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Does anyone else huff their cat? Why do they smell good?
Yes. I don’t know why mine do. They all smell nice.
Well groomed cats tend to smell pretty nice. It's kind of bizarre, it really seems like they should be stinky but they're usually mildly pleasant smelling.
I mean no offense, but is this unironic toxo?
That seems like something toxo would do to you.?
Doesn't it make mice think a cat's smell is like a female mouse in heat or something?
People that say things like this walk around smelling like dusty toilet
Cats themselves smell neutral to pleasant. Only the litterboxes stink
>Cat shins in box in your house
>Buries shit in pellets that get all over its paws
>Walks with those paws all over your kitchen table and counters
>Licks it's shitty butthole with its tongue and gives itself a tongue bath
>Vomits up all the hair it swallows in your closet
>"Aww wittle fwuffy is so cuuuute!"
>Can owner rubs face all over cat body and puts cat feet in their mouth
Yeah, it's toxobrain time
>he has never sniffed a healthy cat
no such thing
They naturally smell like cinnamon and fir
cats smell cute
As a non cat person, cats smell like attic dust with a hint of inadequately cleaned mens bathroom and old spice sport.

Dogs smell like forest floor and have a spicy musk. Its much better. I can see why most rational people prefer dogs and cats are for poets and other pseuds.
no, he always smells of wet grass and car dirt
i kiss him on his head and rub my cheeks on his head though
noice b8
Truth hurts. I havent smelled any retriever or mastiff dogs. I heard those smell closer to pissed on cum socks.
no thats true

shove your nose near a border collie, its literally wet leaves and pine sap
>Dogs smell like forest floor and have a spicy musk
Most dogs stink like shit. This is only true of real dogs like huskies
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Dunno about you, but my cats smell like fur
>one spends 2 hours grooming itself a day
>the other barely ever grooms unless the owner does it
big thinkers
Depends, long coated collies can get pretty stinky. Best dog odour wise imo are greyhounds, they're basically long cats anyway. I can't stand any dog breed with an oily coat like labradors, makes me want to heave. It's a shame because they're lovely animals.
Can confirm this

The old spice and bathroom part especially, it's THE cat smell. If someone stays at your house with their cat, that's the smell that's left in the room the cat spent the most time in. Probably from litterbox dust getting on their belly and working its way down to their skin so their gross spit baths cant remove it.

>only huskies!
Nope, the vast majority of dogs unless they have some severe deformity. German shepherds, terriers, short coated collies, corgis, chihuahuas, etc, all smell good. Only water dogs, mop dogs, and wrinkly dogs stink, and it's from their perpetual yeast infection.

The only "bad" part is that dogs sweat and get a sweat smell if it's really hot or they exercise, but it's pure fresh sweat, not human sweat with the cheesy onion bacteria in it, so it's a neutral salt water and humidity odor. Cats never get this at all because cats are lazy fucks who directly benefit from not doing their job.

I don't even have mammalian pets
I have birds. Outside.
I would be inclined to agree with you, if not for the fact that I can still smell stinky cats. Our two indoor cats are good groomers, but my neighbor's outdoor cat isn't and you can tell without putting your face on her. I probably do have toxo though so who knows.
My cat spends all day on my bed, in the sun, he smells like fresh laundry. I haven't personally ever met a cat that's smelt particularly bad.
Your fresh laundry smells like cat, not the other way around
Huh, didn't know fragranced washing detergent came in cat.
>*cleanest catfag*
It is utterly preposterous to me that someone could type this out without the self awareness that it applies perfectly well to dogs too, who will happily eat literal shit (especially cat shit), roll in literal shit, lick themselves all over, lick you all over, drool over everything etc.

No animal is going to be particularly sanitary, you are not going to be cleaner, safer or smell less with a dog over a cat, every pet keeper will need to spend additional time cleaning to compensate. This argument is completely retarded. Dogfags are fucking abysmal.
Kind of wish I could, but I'm allergic to cats something fierce.
All cats use a litterbox, all cats vomit up hairballs. In fact, vomiting is a natural part of how cats maintain their gut health and you're meant to keep cat grass around so they can vomit regularly. There's a reason most people insist on letting them outside and mostly leaving them there.

