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Why does Celestia get so much pleasure out of watching something die?
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Every time I see this image I’m forced to jerk It immediately. Fuck her and her fat, white plot.
Why does the Princess make you so insecure?
She envies her.
>"I'm forced to jerk it immediately."
>Anon's FBI agents start injecting this image in everything he watches for split seconds after this learning this powerful secret

>The flame of an campfire flickered before you, the face of a child of man. Your ancestors drawn to this Land at the early times of this new age of violence, ambition, and some might say, much needed change from its millenia long stagnation.

>Though the philosophy of it all didn't make much sense to you, there was still opportunity amd coin for you, the intrepid mercenary-adventurer, Rhode Varclese.

>Looking to your provisions, you had about enough supplies to last 5 days in the wilderness as you searched for work. Along with 100 Bits. Your sleeveless armored jacket protecting the important bits while pants and leather boots kept you safe from hard surfaces, bugs, and small puddles and injuries.

>Taking up your your Shortsword, you look to the horizon as you think of what to do, the possibilities seemingly endless.

>What do you do?

(Character Sheet)
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"Farlow! Get something to collapse on him! A building preferably, we need to trap this bastard!" He nods as he gets to work on wearing the side of an large building as undead try to stop the proceedings as Peasant and Guard fall one by one. Screams and blood rule the night as you take a few leaps to get to the top of an buildings roof.

"Alright you oversized lizard, you thought I was heavy before? Then get a load of this!" You leap, going for an descending Smash as you bang at his head, crushing forming skull and brain matter as the Corruption and Mutations keep the Incomplete Draconequus from fully forming. "Jeh, gaaa..." Rhode says as he reels in agony, some part of him remaining as one part of him goes still as another readies an spell.

"Ma'am, the trap is set! We can kill it!" Farlow says, ready to help it to its demise. Would this prove the key to victory, or merely an suicidal backfire?

[Go with the Plan(Law+)]
[Fight it out(Chaos+)]
[Reason with Rhode(Neutral+)]
[Something Else?]
Feel fundamentally bamboozoozled. It went both more and less successful than we anticipated. This ridiculous attack was meant to merely grab Rhode's attention, but we we somehow pulled it off. The mace connected. The skull is crushed. That's good, right? But then how is Rhode not dead? Crushed skulls has never let us down before. If a mare can't rely on people with crushed skulls to stay down, is there anything in this world that can be trusted?
Anyway, kiss him on the lips then steal the locket and finish him off with a building and finish him off with a hammer and finish him off with hooves and burn what's left with fire for conclusiveness.
You kiss the monstrosity on what you believe to be its lips, an mangled and bloody limb reaches towards your rump, carving an black Blooded sigil into it as you feel an presence worm its way into your very being...an gift? Either way you can't focus on it now as they creature of blood and shadow and stagnant flesh crawls after you,the Locket you now held in your hooves, it shines with an silvered light that seems all focused on, as if trying to now snuff it out.

Farlow and an couple earth ponies barely hold the house from falling forwards as you lure it into the two story buildings center before, "Farlow, now!" Jeddah yells before throwing herself through an open window as the building crumbles down in on itself, trapping and crushing the monster...you watch as one of its eyes flashes back to an colored, expressioned pupil. "Dhoo, iht..." The creature says in an moment of clarity as an guard hands you an torch to burn the monster with...the end to an sudden, but fated encounter, one that would herald the change of your path, and that of the world at large...

[Something Else]
Burn the goddamn thing and run away
Dhoo iht.

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Previous Thread (#123) >>40939620


124 is an untouchable number. Magic does not count.

>What is this thread about?
This thread is dedicated to stories that have clear dominate and submissive roles; both with and without consent.

>What exactly is welcome in this thread?
A wide variety of stories are welcomed here; from non-consent and sexual slavery, to abusive manipulation and psychological domination, to maids and extortion, and even healthy consensual relationships with BDSM role-play elements.

Other variations are welcome as well, so long as they are complementary to the domination/submission focus of the thread.

Up to date archives:

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Now that I think about, how valuable is a Kirin for it to be accepted as a good enough bidding match for an alicorn ?

Isnt he supposed to duel with the magic from his gem ? Or do only the gems of bid slaves get confiscated ?

Pic unrelated, just want to post more images in here.
Because being Blueblood's slave, being gagged is the most anxious thing that could happen to her lol. As for how Twi's family feels about Sunset... Stay tuned

It's rare for a Kirin to be outside their grove and because of another detail I'll get into.
>being gagged is the most anxious thing that could happen to her lol
Come on you know what I meant. Running away from her home where silence and sensory deprivation are the enforced norm and being reminded of what she hated anytime she is forcibly gagged.
Kinda. It's not going to be easy, though. If you have any fun ideas I'd love to hear them!
MedifagAnon taming Chrysalis would definitely be an unexpected event.

