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Strangely, there hasn’t been one of these yet (that I know of). So let’s fix that and get a thread going for all things pertaining to Mustelids - some of the hardiest, most enduring mammals.
This includes: Ferrets, Stoats, Wolverines, Badgers, Otters, Minks, Weasels, Martens, Grisons, Skunks, etc.
Ownership and advice for owning is also naturally welcome.
mustyGODS reporting for duty!!!
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badgies represent
Keeping mustelids always feels weird to me. They are too small and sneaky to be kept outdoors but too messy for indoors.
Because they're not pets. Get a dog?
So, just have them roam in the wild? Okay I guess. But when people talk about them it’s usually in the context of a pet ferret or something like that. People kept them for hunting rats and shit but it doesn’t make much sense compared to a dog or a cat. nowadays.
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They don't stink any more or less than cats or dogs so.

You ever walked into someone's house when they have a dog and you don't? It stinks. Ferrets have a ferret must in exactly the same way. You can reduce the impact of the smell by litter training them and changing it frequently (I use puppy pads and change them at least twice a day). Also, wash their bedding and feed them right and you'll be fine.

You can only really smell my three when you go into their room. Everywhere else in the house (apparently) doesn't smell of ferret.

I take mine for walks too. They are better than any dog I've ever had.
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Will post more pictures of my lads.

Also, you can give them a superflorin implant which reduces testosterone and smell, it also acts as a preventative treatment for insulinoma.
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Definitely among my favorite animals. Pretty surprising Mongoose aren’t apart of them. They behave pretty much the same
Mind you the options are pretty much limited to Ferrets and Minks. *Maybe* Stoats depending on where you live and how daring you feel (don’t get them if you have other pets unless you raise it from an early age). As far as I know otters aren’t temperamental or particularly violent but they probably need way more accommodations than the average person can afford
Mustelids are the ultimate sicko mode animals
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Stoats are the coolest. That they can take down animals up to 20 times their size is incredible. Also the cutest.
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Ever since I found out about Honey Badgers I’ve had a great respect for these things. Very underrated animals.
damn nigga got balls frfr
That’s really cool anon. Do you give them time outdoors by themselves or do you always keep an eye on them? How is their health? I’ve heard it’s very common for them to develop some issues later on in life
it’s right there
also they’re Procyonids pretty sure
Aren’t Red Pandas technically apart of them too? This is a serious contender for cutest family…
Mongoose aren't even caniformia but feliformia. Interestingly some anon made a thread about it stating the same and making a comparision between the two, a few weeks ago.
Always keep an eye on them. When we buy our own house I want to build a seamless run into an outdoor obstacle course for them (check out creaturesofyuki on IG). Their health is okay at the moment. The lightest coloured one has mild adrenal issues currently and a bad looking molar but otherwise all healthy. I've heard ferrets in the US are bad for health due to all the inreeding by marshal, but mine were all pretty much found in the garbage in the UK.
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Has anyone ever been daring enough to keep a skunk? I imagine they have full outdoor enclosures and such
>they're transing the ferrets!
ehhh, close enough for me!
>called a panda
>isn’t a panda
Ok then.
i wouldn’t mind a pet otter…
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Old pic of my gormless boys.
they seem so relaxed…
do they bite??
A bit too hard when they play or want attention but you get a feel for when they get overexcited and you adjust accordingly.
Do you pry them off or just wait for them to let go? I’m used to getting bitten by my cats when playing but that’s because they let go near immediately
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Not him (I'm the anon who posted his ferrets earlier) but I've not had much issues with biting. It happens but theyve never drawn blood. When they have bitten it's always been more of an overexcited nip than a full on clamp. If they do clamp you can just pinch their jaw open.
Imagine the smell.
That’s good to know. How many would you recommend getting? Everyone that has them seems to have 2-4, I guess so they can play with each other too
you can own these?? kinda neat…
At least two. They don't have to be littermates but it helps - otherwise just introduce them gradually, especially if they are males (and make sure they have the implant)