But not all dogs do any of that. Sorry all dogs are untrained labrador retrievers from TV shows and commercials in your mind but hey who expects redditors to leave the house and have real life experience outside of school, web development from home/welfare check collection, discord, video games, and consooming toys? Besides all that, all a redditor's got is their cat.

All dogs bark: Yes, that is actually why we have them
All dogs are potentially dangerous to small edible animals: Yes, that is actually why we have them. Dogs are the actual pest control animal and almost every breed can hunt small and medium game indiscriminately. It's why dogs bred for hunting as a sport are so carefully inbred and trained, a normal dog just kills the first squirrel/rabbit/chicken it can find.
Dogs are potentially dangerous to people if mistreated or not properly raised with humans: Yes, you should have to pass an IQ and temperament test to own a dog. If you hit it over dumb shit the next person to touch its face is going to lose a finger, and people hit their dogs all the time. Especially the kind of shit owner that insists on keeping an intact male because "muh manhood". These are never the super serious training autists that do it for health and have well behaved dogs.
All dogs eat/roll in shit/drool/obsessively lick you: No, try again. Bitch about a real issue like pitbulls and rottweilers.
>All cats meow and yowl
>All cats are potentially dangerous to mice, rats, and birdsand its why we have them
>All cats are potentially dangerous to people if they are abused or unsocialized - if you hit your cat the next person to reach towards it will get a 1/2" deep gash and go to the hospital for a limb-threatening infection
wait are cats actually just extra shitty small dogs? have we been ignoring it this whole time because cat owners are too feminine to enter testosterone rage and beat their pets up?
Cat owners are linked to schizophrenia
I've lived with dogs all my life, my family run a rescue, and have ran stands at crufts nearly every fucking year. I've lived with hundreds of dogs over the years, and know exactly what dogs do. They love being filthy little shits. This is a fact. I don't even mind it, I love dogs. But pretending otherwise is fucking delusional cope. This cat v dog shit is peak faggot.

>redditors redditors autists

You're deranged, and spooks live rent free in your head. Stop using dogs as the sole alternative to having a personality and grow the fuck up.
>i work with mentally ill purebred boxers bro, all dogs eat shit
They don’t
>loses argument
>tries to act like he has high ground “mmmmuh grow uppp”

a cat is guaranteed to be a filthy pet unless it lives outside 100%
a dog is not unless it lives outside 100%

sorry toxo thems the facts!
>The indoor cat must be stinky because I said so!!1
Do you have stupid?
Probably just knows people with cats
They all smell the same
Not a fresh clean smell
i don't have pets but
>go to house with dogs
leave smelling like dog
>go to house with cats
leave smelling normally
huskcuck fag strikes again
>As a non cat person
That goes without saying retard
very strange occurrence
not him but a lot if not most definitely do, usually without their owner’s knowledge
>muh allergies!!!
grow a spine
> all cats vomit up hairballs.
I have never seen any of my cats vomit a hairball in my life.
>Innocuous thread asking simple question
>Devolves into yet another slap fight by the terminally mentally ill cat obsessed ledditors on this board