>Be me, in math class.
>Teacher gets bored, decides to do some rip off of Kahoot or something. We all get out our phones.
>I don't consider myself particularly intelligent. Class is full of nerds and all that. Imagine characters like Twilight Sparkle or Moon Dancer in the same class.
>We all put in our nicknames that appear on the projector board screen.
>Just for the sake of it, I decide to go with the nickname "Derpy Hooves" since I thought I wouldn't do that well. Might as well go with a silly nickname.
>Class finds the nickname to be amusing, I even gave it a horse emoji icon for the sake of it. None of them understood it was an MLP reference.
>Game starts, and we all start answering the questions. The goal was to get the most correct out of the whole class.
>During the game, my body felt possessed, I answered questions correctly without actually knowing how to solve them.
>What was going on.jpeg
>It was then I heard Derpy's voice whispering in my ear, telling me everything would be alright.
>Game ends, and to the whole classes shock, I end up in first place somehow.
>Moral of the story, when in doubt, believe in Derpy. Worship the Derpy.
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Anon, didn't you know that despite her clumsiness, general cluelessness, and other peculiarities, Derpy is actually a genius in math and physics? Your belief in her allowed Derpy to communicate with you across the void to help you with your math class.

See picrel where Derpy is helping Nobel Prize winning physicist, Dr. Richard Feynman, with his theoretical calculations. Note Derpy's use of her patented "thinking hat" to perform advanced calculus operations at 10x her normal capacity.

>Verification not required.
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derpy made me believe that mares could get even cuter then they already are
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Your brain on Derp.

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Kneel to actual future ruler of Pegasi.
Our tomboy rebel princess. Zipp and Zippchad general. Pipp welcome.
Cont. from >>40950818 and >>40927179
AI anon, grant us more Zipps.
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What the hell, she has a spy camera in her hoof?
toothpaste ice cream
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Previous thread: >>40895837

Untimely demise edition

Choose Your Own Adventure. AKA Quest.

>Discuss Current, Finished and Upcoming CYOAs
>Give advice on CYOAs
>Pitch ideas
>Get critique
>Trade art

List of stories: WIP (formerly anonpone). Your best bet is to search via desuarchive.

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"Will you have enough power to cast the spell once you acquire it? What will happen if the casting fails another time?"
So what's an premise or idea you've always wanted to see in a quest everyone? Including themes and such.
Ok, assuming your plan succeeds, what happens then? After you undo the spell, where do you see yourself? Are we in for another fight within the Royal Family? Is eternal night still a goal you pursue?
Multimedia. The only the CYOA that used more than just art and text on a regular basis that I can remember is The Nine Lands which had original music sprinkled throughout.
Something requiring real life effort from players, like making a video or creating a song to solve a problem would be fun.

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Previous thread:>>40946772

Welcome to the Thread! Kinderquestria/Anon in pone prison focuses on the world and adventures of naive child like ponies and the misadventures and shenanigans of Anon that results in him going to prison! To get a good handle on how things are done around here I implore you to check out our new and improved one stop shop of kinder greens and prompts here >> https://ponepaste.org/7630
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>she broke into the house again
How do you lock a door against magic?
use more advanced magic on the lock and smack her very very, softly, away.
>Be hurtling through the air at mach fast
>The dragon did not just fly away as you'd hoped
>Instead, it kept the presence of mind to hold on to the free source of heat
>Held it right against the target of your freezypops, in fact
>On the bright side, unless the compass somehow got fried, you're heading closer to your destination
>Might shave a day or two off your travel, assuming you get out of here
>Which you have to.
>Can't fail. Not an option.
>No thoughts, just duty.
>You've never been smart enough to give up on something before, you're not gonna start now!

>Snails and Jerry are at the front, keeping the boiler from blowing

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Say something nice about Sunny Starscout.
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The pony that destroyed their grand empire is dead
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Her 3D mother
sunny was better without wings and a horn
this is the greater of two sunny threads desu
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Her room

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Previous thread >>40869005

This thread is for the bestest BFFs ever: Sunny & Izzy! No, this is not a shipping thread.