Doesn't smell as bad as a house with a dog living in it.
Do you also take them out for walks? In your experience how likely are they to get along with a dog or a cat?
>the implant
I used to take mine out for walks. You have you use a harness when outside unless you are in a fully enclosed space, otherwise they'll wander off.
Love these lil niggas like you wouldn’t believe
ferrets smell way worse than doggos
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I love how ferrets all pose the same.
Isn’t that only when they ‘musk’ or whatever?
these things should have just replaced rats completely
You can give males a superflorin implant, which lowers their testosterone levels and reduces aggression, marking, and general smell. It juvenilizes them so they become more playful and affectionate too. It's pretty strong so it's good to give them a period of on/off. I get my lads implanted around this time of year and then let them winter it off and let their hormones normalize outside of mating season, rather than give them the larger implant.

I had three cats before the ferrets and the best I got out of the cats was tolerance. I two kittens when one of my cats died and they get on really well with the ferrets. I'm sure dogs and ferrets can get on well, just need to watch the dog doesn't get over excited.

When they spray, yes.

Ferrets have a stronger smell than a dog, but for the most part it's a musty smell rather than a stink, whereas dogs tend to make an entire house stink.
>the weak should fear the strong
These things are so disproportionately ferocious it’s funny
pets are supposed to be kept in your yard, apartments and indoor pets are unnatural
Indoor pets were the original pets and are cleaner and better socialized with people. Roaming pets and yard pets are an aberration created during the agricultural revolution.
>dogs stink dogs make your house stink durr durrrrrr
Do you lie on purpose or have you ever known rowdy mastiff mutants that wallow in mud, out in a backyard thats just mud and week old shit, which is as embedded in their matted fur or wrinkly skin as it is soaked into the soil

Ive never been in a poor persons home so I’m only theorizing what dog stink might be because i’ve never experienced it
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Lovely little creatures the lot of them.
its something said when its pointed out that weasels always stink or litterboxes smell bad so im guessing its just hysterical fud and slander

ive never ran into “dog stink” either, and i have a cat with the covered litterbox in a basement (vents out a dryer hose to a window) so my nose is always a virgin to smells. it being related to the yard habits and taste for wrinkly and mop-like dogs of poor wagies seems likely. where i live everyones dog is a samoyed or golden retriever or something and the lawns are 100% turf 0% mud.
Damn, so they can just stand up on their own??? These things are winning the fight…
It's pretty fun how different sables move compared to some other mustelids. They stand upright a lot, jump long distances and climb incredibly well apparently.
That’s incredible and adorable, but it just leaves me more confused, exactly how many of these are able to be kept as pets? Doing a cursory search, nearly everything says only Ferrets are suitable because the rest are wild animals but then there’s dozens of examples like this of even wild ones behaving friendly and amicably, hell, there’s even a guy that trains Minks to hunt and kill rats, it really seems like they’re predisposed to companionship in the same way ferrets are, which makes sense I guess given they’re related
stoats and red pandas can stand upright too but I think they’re the only other ones
Sables aren't kept as pets, and the few that are are fur-farm rescues that couldn't be re-introduced to the wild basically. Or they're illegal :p
But yeah, there are some wild animals that could basically be decent pets but telling retarded people that is a very bad idea, so it's for the best they're told only ferrets are suitable.
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>no known predators
wait don’t great white sharks eat them?
Ferrets are cool of course but it’s hard not to be fascinated by their wild siblings and stuff like their prey drive and agility, apparently raising them from birth is the best way to acclimate them to human interaction, but seeing as they’re wild animals you have to go to a breeder to get any so yeah, maybe one day…
That is a French-ass kitchen, holy shit.
I want to pet that sable.

