, they're just not appetising.

>I normally don't care for AI slop but this is actually the one good use case for it, it's very convenient for generating character portraits on the fly and you can even get it set up to specifically copy Moira's style to better fit with the game.

Bro that would be insane. An AI in the game would go nuts. But honestly just have something like Parasite Infection. It has tagged photos for body parts and swaps them or overlays them when you get a transformation. It's really only limited to thickness, boob size, and the parasites that are infecting you.. but it implements it well.

You get Dragon wings, loads Dragon wing image onto your character, you get bugger boobs, loads the DD boot size image onto your character.
Will just post this here.

It's from Parasite Infection.
I wish there was more parasite focus in games. I also wish PF was ass.
'Parasite' Disgusting
Haha not my usual cup of tea. Parasite Infection does it more like Mind Control and Body Transformation which I liked.

But I don't hold any defence for Parasite hate haha.
Is it possible to play past first chapter as a man yet?
I tried that last build, and the answer is yes, but it doesn't matter. In the following chapter you need to have a vagina to smuggle a suit out of the lab, so you'll need to infest yourself. The game is focused on its linear plot, not a sandbox.
So am I right in assuming that the only viable way to play Ero Dungeons is to strip all your adventurers naked and let enemies equip cursed gear on them because cursed classes are just objectively better than any of the normal ones?
no, retard
Okay, I give up then.
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No, just level up your classes normally and you'll be fine, their later moves are much stronger than their early ones. Cursed classes are niche utility classes.
four mages with megumin build
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This is the objectively correct way to play.
Has anyone seen this get uploaded anywhere? Came out early May.
Seems to be about a gal getting stranded on an island and getting knocked up by the futanari natives.
>Scheduled release date
>Late May. 2024
Solid way around this is to have some reminder of the fetish basically constantly around the player. Like, if it's an RPG about ass expansion, having a literal "ass size meter" or something on the screen at all times making it so that there's no mistaking it for a regular RPG.
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I certainly think so! Especially as roughly 80% of that is smut.
The hunter's route has two bad ends with a feral hellhound and a third bad end with you being shared between the hound and the hunter, with a few scenes beforehand. Depending on which way you go on the "Search for your gear" passage will provide a different scene, as well as several other scenes on different passages. There is definitely one more feral planned in my story notes, possibly more in the future. Though, be warned, some kinks around this topic may get a little raunchy as there's beast rimming and watersports already in the game (though locked behind the kink toggle).
I pushed the first update of 159,000 words in November, I think? Only working on it in my free time, however, so updates should be slow but plentiful!
Female human knight with a longsword and shield. It's a pre-defined character to which I've used this as a reference.

I've also put the game up on Itch just in case, I don't think it's in a state to "monetise" at the moment but I like to think that in the future 100% of donations will go to an editor, someone with HTML skills to make it look pretty, or primarily, POV-Based artwork.

Cyberpunk 2077
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behold the power of the magical transformation that solves all your problems

It's good writing, would you ever take commissions / small writing projects, do you ever do futa / female-female focused stuff?
Not saying you should do it since the game is more filth/beast/F-M focused, I'm just considering that I might hire a writer to help out with my own stuff sometime.
I have to wonder what the yaoi tag is for, there's not F-M stuff in the game somewhere, is there...?
Wow, you are awful at this. Probably the worst two porn games I've played. I don't think you are going to be making any money from this.
>Monster Girl Dream
>The example of everything you should NOT do when making a VGRPG, that (last time I checked) is STILL in ALPHA stage after more or less 4 YEARS.
>Great game.
Nice Joke...
NTA, but curious what your big problems with it are?

It's not exactly some epitome of amazing game design, and the development output has definitely slowed to a crawl over time, but what exactly makes it

>The example of everything you should NOT do

in your opinion?
Did you play futanaring yet?
I hate how much grinding Monster Girl Dream has. It takes forever to max out your character.
>>The example of everything you should NOT do
>A difficulty system that handicaps you instead of makinger your opponent's harder.
>Terribly written characters:
There's like 3 personalities in the entire game, yet enough sob stories to make a salt lake. And let's not get to the mary/villain sues... If she has long black curly hair she's an irresistible goddess of beauty that keeps damaging you by merely existing and she's implied to be some ridiculously powerful being, if not outright stated... ad nauseam. Which brings me to...
>Booby-trapped NPCs, that can hurt you/handicap you without you being able to fight back.
>Artificially pumping difficulty through constant stat checks.
WITH DICE ROLLS btw, to pump it even more.
>Overly balanced perks and/or perks that require a lot of effort to get.
>S̵̠͍̘͑͘c̸̞̫̺̒͑͠r̵͚̾̔͜͜͠i̴͍͎͊̾p̸̻̝̒̈́͌ẗ̵̺̙́̈́̕e̵̺̠͍͒̿͠d̸̝͍͇̽̾͊ l̵͉̘͌͐͛o̵̠̘̪͒̕͝ș̸͉̙͒̒͒s̸͕͚̪̾́͝è̸̡̺̪̽s̴͉͉͕̓͊͑.̴̙̻͚͘͠͠
Well, only one true s̸͍͙̙̀̔͆ć̴̦͎͕̓r̸͓͔̓̓͠i̸̢͍̓̈́͆p̵̪͎͎͐̿͝t̴̢͔̠͑̐e̵͔̺͋͋͠d̸̦̙̪̈́͝͝ l̸̟͕̞͐̓̚ó̴͎̘͙̒͠ș̸̪̠̈́͐̕s̵̝̟͙̐͝ (so far), the rest are borderline s̴͖͖̫̀̓͌c̴͎͉̘̒͊͝ŕ̸͇͔͑̈́i̸̼̺͎̽̿̔p̵̡̺͔͆̔͊t̵̡̞͖̽̽e̴̢̘̞̐͌̕d̸̙̞͐̕̚ l̵̦͍̠̿̐͌o̸͔̟̼̒̐̚s̸͍̘̺̿͝ș̵͎̺͊̈́e̵͍͎̝͊͒̕s̴̞̾͑͜͜ that you can technically avoid. With that being said one is too many and it's probably the worst kind, where it's a "reward" for doing well in a battle.
And these are just the ones I remember, btw. There could be more that I forgot. There are also other problems with MGD, such as the severe lack of sex scenes (like, seriously, what's even the point of wasting time just for a wall of text?), or the game's description giving a wrong first impression about its content in terms of fetishes, but these are more complaints about it as a porn game.
Wait, scripted loss? What scripted loss? Maybe I'm misremembering, but the closest I can think to that is the succubus, but she's not actually scripted. I usually grind each playthrough until I can beat her on the first attempt, though it doesn't actually change anything long term.
After you "enter the capital" you get some "but thou must!" dialogue (which I forgot to add in the list), then you fight the meta humor slime, and after you "win" you get jumped by kobolts and you are given 3 "choices", all of which lead to you losing all your spirit. It looks like a winnable interaction yet you can only "lose" and the game makes it very clear that this must feel like a loss to you. It is beyond any possible doubt a scripted loss.
Ah, gonna be honest, I don't remember anything immediately after the boss fight because there was so little, so I'll take your word for it.
>like a loss
like a defeat*
Alright yeah I love the passion evident in the writing and always enjoy a fluffy female knight monster rape adventure but this format is a bit of a chore. Most choices are, and should remain for scope's sake, glorified page breaks but come just a bit too late to work for that.
It's a solid first project and I'm glad you shared it with the world, but maybe consider sooner than later if an entire unrelated second path is worth creating and attaching to what all you'll have made when you're done with the monster route. The ideas might be better left to simmer and revisted in a later work.
new thread:

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