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Is this an intellectually worthwhile topic of investigation?
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for me, it's feminist glaciology leading to more just and equitable human-ice interactions
you can't even punctuate so I doubt you've "written" about anything other than on anime sites
Any idea can be connected to any other in a way that at least seems plausible, with a bit of effort. It's what the sophists taught, and sophistry never died.
Why would you advertise the fact that you dislike new ideas and despise change in a document selling yourself as someone with new ideas who wants to change your chosen field?

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That's traditionalism for you. Functionally Christian third worldism.
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does that differ from the U.S.
Im squarefaced but im not white
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>this thread
Embarrassing level of discussion for a "literature" board.

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If complex prose is the mark of the arrogant psued and simple prose is the mark of the iliterate.

Then how genius prose should be?
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>simple prose is the mark of the illiterate
that’s only what arrogant pseuds say.
Writing prose with a thesaurus open is for pseuds, by pseuds. No one with a brain gives a fuck about how many lesser-known words you can shove into a bullshit sentence.
Something like Hemingway, or as other anon said, Nietzsche, is a good example of good prose.
Flowery, obnoxious, masturbatory, effete prose died in the 1800s for good reason.
Don't listen to this fag. People like him are the reason literature is in the state it is.
>Muh simplicity
Fuck off with your minimalist "Live laugh love" literature. I'll never forgive Hemmingway for spawning you fucks.
>genius prose
Writers I like
>overly simply or overly complex prose
Writers you like
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Will our life fade in the shadow of greater beings?
This kind of thinking ultimately stems from midwits being converted by judeo-masonic-merchant-atheism (((for thee, but not for me))). They then reject the notion of soul, eternal life, or entire existence being an intelligent design, which it is, and thus they eventually fall into the meme-belief that we only live once. Then begins all that midwit philosophising that ultimately boils down to "fear of death", so you have niggers vicariously trying to dream up the Übermensch, who incorporates all their midwittery, that then struggles to achieve eternal life that they dream about.

You're already eternal you nigger. Life and death is a cycle, the very same concept that applies to water evaporating due to heat and then condencing into drops of water than then "return", being reborn into the soil of this world.

Materialist-niggers and crypto-satanists, don't even. Slaves like you aren't human because you've conceded your will to some retarded spiritual psychopath-nigger, or an empty idea built by slaves of his.

>BG2 is still a fun game, but not due to lore or dialogue. Irenicus is memorable because Voice Actor was S-tier British Actor with a great voice.
>You will suffer, you will all suffer

If the most a novelist can hope for, the highest achievement, is to have your work adapted into a successful film television show...... why don't the novelists just cut out the middle man and star writing screenplays instead?
They write novels because they want to write novels, not be famous or wealthy. The best ones anyway (not saying you can't want both).
>If the most a novelist can hope for, the highest achievement, is to have your work adapted into a successful film television show
False premise. Stay seething filtered dweeb.
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because of this

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>invested in a book

>theres a play in it

what is wrong with me? why is it when there is a play or show in a novel my immersion is broken and it becomes such a slog to read?

CoL49 especially
>invested in a play

>theres a play in it

what is wrong with me? why is it when there is a play or show in a play my immersion is broken and it becomes such a slog to read?

A misummer night's dream especially
Nah it makes sense. You're used to the book's prose and format, the play is a different format.
Man I really wished The Couriers Tragedy would have been the main story in which maybe the rest of CoL49 was a play. It was soooo kino
happens to me too, I just skip

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what books does he read?
The Way Of The Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way
Sacred Books of the East
Bhagavad Gita
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Kobayashi Issa Translated and Read by Robert Hass
The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
The Golden Sayings by Epictetus
Ring Lardner - How To Write Short Stories
Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
Kafka - Complete Works
The Gateless Barrier by Mu Mon Kwan
The dream-quest of unknown kadath
David Icke and Nassim Haramein

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When given the choice, would you rather read the persons own account of their life or someone else's?
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He is lower than an actor. He is a betrayer.
Codreanu is a lion. I just finished "For My Legionaries" and it deeply affected me. I wish I had even an ounce of this man's conviction.
biographies or just literature in general? in philosophy I prefer to read the philosophers books over what some pseudo-intellectual retard thinks of him
autobiography is obviously more likely to be full of lies, in both sides either making oneself too good in case they are evil and too evil if they are good and humble
but it also offers you more interesting insight into the person, their thought process and how they view theysemselves vs how they want others to view them

biographies are better if you just want to get more objective view of the person but even then the author and culture around the person, their perception by most is going to twist their real selves

neither are perfect but in general I'd rather read biography that's more objective and one that takes from many sources (like Toland's Hitelr or Green's Alexander)
memoirs and diaries, particularly ones released after persons death, that were not meant to be published are better in what autobiographies do
I wouldn't trust any biographies of Hitler since you literally cannot get published unless you go out of your way to spread falsehoods about him.