Genets are a distant relative and kept as housepets, too. As a kid, I thought they were just weird cats but no. They're an entirely unrelated animal.
They're very cuddly.
>Genets are a distant relative and kept as housepets, too. As a kid, I thought they were just weird cats but no. They're an entirely unrelated animal.
Damn, you’re right, they really do just look like slightly longer cats, like an actual cross between a ferret and a cat. It’s really eye opening just how widespread this elongated body type is among so many mammals, guess it’s just another testament to how well these things have done in their biological prerogative to spread their genes and adapt, only they’ve already reached the peak of their adaptations, it just works so well there’s no further need for improvement.
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Doggerbros… how could this happen…
we got too cocky
great fuckin thread lads keep up the good work
canine skill issue
Mustelids are canines too
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Really want a mink bros, hear they are like 2-3x the size of a ferret
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fert :3
No way do badgers belong with that crew, I'm not having it.
It does not look happy. It looks quite angry.
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love ferrets they so dumb an stinky but cute
Why not? They look just like them bulkier
Caniforms =/= canines
They do not look just like them. The others are tubes, the badger is a barrel. Might as well throw bears in there as well.
Ok, they look similar to them, but bulkier and less agile.
>forgetting about wolverines
That was smooth. Respect to the ferret.
Like Hyenas?
I’m not an expert but I think they smell considerably better than hyenas lol
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This is a giant river otter, they live in the Amazon.
Lol they look goofy…
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Mustelids are GIGACHADS.
Not just that. Genets even behave like cats. They're mostly solitary, crepuscular animals, they climb everything they can (I used to look out my bedroom window at one whenever it was sitting in the eucalyptus tree across the road at night) and when raised around people, they purr, meow and use a shitbin. I even hear, though can't confirm, that their claws are retractable, just like most cats.
And as I said: they're cuddly as fuck.
The only problems with keeping them as pets is that they can get destructive if not played with almost constantly and they won't eat food that's good for them unless it's live and, like cats, they cat-and-mouse with the rodents they like IE there's a good chance the mouse or rat or whatever will get away and into your walls or something before the genet gets around to eating it. Most people feed them mealworms and various other crawlies to avoid that.
Unlike cats, they also like fruit but shouldn't have too much.
it looks so peaceful…
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I present to you the Hog badger. Bask in its hoggy mustelid presence.
*>they’ve even begun creating their own hogs
Next will be an armored Mustelid…
very distinguished
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Is there a more aesthetic mustelid than the Marbled Polecat?
I am...conflicted. But predominantly in awe.
See above.
>See above.
No no, he is dumb and ugly like the Giant River Otter.
Why do lanky carnivorae have horizontally elongated pupils?
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They are not even comparable. Hog badger supremacy.
Man. It really looks like a sock puppet from a distance.
Extremely cute
You will never be a hog
Maybe something do with hunting? Kinda weird.
it’s cool how well they get along
Are otters the only social mustelids?
Social as in travel around in groups? They actually might be to my knowledge…
European Badgers are social.
That surprises me. Never have I seen two or more badgers together other than mama and cubs.
I've never seen a live badger at all, either alone or in a group.
Cute. They really do look just like ferrets.

They need swimming time every day to be happy / mentally healthy, and they don't have the restraint that a ferret does when it comes to biting. You could easily end up bitten to the bone.

I looked into it myself.
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My ferret. Her sister died of liver cancer last year and I don't have the cash at the moment to get two more. (She's 5 and I don't want to get just a single young ferret for fear that it'll beat her up.)
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Fisher at WV State Wildlife Center. They need to get him a bigger cage...
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recently learned about the sea mink :(
been crying a lot lately
Now you understand the etymology of ferret.
is this the one that went extinct

Yup. Damn the fur trade and everyone who participated in it.
It’s sad but that’s pretty much the only reason Minks and stuff are bred too
That sucks :(
Do they fight frequently? Or is it just with unfamiliar ones?
It’s an easy enough balance to strike honestly.
Now the question is if they could beat a Wolverine.
No one can beat a Wolverine!
Cute little murdertubes.
This cracks me up
>ferret but yellow
I want it…
Wet dogs hide smells like rancid seed oil. Completely clean one. If it's a high humidity area this shit is absolutely insufferable.
My old dog was the same. He was an outdoors one so that was probably why.
Either false or a hound thing. I used to hate dogs until I stopped being around hounds. Until now I thought it was just their owners not keeping clean pets but maybe they have unusually oily skin, like those bald cats.
After watching some videos of otters…
I really want a pet otter.
Why they so OP? You would think they would be push overs…
They're too dumb to give up.
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I visit the local zoo a lot, really like to observe animals and feel what kind of energy and vibe they have. A lot of them, especially the bigger predators behave like they are depressed. Polar bears, tigers, giant anteaters just to name the few. They look uncomfortable, broken and hopeless, just pacing around in their enclosures aimlessly. That's not what I feel when I look at the wolverine. That little fucker is running around like he has no plans of staying there. He's training, keeping himself in shape for his eventual escape. It's a like a felon in prison doing reps in his cell. These little shits are the embodiment of toughness and resilience.
Ukraine is one of the places they are native. A couple of them have turned up in trenches, having been displaced by explosives and similar nasty shit. Seems that, if they are young enough, they acclimate to humans. Not sure how well or how permanently. There's another vid around of an adult trapped in a trench ... and it is one pissed off polecat. I would not want it to come at me.