fun times
Most of them were border collies, labradors and dodgy whippet crosses abandoned by travellers actually, I was at home until around 2007, the bully epidemic hadn't really kicked off at that point. My favourite rescue was an elderly weimaraner who we kept until he died, my least favourite was a toy poodle that only had half a jaw from being severely abused by a previous owner, luckily she got rehomed by a total saint. You don't know fucking anything and it's pathetic, animals aren't a team sport, again - grow up.
Why do catfags feel the need to constantly try and convince each other that what they do is normal?
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>creepy gross catfaggot question attracts creepy gross catfaggots, normal people and gaslighting
This thread got derailed by dog fuckers who seemingly have to insert themselves into any conversation about cats to say "cats bad dogs good". Any suggestion of derangement is total projection, I do not understand why dog posters on this site are so obnoxiously insecure that they feel the need to constantly remind everyone that their pets are best.
>makes thread about smelling cats
>seethes when people dislike the smell of cats
Cats literally don't have a body odour, that's the point. Their coat is dry, they lack sweat glands on most of their body and lose very little moisture from them because they evolved in arid northern africa. Evolutionarily, they needed to remain largely odourless to avoid predators and stay hidden from prey. They might pick up the odours of their environment, but that's purely circumstantial, and points more to the kind of cats you're sniffing and the households you frequent. All this considered, the enormous amount of bullshit in this thread is pure derangement from dogfags who have to disparage anything cat related seemingly only because they're self conscious about their stinking cunt mongrels.
I don't know how anyone could not like the smell of cats. Either you've never smelled a cat in your life or you're just lying because they actually smell pretty good if at all. Even the litter doesn't smell bad as long as you change it every now and again and if you do it can actually smell kind of nice. I have it by my desk where I work from home all day and it doesn't bother me at all
>paragraph of smellbroken seethe
>post of no argument
>arguing with stinky retarded cat people
>implying you can
I can smell cat people when they walk by me in public and they smell bad
>I can smell the catfags
Kek what a fucking schizo. Take your meds.
Take a bath and clean your stinky litter apartment
Still cleaner than 99% of animals and most humans
You're abusing your dogs if you never let them out
Youre illiterate if thats what you think anon was implying
Return your body to the earth and let nature try again dognigger
Suicide on your mind, cat tranny?
>knot gobbling dog fucker thinks cat chads kill themselves

Your time will come when the authorities get into your hard drives.
>a dog is not unless it lives outside 100%
Ok cool I guess there's never any reason to bath a dog ever. If you take your dog to the groomers you're just dumb.
Fr though I hope you're either that Indian schizophrenic or just trolling because no one could possibly believe this unironically.
Why do cat trannies think about dog dick so much?
Because you faggots post about it so much
You sound weak minded
Says the faggot obsessed with transexuals
Calling trannies trannies isnt obsessed with trannies
Writing fanfic about their dicks is
Mentioning trannies all the fucking time unprompted is though.
Sounds like you get called tranny a lot lmfao
Dogs are statistically the most common animal humans have sex with. Ergo, dog owners are statistically the most likely to be zoophiles that use their pets for sexual pleasure. Considering all the dog related zoophilia posted on 4chan, why wouldn't someone assume that a dogfag retard autistic enough to engage in this purile back and forth could only find sexual intimacy in an animal they hold prisoner?
You sound like a real expert on the topic of having sex with dogs
No u
I'm just an oldfag that's seen enough shit on this site to be forever suspicious of all dog owners.
Maybe stop going into dog sex threads
Their existence alone is proof enough retard, now go away and fuck your dog or something
I dont have a dog or a dog porn addiction
Tell that to a judge you fucking pervert
Bleed out your vagina in another dog porn thread
Weak, can you try a little harder?
No, ive got you to mindbreak about your dog dick lust which is always the endgame
I'm sleepy though and getting bored
Gues you better go find one of your favorite dog threads and rub one out
Goodnight stinky
Don't talk to me or my wife's dog ever again
It has to be narcissism at this point. Just plain insecurity and obsession
Based facts

Mindbroken dog buttsniffer
Dogs are statistically the animal you watch the most porn of but the most raped one is either a goat, horse or sheep. Those live and die without seeing a soul but their abuser and there’s no evidence but jizz. No stretching no bleeding. And its legal to turn them into sausage. No evidence at all then - and khomeni commanded it!
Dogs are certainly the one that results in the most arrests because as a superior animal people care more for them, even total strangers. Its not like when a cat goes missing. When a dog is hurt or a dog vanishes cops get called. Hence their abusers get caught. When a cat goes missing no one gives a fuck, not even the owner lmfao

Anyways, cats stink. Literally. They do in fact have an odor. Their gross spit baths dont do shit. They smell stale and gross. Go write another fantasy about dog sex ya gross TRANNY, you arent around friends here. You’re the only one into it

Hahahaha! Faggot.
Cats arent real animals
They’re genetically broken domesticated disasters