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Here's that children's author I was telling you about
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Kek it’s well known that the WASP fears the Jew encroaching on his territory
Yep. His books were a real joy to me at nine or ten years old. At least a couple of my classmates were reading him as well.
He used to write for Playboy and he wrote adult stories, but then someone said he should start writing children's books
Greg is an American Catholic, a bunch of the books show their family going to church, even talks about receiving communion one time iirc

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People are driven by self-insert, they only delude themselves of normativity because society wouldn't function otherwise. Anyone who truly believes otherwise, is a sucker and there are many. That is why the rich and powerful keep winning. Religion, Politics, consumerism and even family relations are nothing more than tools used to control the individual. A individual who can break free from all of this rises to the top, the others drown in the swamp. The only person you should focus on is yourself. I know anons will call me an edgy teenager but I honestly feel like a clown for realising this, this late. I need books written by intelligent people who can articulate these thoughts better than me?
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The prince. Stirner and Rand were also good shouts.
collectivist/individualist as an analytical category exists to convince those repulsed by mindless communist mobs to deprive themselves of allies.
Collectivization is power. Is the power used well or poorly? Thus is the "collectivism" good or bad
Even then academics have a left wing bias and just dismiss her outright
Stupid or not, there has to be a reason it exists.
You are too stupid to understand what I'm saying, regardless there is no point in engaging with "you".

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Where do I start, and how do I move forward?
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I want to believe this is bait but tankies at genuinely fucking retarded
You start by getting of a Summerian Stone Carving board and just read one.
The retards in this thread arguing about communism make me think of roadside picnic.

It was written by Russians but banned in the USSR. The USSR thought the book was pro capitalist but the Strugatkys thought it was clearly mildly anti communist.

Ive read all the books in your stack other than This perfect day. Roadside picnic might be my favourite
>The USSR thought the book was pro capitalist but the Strugatkys thought it was clearly mildly anti communist
...so then the USSR was right in their assumption

Why do people like the Greeks more than the Romans nowadays? Normies still read the Iliad and Sophocles but not really the Aeneid, and especially not Cicero or Horace or whoever else. 100, 200 years ago, the Romans were definitely way more popular. I read an anon on here who claimed:
>I have heard that the opposite of this phenomenon is why Pindar is such a niche poet nowadays despite being universally seen as the greatest of all ancient greek lyric poets until very recently. In general the greeks seem to resonate far better with your average upper-middle class urban western liberal than the decidedly rural, puritanic and practical romans.
Do you agree?
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Idk the reasons why, but I always found the Greeks to be more soulful and enjoyable to read than the Romans.
Cicero was a frickin postmodernist..
Well, that's because the Romans liked the Greeks more than the Romans, anon. They rather consciously modelled their entire culture after them past a certain point.
The mass majority of ancient philosophy was written in Greek, it was the tradition, philosophy itself was seen a s a Greek way of life. Latin writers like Seneca and Cicero were the exception not the norm.
I really liked De Natura Deorum, gives a good cross section of the three philosophic schools that were big in Rome at the time. Although when most people talk about "reading Cicero" they probably mean his political speeches, which I liked alot less, the Catilline Conspiracy provides some interesting insight into Roman Republican history if you're interested in that, but really all of his speeches are mostly just one-dimensional sophistry. He was a great politician, not a philosopher or poet.

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For the discussion of Japanese, Chinese, English, and Korean webnovels/lightnovels.

All forms of litrpg, xianxia and other genres such as Isekai, and media such as visual novels are welcome. Formerly web and now published works are also allowed.

You are free to post your own works(as long as it is WN format) and ask for feedback.

For published novels and tradSci-fi/Fantasy please head on over to >>/sffg/

Due to the constant complaints from /sffg/ I have decided to create a general that will primarily focus on the Eastern web/light novel and English litrpg scene.

>A glossary for those of you who don't know what Xianxia is:
>Website for Litrpg:
>A website that hosts the metadata of many Eastern web/light novels and translation links:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Based formalist
Isn't the main audience of discord pedophiles? How will they earn anything anymore?
>Under the shade of willow trees were two boys sobbing, it looked like the two Wu brothers. Guo Fu shouted out, “Hey, what are you doing there?”

>Wu Xiuwen replied, “We are crying, can’t you see?”

I don't know why, but this is the funniest shit I've ever read
You can still upload photos but they're not permanent. The link changes.
I found it pretty average until the school arc ~70 chapters in when it seemed to devolve into the usual young master and harem tropes, so I dropped it

Idk this shit but philosophy. I want to read everything.
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You’d think wrong, then
Shut up you pretentious fag.
If you had spent the time it took reading all that gibberish on learning Greek, you would be reading Plato by now.
>Four months for Aristolia vol. 2
Eh, it's a tough nut
The greatest philosopher of all time, Heidegger, came after Spengler

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>read about a religion
>"ooh, maybe I'll convert"
>read about a political ideology
>"ooh, maybe this is what I should follow?"
Books that will help me stop being so weak-minded and suggestible?
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Stop reading and trust your animal instinct.
I'm just a theist communist liberal fascist sympathising monarchist
>Do not go with the last Speaker.

>There are persons who go by the latest edition, and thereby go to irrational extremes. Their feelings and desires are of wax: the last comer stamps them with his seal and obliterates all previous impressions. These never gain anything, for they lose everything so soon. Every one dyes them with his own colour. They are of no use as confidants; they remain children their whole life. Owing to this instability of feeling and volition, they halt along cripples in will and thought, and totter from one side of the road to the other.
Whatever your parents believed, either believe that or believe the opposite of that (you can flip a coin if this decision is too daunting). Then assume everyone that doesn't agree with you is stupid, naive or deliberately lying for personal gain. Do not allow information that challenges your beliefs into your head, dismiss it immediately by applying one of the above labels to whoever or whatever presented you that information.
I think part of why fiction is good is that it lets you explore what it would be like to believe in these things and to live in a world where they make sense. You just need to develop that sense of 'aesthetic distance' from the ideas. Appreciate ideas for the kinds of worlds and characters and moods they imply, rather than their objective truth. That's the Fiction Enjoyer's privilege.

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