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What a tragedy
We want to live a real romance
In the age of blasphemy

Long are the days of Margaret's and Anastasia's
Who's purity was commendable
And made life rememberable

Now we deal with Stacy's and Becky's
Who's conduct is shameful
And makes men regretful

How good life could be
If women knew how to live?
But fear not

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You claim to have done the deeds
A bit more than thirty times
And now offers your own class

You cant help me spread my seed
For you deal in some half-lies:
You have done so with your ass
I must reject your interjection,
Which is most likely just projection;
A lofty product of your sick perception.
The only one's who've received my injection,
Are of the variety female.

And though at times I may become lonely,
My back door will remain an exit only.
To have sex, you might have to turn trans,
But one's like me will forever be man.
Here hangs the ark of the rainbow,
Over the black chasm void of the night sky.
Our bejeweled ancient Mother Earth,
On spider’s silk.
Carrying with her,
Her fruited womb’s heart,
Our bestiary of being.
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I stretched my scrote into a tarp,
a note I wrote down underneath
to speak my piece to the world of LARP.

And as I float upon the winds
sacral sign to man bequeaths,
"FUCK YOU LOL" upon the skin.
You may make many asses clap,
but homo sex is all a big fap.
With a heave and a ho
you heave in your holes
but a bums not a vagina
or didn't you know?

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Living writers with unfinished projects:
>Robert Caro (88)
Book Five (and last) in his Lyndon B Johnson series
>George R. R. Martin (75)
'The Winds of Winter', 'A Dream of Spring' (ASOIAF series)
>Clive Barker (71)
'Kry Rising', 'Until The End of Time' (Abarat series)
Untitled last book in his Books of the Art trilogy
>Stephen Kotkin (65)
Final book in his Joseph Stalin trilogy
>Patrick Rothfuss (50)
'The Doors of Stone' (final novel in his Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy)

Who else?
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>Borges, McCarthy,
These suck. Glad they didn't get it lmao
>Lyndon B Johnson
Does he mention the shady shit like Johnson being linked to several murders or is it just hagiography with just enough edge to make it interesting to normies?
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Lol, not by the looks of him. Faggotry shortens your life.
>Book Five (and last) in his Lyndon B Johnson series
This dude put more thought into LBJ's life than LBJ did

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Are there any cultural history books that intertwine music, architecture, painting, literature, sculpture, and the lives of people in the era?
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I wasn't expecting pictures my man. Just words
The Story of Civilization books by Will and Ariel Durant do a good job of this
Henry Thomas Buckle
Egon Friedell's Cultural History of the modern age has profiles of important men and tried to capture Essence of each era.
But If you already know anything more about a particular topic, IT will appear Like this >>23349662
He tried hard to write brilliant Aphorismus, and often IT seems more sought than found. ITS a Mix of ideas and styles taken from Spengler, Burckhardt and Carlyle and some lesser known cultural hiatorians from 19th century. IT lead to suspicion that Carlyle was Just a bandwaggoner WHO tried to exploit spenglers success. Overall good for beginners and the footnotes/bibliography are nice rabbitholes in themselves. Posting from Phone, sorry for Automatic caps.
Well >>23351329 mentioned Burckhardt and Spengler which are the only ones I'm really aware of but I'm sure there are plenty of books like this about any important cultural period. I'll keep watching the thread for recs though, or I'll let you know if I remember anything.

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For studying literature? Between Harold’s Bloom’s critique and the woke wildfire, I’m beginning to think of just leaving it. My gf really wants me to go because she is planning to major in literature and wants to do it with me but I am now worrying they will brainwash her
Why study literature in college when you could take writing or specific classes whilst studying engineering to fund your hobby/future writing career? Academia is full of nuts and people who hate art on principle. There’s reason the only good writing academics you can name are John Williams and Harold Bloom.
The woke wildfire is overstated. You can be against it and state your opinion just fine so long as you aren't a sperg.
t. humanities student

What happened to that Peircefag’s substack article? Deleted already? =( I was 2/3rds in…

bump, but also wondering how to into pierce?
You can begin by spelling and pronouncing his name correctly (Peirce, “purse”)
nevermind then
that’s okay, you can’t mess with Peirce if you have a clumsy intellect anyway

Why aren't books made of high quality materials anymore?
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The margins are for notes brother
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The photograph is signed by Dunsany. I love having this piece of history. Also with a ton of funny notes on the back by Hazel
the absolute state of you
>doesn't give an answer
I hate you pretentious trannies.
tribute when???

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Columbus, Ohio /lit/izens, why did none of you warn me that The Book Loft is a rip-off? It's all fucking new books with 5% discounts on the publisher list-price. Wow, so instead of paying $25 I pay $23.75! I was extremely disappointed by their "Foreign Language" section. It was one measly shelf and all the books were Spanish! Hardly any French books. The only one worth grabbing I found was a Proust short story collection. Their online catalog made it seem like they had a bunch of French langauge titles in store, but I now realize they just order that shit off Amazon and then resell it to you. Oh well...I did find some English language books I wanted, but I couldn't buy what I really wanted because every fucking book was $20. I miss McKay's Used Bookstore. Ohio fucking sucks.

