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growth was slower than expected.
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a. that isn't how that works
b. the jews were expecting 2.2%
>thread that follows the rules is spam
>Unironically thinking he can re-purpose the two more weeks meme and gaslight everyone into forgetting that schizo-conservatives coined it to begin with.
>This thread without article text is the spam.
Stop whining and stop spamming the board with your whining
Fuck off spammer, no one here is falling for your bullshit
If the worst campaign attack Republicans can come up with is "Oh no the economy isn't growing fast enough" then Biden should win the election by 10 points at least.

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Putin and his Puppet, Donald Trump, are seething that Ukraine is getting aid again to fight off Russian invaders.


Washington CNN —

President Joe Biden on Wednesday signed into law an aid package providing crucial military assistance to Ukraine, capping months of negotiations and debate.

The aid package, passed by the Senate late Tuesday evening and worth $95 billion in total, includes nearly $61 billion in aid to Ukraine, $26 billion for Israel and $8 billion for the Indo-Pacific. The package also includes a bill that could eventually lead to the banning of TikTok in the United States - giving Chinese parent company ByteDance roughly nine months to sell it or else it will be banned from app stores in the United States.

Wearing a US-Ukrainian flag pin and speaking from the White House after signing the bill on Wednesday, Biden said it was a “good day for America, a good day for Ukraine and a good day for world peace.”

The aid package, Biden said, is “going to make America safer. It’s going to make the world safer. And it continues America’s leadership in the world.”

The signing of the aid package was the culmination of months of tense negotiations, personal lobbying from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and a split in the House Republican conference that continues to threaten the leadership position of House Speaker Mike Johnson. Hardline House conservatives opposed further US funding to Kyiv and threatened to oust Johnson over his handling of the negotiations. Conservatives in Congress have opposed additional assistance for what they view as an unwinnable war.

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Man, I hope this happens. The prosperity will be terrible, again.
I fucking love struggling!
The greatest trick Trump ever pulled was convincing troglodytes like you that coasting off of the success of Obama's policies was somehow a result of his great leadership. The only legislation he passed was tax cuts to his billionaires friends and you knuckle draggers literally trip over your own dicks to praise him for it. Our country truly is doomed with people like you in it.
What in the fuck? Obama was a disaster.
There were no good Obama policies, aside from extending the Bush tax cut.
>What in the fuck? Obama was a disaster.
But apparently not so much of a disaster that Trump didn't want to take credit for his upward trends. From energy independence to plummeting unemployment Trump made sure to tell everyone that he was responsible for economic trends that started before he was even president.

>There were no good Obama policies, aside from extending the Bush tax cut.
Conservative propaganda has turned your brain to mush.
Obama was the best prez since JFK.
He even started in the worst economic recession since the 1930s and did an outstanding job, shouldn't have won the peace prize though TBH.
He just doesn't get much credit from repugnicans because he is black, though they won't admit that part.

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You will never be a woman Kaylin Dodson
its already back up 350 points today
Paste the article text, cornpop
Everyone is a troll on 4chan.
A troll on a website where people do nothing but troll. So smart.

Everyone under 30 years old should be ignored.

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Those charged in the election fraud attempt to destroy US democracy for Trump included the state chair of the Republican party.


A state grand jury in Arizona on Wednesday indicted so-called "fake electors" who backed then-President Donald Trump in 2020, following a sprawling investigation into the alleged efforts to overturn Joe Biden’s win in the presidential election in the state.

One month after the 2020 election, 11 Trump supporters convened at the Arizona GOP’s headquarters in Phoenix to sign a certificate claiming to be Arizona’s 11 electors to the Electoral College, though Biden won the state by 10,457 votes and his electors were certified by state officials. The state Republican Party documented the signing of the certificate in a social media post and sent it to Congress and the National Archives.

Among those charged is Kelli Ward, who served as chair of the Arizona GOP during the 2020 election and the immediate aftermath. She tweeted on Jan. 6, 2021, after the attack on the U.S. Capitol: “Congress is adjourned. Send the elector choice back to the legislatures.” Ward was a consistent propagator of false claims that Arizona’s election results were rigged.

Others charged include: state legislators Anthony Kern and Jake Hoffman; Michael Ward, Kelli Ward’s husband; Tyler Bowyer, the Republican National Committee's Arizona committeeman and the chief operating officer of the Trump-aligned Turning Point USA; Greg Safsten, the former Arizona GOP executive director; former U.S. Senate candidate Jim Lamon; Robert Montgomery, the former head of the Cochise County GOP; and Republican Party activists Samuel Moorhead, Nancy Cottle and Loraine Pellegrino.

