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This thread is for male milking machine images especially with stationary restraints, but also any cool self-bondage scenarios anyone has come up with- especially those involving some kind of milker or stroker.

Apologies for starting the thread with this crummy image I threw together in koikatsu studio, but I wanted to pitch my idea here and get some feedback. (I will follow this image with some proper ones so I'm not just being a faggot)

Basically pic related will give you the main idea of what I'd like to have made, rough as it is, but a few details elaborated on here/how I'd like to really flesh it out.

Essentially it's just an overdesigned chair or chaise lounge, function will come over form but if it can look nice and sci-fi by the addition of a nice white plexiglass 'shell' of some kind or something I'm going to spend the money to do it.

The idea comes from some other machine bondage images I've seen with these kind of inflatable 'sleeve' cuffs where the limbs can be placed in, then the interior soft lining inflates to 'trap' the limb. I was thinking latex for mine, but I'm open to suggestions, just needs to be a material thats fairly tough, stretchy so it can be inflated, and comfy. Latex is sexy but it doesn't breath very well... So maybe something more like the sort of fabric used by those blood pressure sleeves from a doctor. It seems pretty comfortable while also being really restrictive, kind of like a full latex vacbed but just for the limbs with straps to supplement and add restriction.

The idea is with this you could easily self-gag, attach the harness at the top to stop head movement, buckle up your waist/chest, place your limbs into the sleeves, then a (analogue/non digital of course) timer would begin after a short delay that inflates the sleeves for however long you wanted to be restrained. Obviously this is also accompanied by something like the serious kit milker or even something 'simpler' like the Venus 2000 for men.
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Sure was. The dungeon featured was run Mistress Miranda (find more info here: bdsmlaboratory co uk/the-bdsm-laboratory). She's pretty well known in the western MedFet scene, where you'll find milking beds and machines aplenty. Definitely looking into these designs more, there's plenty to take from them on the suction side.

As for LLCs, the idea is intriguing but my experience leads me to believe it would fall flat. If it could read pelvic floor contractions and respiratory fluctuations in some capacity, I could see it as a useful edging tool.

But as far as personality, I'd rather not have a synthesizer yelling at me while I'm trying to get my boulders off.

Fair point! Precaution is paramount in sex play, since you definitely won't be thinking clearly during.

Curious; what are these audacity/sound files I keep hearing mentioned? And these xPlay apps, what's up with this? Not super familiar with the software side, as I usually do this kind of stuff with a partner.
Why you trying to cover up the Chinese war crimes
You can create a waveform in audacity which xtoys uses as a pattern to modulate e-stim

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Anyone who likes this should check out Fuzume. I wish this was more common
Any recs in particular? I love shit like this...

Tired of modern living? Maybe it's time to embrace where humanity came and go back to our roots, and all the primal and animalistic acts that go with it.
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Ted would have hated this place
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Be it practical, impractical, or pleasureable get it in here. Silicone, Saline, Mana tits, Ballistic gel, Augmentations and other type of implants welcome. Bonus point if their implants are canon.
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Any real or fictional bugs/slugs/worms/invertebrate on and or in girls. Big creepy crawlies are fine too.
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Insect threads got b& for bestiality once or twice and after that people didn't dare to post them anymore.
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It was? That sucks It's more monster porn if anything.

Femboys getting femdommed hard. Anything goes.
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The first one's twink has either two caged penises or one extra caged ball, the eyes look really mismatched, and the woman's visible hand's fingers are melting together and don't have a thumb.

The second one's foot has multiple mutant toes, the woman's smile is weird, the mouthstrap's left ring is deformed, and the foot's ankle strap is not actually connected to anything, the woman's hairpin is melting onto her hair.

Across /all/ the images, the straps and restraints have a weird inconsistency to them that highlights a sense of irreality and detracts from the art, the twink's tears all seem to have the consistency of fucking cum, and the woman always keeps an arm behind her back, clearly because the program isn't 'confident' enough in making 'correct' arms - an accurate assessment as visible from the third image's aforementioned arm melting with the torso.

Not only is AI a fucking joke, but /you're/ a joke for thinking these were worth posting.
I'm really not sure where to ask this, but this seemed like the closest thread to exactly what I'm describing, and I'm not sure the forcefem/cd/r63 threads would appreciate the question.
A lot of forcefem stuff requires forcing the target into some outfit or costume.
Is there a word for that happening where it doesn't necessarily have to be a more fem outfit (but it still can be)?
If nobody's got an answer, I guess I could ask there...
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try the male bitch tag
>30+ pages into tag
>maybe one image that gets close during that time
>it's still forcefem
>try filtering out R18
>not much different
thanks for trying anon
i don't think there's a word for this
i'm sort of thinking of what Haruhi does to Mikuru
just done to male characters and not necessarily forcefem
i feel like there's an untapped market there

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Last thread >>10824009
Post big people fucking or otherwise being intimate
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there was a thread like this up ages ago that never got a sequel. post stuffed sloshy guts that are loud enough to warrant noise complaints. bonus points for visibly rumbling tummies!
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God I fucking love pony
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>he doesn't know

A thread for women who are totally helpless
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Does anybody know if there's a version out there where the breasts arent doing that vibration effect?
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A quick check of the artist's pixiv shows that there isn't. The artist has posted about a dozen pics ever, which don't include a followup to that one, and nothing since 2016.
You had the pixiv filename, so you should've been able to check that yourself.
I know, I've look everywhere hoping theres a version without that effect... maybe the artist uploaded a piece back then and someone grabbed it before it was gone

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Aged to perfection edition
Let's see even more flabby, saggy tits. Bigger is better, but the sagginess is the most important factor. Futa or female welcome. Bonus points if they're embarrassed about how deflated their fun bags are.
previous thread >>10884301
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Spanking thread: corner time edition
Previous thread: >>10937371
(please keep AI slop posting to a minimum)
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Don't forget to make a new thread. I don't want to make it, because every reply will cause 4chanX to show alert as if someone responded to me and it's annoying.
Just unmark it as (You) dumbass
I have no idea how to unmark anything.
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Who are you quoting? And why do you lie?

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No futa (unless the penis is cybernetic)
No AI shit
Cybernetics must be clearly obvious
Please keep Cyberpunk Edgerunners content to an absolute minimum
Bonus points for cybernetically augmented/replaced/removed genitals
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Full borg would probably also be common(ish). Just have the head, organs and genitals transplanted into a mechanized body.
Women modified into living (erotic) weapons

Women modified (even further) into erotic centrepieces where the extremities serve only to highlight the sexual nature of the remaining flesh.
Would also make living sexdoll onahole-play more common if all they need to do is turn off/detach their limbs.

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Previous: >>11021777

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>you can now use negative values for reference strength for vibes now
Oh cool i guess. My NAI sub is out atm so not done anything in a while sadly. And cute yamato <3

Wait are you the anon who made astolfos in muchkin style for me a few threads ago? That also made mordred/nagatoros. If so jesus this astolfo blows looks alot better then your previous ones. If not, disregard that. It looks amazing. Either way, please make more astolfos like this. Please.

Anyone baking?
making the new thread.
>>another anon stealing that one Gwen prompt
Yeah, i do learn better by example.
New thread:
>sorry. but thank you
nothing to be sorry about, I really like the concept, but I felt I indirectly caused thread spam with it lmao

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Post-creampie, carrying the cum around
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