Greentext stories short and long:
>>39561001 Izzy has something for (You)
>>39584734 Izzy has to choose
>>39869258 Sunny & Izzy get confused in prison
>>39959545 Hitch discovers something about Sunny
>>39965565 Izzy discovers it too
>>39985594 Izzy is probably drunk
>>40075364 Anon is distressed
>>40077312 Sunny and Izzy sing a work song
>>40147731 Sunny trains Anonfilly
>>40171581 Misty makes dinner for her friends

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>Bracing your feet on the ground you slowly rise with Izzy now firmly attached to your chest as her rear legs pin against your hips. Oof you thought ponies would be lighter she has to be at least 100 hundred pounds.
>Slowly slowly you make your way around the tables and nudge open the door with your foot.
>Its dark in the main room and hallways with the light from the moon shining down inside illuminating enough for you to reach the stairs.
>Ok focus one stair at a time and we will get up to the second floor to where you think her room is.
>One stair, two stair, three stair……………
>Three stairs left, two stairs left, ugh you take a breather.
>She plants a kiss on your neck
”Izz you awake”
>ok two stair, one stair, landing. Thank you Jesus.
>Oh no there are three doors. Screw it center door.
>You walk over with your mare still latched onto you and knee open the door.
>Just like outside it is dark in here.
>You can make out three beds and a hanging one.

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>page ten
I'd love to have Izzy nuzzle me...
Darth Stellaris?
Darth Corona?
Thinking of Sunny's sith name
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Last thread, >>40745367

IRC: irc.rizon.net #/mlp/AiE
Active list: http://pastebin.com/mVG33ERX
Master list: http://pastebin.com/xGf9RcL9
Completed Stories list: http://pastebin.com/QZ4PDe7g
Stories Sorted by Pony: http://pastebin.com/GJyQquaY
>rope's HD remastered thread archives: http://pastebin.com/Qg2dwzq0

>If a pastebin link is broken you can copy the string at the end of the url of a poneb.in link so pastebin.com/mVG33ERX becomes https://poneb.in/mVG33ERX

>PiE Corner
>Remember to tag all PiE Stories.
PiE Author List: http://pastebin.com/Mgd0QuNy
PiE image archives: http://derpy.me/PiE_Pictures

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Degenerates like that belong on the cross
Good lord he’s probably still wearing shoes
Little wonder Limestone is embarrassed to be in bed with him.
Why do you weirdos assume he's sleeping?

>Only the lazy one has not yet said how bland the antagonists are in the new generation. But I'm not going to figure out right now how bland they are and how bad it is. It is their interaction that interests me, and precisely from the point of view of conflictology. Let's discuss gaslighting, abuse and... let's just say psychological compatibility.
>There were two reasons for writing the article. The first is more personal, which I would not like to talk about in detail, but later I will still touch on it in passing. The second is the attitude towards Opaline and Misty in the community. At one point, I got the feeling that the whole fandom doesn't like Opaline because she "treats Misty badly." And this same fandom justifies Misty in every possible way, making her almost a saint and a martyr. That is, the community treats Opaline quite negatively, not because it is poorly prescribed, and not because it is an antagonist, although this would be quite logical. Namely, because of her attitude towards Misty. What is called "abuse" and "gaslighting".
>In general, I can agree. Opaline Arcana is a gaslighter. I'm not going to give any exact quotes now (anyone who watched the series will probably remember a few examples like "Don't think, you sound stupid"), but when watching, I noted a couple of points - this is the denial of the success of the victim of gaslighting, and belittling her virtues, and attempts to make the victim doubt the perception of reality. This is very unpleasant, and I will not justify such behavior, so I will leave this topic, agreeing with the opinion of the community. It is much more interesting to deal with abuse (abuse means that she is extremely intolerant of Misty's mistakes, screams and snaps at her), especially with an understanding of whether it is abuse at all, and whether everything is so unambiguous.
>I must say right away, I'm not trying to make Opaline look good and Misty look bad. I just want to move away from the usual perception of these characters and look at their interaction from a slightly different angle. The community is used to looking at the situation from the perspective of the character who is more sympathetic to the audience, so I can understand why there was such a tendency to dislike Opaline and feel sorry for Misty.
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>that smile
Who could say no?
You translate it then
I'm talking about the original, not translation.
this mfs drawing makes opaline actually looks good, why did they have to make her colouration so fucking neon and shit
I think they may have made Opaline's design a bit unappealing on purpose to make it easier for people to dislike her.

