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Strangely, there hasn’t been one of these yet (that I know of). So let’s fix that and get a thread going for all things pertaining to Mustelids - some of the hardiest, most enduring mammals.
This includes: Ferrets, Stoats, Wolverines, Badgers, Otters, Minks, Weasels, Martens, Grisons, Skunks, etc.
Ownership and advice for owning is also naturally welcome.
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A natural human urge
an otter classic
fuck primates, I reject my homoness. Make my next life one of utmost length.
Protip: thump your feet on the ground so they think you're another skunk, they're extremely nearsighted.
otter eat da blueberry
Nice try

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I just smacked a bee with my phone and it left a big stain of pollen on my screen, I was worried at first but he got up after a few seconds and flew away, is he going to be okay?
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bro u rlly said due to the aggressive behavior it was a guy bee lmffao
Why did you hit it with your screen and not the back? Are you dumb?
Read the ENTIRE wiki on the western honeybee or remain ignorant
I'm calling the bee police.
and she was right. it probably was a male bee

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shut up narc
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What the hell is happening on this video
guy from india playing with some dead fish
That’s unfortunate…
I guess it’s the most reasonable explanation

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Hello there fellow (and very real) /an/imals! What's shakin? Ate any human lately?
Why are lions such dickheads, btw? Do we even know?
I don't see what you mean. Manticores are as real as the Mokele-mbembe!
This is definitely the most unnerving depiction of a manticore I’ve ever seen. The spiked tail is the cherry on top
What's the problem? He's smiling :)

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Imagine being able to eat the floor. How can carnivores ever compete?
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I love animals bros
Imagine being able to eat your neighbor.
How can herbivores even compete?
Me too man. Epic yak
by eating them?
>have to spend 6 hours a day eating just to survive
>have to spend another 8 hours a day eating the food a second time because its so hard to digest
yeah sounds wonderful as opposed to
>let the Herbies do the hard part and then just eat the Herbies

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my kitten constantly has zoomies and seems to have unlimited energy. Do I need to get another kitten for him? His littermates are all gone, what are the chances he'll get along with a random kitten
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Out of all of the pics you could have done you did AI slop. OP is just another bot post.
i just googled kitten zoomies
quit your whining
play with him more. what's his breed?
Cats would usually benefit from having another cat around, yes, although ideally it’d be cats you know get along like littermates, in this case get another male to be safe

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Imagine a show where joe rogan adopts a baby chimpanzee, teaches him MMA, releases him back into the wild and the cameraman just follows around a BJJ blackbelt ape
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but it wouldnt understand why, we lift weight because that would make us stronger, apes are not capable of that
they wouldnt really need to throw things
he will understand if you reward him with chimpussy after successfully pumping iron (banana will also probably work)
that’s been happening for years dude
this post was made by a fairly insular sub-community on twitter (RW twitter) that are just as meme savy as you and I and probably post here too hence why they post it there
Rogan is cool but he says stupid shit a lot like thinking Mcgregor could beat Halthor in a fight so make it a comedy where he’s mostly the butt of the joke and it might work

What's your guy's favorite animal youtuber?
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Came here to post this.
I've been enjoying Animal Analytics

Despite the clickbaity thumbs, Tsuki’s stuff is wholesome.

I need to start watching uncle farmer ben again. I'm out of date on all his wacky escapades in rescuing animals. I do know that Dababy (doorknob) got a wife and big ounce died. May big ounce finally have enough to eat somewhere in the sky.
They were peak comfy. Feeding Karen from the window and occasionally giving Kevin a much needed bonk from the trash can lid.

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A grizzly bear can run around 40 MPH (so they say, IDK how precise of experimental conditions they tested this under) does that make it the fastest plantigrade animal?
What ARE the actual big advantages and disadvantages of digitigrade vs plantigrade walking?
Does walking on the toes make you not get tired as fast?
Could something with flat feet ever hunt in a similar way to how a lion or tiger hunts?
I don't exactly remember the reason, and I'm too lazy to look it up, but I think it has something to do with the points of contact on the ground, digitigrade has less, so the gait ends up being quicker and more "spring loaded". Plantigrade is really only good for balance and load bearing.
did bears evolve from digitigrade ancestors?
All of the proto caniforms and proto carnivorans I can find are digitigrade.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure all modern mammals evolved from some little digitigrade shrew scumbag, bears probably became more plantigrade as they started to rely less on speed and agility, and more on strength and sturdiness.
>how precise of experimental conditions
good morning sir

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is it poisonous?
can I touch it with my bare hands?
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Just one?
Yes, just one giant brown recluse
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what do you think is going on inside their head, bros...?
Thinkign bout bugs.

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I know this might sound a bit out there, but am in dire need of some advice. Am currently facing a situation that’s not just affecting my sanity, but is clearly a sign of worse things to come...
It all started about two weeks ago, and I’m not sure if it’s because I’m an easy target or what, but there’s this bee that has been relentlessly bullying me.
I’m not exaggerating here. This bee has somehow picked up on my deep-seated disgust of its kind and decided to make my life a living nightmare. Every time I step out of the house, the damn thing is there, waiting. It’s almost like it can smell my fear – and trust me, there’s a lot of it. Now, I don’t want to sound like lil weak basedboy, but this bee is seriously messing with my fucking head! I’ve tried to stand my ground, but every time it gets close, I can’t help but flinch and run. Can bees sense fear?
What’s even more troubling is that this bee seems to be targeting me specifically. I’ve noticed it hovering around the gals in the house – my mom, my sister, and even the dog – but it doesn’t seem to bother them as much. At first, I thought it was just interested in the floral perfume they use or the snacks they were holding, but now I’m starting to think this bee is trying to assert dominance over me to take control of the household.
I know what you’re thinking – it’s just a bee, right? But it’s not just about this one bee. If this menace can terrorize me so effectively, what’s stopping it from rallying an army of bees to take over the neighborhood? Today it’s my backyard, tomorrow it could be the entire country. We could be looking at a bee uprising, and no one seems to be taking this seriously except me.
My attempts to address this diplomatically have failed miserably. I tried to explain the situation to my family, but they just laughed it off, saying it’s just a bee and I should man up. Fuck that! I see through it's facade.
not gonna read any of that
I'll take my chances on that it's your fault instead of the buzzy bees
Your post is shit OP.
Just kill it dude problem solved

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Post an animal based on the last letter of the previous post.

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European conger eel
Long-crested eagle

Would you kill a giant hornet if it came to your backyard uninvited and you had fruit trees that needed bees, no prep time?
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learned something new. I was not aware it was just the japanese ones who could do it.
>behead it with your katana
The kid?
A solution of standard Dawn dish soap (yes, the regular blue Dawn specifically seems to work best, and I've yet to pinpoint precisely why) and water can be sprayed on a wasp to quickly asphyxiate it.
yes, and I'd get on the phone with fish and wildlife immediately fucking after cause that would mean there was an Asian Giant Hornet nest in the midwest

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Need help Identifying this plant. Is it some sort of Tulip?
Stay away from it OP. That is a Bulgarian Triffid.
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Crinum x herbertii - Milk and Wine Lily
It means business
Not sure but leaves next to it 100% wild garlic, if doesn't smell is because overgrown still super healthy
Brown recluse

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no one has called me by that name for years
I don’t get it

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