>The indictment lists Trump as "Unindicted Coconspirator 1." It also includes redacted names of other people who have been charged in the case but have not yet been served.
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So to keep track
Michigan: Only charged the fake electors
Arizona: Charged the fake electors and those who coordinated it
Georgia: Charged the fake electors, those who coordinated it and the ring leader
ITS DA ELECT00000RZ!!!!!!
Donald J. Trump
Maybe don't try to steal the election with fake electors?
>Georgia: case is falling apart because the DA had an affair with the prosecutor and appointed the prosecutor knowing she'd receive financial kickbacks from him in exchange for letting him prosecute the case


The Gateway Pundit, Infamous Conspiracy Blog, Declares Bankruptcy After Suit From Election Workers
Jim Hoft published a message on the website that read, “TGP Communications, the parent company of The Gateway Pundit, recently made the decision to seek protection under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code in the Southern District of Florida as a result of the progressive liberal lawfare attacks against our media outlet.”

Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter sued the Gateway Pundit in 2021, alleging that Jim and Joe Hoft, behind the conspiracy theory site engaged in “a campaign of lies” that “instigated a deluge of intimidation, harassment, and threats that has forced them to change their phone numbers, delete their online accounts, and fear for their physical safety.”

The Gateway Pundit saw its traffic soar surrounding the 2020 presidential election as it published story after story parroting then-President Donald Trump’s roundly debunked allegations of election fraud that led to the Jan. 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol. In January 0f 2020, the Gateway Pundit had some 1.7 million unique readers. In January of this year, that number had dropped some 54 percent to 813,000 users, according to Comscore data.

Hoft’s statement added, “This is not an admission of fault or culpability. This is a common tool for reorganization and to consolidate litigation when attacks are coming from all sides. It allows TGP to consolidate this lawfare in one court for ultimate resolution.”

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Nice projection. You lost.
Speaking english doesn't make your posts any better.
thanks for letting me know about this based and red pilled site, fellow MIGA..
You are very welcome my brethren from another reverend
>Calling Gateway Pundit "trusted independent media" is like calling Jeffrey Dahmer a celebrity chef.
LOLOLOLOL good one, Jameson

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Nikki Haley wins 17% of vote in Pennsylvania GOP primary. Is it warning sign for Trump?

Nikki Haley garnered 17% of the vote in Pennsylvania’s Republican primary despite having dropped out over a month ago. Her double-digit performance in the swing state is seen by some as a potential warning sign for former President Donald Trump — the party’s presumptive nominee — who won 83% of the vote in the April 23 primary. “This is a huge red flag for the Trump campaign in a battleground state,” Republicans Against Trump, an anti-Trump political initiative, wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter. “Many Republicans will never vote for Donald Trump.”

“She has 155,000 votes with 98% reported — nearly 2X the margin Trump lost the state by in 2020,” Kaivan Shroff, a Democratic commentator, wrote in a post on X. “Good news for Biden.” Haley performed particularly well in some counties surrounding Philadelphia in the closed primary, garnering nearly 25% in Montgomery, Delaware and Chester counties. “Trump is hemorrhaging votes in the Philadelphia suburbs,” Matthew McDermott, a Democratic strategist, wrote in a post on X, adding “Major red flags for Republicans.”

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Why are chuds stuck in 2016?
Because the Russians didn't give them new talking points
This bot is broken. Why does /pol/ always send these here?
I feel insulted.
>{insert mindless pol/russian complaint here}
Clearly hit a nerve with you.

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Tucker Carlson rejected Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution in a recent interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast.

During a discussion on AI, in which Carlson called the technology a threat to humanity, the conversation turned to the topic of evolution as Joe Rogan pushed back on some of Carlson’s AI concerns.

“Maybe a good use of nuclear weapons would be to hit the data centers,” Carlson said at one point.

As Rogan laughed at the idea, Carlson added, “No, I’m serious. Why is that crazy?”

“It’s not if you think that human beings are the end of this evolutionary chain,” Rogan said.

The comedian later made reference to “evolution” again, leading to Carlson rejecting it.

“If evolution is real and if there is this constant —” Rogan began as Carlson jumped in.

“Is it real?” the former Fox News host said.

