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>Story starts with an exciting sequence
>Cuts off in the middle for a flashback of how the character got there
Dropped, refunded, and 1 starred

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I've decided to move on from being a 30 yr old NEET by studying and practicing one particular school of philosophy for the rest of my life. I need a book/s that give my a proper overview of every school there is so that I can choose one?
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>how about you just come up with your shit instead of turning yourself into another bot?
I did, but on further searching for my answers, I came to know some guys named "David Hume" and "Baruch Spinoza" found out about them long ago and called them "Is/Ought" and "Cogito, ergo sum" theories.
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Buddhism, particularly mayahana/zen
There is no such book. However, if you had me at gunpoint, I would say Sir Anthony Kenny’s A New History of Western Philosophy and Ritchie Robertson’s The Enlightenment. Add something in on world religions for good measure.
>12 Rules For Life
Come on now. Just read Stpics instead.

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Naomi Wolf being rekt by Chadmille Paglia
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And both wrecked by the milky madness of my mother-making, slut-sloshing, tit-tossing jizz-javelins!
She's making fun of a verbal tic.
>Costin Alamariu

A dude who's been shilling himself around here lately. That's probably him. You're probably him.

"Tattertown" edition

Previous: >>23328783

/wg/ AUTHORS & FLASH FICTION: https://pastebin.com/ruwQj7xQ
RESOURCES & RECOMMENDATIONS: https://pastebin.com/nFxdiQvC

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Give advice as much as you receive it to the best of your ability.
Follow prompts made below and discuss written works for practice; contribute and you shall receive.
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Violent shills, relentless shill-spammers, and grounds keeping prose, should be ignored and reported.

Simple guides on writing:

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It ceases to be a conversation if you ignore answers and repeat questions.
>You fail to consider the nature of locations and restrictions they might impose on visitors
and how would this be any different in your game?
>Character movements and locations for one thing are something that take up a lot of pages in a book, but you don't pay any attention to them in visual mediums.
Do you mean travel or do you mean positioning within a scene? I don't get it. It's easy to elide this in writing and meanwhile there are video games that spend a lot of time on it.
>Neither is there need to dwell on why the protagonist makes specific choices, because those are the player's choices in a game.
If you want to give the player five options then you now need to write five outcomes, four of which are ignored at playtime and none of which you can later assume actually took place. And instead of justifying choices you'll have to preempt them, you'll have to obsess over how to make choices feel appealing and meaningful and intentional to players, and giving players options in all the places that they expect them without wasting effort on places they don't. This is really hard and it's really time-consuming and it means the player will only see a fraction of your work.
You could make a Choose Your Own Adventure. That's like a video game, but on paper.

>digging a dry hole
You better walk that road boy
>and he chucks it into the hole and he enkindles the hole in the hole with his steel hole by hole striking the hole out of the holes which God has put there.
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Based midwit filterer
>"negroes jargon one's sphincter ani"
>the fuck does that mean?
>23349772: lol filtered *sucks cock*

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>noblesse oblige
Stop posting these garbage pics

What books can I read in order to get an unbiased understanding of the driving forces and sociocultural context of (post)modernism?
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Do you ever have sex with your strawman? He sounds dreamy.
stupid is as stupid does - who better than to provide a discourse about stupidity aside from OP's mom
Dios mio, la moralita americana.
>15 year old is pedophilia
LMAO do Amerimuts REALLY?
As an autist Mondrian is one of my favorite artists

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Any books like this?
The Counterfeiters

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Have any sociologists/philosophers written on the subject of Korean Wave i.e. sudden interest in Korean culture as a symptom of decaying late neoliberal capitalism? I really don't get the appeal of Korea, the women are pretty I guess but the culture itself is so soulless that even the fucking Netherlands looks like it exudes soul compared to them
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Woah, Kevin, I didn't know you swung that way. Are you also antisemitic?
>Koreans are the most androgynous ethnic group
you should stop consuming kpop. Koreans are stereotyped to have broad wide faces

This. Korean films are almost all just rip-offs of shitty American movies. Certainly in style and in tropes and everything. I've never seen a Korean movie that showed any originality or the kind of soul that you would find in Chinese movies of the Fifth Generation or Japanese movies from directors like Akira Kurosawa.