Shut it with “muh predators muh prey” lol cats get decimated in the wild. Aussies stopped shooting dingos for a hot minute and their “invasive” cats vanished. Coyotes do the same. So much for staying hidden from predators.
So here is the thing. I have 2 cats, male and female. Female smells good, male smells idk, fucking acidic, almost rancid even. You cant smell it till he gets in your face but it is there. Conclusion : female cats submit to human chads and their pheromones show it
>cats smell sooooo good mmm yummy yum yum cat smell mmm soo good
>but actually they have no odor at all its fucking science if you say they smell bad you HAVE SEX WITH DOGS DOG SEX DOG DICKS SNIFFING DOG BUTT SEX WITH DOGS
>Even the litter doesn't smell bad as long as you change it every now and again and if you do it can actually smell kind of nice
Most honest cat toilet smell enjoyer
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>Kitten Huffing
Degenerates like you belong on a cross. The internet had this figured out by 2006.
>lol cats get decimated in the wild
If this is true then why are they still fucking everywhere.
>several paragraphs of a schizophrenic meltdown with facts of bestiality
Maybe you should lay off the zoo websites anon.
whenever my cat grooms herself she smells like barbasol
Because catfaggots are retarded
I'm very allergic to cats, so I have interacted with them only a few times in my life. I never noticed a stench. Why do schizophrenics here have a meltdown every time cats are brought up? Why do you come to an animal board to hate animals?
No, we don't fuck our dogs

You may watch a lot of bestiality porn but common sense dictates that the most raped animal on earth is some kind of domesticated herbivore. The simple fact is, dog pussy is too small. You can just look at it and figure this out. It's tiny. I know they're probably not tiny in the bestiality porn you watch, but those aren't healthy dogs - those are dogs that have been sedated and raped hundreds of times.

If you want the facts, male dogs can only penetrate flaccid with a literal pencil dick and only by arousing the female. Their vaginas work like an anus that kinks itself shut, and they're better at letting things out than they are at letting things in. They may have voluntary control over this, for retaining the knot after he gets in. There is no way you can possibly have sex with a female dog without hurting her. And there's no way you can have sex with a male dog without him hurting you. Also, male and female dogs that are subject to bestiality are overwhelmingly likely TO FUCKING DIE. Females get uterine infections from nonviable semen. Males retract their dick into a sheath where infections brew and rocket up to the bladder/kidneys like you would not believe. When a female keeps coming in to my practice with UTIs and no probably causes like brewing bladder stones and a shit diet, I JUST KNOW AND I AM WATCHING YOU

Dog rape = arrest 9/10 times, no escape, it physically and mentally damages them.

Horses, on the other hand, are absolutely the most fucked animals. There is no way anyone can tell or catch you without firsthand witness. I strongly believe every man who has a mare is fucking that animal at least once a week. When a man has a mare, JUST a mare, I never trust or respect him, EVER. Just watch how their horses act THEY ALL FUCK THEM. Mares owned by women do NOT act the same.

t. vet.
Yes, I just know and I am watching you all. We are more educated on bestiality than 100% of zoophiles.
So there’s a market for this? Excellent…
>t. vet
neat larp but extraordinary claims = extraordinary evidence
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Am vet student, this is probably not a larp

The anatomical facts do line up. You really can not fuck a dog without harming them significantly and potentially causing aggressive life threatening infections unless you are another dog. They are finely evolved to only mate to get pregnant, not mating and mating with an infertile partner both predispose them to death. If you tried to be a dogfucker your partner would experience horrible pain the first few times and die within 1-2 years. Dogfuckers are a myth. They only exist in crime statistics because when people have traumatized dogs with blown out pussies and life threatening infections it gets noticed.
The part about horses and horse people is not a lie. You can just tell by how their favorite horse acts towards people of the same gender as the bastard.

t. Grew up in the country
toxoniggers have been real quiet since this post
let the namecalling commence, because that's all they can do
Neutered cats smell better. Got a tom that smells like BO and a neutered male that just smells like soft fur like the three neutered females I also have.
I've never smelled a pleasant smelling dog, but I've never had a neutered dog, so maybe that tames their scent too. Dirty dog tends to smell almost exactly the same as human BO, but with that nasty undertone of dog scent.