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>Hence the phrase "independently evolved" as in "certain traits independently evolved several times", an example being red hair in humans.
But we're talking about evolution as the origin of contemporary life, right? Which means that all evolved creatures, predecessors and associated decedents must be necessarily associated with each other in some manner.
>And again, if gods or aliens created humans then who is to say they couldn't later create dragons?
I dunno m8 you're the kind of person who things a raptor could turn into a chicken. Your theory has just as much validity as young-earth creationism.
>Which means that all evolved creatures, predecessors and associated decedents must be necessarily associated with each other in some manner.
Yes which is not the bullshit you spouted which essentially amounted to "any creature imaginable could someday evolve" which doesn't account for natural selection or biological possibility.

>I dunno m8 you're the kind of person who things a raptor could turn into a chicken.
Raptors didn't turn into chickens. Their cousins did. Over the course of an unimaginable number of generations. And that's still less weird than the contagious tumor that evolved from dogs 11k years ago.

Are you saying God couldn't turn a raptor into a chicken? Or a rib into a woman?
If you believe in evolution you're an NPC, one of the sheepeople.

You just believe what they tell you.

Think for yourself.
imagine calling other people sheeple when you listen to Kent Hovind.
It's almost just arguing semantics at this point. Replace "evolution" with "adaptation" and it's the same thing. Tucker's a retard.

Trump has directed his team of cronies to hack The Lincoln Project, the ultraconservative right-wing group that opposes him.
Hackers Steal Large Sum From Anti-Trump Super PAC The Lincoln Project
Unidentified hackers targeted centrist political action committee The Lincoln Project, eventually stealing $35,000 from the organization known for its criticisms of Donald Trump. First reported by Raw Story, The Lincoln Project notes the loss in a filing to federal regulators that includes two “fraudulent” transactions. Known for its anti-Trump ads, the super PAC blamed the incident on “hackers,” with spokesman Greg Minchak telling Raw Story: “A vendor’s email was hacked, with the hackers producing authentic-looking invoices that were sent from our vendor’s legitimate email account. The hack affected multiple clients of the vendor, including Lincoln Project.” Minchak added that the “transactions did not impact our operations in any way in the fight for a democratic future for our nation.” Minchak did not name the vender, but said the organization was “implementing new procedures to confirm invoices and payments. Since it was the vendor that was hacked, we are letting them and our bank's fraud department lead any investigation.”
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>Good thing the courts overruled
It's so funny when repugs praise the courts when they rule in favor, then in the same breath claim the courts are corrupted as per the election.
>whiny trucker bitches
Whiny bitches get whining in return, doesn't excuse the fact they whined first.
>You're literally whining right now.
Same to you, by your definition.
>concentration camps
Opinion discarded.
>coping this hard
I can smell your pissbaby faggot r*dditor tears from here. They smell like maple syrup, you diabetic canuck fuck
Their Republican astroturfed protest got broken up so it didn't matter
So what's your opinion on TexASS using militarized police to terrorize students peacefully protesting in a camping spot?
It's okay because it's republicans?
>Whiny teenager bitches even more
Bye friend. Copium, you have to go back and such.

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Some of the 49 migrants flown to Martha’s Vineyard by the state of Florida are now able to legally work in the United States and have temporary protections from deportation — because they are considered victims of a potential crime, their attorney says. The migrants are eligible for protections because they applied for a special kind of visa meant for crime victims who are helping law enforcement in the investigation of suspected criminal activity. They applied for what are known as U visas last year after they said they had been tricked into taking charter flights from San Antonio, Texas to the Massachusetts island with false promises of jobs and other aid, said Rachel Self, an attorney for the migrants. The migrant flight program — a taxpayer-funded operation led by Gov. Ron DeSantis and a politically connected private contractor — was designed to remove “unauthorized aliens” from Florida. But critics, including immigration advocacy groups, have pointed out that the migrants had legal status in the United States as asylum seekers and that they were found in Texas, not Florida. DeSantis has maintained the flights were conducted lawfully and that migrants boarded the flights “voluntarily.” Yet the recruitment tactics used in the first iteration of the governor’s migrant relocation program have resulted in a criminal investigation by the Bexar County sheriff in Texas and a federal lawsuit by some of the migrants who have claimed they were deceived by the state. Now, some of the migrants have been granted U visas, which are “set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity,” according to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. They can eventually lead to permanent lawful status in the United States.

