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- All artists welcome!
- Post a sample of your art when "taking x requests".
- No AI requests/deliveries or discussion. Take them to the relevant threads.
- Respect /d/ and global rules.
- Do not request drawings of real people.
- Do not just post a link to your request from the previous thread. Re-state your request and repost your reference. You'll have to repost your full request after the thread 404s anyway, so please conserve post count.
- Do not "bump", "re-request", "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
- Be patient. Art takes time.
- Not all requests will be filled.
- Take it easy and please be nice to the drawfriends! Remember, they do this for fun.
- Drawfriends, don't hold back. If you like a request someone else already did, feel free to do your own take.
- If available, anchor your posts to make deliveries easier to track.
- To make the new drawthread, wait until page 10 at the bump limit so that our awesome booru-master doesn't get swamped!
- Have fun and enjoy the lewd drawings that come from this.

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Another one!
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Requesting anal vore/ass absorption with Sakuya from Okami having villagers sacrificed to her ass.
Fuck it I'll take it, great work
Requesting vore of Coral - the wicked gremlin villainess - from Pokemon Horizons, in which she takes delight on her bloated stomach digesting her opposition into body fat.

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A thread for huge nipples,hyper nipples, long nipples, nipple expansion, puffy nipples and puffy areola.
Previous thread: >>10934076
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>What's everyone's favorite style of hyper nips?
Long enough to nipple-fuck another girl with
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I like big fat ones
They get kind of weird when they're long but I'll draw 'em anyway cuz sometimes it hits the mood just right.
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Like this is such a perfect nipple to breast ratio and size
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Are you actually Sponson? If so, love your work!

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No AI or futa allowed, make a separate thread
Previous thread: >>10911133
Hyper muscle thread: >>10935858
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Post body.
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why would you ask for that here on /d/? we don't want to see a shirtless guy, plus you're not even allowed to post that kind of stuff
post hand
Ah, to be young again
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unfathomably based, literally the only reason why I even started liking muscle girls in the first place was because I started lifting

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Post petrification/Freeze and anything else ASFR
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Old thread >>10862048 has hit the bump limit. Time for a new one.
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Thanks for the heads up!
This one includes a bit of both SW and SM but I figured this is the closest place I can post it to.

>get dragged out to bar with outgoing friends.
>Two of the peppiest ones are in a relationship, always thought the girl was hot.
>dare them to a game of some kind wager my height if the bf wins but he loses his if he loses.
>offer up an extra 100 ask what he can wager to match he offers his gfs height too; she seems a bit upset that he would do that as she does not want to be handled by some geek.
>”don’t worry babe I’m going to destroy this nerd, he never goes to parties and I’m the billiards/foosball etc. champ, then I’ll use the 100 for a date”
>hilarity ensues as I beat him by a huge margin. I watch with a smirk at his disbelief.
>him and his girl dwindle in to a pile of cloths
>they are both pissed “oops did I not specify that your cloths wouldent shrink with you, let me have a closer look”
>before she can tell him off I lift her off the ground in to my palm, her bf protests but there is not really much he can do ”you can go play somewhere else don’t mind if I borrow her for a bit”
>I think I might keep her for a bit.
suddenly the night got more interesting than I thought.

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Girls get bigger breasts.

Previous thread: >>10903333
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I want more! edition
Massive pregnant bellies. Towering mounds of fertility.
previous thread >>10897627
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>Messing around with your new reality altering app's pregnancy function when you accidentally fire it off at the woman standing near you on the train
>Watch in a mixture of arousal and horror as she grows big enough to occupy a good chunk of the car with no one including her the wiser
got sauce on that?
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PurpleGuyRi on Twitter

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What's in the box? Edition


Previous: >>10956823
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>that open stand on the right
She's gonna have so many bees and wasps in there especially with those sweets
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>but after they pulled their stories from giantessworld over drama it became a lot harder to remember it exists
QRD on this?
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my memories are hazy, but if I remember right some of them live in the UK and they passed a law that potentially made it criminal to post adult content on sites that had underage content, which giantessworld explicitly had (has?)

which is a little bit flimsy, since they all post on DA and I think that site also has the same type of content
>Human woman is shrunken down to the size of an inch, held prisoner on a black-market merchant carriage to be sold as a pet/slave.
>Merchant carriage gets raided by a notorious trio of mercenaries: a female elf, another female human, and a towering muscled female orc.
>Merchants flee in terror, and the trio comes across the tiny human woman.
>Tiny human woman in despair as she’s now in the clutches of a cold-blooded mercenary group.
>Later that night, mercenaries take up residence at an inn, their tiny prisoner with them.
>Tiny human woman stares up in terror at the looming elf and human mercenary, who both look down at her lasciviously and start cruelly taunting her about all the ways they plan to use her.
>Orc woman snatches the tiny woman up, completely covering her in a fist as she growls at her two companions: “This one’s mine…” before heading to her personal bedroom.
>Orc woman shuts bedroom door behind her, leaving her alone with the tiny human woman
>Orc woman opens her fist, staring down at the frightened little human woman trembling in her palm.
>Frightened human woman shuts her eyes and whimpers, her entire body trembling in the giant green palm.
>Human woman flinches, her eyes watering, as she feels a broad index finger touch her back
>Orc woman begins comfortingly stroking her back, the Orc being impossibly gentle given her size
>Human woman looks up in confusion, only to realize the Orc woman’s expression softened, showing a mix of pity and adoration.
>“Sorry for scaring ye, little Humie. Just needed to put on a good show in front of the others. We need to keep up that whole cruel and cold-blooded reputation and all. Are ye alright?”
>Orc woman’s gentle face, soft voice, and loving caress calms human woman down instantly.