People should use this thread as an opportunity to let anons know about the best bookstore in their city. That way people can avoid the mistake I made today by going to The Book Loft.
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You had the chance to buy cheapies at the reopening sale of the UA Half Price Books last month. I spent $300
Myopic Books in Chicago was good last time I was there. Though the best haul I think I ever found was in some used bookstore in a converted second story apartment in Camden, Maine. Might have been just lucky that day but I walked out of there with a fucking haul. Also found a few at a great garage sale once that still makes me smile.
Always glad to see some Columbus-anons, living away from town for about a year now (moving back in a week) has made me realize how shit bookstores that only sell new books are and how much I miss Half Priced Books. Columbus has a couple of them and they're both great. I managed to find Maldoror there and it became my favorite book, a Greek New Testament for $10 and even an English translation of Xenophon's Education of Cyrus for $7 back in the day, also they have a great DVD selection too.
Karen Wickliff's is great too, but being cash only and their hours are kinda shit. The selection is to die for though.
Try Hoffman Books at 4167 North High Street. I've never been there, but it looks interesting. There's Karen Wickliff-Books at 3527 N High St. Call first. There's a Half Price Bookstore at 2662 Bethel Road (northwest side of Columbus), but I have no idea what they sell. Gramercy Books in Bexley I do not recommend; same books sold by BAM and B&N. Prologue Bookshop recently opened at 841 N. High St (the short north), but it looks sketchy. Good luck, anon.
Unless the book is overrun and sold to a store in bulk you're going to end up paying like $20 for a paperback. If a book isn't that popular it can take years before you find it in a used bookstore.

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Post your novel idea. It's not like their going anywhere.
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nice try, fucker.
that thread isn't legit, wrong animal in the OP pic
Truly kafkaesque
Thanks. I call it The Revelation of Hell through the Shitting Man and the Faggot in Disguise.

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>invested in a book

>theres a play in it

what is wrong with me? why is it when there is a play or show in a novel my immersion is broken and it becomes such a slog to read?

CoL49 especially
>invested in a play

>theres a play in it

what is wrong with me? why is it when there is a play or show in a play my immersion is broken and it becomes such a slog to read?

A misummer night's dream especially
Nah it makes sense. You're used to the book's prose and format, the play is a different format.
Man I really wished The Couriers Tragedy would have been the main story in which maybe the rest of CoL49 was a play. It was soooo kino

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Post chud quotes from chud authors.
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His jew wife turned him into a liberal cuck.
A cock in the bush is worth more than a cock in the hand- Me
What does chud mean? Is that like the new word for far right or racist?
It was why Gore lost the election to Bush. If thats still echoing imagine how long TDS is going to last.
hot. jewish pussy is on another level. so warm, wet hairy and comforting

>and this is our son's room, he lives with us, he is quite the reader
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Only if you become the primary breadwinner. If not you are still a leech living with your parents, even if you become old and grey.
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Porridge is my favourite food
If I had my way it's all I'd eat but I know it's not healthy after my parents took me to the doctor about it when I was 9
They're just normal people who like to feel cultured
How can you blame them?
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how do you even refute this?
By participating in society and realizing you have to pay your taxes.
You just shrug
By laughing at people who take it too seriously while admitting Rand was an interesting figure whose books are moderately fun. You know she's basically a politicized version of L. Ron Hubbard if his cult had failed, right?
>3 threads already for this kikess Rothshild cocksucking whore who hated her parents and any ancestral bloodline

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Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The April Reader, and Ideology, to name a few. There have been collaborative works, like Coronameron, The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick, Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, and The Complete Works of God II. Some of these projects were one-offs, some were serialized. Some /lit/ projects, like Unreal Press, are still hanging on but are plagued by drama, and some, like &amp, seem to be rapidly in decline.

Also related are the solo writers of /lit/, composed of various namefags and shills who frequent the board: MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston. There are also those who did not come from /lit/ but are /lit/-adjacent simply because they are discussed here so frequently: Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.

This thread is for the discussion of the history of /lit/ writing and the future of /lit/. Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene? Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived? Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them? Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing? Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?
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/lit/ has zero interesting threads and no authors even hang out here anymore
you literally bought an ad
So? Let him cook
Imagine the country western song

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T. Thabo Mbeki
Guillaume you fag
Story of the eye is the most perverted thing I've read
You don't get it, it was subverting perverseness
Venus in Furs by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch. Gross book written by a slavering, uncontrolled lust-slave about someone with similar perversions. I'm not a Christian, but this was one of the most powerful arguments in favour of Christian sexual ethics I have ever read. Other than its story line, I quite liked the prose and the Venus theme, although a million descriptions of fur do get a bit old.

Other than that, anything by the Marquis de Sade, the quintessential pervert author, although so far I've only read some of Justine, so I don't really know what of his to recommend.
You might also get a kick out of Ovid's Erotic Poems, the Ars Amatoria is essentially a classical version of the pickup artists manual.

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Give me some books with Godly chaste romances
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Women hate hate hate being with a man shorter than themselves. Usually when I see a very tall woman and her boyfriend/husband out in public, the guy is even taller still. The woman makes it a major life priority to find a taller man, and the taller man isn't intimidated by her.

Sorry, no, it's exactly the other way around. Women's innate disgust at the idea of being with a shorter man is far stronger than any intimidation/nervousness that a man feels with a taller woman. These kinds of threads, which happen regularly on 4chan, are evidence in favor of my claim. Lots of (shorter) guys welcome the idea of some anime-tier amazon gf, but reality doesn't work that way. Why do you think Attack of the 50 Foot Woman was made? Why do guys have giantess fetishes?
>t. women

What causes this delusion?
>Why do you think Attack of the 50 Foot Woman was made? Why do guys have giantess fetishes?
Because mommy didn't love them enough.
You know it's true.
>"groom" is an ambiguous-looking anime face with a "punk rock lesbian" haircut
>"bride" is tall and has a flat chest
The shoulders do indicate that it is not some sort of gender-reversed couple but I can definitely see how it came across that way

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