Chickens smell really good, and budgies smell amazing.
… you’re a vet and you have this kind of attitude towards animals you’re being entrusted to take care of? sounds kinda larpy
>Dirty dog tends to smell almost exactly the same as human BO, but with that nasty undertone of dog scent.
Correct. It’s a really pungent, putrid scent.
>Chickens smell really good
This though… huh?
cat smell good
They smell kinda like budgies, but without the hint of millet.
Their pens stink to hell, but the birds themselves somehow smell good.
dogs eat cat shit, in fact.
I mostly liked the smell of the top of dogs' heads.
Maybe it's because I'm a smoker, but I don't detect any smell coming off my cats. Their shit and piss smells of course, but if I stick my face into my purebred snowshoe Siamese's belly, I don't get any smell. She hates when I do that too.
some do, some dont
all cats use a litterbox
anon has bird toxo
Kek is this before or after its anal worm casings fall on your pillow
Whhhyy does every catfaggot have a story about this??
>your house is your cats prison
Let it outside
I own cats and say toxo is a meme but this is genuine toxo
>you vil force it to shit in the box and you vil clean it up
Like wtf? Just stop living in nazi land where your cat cant even go outside without being brutaly disassembled
No cats smell like cats and dogs like dog
You have to get used to it or else you hate it
>all cats use a litterbox
Only in naziland
This but replace the 100%'s with 50%
>we let it outside sometimes
Theres your problem
from experience, cats either smell like corn chips or dust and sunlight
> getting frustrated other people you'll never meet don't care about the same odors as you.
Why the fuck is the board so feminine?
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I remember hearing a story about some guy smelling his finger after fingering his cat and it being the worst thing he'd ever smelled, so take that as you will
sure you're not thinking of the story where a guy fingered a cougar, licked his finger and said it tasted like sourdough and butter?
I have never sniffed a dog that smelled good. They all reek, almost like a wet and dirty towel.
“nazi land” would be the opposite of that tbf
both of those sound irrefutably fake
My cats just smell like dirt and dust, they're mostly outdoor cats though (private property, you urbanite cucks)
>but common sense
Anon, dogs are raped way more often than you'd think. And there is not need for penetration to happen to the animal for it to be raped.
If you're a vet, you are one retarded motherfucker.
At least you got something right.
Is the anti cat poster a unironic schizo?
Women just don't understand that this is exactly what men want to do but with their thighs and tummy instead
>anti cat fags think we care about their opinions about anything let alone think we care about being surrounded by them
I'm glad I reek like my cat so I can keep retard like you away
The opposite of what
Dogs smell good. They can stink, but that's your fault, not theirs.
I have never encountered a white person who disagreed. Ever. Only asians and blacks.

No, dogs are probably one of the least raped animals. It just harms them so severely for an animal most people actually care about that it's the most prosecuted bestiality crime. Also, people who fuck dogs tend to be extremely low IQ and not actually like dogs, they just like owning them.

bestiality probably happens 10000x more than we think, but mostly to farm animals.
I love cats
>and not actually like dogs, they just like owning them.
That’s most dog owners as we’ve time and time again on this board unfortunately
Yes. And obsessed.
pic not related
yes, pretty much
Makes the most sense id say
Toxo makes rodents attracted to cat filth and humans are basically just big fancy rodents
Its every dog owner with a double digit iq

You can rile a few up by going on /dog/ and saying that hurting dogs is a morally wrong and unnecessary act that predisposes them to fear aggression. They have literal meltdowns and start aimlessly seething and larping about huskies. Funniest shit on earth.
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Isnt that 1 punch man
Idk because i dont watch tranime
kek i don’t remember this scene it’s cool that he did that again though
Brain damage ever since the day he was born
>shitty series is relevant again because of porn bait
My only wish in this life is to kill as many coomers as I can.
Dogs smell amazing. Like a meadow in the middle of a cedar grove.
Cats smell neutral at best. Like dirt.
What? If anything it’s more relevant than ever. And it’s still fun.
This is gigacope
human beings are so vile

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