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The president spotted what journalists have to take "seriously" regarding his predecessor following the deadly Capitol riot.


President Joe Biden made a number of jabs at Donald Trump before shifting his tone to address what journalists have to take “seriously” about the former president at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner on Saturday.

Biden — toward the end of his speech to the D.C. crowd — reflected on his address marking the 3rd anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack where he noted that Americans must answer “whether democracy is still” America’s most “sacred cause” this year.

“The defeated former president has made no secret of his attack on our democracy. He said he wants to be a dictator on day one, and so much more. He tells supporters he is their revenge and retribution. When in God’s name you ever heard another president say something like that?” Biden said.

He continued, “And he promised a bloodbath when he loses again. We have to take this seriously. Eight years ago, you could’ve written [it] off as just Trump talk but no longer. Not after January 6. I’m sincerely not asking you to take sides, but ask you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment. Move past the horse race numbers, the gotcha moments.”

The president — who spoke at the event as pro-Palestinian protesters greeted attendees on their way in — made light of his predecessor on a number of occasions, labelling him “sleepy Don” and mocking debate around his age ahead of the election in November.

“I’m a grown man running against a six-year-old. Well, I feel great, I really feel great, I’m campaigning all over the country: Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, I’ve always done well in the original 13 colonies,” quipped Biden before the D.C. crowd.
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Donald J. Trump
Russia spent 20 grand on Facebook ads with extremely limited engagement and they were aimed at attacking Hillary Clinton because she was expected to win. You can't admit a successful grassroots movement on the other side because you are so conditioned to see yourself as some gay little revolution, lmao.
Where do you people get this shit from?
"Fortified, not stolen"

You did

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In a massive blow to Russia, Ukraine just lost 4 more power plants, ensuring that Russia is losing even more.
Russian missiles strike Ukrainian power plants in new blow to infrastructure

Russia hammered Ukraine’s electrical grid with nearly two dozen missiles overnight Saturday, officials said, in the latest assault on the country’s energy system. The missiles struck four thermal power plants belonging to the country’s largest private energy company, officials said.

It was the fourth “large-scale attack” on DTEK’s power plants in a little over a month as Russia “seeks to cripple supplies of energy to millions of ordinary Ukrainian homes and businesses,” the company tweeted. The extent of the damage was still being assessed, DTEK said.

Moscow’s forces fired 34 air-, land- and sea-based missiles at Ukrainian targets overnight, the Ukrainian air force wrote on Telegram. Thirteen evaded Ukraine’s air defenses, including all four Kinzhal hypersonic ballistic missiles that Russia launched, the air force said.

In the Lviv region, Russian missiles struck “critical energy infrastructure in the Stryi and Chervonohrad districts,” Maksym Kozytskyy, head of the regional military administration, wrote on Telegram. “There is destruction.”

“To avoid having to apply hourly shutdowns, please do not turn on energy-intensive electrical appliances” between 7 p.m. and 10 p.m., he added. They include “air conditioner, electric kettle, vacuum cleaner, boiler, heater, iron, washing machine, microwave oven, electric oven.”

In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the attacks damaged energy facilities in the Dnipro and Kryvorizka districts, resulting in “interruptions in the water supply,” Serhiy Lysak, head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, wrote on Telegram.
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No, that wasn't me
Donald J. Trump
This man is one of the worst leaders In modern history
He is dead set in killing his country and his people for his own personal gain
Umm, isnt that all politicians??
Lucky for Zelensky that his opponent is Putin, one of the worst leaders In modern history, who is dead set on killing his country and his people for his own personal gain.

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A massive miscalculation from a man who just over a year ago became Scotland's First Minister.


People at the time thought he wasn't up to the job and his time as Health Minister showed his genuine lack of ability to do the job. Quite why he walked away from the Bute House agreement with the Greens when he could have kicked the issue into the long grass was bizarre. Why he didn't game out that he wouldn't get help from the Conservatives, Labour or Alba, let alone the Greens to get any legislation through as a minority government let alone defeat a vote of no confidence just goes to show how incompetent he was to be able to do the job.
paste the article newfag

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The Dominica High Court has ruled that sections 14 & 16 of the Sexual Offences Act which punishes homosexual sex, is unconstitutional.

