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Are you supposed to keep the TV on for your pet if they're alone at home for most of the day?
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I leave the PS2 Tony hawk's Pro skater for my turtle
Cats get statically charged by old crts and can shock you, beware if you got an old model pacemaker and are for some reason using a metallic chest drain at home, which is why I opted for finally upgrading to a dog
Yes all animals enjoy a healthy session of brainwashing by semitic television stations
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What's a good channel or Netflix series for pets?
>a bear
quite topical considering the other thread

How can I ensure my cat lives to atleast 20? He's around 8-9 currently and is still very full of piss and vinegar (he's a domestic long hair and is very large and slightly chubby). What kinds of things ensures that a cat will live a very long life? I've heard of cats living until their 30s in rare cases and I would imagine it has to do with a little more than just genetics and luck

pic unrel
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Alright well my problem is that when my cat was maybe 3 years old he got a UTI and almost died and they had no clue how he got it since he was neutered, and the veterinarians scared my mom into buying my cat this special urinary tract health dry food for him which he has been eating ever since. She is very jewed in pretty much every aspect of her life and the food she buys for her pets is no exception, she thinks if they eat absolutely anything other than the food they've been eating their whole lives they will get sick. How do I unjew my mom on the topic of pet food?
That’s a good question that’s still widely debated on. Same for dogs. Genetics definitely play a factor as we know certain breeds are just outright unhealthy and can only live so long. But beyond that you’ll get a myriad of answers depending on who you ask
You can give him the most expensive food and never let him outside and he'll still get cancer and die. It's a roll of the dice. Just enjoy your time with him and don't take him for granted. It'll end one day.
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my last cat was an outdoor cat who ate a mix of wet and dry food and she lived until 20, perhaps there are more factors to it.
I didn't do anything special. I only ever fed him wet canned food. I don't remember the brand, But towards the end I tried expensive sensitive stomach stuff, but he only ever liked the cheap stuff. And I always gave him bits of whatever I was eating. He was pretty health up until the last 9 months.

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"Vultures of the sea".
Just as misunderstood, just as threatened.
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I see the family resemblance
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this a real animal?
/tv/ is my main board
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fuck off tourist
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Stick around, tourist
What's your favorite animal, tourist?
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I like the elephant.
It's really in a sense an ideal for what humanity should be.
Smart, intelligent, emotional, to some extent understanding and accepting the futility of life but still grieving when it happens - yet moving on. Elephant groups can only be separated by death or capture, while humans kill each other by the thousands even close relatives.
Humans, with all the technical knowledge breed ourselves into degeneracy, stupidity and meaningless eating, shitting, fucking while destroying the planet WITHOUT ANY GOAL other than profit and pleasure.
Elephants eat, shit and fuck but they don't destroy the planet.
I know elephants aren't fully aware or at least aren't aware like we are.
But I wonder If elephants evolved technology first instead of disgusting chimps - would they have built a better world? I believe so.
All of that comes down to choice and capability anon. If elephants were capable of doing that and had the smarts to do it they would. Our intelligence is what leads us to have the awareness that we have the *choice* to do those things, only our guilt and shame and any other self imposed morals stops us

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Any anteater chads here? What do you feed them? Any special needs?
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what the fuck
you monster
Also for balance when the other half of its body is deep in a hole
Tails are usually very useful
I’m about to be deep in your hole but you don’t see me wagging around a tail
Ant mandibles posted this image

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Elephant and Dog friendship general
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angels get sexually frustrated and rape rhinos?
Doesn’t happen
Is there any actual recorded case of that happening
>Doesn’t happen
do you see the video I posted in the OP of this happening? How do you explain that?
Liking dogs is a sign of high intelligence
*happens extremely very rarely

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Oh shiiiiit that's a fire collab. When do it drop
I’m pretty sure something like that did happen funnily enough
It’s a primal kind of realization. He doesn’t yet know what death is but he can still feel a vague sense of impending doom right around the corner and stays silent but alert in hopes of not drawing its attention. Scary stuff.
pretty much
nature will be nature