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No Misty thread? Let's fix that
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I only reply when the thread is on page one for this very reason
nice try, retard
They made up a bunch of crap to make her relevant post-turncoat in mym too
Like what? She didn't do anything, just give a few speeches and talk to her father
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I never respond to myself. I either post some art, make a statement, or look for a post without a reply
Low poly meatloaf, almost as good as holographic
I.e. you're the bride at every wedding, the corpse at every funeral, and the baby at every christening

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I love my precious, plump, purple princess!
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She is
I wanna have sloppy drunk sex with her.
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What if she pukes her light five-course meal on you, what if you have to hold back her mane so she doesn't get vomit on it. What if she passes out on top of you
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It's that easy

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Go do something that makes your waifu proud. She's worth it. Use this thread to talk about her and why you love her.

Many moons have passed since you first met your waifu, and you two have grown very close together. You have formed a very happy relationship, and you live and breathe by her word and action. The euphoria swells in your heart and you decide: it's time to ask her The Question. It's a big occasion, and you want to make the event perfect for her. How do you plan to ask her for her hoof in marriage? Do you do anything to celebrate the occasion? What do you think she'd like best?

>What is a waifu? What defines a waifu?
Your waifu is the one character you wish to be with your entire life, until death do you part. Most often this manifests as a romantic interest.
>How do you know if you have a waifu?
When you meet your waifu, you will know. The world around you will become colorful. You will realize that you were living in monochrome the entire time. Her existence provides context and meaning to yours, a perfect complement, a perfect comfort, a perfect love. There may be low periods, periods of doubt, but the rhythm of life will forever pull one towards their waifu, for that love is eternal.

Last Wednesday's thread: >>41007902

Long-running discussion, latecomers, and the occasional bump are welcome and encouraged, but we would prefer that the thread not be kept on extended life support.
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>How do you plan to ask her for her hoof in marriage?
I don't think she'd want it to be some grandiose event, like proposing in front of a massive audience, etc. I think the perfect time and place to propose to her would be after we reached the peak of a great mountain and were sitting there together, talking, taking in the beauty of the landscape all around us, and enjoying the respite after the long trek there. I'd probably arrange a party for that night, though; one that wraps up early enough for us to have another "party" just between her and me. Oh, how a man can dream.

I don't know what happened to the post with the prompt regarding her favorite season, but I'm gonna answer anyways. Aryanne's favorite season is Winter. She enjoys the cold in general and likes to go skiing. She also loves being able to bundle up with her lover next to a fireplace or woodstove with some hot drinks or maybe some soup. A hard-working mare who's as active as her has an especially great appreciation for the slow, comfy moments. There's also her fondness for the beauty of the world around her being blanketed in a pristine whiteness to rival her own. Picrel.

>would it hurt or help your feeling towards your beloved one, if there'd be no lust in it?
It's largely what drew me to her initially, but nowadays I see her first and foremost as a friend, then as a lover. I'd certainly miss it if I couldn't feel the sexual attraction to her anymore, but I don't think it'd be detrimental to our relationship; at least from my side of it. In fact, there have been many times where I wished I could just switch off my lustful desires for her for a while, because those thoughts often get in the way of getting in touch with her in more meaningful ways. It's really hard to avoid it, though. She's just so god damn sexy.

Good luck getting over your porn addiction if that's something you decide you need to do. It can be a real bitch.

Reading all of your posts, I'd say you've proved it isn't impossible to love her. Being a waifufag has the wonderful benefit of not needing to be logical or practical. Just shut up and embrace your love for your tyrannical goddess of the sun, my man.

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So you're gonna turn a cabin into a mostly empty circular room with bookcases in every wall? Kek. I hope you stick to it. I'd love to see what you make of it.

Eyy, congrats on getting a lucid dream. That's pretty rad that your mind basically told you that you were dreaming. I've only had that happen a couple of times. It's even funnier when someone else in your dream tells you that you're dreaming, or that you have to wake up soon. Good choice in flying straightaway. It is a feeling unlike any you can have in waking life (at least while in your right mind), and it's still very often how I spend my lucid dreams. Don't fret about losing lucidity shortly after a dramatic "schene change". It happens to everyone, and it's something you can get better at avoiding with practice.
>couldn't believe how it COULDN'T be real
This is something people almost always mention after the first time they have a lucid dream. At times, it can seem even more real than reality. Kind of like how psychedelics sometimes feel. It's no coincidence that I have an intense fascination with both subjects.
Fucking kek. Sometimes the media that the dream mind creates is fucking amazing. I've seen full poni poni episodes that don't exist that were absolute masterpieces in mine. Of course, they were probably awful by the standards of my fully conscience mind, but to the unconscious mind, they were truly special.

>How do I get the feelings of loneliness back
Why exactly do you want that back?


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I like Inkie
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i want to sniff her butt through her panties and rub my ding dong on her wet slit
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Conceptualize the aroma
Whoever drew this should kill themselves immediately
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