Who's ever even heard of a Korean director? Their movies are just like studio movies. Hollywood type garbage.
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I think it's a matter of the rest of the world growing as mindless and vapid as Korean society.
>install 4chanx
>click on drop down menu next to the post id
Never again have to listen to this retard babel in with all caps because his speech has no substance.

should this be my weekend read?
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>uhmm sweatie no there is fixed meaning in text that for some reason can only be grasped in the language the author wrote in
>nooo this quality can not be translated by authors who dedicate their life to this task
>yeah it can be grasped if you learned the very basics of that language a few month beforehand because... uhmm... its just possible

originaltextcels and babbelfags are the lowest of the low, all ego
guys seriously where do i get a german version of this in the next few hours?
I read it and thought it was garbage. Goes out of it's way to try and be shocking, but it really isn't, and the MC isn't particularly interesting or well written.

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What is the Citizen Kane of literature?
East of Eden.
Black Future
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>gathers together all the techniques used in the form into one cohesive whole and adds some tricks of its own just for the rizz

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Would anyone be interested in this format to read waifu waifu pantsu isekai adventures?
I... I need to confess something...

I want to have sex with Miku.
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>AI slop
To be a good writer you need to have taste. This is something you clearly lack

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I'm an American who wants to write a book set in Toronto and I want to characterize the city in a way that is respectful to the city, its people, and its culture. My problem is that I am unable to travel to Toronto to get a vibe for the city and I don't know any place's online where I get influence from Torontonians. Reddit is useless because if I post my questions there, the mods will ban me for crowdsourcing. Is there a way or place to get the info I need in a respectful manner toward Toronto locals and others online?
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If it’s genre fiction it doesn’t matter do you think screenwriters travel to the Middle East before making Kill Terrorist 15

I already have plans for that, but I'm saving it for later when I have more experience. I admit that my idea for that may be grand, but I want that idea to be used on something more special. This project that I'm working on currently is supposed to be smaller in scope and less profound, but still palatable.
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read fiction about toronto, watch videos/vlogs about people from toronto, look at statistics about what they enjoy compared to other places. find vlogs about that statistically relevant stuff. find stuff about slang. watch those walkthrough videos that are hour long and start describing things in your mind like you're saving stuff to write about later or write ideas as you watch.
Just write about an invasion force in Toronto, either aliens, or immigrants, or a US occupation force. Then you can write anything you like because they will have the same cluefulnesslacking as you. God bless you and your writing project.

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i gotchu
This isn't an RPG, reading books don't level you up and make you not be a loser anymore
A book on how to kill yourself should help
filtered yet again
The Iliad is a non-biased tale of how the Greeks saw the fall of Troy. You can learn from the flaws of all the main characters but the narrator is pretty non-judgmental about any of the main players. It tells what happened but it doesn’t really go “this guy did this and he was dumb.” The closest the narrator gets to judging anyone is when the one guy trades his armor for much cheaper armor a fraction of what it was worth and the narrator says that Zeus made his head foggy to partake in such a deal.
I've read the Iliad, and said what I said in spite of that. Think on't.

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best books to learn computer science from
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I was in category 3 and I left too. Don't go to school without a plan or ambition. Now I'm taking Latin because I'd rather rob graves.
It was probably the fact that a lot of people in there weren't STEM that they acted that way. People were scared of participating from being embarrassed and they laughed and snickered when someone did say something wrong. It wasn't just in my head, but they did annoy me so I'm sorry for being hyperbolic.
To add to this anon's point:
The only people who get mad at STEM majors are people with literally useless degrees like philosophy/english/art who are going into debt for a low 5 figure job.
>and I left too
Good choice honestly. Funnily enough, I ended up doing an internship at a small studio during back then and it was extremely grim. Passionate, talented, technically competent people burning themselves out under abusive directionless management, with immense time and financial pressure piling up on them. Don't do gamedev for a living, kids, it'll destroy your soul.
Game development seems to be increasingly worse with larger studios and publishers. The bigger the company, the more you're just an expendable asset. If you have real programming talent, working for a real business is much better. People know this and that's why a lot of games are suffering technically.
With all the engine technology available the best route for game development is certainly to stay independent. You won't make any money by making indie derivatives but if you have a new idea that takes off then you'll be much better off than grinding away. That requires your own financial stability though.
Personally I spend enough time behind a computer, I would much rather work something physical, or with people.

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