They are amazingly beautiful, though. Not very common, they're unusual/rare enough that Ukraine had a program to protect them & breed them in zoos before the war happened.
It’s just mustelid resilience I guess. The bigger predators are more easily bored too I imagine, whereas wolverines can keep themselves busy by climbing and whatever else
I can't find the other vid of the adult in a trench. Gave it some retarded name I can't remember enough of to search up on my HDD. Suffice to say, it's REALLY angry and an indicator they may not make suitable pets once they stop being babbies. Frontline soldiers are afraid to get near it, even while trying to help it.
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FYI, picrel. There's still some debate about exactly where & how to fit red pandas into a family tree. Generally, they are considered to be about as closely related to racoon dogs (tunaki) as anything else, and there is almost nothing else they are close to. At a stretch, foxes are distant cousins before you get to your usual toobcritters.

I'm not an expert or recently up to date on the family tree, so I'm not offering a definitive answer here, just noting that red pandas are weird and have confused people about their classification for a long time. They've been moved around more than once.

I somewhat question Procyonidae as being inside the Musteloidea branch, as opposed to a closely related nearby branch, which I suspect is also the case for Ailuridae. I stress that picrel is a demonstration of the confusion over these classifications; I have no idea if either of these is definitive or if there aren't one or more other "opinions" out there.

> t. I did a pretty deep dive on red pandas a few years back because they are amazing and adorable and I wanted to see if keeping as pets/rescues and breeding them might be viable, especially as part of an effort to preserve the species & its genetic diversity. Way outside my financial means and available time, but it was a cool dream for a while.
Ehh, I think we can say they’re close enough, like you say, they’re kind of hard to pin down, but they definitely look the part at least and behave a lot like mustelids in general
it’s so imposing…
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Look at it disappear into the nothingness…
>> t. I did a pretty deep dive on red pandas a few years back because they are amazing and adorable and I wanted to see if keeping as pets/rescues and breeding them might be viable, especially as part of an effort to preserve the species & its genetic diversity. Way outside my financial means and available time, but it was a cool dream for a while.
Based. Red pandas are the best.
I assume this isn’t the first it’s done this.
the weak should fear the strong
I knew a girl back in high school who had a ghost and a skunk. One was name Elliot but I can't remember which. The skunk was a cuddly little thing but after falling down the basement stairs twice, her family bought a bunch of baby gates to keep it from hurting itself (basement stairwell didn't have a door to close to keep the skunk from falling down). I think they got the gland removed, after which, the smell is not really any different than that of a ferret.
I can't even find any active ferret breeders in my country anymore. They all closed due to the incurable mustelid corona that seems endemic in the population now.
>mustelid corona
… What?
Ferrets, minks and others can be infected with corona viruses, which can be harmful or lethal to them. There are several ferret-specific ones and they can get human ones as well. The breeding stock here (Netherlands) got so widely infected with a new chronic ferret corona variant a few years ago that most reputable breeders have called it quits until it can be cured or at least easily diagnosed and isolated.
reminds me of this video about a honey badger repeatedly escaping his enclosure
That is Stoffel and he’s probably the most famous honey badger in the world. Last I checked he is still alive but very elderly for a ratel.
they can’t be stopped…
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I wish I had a pet ghost.
Aww! I originally made and posted that webm after finding a cute-ass video on YT. You even saved it with my original filename. Glad to see someone else enjoyed it.
Since nuchan doesn't allow me to upload pics anymore, the webm threads now suck. I made it a point to never post a repeat webm. Always stuff not posted here before like cat elevators (last one I posted before nuchan decided to block me from posting pics), moths hatching from cat turds or a thirst trap dog doing a tiktok dance.
>taming the weasel
Has a different meaning where I come from.
Just don't use incognito mode, OR if it's a rangeban please tell us approximately where you are so we may be able to geolocate this latest batch of spammers.
>never post a repeat webm
Sometimes I browse the webm threads at archived.moe and desuarchive.org for very old webms that have yet to be reposted or at least I haven't seen for a very long time. I really should make my own webm archive tho, just in case something ever happens to those websites.

