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Imagine a show where joe rogan adopts a baby chimpanzee, teaches him MMA, releases him back into the wild and the cameraman just follows around a BJJ blackbelt ape
Sounds kinda cool ngl...
Sounds fun, but practically might not work.
Human martial arts are made for the way humans are built.
>joe rogan
This monker can do a better spinning donkey kick than me
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Besides teaching the chimp martial arts, would it be possible to teach it how to lift weights & build muscle? Give it an extra edge over wild chimps. Or see if you can teach one to make usable spears or something.
now that people on twitter are posting gigachads and jaks does that mean people will stop posting theme here
No, for that isn't how memes work
that looks stupid as shit, mostly because regular objects arent designed to be used as training weights so their balance is all fucked, which means youre just at a higher risk for injury for no real gain
also orangutans learned to use spears, but theyre not really predators, so the knowledge is wasted, chimps are predators, but they dont really have the cogitative drive to plan how to use a spear, and thats a general problem for animals, understanding abstracts like probability and maybes
Monkeys can lift weights like in the webm you posted. I'm sure if you lifted in front of an orangutan or chimpanzee he'd copy you.
>first part
Welcome to the world of fitness influencers. Do stupid shit for views.
>second part
Problem is, the lanky arms that other apes and monkeys have are really not made to throw things.
but it wouldnt understand why, we lift weight because that would make us stronger, apes are not capable of that
they wouldnt really need to throw things
he will understand if you reward him with chimpussy after successfully pumping iron (banana will also probably work)
that’s been happening for years dude
this post was made by a fairly insular sub-community on twitter (RW twitter) that are just as meme savy as you and I and probably post here too hence why they post it there
Rogan is cool but he says stupid shit a lot like thinking Mcgregor could beat Halthor in a fight so make it a comedy where he’s mostly the butt of the joke and it might work
They are of our incestuous sister clade, hardly similar in sensibilities/time lag to those that usually serve as the death knell
>Joe Rogan

No, 4chan memes don't die when they spread to social media anymore. reddit/twitter/facebook have been recycling wojaks for years.
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are they ok?
Probably not, but they have lost their "charm". That's why the most solid memes are always extremely politically incorrect so they can't be used on more normal and inclusive websites.
>That's why the most solid memes are always extremely politically incorrect so they can't be used on more normal and inclusive websites.
Anon, I..
Hell, I'd fund it. Who wants to go kidnap a monkey with a stranger from the internet?

We gettin that little dude hooked on T and blow. We'll have the next Jones.
Unfathomably based
That jak isn't a 4chan meme newfag
astronauts have little regular outlets for goofing off and make do with infrequent, more extreme expressions
The original basedjak (unfortunately) is, and all the others are just derivative of it.
I just want to lock Joe in a room with and angry chimp and let them duke it out. He clearly wants this to be how his life ends but is too scared to go after it. Rogan needs someone like me to give him that push.
Isn't like any tiny ounce of weight worth massive $$$ to get up there?
They must have paid several thousands just to have that goofy costume up there among the rest of the payload that got delivered.
they have a personal item discretionary budget, this guy decided to spend it all on a monkey suit instead of books and chocolate and shit like that
>this guy decided to spend it all on a monkey suit instead of books and chocolate and shit like that
Can’t decide if based or retarded
Chimps don't really need this sort of conditioning since swinging around in the trees already does wonders for their core and upper body strength
Talk about showing off. Looks like a good way to sprain/break something especially with that last bit

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