The judgement was made via Zoom this morning.

That decision makes the country part of a global community that recognizes the right of same-sex adults to have consenting sexual activities in privacy.

Cara Shillingford represented the Claimants, the Attorney General Office represented the Defendant, Joelle Harris represented the Bishop of Roseau (Catholic Church) and the Anglican Church, and Joshua Francis represented the Dominica Association of Evangelical Churches as intervening parties.

The ruling effectively decriminalizes homosexual sex in the country. The decision has far-reaching implications for human rights and the role of religion in Dominica.

The case was first brought before the court in 2022 by a gay man who sought to have two sections of the Sexual Offences Act (SOA) that criminalize consensual same-sex activities ruled unconstitutional. The case to end the criminalization of LGBT people in Dominica was supported by Minority Rights Dominica (MiRiDom) and the HIV Legal Network, working alongside the claimant who was not named because of risk to his safety, according to the claimants.
Under sections 14 and 16 of the SOA, sexual activity between consenting partners of the same sex is prohibited — offences that were first enacted in 1873, when Dominica was under British colonial rule. The man who launched claims to have faced “discrimination, hostility, and horrific violence” in Dominica because he is gay.

“Dominica’s 1978 Constitution guarantees the rights to privacy, protection from discrimination, liberty, security of the person, freedom from inhuman or degrading punishment, freedom of expression, and freedom of assembly and association,” declared MiriDom in a press statement issued when the matter was first brought to trial in 2022. “Sections 14 and 16 of the SOA violate these rights in numerous ways.”

Today’s ruling effectively makes Dominica a member of the global community recognizing the rights of same-sex adults to engage in consensual sexual activities without fear of prosecution.

Founder and Coordinator of Minority Rights Dominica (MiRiDom), Daryl Phillip, has called a press conference for later today to discuss the ruling.

Full judgement is attached below:
lol no one cares

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Left wing activist John Earle Sullivan, aka "Chaos Agent", "Jayden X", is sentenced to 6 years for his hole in Jan 6. He was the guy who broke in and filmed Ashley Babbit dying.

According to the article he is a left wing activist being held in isolation away from the other Jan 6 defendants for his own safety.

Utah man who recorded fatal Jan. 6 Capitol shooting sentenced to 6 years

A Utah man who recorded himself inciting violence and breaking a window before filming the fatal shooting of Ashli Babbitt outside the House chamber during the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack was sentenced Friday to six years in prison.

John Earle Sullivan, 29, was paid $90,875 for his videos before he was convicted at trial. A jury found him guilty in November of rioting and obstructing Congress’s certification of the 2020 election results, both felonies, and of five misdemeanor counts.

Prosecutors said Sullivan was a self-described activist with anarchist views who brought a tactical vest, a gas mask, a megaphone and a knife to the riot. Seeking a prison term of a little more than seven years, Assistant U.S. Attorneys Rebekah Lederer and Michael Barclay said Sullivan “shared a desire to see the government burn” and the vote certification stopped.

Defense attorney Steven Kiersh said Sullivan was born in Virginia, was adopted by a now-retired Army lieutenant colonel and his wife, and moved with them to Utah, where he trained to be an Olympic speed skater before injuries stopped him. Kiersh cited more than a dozen letters from friends and family who described Sullivan as “much different” than what the jury saw.

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Umm, no they didnt, the governemnt suported the rest of the population and shut the protests down & arrested the offeders. A number of people have already been found guilty and waiting sentencing.

Also, it was the govenment, not Trudeau.

Show papers to go into a grocery store? What are you talking about??

Also, im not a 'leftist', am proud conservative, but still support how it was handled by the government as it was agrees to by all political parties, if not the Liberals would have lost in a vote of non-confidence as they are a minority party.

If your going to spew garbage educate yourself first.
Workers striking removes everyones rights?? Who was striking? Also, in this day and age unions are pretty archaic and only support the lazy who are too scared to work but feel they deserve to be paid anyways.
It isn't at all. It's an absolutely auth-center ideology. It's simply a protectionist (class, ethnicity, culture, etc.) authoritarian state that almost always begins bottom-up via disenfranchised endogenous populations.