The video concerns me a little. I almost renamed it "training stoat to eat human fingers.webm" 1:00-1:05 is favorite part.
>weasel goes brrr
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>training stoat to eat human fingers
Lol I'm stealing that.
did he die
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I'm in Delaware so not a rangeban (though I did inexplicably get roughly thirty minutes of rangeban a few weeks ago but it went away as mysteriously as it appeared). I just like using incognito because I've got a kid, he occasionally uses my phone (very, very rarely because he's only six and I'm kind of against screen use at his age, even though his school gave him a fucking tablet) and I'm concerned that he'll accidentally open something in my history somehow on the off chance I forgot to wipe it and my cache. It's a weird reason, I know, but that's why I use incognito at all times.
>training stoat to eat human fingers.webm
Norwegians are hardcore.
I was gonna name it something like that but I just kept the random name ezgif gave it less the ezgif-?- part.
I'm originally from that side of the pond and if there are two animals I miss seeing it's stoats/ermines and badgers. Also genets, though, other than the one in the tree across from my flat growing up, I only ever saw them extremely rarely, the marsupilami-looking cuties.
Jesus Christ how far back can they stretch
Post more Sables please
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I used to do this for my fuzzballs but with the bathtub. They had a similar reaction.
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Gigabased. Thanks anon. Probably my favorite musties. They have so much personality and energy
the way they stand is so uncanny and goofy
actually pretty impressive though
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This little bastard is ridiculous. I swear to God he just randomly developed sapience.
For a bit of useless knowledge but did you know that there was a certain type of northern european mustelid, not all that sure if it was the wolverine that was once nicknamed the "pharaoh cat", if I'm not mistaken in actual Egypt O.o

badger badger badger yes..
Not only are they efficient predators, but also really smart. Pretty impressive
I would watch a milo & otis style full length feature film about a lesser weasel and a honey badger saving the entire planet.
> >A coyote and a badger use a culvert as a wildlife crossing to pass under a busy California highway together, November 23, 2019. Coyotes and badgers are known to hunt together.

>>Although rarely photographed, the phenomenon is well-documented. It was familiar to many Native Americans long before Europeans reached the continent, and scientists have studied it for decades.

>>90 percent of all coyote-badger hunts featured one of each animal, while about 9 percent involved one badger with two coyotes, and 1 percent feature a badger and three coyotes.

>>Each member of the hunting party has a distinct set of skills. Coyotes are nimble and quick, so they excel at chasing prey across an open prairie. Badgers are slow and awkward runners by comparison, but they're better diggers than coyotes are, having evolved to pursue small animals in underground burrow systems. Coyotes chase prey on the surface, while badgers take the baton for subterranean pursuits. Only one may end up with a meal, but overall, research suggests the collaboration benefits both hunters.
>Could've been a unique East Coast equivalent of a sea otter
Not diet wise of course but public perception wise.
This has always been my favorite example of symbiotic relationships in the animal kingdom. The way these two interact in particular have so much personality.
Holy shit this is sick. You would think Coyotes would try to prey on badgers. But they just act like long time friends. Very neat.
Truly the epitome of grace.
Well, you know, . . .
The fact that they can stand for as long as they want is kind of freaking me out.
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>You would think Coyotes would try to prey on badgers.
I would think it more likely that badgers would prey on coyotes. But, they seem to have had a meeting and decided they are peers.