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Aw he's smiling :D
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They will never be back
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Doesn’t look like it…
Tragically beautiful…
Why would it have a mouth that big
The better to eat you with my dear
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That part is somewhat close to reality, but the place where the jaw connection is at the image is different

are those real
do tell

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Are bloodhounds good police dogs?
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They can’t and they don’t. Even in staged trials Mals underperform in scent work.
>Three boxes
>Decoy in one
>Mals sniff all three boxes repeatedly before guessing which one the decoy is in
In most “scent” portions they’re just relying on memory from this drill in training and guessing if they can’t figure it out or just smelling the decoy without any ground scenting. They literally have a 1/3 chance of advancing no matter which box they indicate. There is flat out no testing for cold trailing whatsoever due to the time constraints required for it and general lack of need.

Bloodhounds are specialized sniffers. A mal is an elite interdiction dog and that is simply prized dramatically over the other in modern police work where you’re almost never chasing a convict into the swamps or untamed wild which is why the use of hounds has predominantly switched to trailing missing children and senile elderly instead of criminals. It also helps they won’t maul a freezing toddler that wandered off. There are still parts of the country that cold trailing is useful for actual police work though. There’s a guy down in Oklahoma that uses coonhounds and horses. He’s got some great stories like when his dogs bayed his shitbag cousin up in a stock pond and he just played dead when they told him to swim to shore.
>they can and they are
All images you find of mals following trails are very short and very recent trails. Mals are good at short scentwork, as is every other dog breed, like sniffing drugs or guns or something. Insisting that mals can do what hounds can do because you prefer mals is asinine and retarded. Hounds can follow days old trails. Mals can't. Cope harder.
just realized those two are Asian
is that lunch
There’s been a few repeat threads lately. Could just be a bot.
Their certainley the handsomest.

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I believe it's possible to accurately guess characteristics/traits of somebody by their favorite animal
For example,
>If their favorite animal is a fox, they're a furry
>If it's a wolf, they were the weird kid in school
>Horse, they want to be dicked down by a horse
>Cat, they're feminine or a woman
>Dog, they're very basic
What do you think? What are some other examples?
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A patrician.
Would. All of them. (Not the pig)
>Not the pig
t. low test beta
>when your gf takes a beach selfie with her much hotter friends
can confirm, I like cats and I'm a faggot bottom
Look man, that’s way too much pork for my hog

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/a/ told me today was World Penguin Day. I didn't bother to look it up to see if it was true but let's just post pengers anyway.
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That will be me very soon
Go to a zoo
They don't have zoos in Antarctica.
You won’t survive anon… don’t do it…
when you hop onto a new distro and it's immediately shit

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Does anyone else huff their cat? Why do they smell good?
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kek i don’t remember this scene it’s cool that he did that again though
Brain damage ever since the day he was born
>shitty series is relevant again because of porn bait
My only wish in this life is to kill as many coomers as I can.
Dogs smell amazing. Like a meadow in the middle of a cedar grove.
Cats smell neutral at best. Like dirt.
What? If anything it’s more relevant than ever. And it’s still fun.
This is gigacope

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I come from a typical white trash family and my mother has fed up an army of stray cats on the property, who are now terrorising my actual pet cat. She has come home yesterday battered and bleeding, and I am looking for advice on how to manage the situation.
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Nice try. You’d need polarized dilithium crystals for that. Your cat does not contain a warp drive, larper.

My dog on the other hand has a top spacetime traversal rate of the speed of light to the power of 13.
big deal. my dog has a cloaking device.
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Your dog might have a cloaking device, but my cat has developed a phase shift based cloaking device that also renders them immune to phaser fire. have fun figuring out where they are based on residual chroniton fields, chud. not like you'd be able to do anything if you could. you'll never defeat my kot's superior technology.
Oh shit dogbros what are we going to do?
that’s so cool where can I get one

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