The only "right wing" thing about it is its nationalist conditioning - which in most ways also isn't dependent on either side.

Either side can offer fascist solutions if it vehemently feels its culture and way of life is under attack.
Wait a sec, guys. Do you mean this dude was a left-wing activist and yet went to the Jan 6 gig... And not just to record shit like a wannbe Vice "journalist" but actually incited people to do worse?
Either this is peak 4D chess, or I don't know.


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A couple accidentally shipped their cat in an Amazon return package. It arrived safely 6 days later, hundreds of miles away.
Joshua Zitser Apr 26, 2024, 6:50 AM ET


A Utah couple accidentally shipped their cat, Galena, in an Amazon return package.
The cat was found safe in California after six days without food or water.
An Amazon worker found the cat in a box alongside five pairs of steel-toed work boots.
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The vet told Clark the cat was found inside an Amazon return package, alongside five pairs of steel-toed work boots.

"I ran to tell my husband that Galena was found, and we broke down upon realizing that she must have jumped into an oversized box that we shipped out the previous Wednesday," Clark said.

During the COVID-19 lockdowns, people increasingly turned to buying online instead of visiting brick-and-mortar stores.

The shift brought a big spike in the number of online returns in 2021, which has continued to rise, eMarketer said.

KSL-TV reported that the cat was rescued from the box after six days without food or water by an Amazon employee who found her in a warehouse and took her to the vet.

Clark and her husband then flew to California to be reunited with their cat.

"It was an amazing reunion! Galena instantly stopped shaking and relaxed in my arms when I got to hold her again," Clark said. "Despite being skinnier and some mild dehydration, her bloodwork was completely normal and she was completely unharmed!"

Clark said she hopes the story inspires all pet owners to microchip their pets.

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cats are pests and an environmental disaster
cats kill the song birds that i attract to my feeder.
I aint cruel, but i shoot the cats in the ass with a weak daisy red ryder bb gun.
I shot my self in the leg and it leaves a welt, but don't penetrate the skin.
I also shoot those god damn bird feeder stealin' squirrels that the cats use to chase away.

The raccoons are ok, but the skunks and rabbits that dig up my garden gotta taste the fury of the red ryder.

Foxes are the best.
I put out canned tuna for them.
Same for the red tailed hawks(they eat squrriels but get the occasional songbird)
what about deer

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S. Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R), who is being eyed as a potential running mate to Donald Trump, admitted to shooting and killing a puppy she called “less than worthless” — along with her “disgusting” goat — in her new book.

According to The Guardian, Noem’s unreleased book, No Going Back: The Truth on What’s Wrong with Politics and How We Move America Forward, details how her effort to train her aggressive female dog for hunting pheasant was unsuccessful.

The Republican leader said she can do anything “difficult, messy and ugly” if necessary. Noem explained how she had hoped the puppy named Cricket would prove to be an efficient hunter at a local pheasant hunt but things quickly got out of control.

“I hated that dog,” Noem writes, adding that Cricket had proved herself “untrainable”, and “less than worthless … as a hunting dog”.

“At that moment,” Noem says, “I realised I had to put her down.”

Noem, who also represented her state in Congress for eight years, got her gun, then led Cricket to a gravel pit.

“It was not a pleasant job,” she writes, “but it had to be done.”

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Let’s Get a Warrant for Kristi Noem’s Backyard

Now Joe Roscum from Pflugerville, Texas, can shoot a cur or two, and people will, likely as not, forgive him because he’s Joe and he helps fix their cars on his property strewn with old hulks. But a manicured, dental-work saleswoman who moonlights as a governor swaggering up to the bar to tell you about blasting away at a puppy she couldn’t manage betrays such unwarranted self-assurance that one can scarcely believe she’s real.

