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The president spotted what journalists have to take "seriously" regarding his predecessor following the deadly Capitol riot.


President Joe Biden made a number of jabs at Donald Trump before shifting his tone to address what journalists have to take “seriously” about the former president at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner on Saturday.

Biden — toward the end of his speech to the D.C. crowd — reflected on his address marking the 3rd anniversary of the Jan. 6, 2021 attack where he noted that Americans must answer “whether democracy is still” America’s most “sacred cause” this year.

“The defeated former president has made no secret of his attack on our democracy. He said he wants to be a dictator on day one, and so much more. He tells supporters he is their revenge and retribution. When in God’s name you ever heard another president say something like that?” Biden said.

He continued, “And he promised a bloodbath when he loses again. We have to take this seriously. Eight years ago, you could’ve written [it] off as just Trump talk but no longer. Not after January 6. I’m sincerely not asking you to take sides, but ask you to rise up to the seriousness of the moment. Move past the horse race numbers, the gotcha moments.”

The president — who spoke at the event as pro-Palestinian protesters greeted attendees on their way in — made light of his predecessor on a number of occasions, labelling him “sleepy Don” and mocking debate around his age ahead of the election in November.

“I’m a grown man running against a six-year-old. Well, I feel great, I really feel great, I’m campaigning all over the country: Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, I’ve always done well in the original 13 colonies,” quipped Biden before the D.C. crowd.
He went on to tackle Trump’s take on the Battle of Gettysburg, which Trump described as “unbelievable” as well as “so much and so interesting and so vicious and horrible and so beautiful in so many different ways.”

“Quote, ‘Gettysburg, Wow,’” exclaimed Biden as the crowd giggled.

“Trump’s speech was so embarrassing, the statute of Robert E. Lee surrendered again.”

Biden would later give thanks to members of the press as he referred to Trump attacking journalists using his “enemy of the people” label.

“That’s wrong and it’s dangerous, you literally risk your lives doing your job, you do,” said the president, who later called for the return of journalists Evan Gershkovich and Austin Tice along with former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan.

You can check out Biden’s full remarks in the video below.
Even Hillary didnt run on "fuck that other guy! hes evil!"...
It pretty clear globohomo is done with Biden. Either they know they can just rig it, or they are just gonna nuke us..
>man who censored americans, threatened people who didn't undergo medical experimentation cries of potential for political retribution
>jew who controls the media demands the media help him seize power
To be fair, Trump is evil.
How many hours of indoctrination before you unironically start using words like "globohomo"?
one day on /news/
Who indoctrinated you?
Wanna try that again? You got filtered just clicking on a number
Trump, a fascist, is head of the conservative movement in America and controlled by the Russians. Not that hard to put all the pieces together because they're all facts.
So you're voting for RFK jr over Trump since Trump did everything you described.
Ivan can't vote.
Imagine being this indoctrinated
Biden is right, The press is giving Trump a free pass exactly like they did in 2016. Shows how deep the conservative bias is.
Naw. He's an ecofascist.
>The press is giving Trump a free pass exactly like they did in 2016. Shows how deep the conservative bias is.

I wish I knew the exact combination of meth and SSRI's you take to be able to think like this. Must be like living in King Gizzard song.
He could have all those college protestors back on his side if he just came out and condemned Israel. It's a little late to rail on Trump for being a fascist.
Agreed, Trump was an awful President.
>He could have all those college protestors back on his side
Nobody wants a bunch of petty leftist authoritarians on their side

These are the same pro-medial-apartheid people who wanted you to have to show papers to buy groceries and concentration camps for people who didn't want to take a Covid vaxx, supporting them would be political suicide.
Why are Republicans flooding the country with drugs?
So they can blame it on Joe Biden.
It's because everything bad that happens in the world is automatically Joe Biden's fault.
Calling this comment anal beads because you clearly pulled it out of your ass
I didn't know Joe Biden was a Republican
yeah, Hillary just ran on "fuck all guys, all men are evil!"
Democrats know that most under-25 voters were successfully brainwashed by government schools. They don't need actual adults to vote for them.
>Hillary just ran on "fuck all guys, all men are evil!"
[citation required]

>They don't need actual adults to vote for them.
Yet actual adults overwhelmingly do. Minorities, women and adults with college education all vote Dems. Sounds like you're huffing on that good copeium.
Conservatives like you are sure obsessed with sex
He is only when he does something right.
The youth vote is a big part of why he got elected and why the red wave didn't happen.
Donald J. Trump
Russia spent 20 grand on Facebook ads with extremely limited engagement and they were aimed at attacking Hillary Clinton because she was expected to win. You can't admit a successful grassroots movement on the other side because you are so conditioned to see yourself as some gay little revolution, lmao.
Where do you people get this shit from?
"Fortified, not stolen"

You did

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