Fear the Great Coyote-Badger Alliance. First rule: if you see a coyote, watch out for the badger that's about to crawl up your pants leg.
I love skunks but have no good skunk pictures
How are you at drawing?
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Oh, man, no shit! Sea lions are toobs! I knew it!
oh man this is cool
always a treat to see relationships like this in the wild
The greek domesticated ferrets for hunting and they can still be pets today
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I wonder what enables their high energy lifestyle. They must eat a lot with how much fat they burn
Only being awake for 4 hours a day
Ah, the cat method…
Looks like someone who ‘borrows’ shit.
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>writing a WW1 novel which features a pivotal scene in which various mustelids are killed (it's a metaphor or some shit)
>look at photos of them
>start to feel legitimately bad even though it's not real
I'm s-sorry
don’t do it anon…
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He just wanted to play :(
The way he violently tackled the animal but managed to hold it in such a way as to not cause it any harm is incredibly kino to watch
He took that bite like a champ most people would’ve dropped or tossed it away kek
Memory unlocked
It’s so aesthetic here
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Otter thread is dead so guess they go here now
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hey guys how do i look?
long weirdos
quite stunning if i do say so myself
We need more Mustelid sports…
There have been many instances of great whites attacking sea otters, but they generally do not eat them because they don't like the way they taste.
They are adorable little serial killers.
Also, nice quads.
Why do I feel that the crowbar's shape was directly inspired by the mustelid baculum?
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>join me in the spiral!
That… would make a lot of sense
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(here u go fren)
Skunks are my favorite animal. Wish I could live em more without running into fetish freaks or people who can't think past one weird trait.
"but they'll spray you!" And dogs kill like 10 little girls a year! All animals can attack in SOME way. Skunks just poured all their effort into one attack, and are nothing but cuddly little goofs the rest of the time.

And then people say you have to descent them, ignoring the health problems that come with that and the fact that they'd never do it unless you actively abuse them. It's illegal to do so in Europe, and to great shock... They get along just fine without the anal prolapse causing surgery!

And then there are the states who ban them... Or refuse to accept the dog rabies vaccine as an effective alternative for them, etc etc.

Getting to hold a skunk, not even a domestic one, was one the best animal-holding expierences I've ever had. Little man wanted nothing but to snuggle in my arms and gently gnaw on my shirt. He even started grooming me.

Never loved an animal more after 5 seconds of contact.
you’re starting to tempt me anon…
I knew a girl who had a goat and a skunk and one was named Elliot (can't remember which, but I think the goat). Anyway, the skunk was a loving motherfucker but so damn near-sighted that the family had to put baby gates at all the stairwells to make sure it didn't fall down them.
It liked to play boxing tape football wherein you get some of that brown tape used for packing up boxes, wad it up into a ball and toss it somewhere. The skunk would run to it, pick it up and continue running in the direction it was tossed and seemingly hide it somewhere only to return and repeat the behaviour. An ex of mine's ferret did the same thing.
so cute :3
>Because they're not pets
says you retard
felines are closer to lizards
Nigga before the agricultural revolution "inside" was a tribal hut. What are you smoking?
Is that a block of ice?
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they're for hunting, simple as
>keep together! no, waitwaitwait
> 1 ..2 ..3 ..4 ..5 ..6
>OKay! let's go!
>nonono wait ....
>1 ..2 ..3 ..4 ..5
>Great! Everyone let's scoot!
> 1 ..2 ..3 ..4 ..5 ..6 ..7
>This would be so much easier if I knew how to count!!
t. mom's life
>can't find the other vid of the adult in a trench
So it finally turned up in a /k/ thread. Because. Ukraine & shit. webmrel is a piece of the much larger vid, well worth watching to hear just how enraged the little fucker is, even screaming insults as s/he runs away at the end:
Damn, does any other mustelid sound like this? I would have thought this was some kind of pissed off raptor or something with no video
With sound:

This sable is cute but not really a pet.
>Skunks have two glands, one on each side of the anus. These glands produce the skunk's spray, which is a mixture of sulfur-containing chemicals such as thiols (traditionally called mercaptans), which have an offensive odor. The thiols also make their spray highly flammable.[16][17]
>Skunks are only an ignition mechanism away from being cute little flamethrowers
How long until somebody adds a few genes?
>So it finally turned up in a /k/ thread
Of course it did lol
You’d definitely have to raise these things from birth for them to be amicable towards people though, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything other than a honey badger or Wolverine act this aggressive
>Skuntank used Flamethrower!
what a ferocious predator…
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dammit I can't remember what this animal fellow's name was but it kinda looks like a mustelid, do you guys know what this is?
this is terrifying thank you
I wonder why the smaller the hunter the fiercer it is
Like Mantis shrimps, honey badgers, cats, just small animals overall seem way more hardcore than big ass animals
so they’re smart enough to paint?
awww he has a hat :3
among other things
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It's sad these ones went extinct before we could see them. We have dog like cats in Africa, it would be cool to see cat like dogs there too.
What a weird name for an animal. Must have been Spanish
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>Ownership and advice for owning is also naturally welcome.
The only good advice when it comes to owning one of these guys is to not do it.
They were named before the other pandas. Making them the real pandas
It depends on which you’re talking about. Honey Badger? Wolverine? Definitely not. Everything else? There’s a lot of variables in between that could make it crash and burn or actually end up working
they must process time differently, like a fly.
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>Catfag gets increasingly nervous at the prosect of "outdoor ferret or mongoose" being a thing
NOoOOoOOoO fssst!! Fsst!!! We wuz Apex predator in the urban jungles first!!!! Nooooo don't wear my shitty stamina down!!!
looks like a marten
Shit, I thought mongooses were also mustelids. These animals are all extremely similar, fuck.
Yeah, a marten. That's what I meant.
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what did he mean by this?
>two hours of relaxing sea-otterwave
look at him go!
they’re so real for this

Otters can absolutely maul the fuck out of you. Read Gavin Maxwell's stuff sometime. One of his assistants lost two fingers to a pissed off otter.

Depends. I ended up getting a young one (couldn't find two under a year at an affordable price) and they get along great, but I've had others in the past that fought all the time. Dragging each other around the house, one male trying to kill the new male...

Oh, hey, that's a yellow-throated marten. They hunt in pairs and trios, and can even kill small monkeys.
I assume wild and not tame? All those videos make them seem like cuddly and calm…
Those videos are cherrypicked footage. And if you notice, they don't hide how much time you have to spend feeding them.
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Those feet seriously look like flippers…
>fetish freaks
brap fetishists and skunk aficionados have a massive overlap
That's the point.
I don’t like it… I can feel the fins setting in…
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don't care still want to frolic in the forest with otters
Otters do this too.
Skunks are super cute
I'd love to meet one in the real world but ive only seen roadkill ones
I think they'd like me, or at enough to not spray me
A natural human urge
an otter classic
fuck primates, I reject my homoness. Make my next life one of utmost length.
Protip: thump your feet on the ground so they think you're another skunk, they're extremely nearsighted.
otter eat da blueberry
Nice try
These things aren’t in our group… right?
They are I believe (as weird as it is)
I really want a ferret…
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would you be able to handle this?
It’s a wonder they’re not still actively predatory with claws like that…
They look cute but stink.
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It's not that weird, just the inbetween badgers and pigs.
You could say that of a lot of pets
Yote and Badge do adventure
I'd love to play a game where you play a badger/coyote duo, sounds like a fun time
most powerful soccer player
Multiplayer co-op, but you team up with a complete stranger, with no way to communicate to the other the most basic form animal communication. Another game called Journey has this game play mechanic/feature and does this extremely well, but I've never seen it since.
I concur. Someone fund it.
I'll leave this here.
It's about an escaped (and recovered) tayra, which is a mustelid, apparently. Never heard of these before coming across the article.
Are these the fastest animals? They're like 2x faster than cats.
They’re pretty sleek looking. Like the panthers of Mustelids
They’re speedy. Fast enough to catch their prey which can include squirrels and what not
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Otter day - thus, otters.
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martens > you're favorite mustelid
That’s a Sable though.

Also didn’t realize we had reached bump limit. Good thread everyone. Musties are great. Only still wish we had the IP counter cus we hit some pretty substantial numbers before it was done in. Oh well.
sables are just russian martens, they're part of the genus martes which is just the sable and other martens. they're just called something else because that's their name in russian and they exist pretty much solely there, it's a matter of semantics
also yeah, I'm glad there's enough people here to sustain something like this

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