Noem is an intemperate, unwise, and self-absorbed caricature of a politician. She’s done, and good riddance. As many a grandma has observed from an easy chair, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”
You have to realize the place is an white-out-blizzard-arctic-hellhole for 8 months out of the year.
a certified woman moment
This fucking retard thinks hunting dogs are supposed to be aggressive. You realize they aren't actually doing the killing, right? That's what the HUNTER does, the dog is just to retrieve or flush out game.

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tldr a significant number of boring ass nba games are going to bezos. ESPN/ABC still retaining games. Either TBS or NBC getting fucked. already some nfl games on the cock and amazon. This is significant in that right now the only thing keeping cable tv alive is live sports. not that streaming is any better with the prices, but if live sports move to streaming sites cable will be dead.
I don't watch basketball, its rigged and literally more boring than soccer. I haven't watched live sports since blm ruined all of them
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>Maurice Podoloff (Yiddish: מוריס פודולוף; August 18, 1890 – November 24, 1985[1]) was an American lawyer and a basketball and ice hockey administrator. He served as the president of the Basketball Association of America (BAA) from 1946 to 1949, and the National Basketball Association (NBA) from 1949 to 1963, making Podoloff the de facto 1st commissioner in NBA history.
NBA was founded by jews and most of the players in the early history of apehoop were jewish. you just don't know this because you aren't American.
post medican credentials, moishie
>>James Naismith (NAY-smith; November 6, 1861 – November 28, 1939) was a Canadian-American physical educator, physician, Christian chaplain, and sports coach, best known as the inventor of the game of basketball
hence, you're demonstrably wrong, but like i said, keep being a schizo. you need help but you don't seem to want it
you literally don't know what you are talking about and also you have no dick
not sure why my dick is on your mind, schizo
you don't have one, jewish faggot

"In a stinging dissent, Judge Madeline Singas wrote that the majority was “whitewashing the facts to conform to a he-said/she-said narrative,” and said the Court of Appeals was continuing a “disturbing trend of overturning juries’ guilty verdicts in cases involving sexual violence.”
>NEW YORK (AP) - New York's highest court on Thursday overturned Harvey Weinstein's 2020 rape conviction, reversing a landmark ruling of the #MeToo era. The court found the trial judge unfairly allowed testimony against the ex-movie mogul based on allegations that weren't part of the case.

>Weinstein, 72, will remain in prison because he was convicted in Los Angeles in 2022 of another rape. But the New York ruling reopens a painful chapter in America's reckoning with sexual misconduct by powerful figures - an era that began in 2017 with a flood of allegations against Weinstein.

>While Thursday's ruling was a blow to #MeToo advocates, they noted it was based on legal technicalities and not an exoneration of Weinstein's behavior, saying the original trial irrevocably moved the cultural needle on attitudes about sexual assault.

>The Manhattan district attorney's office said it intends to retry Weinstein, and at least one of his accusers said through her lawyer that she would testify again.

>The state Court of Appeals overturned Weinstein's 23-year sentence in a 4-3 decision, saying "the trial court erroneously admitted testimony of uncharged, alleged prior sexual acts." It called this "highly prejudicial" and "an abuse of judicial discretion."

>In a stinging dissent, Judge Madeline Singas wrote that the Court of Appeals was continuing a "disturbing trend of overturning juries' guilty verdicts in cases involving sexual violence." She said the ruling came at "the expense and safety of women."
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>>1290645 Be Demonrat.
Be the KKK party. Have Bill Clinton the rapist as your President and ignore the raping he did.Have Hillary selling your Uranium supplies to the Russians,running a pay tp play access to state secrets on her illegal server in her basement and helping to kidnap children in Haiti. Have Biden sniffing children, shitting himself,being unable to finish a sentence and also running a pay to play bribery racket in Ukraine and China. Have laws that encourage an invasion of your country .
Cognitive dissonance has broken your tiny mind.
Autistic screeching is all you've got left snowflake.
Only thing you have on Trump is he used the word "pussy". Jesus fucking christ. You people are your own worst enemies.
Trump is gonna rock your pussy so hard you'll love him.
save your breath faggot. your leader needs donations
Good post
I'm curious how far down you schizos will go
There is no depth they can't sink to. Facebook conspiracies have turned this guy's brain to mush.