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That's not an intelligent idea. You'd also be killing the American economy at the same time. There is no backup team of several million Americans ready to jump into the workforce the second all of the illegals nationwide go out work, assuming that you could even develop some sort of policy or system that could accurately target millions of people being paid off the books. I can tell you haven't really sat down and thought about this because you have no comprehensive understanding of immigration or its inter-connectivity to our economy. Your entire opinion begins and ends with "illegals bad".
>Right-wing conservatives already tried poll tests after they got their slaves taken away, they were struck down 100+ years ago by SCOTUS as unconstitutional
Democrats FYI. (Don't let the blacks know)
>assuming that you could even develop some sort of policy or system
It's called social security numbers, birth certificates and green cards. I didn't have to spend much time coming up with those because they all existed before I was born.

Being that the federal government now has access to all banking records they feel like having without a warrant, it would be fairly easy to target people hiring illegals. You wouldn't get all of them, but you wouldn't have to. That's not really how law enforcement ever works.
but seriously we cant let DeSantis have access to the nuclear codes. He might start a world war with russia and china if he ever became president.

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Former President Trump is casting blame on President Biden for legislation that could potentially ban TikTok in the U.S., after the bill cleared the House last weekend as part of a larger foreign aid package.

“Just so everyone knows, especially the young people, Crooked Joe Biden is responsible for banning TikTok,” Trump said in a Truth Social post Monday.

Trump’s opposition to a potential TikTok ban represents a significant shift from the position he held while he was in office. The former president issued an executive order in 2020 seeking to force TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, to sell its U.S. assets, though the order was later blocked in court.

The TikTok bill, which now heads to the Senate alongside legislation for long-sought aid to Ukraine and Israel, would require ByteDance to sell the app within roughly a year or face a U.S. ban.
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>Protecting Americans from TikTok’s political influence would be a gain to Israel’s standing with its most important ally. One month after the October 7 Hamas attack, TikTok videos with hashtags like #freepalestine were watched by Americans about fifty times more than pro-Israel ones. Although the app’s users skew young and hence leftward, their politics probably don’t account for the ratio. Researchers at Rutgers and the Network Contagion Research Institute compared TikTok and Instagram (which has a similar demographic) and found that although Instagram has only twice the number of politically themed posts generally, it had six times more pro-Israel and anti-Hamas posts than TikTok.
What is the annual salary for being a Trump simp?

It was only banned for FEDERAL EMPLOYEES dumbass. Then Biden reversed it, then he banned it again a few months later.

Yeah, like how Republicans build.. walls around abortion clinics lol.
>what if he forgot he already did

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Does one of her kids in the picture have a black eye? Nice family.
>Why is it always the trunk
most people have a car and need to transport the body to dispose of it.
My friend buried a body in a shallow grave (4 feet) and burned the body with gasoline first.
Another friend heard coyotes howling and found the almost consumed body dug up by the coyotes.
The first friend didn't do the murder just the disposing and was charged with homicide after the fact and got 5 yrs.
I learned from this to always bury the boy 6 feet deep.
which is why cemeteries do this
>boy 6 feet deep.
oops Freudian slip as my shrink as called them(or just dried semen under my d key)

always bury the boDy 6 feet deep
She shouldn't have cheated.
Honestly good on the man, sadly the kids were effected which is what breaks my heart the most. They're dead now because their whore cunt mother decided to act like a bitch.

>actual mutt
>bumfuck Wisconsin
>10 kids

They were all kids from one guy? I don't believe that.

With homelessness on the rise, the Supreme Court weighs bans on sleeping outdoors


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court wrestled with major questions about the growing issue of homelessness on Monday as it considered whether cities can ban people from sleeping outside when shelter space is lacking.

The case is considered the most significant to come before the high court in decades on the issue as record numbers of people are without a permanent place to live in the United States.

In California and other Western states, courts have ruled that it’s unconstitutional to fine and arrest people sleeping in homeless encampments if shelter space is lacking.

A a cross-section of Democratic and Republican officials contend that makes it difficult for them to manage encampments, which can have dangerous and unsanitary living conditions. But hundreds of advocacy groups argue that allowing cities to punish people who need a place to sleep will criminalize homelessness and ultimately make the crisis worse as the cost of housing increases.

Dozens of demonstrators gathered outside the court Monday morning with silver thermal blankets and signs like “housing not handcuffs.”

The Justice Department has also weighed in. It argues people shouldn’t be punished just for sleeping outside, but only if there’s a determination they truly have nowhere else to go.

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sure thing there, samefag
No, that money is for Zelenskyy and his cronies, so they can buy more luxury cars.
All those problems are easy to solve. Just kill all the democrats and their supporters, they do nothing of value anyway, and there will be lots of empty houses and the carbon footprint will be reduced!
Behind the Iron Curtain they'd arrest homeless people for "refusing to work." They would also fire and blacklist people for things like "not being sufficiently revolutionary." With this pair of policies you can imprison the ideologically non-compliant without arresting them for ideological non-compliance.

Also the same type of thing applied to people with mental illness. Got something uncharitable to say about the government? You must be crazy. Let's lock you up and throw away the key "for your own good."

SCOTUS to hear Firearms Policy Coalition lawsuit on ATFs rules for no serial number and "ghost" guns
There were no serial number regulations in 1792 or 1868 and people frequently made their own guns in 1792 and 1868. sounds like someone is going to get blown the fuck out
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fag boy is saying that because the jew shills report every thread that isn't pro biden to the tranny jannies to try to get them nuked
My buzzwordometer just overheated
>I know, I'll call them redditors. That always works.
This is a new low for you.

>board culture
>unwritten rules
This is actual reddit behavior. You can't go running go the mods or downvote things you don't like here.
now THIS is schizo-posting!
OP isn't even that old. He came here in 2021.
>4chan is a rightwing echochamber
this is literally the textbook reddit view and the only people who claim this are rightwing redditors like OP who come here and are shocked to find people disagreeing with them, because reddit told him this was a rightwing echochamber.
I've been on 4chan since 2008. its reddit newspeak headcannon that 4chan was ever communist. we literally were racist posting about obongo the day he was elected

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Child pornography generated by artificial intelligence (AI) could overwhelm an already inundated reporting system for online child sexual abuse material, a new report from the Stanford Internet Observatory found.

The CyberTipline, which is run by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), processes and shares reports of child sexual abuse material with relevant law enforcement for further investigation.

Open-source generative AI models that can be retrained to produce the material “threaten to flood the CyberTipline and downstream law enforcement with millions of new images,” according to the report.

“One million unique images reported due to the AI generation of [child sexual abuse material] would be unmanageable with NCMEC’s current technology and procedures,” the report said.

“With the capability for individuals to use AI models to create [child sexual abuse material], there is concern that reports of such content—potentially indistinguishable from real photos of children—may divert law enforcement’s attention away from actual children in need of rescue,” it added.

Several constraints already exist on the reporting system. Only about 5 percent to 8 percent of reports to the CyberTipline result in arrests in the U.S., according to Monday’s report.
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>data is being collected from illegal material?
It's not
>What about the day when this stuff is created total from scratch and looks completely real?
That's pretty much now. They are trained on open source images and can generalize to specific images they haven't seen by combining features from images they have seen
Do you have any idea how many powerful people are pedos? This would never happen.
The cunny spam will continue until the govt improves.
thats deep bro
it's a nonsensical system created in a completely different time period for a different group of people utilizing different levels of technology with different intentions. With India, the largest users of the internet in the world, essentially legalizing child pornography, its only going to get worse. Ai is just a meme, a distraction. The corporations need normies to fear ai so they can push through regulations that cripple ai as a tool for non-corporate entities, and fears about Csam has been their go-to explaination for everything in the past 20 years. The entire data brokerage industry and it's related memes is based entirely on the idea that your rights can and should be violated to 'stop child sex abuse'. But funnily enough, it never did, did it?

images generated by an algorithium aren't hurting 'the victims', the court sending them mails every time someone is caught is what causes the trauma. Everyone involved knows it but regular people do not. Which is something very few people know about or understand when they get on their soap box and rant about the politically correct and approved issues involving CSAM. The system was originally created so they could be witnesses to charge the consumers and put a quick end to the consumption but that only worked in the context of the 80s and 90s where internet usage was low and pornography consumption was even lower. Now theres literally a billion+ people online doing all kinds of stuff, and nobody cares about the actual people involved. It's just another form of content for many people, the faux moral outrage fueled by the satanic panic of the 1980s when society was 95% white is completely gone. The fact that they had to change the term fromCP toCSAM should tell you all you need to know about which direction society is heading. Minors with smartphones will continue to generate content of themselves, and the police will continue to pretend they are victimizing themselves because the law hasnt caught up with reality.

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Who was in the wrong here?
fk your virus. post nudes
>Who was wrong?
our sick society caused by capitalism.
this sort of thing rarely occurs in ChyyNa or Britain.
OP, for being a newfag and not pasting the article text

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