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In a stunning attack on the rule of law, the packed Republican Supreme Court declares that Trump is above the law and will engage in election interference by delaying his trial for his failed coup attempt


In shocking arguments Thursday before the U.S. Supreme Court, at least five conservative justices suggested that they would create a new rule providing some form of immunity from criminal prosecution for former presidents and require lower courts to hold additional hearings to judge whether the indictment of former President Donald Trump for trying to overturn the 2020 election met that new standard.

The case arrived before the court after the Department of Justice charged Trump with four felonies related to his effort to overturn his 2020 election loss through a scheme involving the submission of false elector slates to Congress on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump asserted that as president he had an “absolute immunity” from criminal prosecution for all official acts committed while in office, and he asked the courts to confirm his claim. The case ended up at the Supreme Court after a panel of judges from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled against his absolute immunity claim.

During Thursday’s arguments, five of the six conservative justices appeared more concerned about hypothetical restraints on future presidents that could flow from hypothetical future prosecutions rather than the actual case at hand. Nor did they appear to consider the hypothetical crimes future presidents could commit if granted “absolute immunity.” And though a majority of the court did appear to reject Trump’s full claim of “absolute immunity,” this suggested a desire to craft a ruling that would grant some form of immunity to presidents in some cases, and then remanding Trump’s case back to the lower courts for more hearings.
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retarded leftists didn't even watch the trial. Supreme court justices asked why trump is being trialed when previous presidents who did much worst weren't this was the procecutor's answer " it wasn't a crime then but it would be today"

Aka special rules by the leftists to prosecute a political opponent.

Also anyone following the prostitute payment trial knows its complete bullshit they're trying to say he influenced the election by paying off a prostitute because it would've led to female voters not liking him knowing he hired a prostitute. Tax evasion to pay a prostitute is just a misdemeanor not a felony so they tried to up it and it just looks pathetic
meanwhile you're going around trying to assault people with bikelocks and explosives claiming they're facists because of some mentally ill strawman perception.
>What is my headcannon
Good posts
Libcucks lose, cope, seethe and dilate once again over orange man rad NOT going to jail? I thought we had him this time Biden sisters?

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Teen of tech entrepreneur feared dead after traveling to San Franciscos Tenderloin district
Lefty tent-dwellers of /news/, if you encounter Mint Butterfield, please contact the authorities, she is a minor from a wealthy family, the daughter of a Fake and a Butterfield
A search is underway in the San Francisco area for the 16-year-old daughter of billionaire Stewart Butterfield, the former CEO and co-founder of Slack.

Mint Butterfield, who uses they/them pronouns, is “believed to be in the Tenderloin” district of San Francisco, a spot that has become notorious for drug use and homelessness in recent years. Police said the teen had been known to frequent the area prior to their disappearance over the weekend.

Mint was last seen in Bolinas on Sunday around 10 p.m., according to a notice from the Marin County Sheriff’s Office. They were wearing a black sweatshirt, flannel pajama pants, and black boots at the time, and may have been carrying a gray suitcase.

The teen’s mother, Caterina Fake, woke Monday to find Mint had not returned home and reported her missing the same morning, the Marin County Sheriff’s Office told the San Francisco Chronicle.

Fake co-founded the photo service Flickr with Butterfield in 2004, and they sold it to Yahoo the following year for an estimated $30 million.

Fake co-founded the photo service Flickr with Butterfield in 2004, and they sold it to Yahoo the following year for an estimated $30 million.

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Not according to the statistics. Cope.
wtf are these names mrs. fake, Tenderloin district. mint butterfield??
also she's probably a far-leftist so she's probably using her parents wealth to setup a drug den somewhere
Hugh Jassole
They call it tenderloin because of the corrupt cops in the area. It's an open air drug market because San Fran is a fucked up place to live after decades of gentrification
>she is a minor from a wealthy family
If she had a chance of surviving, with this piece of info running the headlines she has literally none.

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This is literally what the dems and the isralis want. Also the most common age for women to give birth now is 30-34
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>Form is to check if you've ever been committed to an asylum for mental issues
>Has nothing to do with seeing a therapist
Actually schizophrenic. So schizophrenic you can't read.

>>1290828 is the kind of person that we need gun control because of
What is it about Asians that no matter what, they never seem fully human?
I feel like it's mostly just hookup culture, people would rather fuck a ton of people instead of settling down with one person.

Also the cost of living makes raising children hard.
My girl and I are selfish, immature late 20 year olds that know we shouldn’t raise kids. Plus we like money therefore no kids for us.

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HONG KONG, April 25 (Reuters) - TikTok owner ByteDance would prefer shutting down its loss-making app rather than sell it if the Chinese company exhausts all legal options to fight legislation to ban the platform from app stores in the U.S., four sources said.
The algorithms TikTok relies on for its operations are deemed core to ByteDance overall operations, which would make a sale of the app with algorithms highly unlikely, said the sources close to the parent.
TikTok accounts for a small share of ByteDance's total revenues and daily active users, so the parent would rather have the app shut down in the U.S. in a worst case scenario than sell it to a potential American buyer, they said.
A shut-down would have limited impact on ByteDance's business while the company would not have to give up its core algorithm, said the sources, who declined to be named as they were not authorised to speak to the media.
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So you don't have any good reasons it should be banned, you just want it gone and don't find the government passing overreaching and authoritarian bills as alarming as you should.
AIPAC and several seneators have outright admitted why they want it gone.
bytedances legal HQ is in the cayman islands, this reason alone makes me loathe them
Found the non-American
no dood u rong I American yo u jus a hater dood
>slang is 25 years out of date

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Former President Donald Trump’s attorney on Thursday argued that a president could order the assassination of his political rival and stage a military coup without being prosecuted for it.

Jack Sauer, Trump’s lawyer, made the “absolute immunity” argument in a Supreme Court hearing in the Department of Justice election interference case against the former president. Trump’s team has repeatedly claimed that the ex-president can’t be prosecuted for “official acts” he did while in office.

Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor asked Sauer, “If the president decides that his rival is a corrupt person and he orders the military to assassinate him, is that within his official acts to which he has immunity?”

“That could well be an official act,” Sauer responded.

Sotomayor seemed taken aback at that line of reasoning.

“I am having a hard time thinking that creating false documents, that submitting false documents, that ordering the assassination of a rival, that accepting a bribe and countless other laws that could be broken for personal gain, that anyone would say that it would be reasonable for a president or any public official to do that,” Sotomayor said, including other examples from Trump’s lawyer’s argument that could logically lead to no prosecution.

Justice Elena Kagan offered a few more hypotheticals to Trump’s attorney, including if a president would be immune from prosecution if they sold the country’s nuclear secrets to a foreign power.

“Likely not immune,” Sauer said, before adding a qualifier: “Now, if it’s structured as an official act, he’d have to be impeached and convicted first.”

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literally never happened. you are imagining things and also you have no dick
Oh wait, you got BTFO in this very thread.
It's a small world after all. LOL
>Fascist mad he got exposed and get BTFO anyone
Maybe if you provide another Big Corpo™ definition of the word fascist, you wont be a fascist anymore?

JK, you'll always be a fascist. Go petition the government for more regulations on speech, maybe you'll feel better.
you clearly don't know how to read
>I know you are but what am I infinity


Crazy story with the best possible ending.

>US Navy Captain retires, tries to bang two underage girls in Seattle

>Turns out it's a trap, pulls a gun when cops try to van him.

>Cops proceed to magdump this freak, sending him to the nether realm alongside the rest of his Zionist friends.

>Bruce C. Meneley, he was in charge of medical procedures at Gitmo during the Bush and Obama years and was responsible for force feeding them bacon burgers when they went on hunger strike.

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How does it feel to know you can't keep anyone from coming to /news/ and you have no authority over posts here?
>The coroner report indicated that Meneley died as a result of gunshot wounds, and was ruled a homicide. Officers Adam Fowler and Nick French were named by The Seattle Times as the officers responsible for putting down the suspect
Glad these pigs are going down for homicide
Sorry your pedo friend got capped :^[
White national Nazi propaganda blogs are not news sites
don't do it again.
He's right, you should go back

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