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Where can I find the stories nowadays?

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Female chastity

>only cunts, no dicks
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Personally I think that's quite limiting. Usually in lesbian smut they aren't squishing clams constantly, so I'd say you have almost all of the usual options still available. I say this because I like the keyholder having as much freedom as possible. If they want to put penis in vagina, they should be "allowed" to do so. With lesbians at least I think of scisorring way less often than other acts.

Also I just dislike permanent chastity as a concept. If there's no way for a character to use their genitals, there's no chastity/orgasm denial reason for them to obey or do anything. They only obey because they want to, or because they fear the non-chastity punishment. It's no longer about chastity if you make it permanent.
>or, very chipper and nonchalant about it.
Yeah. With a normal couple they're together a lot of the time as well, so there'd be a bunch of that as well. Little remarks if she's adjusting the belt. Shows of affection can include a little teasing about it too.
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>I REALLY like consent
>Also I just dislike permanent chastity as a concept
>They only obey because they want to
>It's no longer about chastity if you make it permanent.
I don't understand how permanent chastity makes the submission no longer be about chastity. If things are consensual, the sub ALWAYS obeys because they want to. And making the chastity permanent only makes their submission more significant. "Good girls don't cum" makes every day the sub goes without an orgasm proof of their dedication to their dom. The willing sacrifice of pleasure for praise shows that they value the opinion of their dom "Another day without cumming? That's my good girl!" more than the opinion of their own body "Masturbated for a bit? Here's some happy chemical for your brain!". Giving up orgasms for the rest of their life to achieve is the most submissive thing possible.

On that note, I also prefer chastity to be intermittent. But I'm also a sadist who likes consent to be dubious at best. Withholding orgasms as an incentive/punishment to get the sub to obey makes the submission forced.

Maybe I just misunderstood what you meant by "consent"? After all, it is a sliding scale.
Just because someone consents, doesn't mean you have to do the thing she consents to. I love that she's willing to go fully orgasmless, but I want there to be the carrot that if she's a good girl, she gets to cum. The dom isn't really controlling her orgasms if the only option is no cumming.
>Giving up orgasms for the rest of their life to achieve is the most submissive thing possible.
I disagree. The most submissive thing is letting the dom decide, and consenting to that decision.
Are any of those from a movie or series?

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Post futa pissing, preferably with their cock.
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Yeah I did.
I am the artist.
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The file is too big so I screen shot it.
Here's the latest one I haven't posted anywhere yet.
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Do you take request? If yes: can you do one with a girl that has a cock so long it lays coiled up in the urinal?
I don't like weird body parts sorry.

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Because it's (mostly) never a bad idea
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I don't have hairy women fetish, but at the same time I don't have any problem if the woman is hairy
(I myself is a guy with hairy arms and legs, so it just doesn't bother me, lol)
This is like Gogo Bomango but uglier. And somehow I like it.
how many rl women are there with this much body hair (assuming they don't shave)?
where does this fetish come from?
I don't mind unshaven armpits because my mom never shaved hers and I grew up with that, but surely this is not the case with full body hair for other people?

Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. If someone starts hrt for feminization, cool. If you're not about that life, also cool. Just post porn so this thread doesn't get too chatty.

>Question of the day
Trannies and/or femboys, what are your standards for tops look wise if you bottom?

Tops and/or chasers, what are you standards for bottoms?
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Damn, there's a lot of chatting but no pics. Let's try to change that
>high testosterone counts since some is converted to E
Still dumb. Roiders count under your plan.
You told them to get fat instead of HRT. Look at actual fat men and tell me it works? Since testosterone is the dominant hormone they’ll also be very prone to atherosclerosis.
> any hon on /tttt/
Basically what they become under your plan.
again ur very missinformed lmao if this was true no trannies would ever be able to get hard which is just plainly false
You idiots expect me to believe you without a single source while you're getting hung up about something as absurd about atherosclerosis? Check your brain worms and touch grass, cause they're starving for soil.

An anon
already admitted it works to a degree, the problem is that people go overboard with shit diets enriched in seed oils and that causes them to age faster and undergo the Niko Avocado effect. And instead of devising a clean bulk routine to enrich the skin and grow TnA, this community is run by anorexics that rope by twink death anyways because they're so fucking insecure.

>Sure hon, show off your hip bones! Your hips match your narrow waist!
>Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) represents a common condition among transgender women. However, to date no specific guidelines for the management of HSDD in transgender persons are available.

>Although medical treatment may be helpful or even essential to developing good sexual health, a significant group of trans persons experienced sexual dysfunctions after genital surgery.

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Previous thread: >>10954361
240 replies and 171 images omitted. Click here to view.
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It's the ultimate defeat. "She" dressed like a girl, spoke like a girl. Finally got accepted as a girl...

Only to get engulfed by the naturally wider hips of a real girl. "She" met a painful and humiliating end, enhancing femininity that she coveted, while being forced to do the quintessentially male act on the way out.

Fuckin brutal
Kino take
Boring fox news grandpa take
meh. Fem bridget is too soft, probably wouldn't wanna hurt anybody, just fitting in and being validated or whatever. Male bridget gleefully leaping at any opportunity increased access to rape and cannibalism is much hotter.
Based and josou-semepilled
Complete opposite opinion here
>FemBridget relentlessly voring other girls out of envy for their bodies, slowly stealing their essence and mass to build up her own body until she's a busty 7ft amazon (actually turning into a female or becoming a futa optional), probably following up by raping their boyfriends until they're dry
>Male Bridget remains friendly, confident and unbothered by body shape due to femboy confidence and instead becomes prey to some furiously jealous girl who seethes that a boy has a nicer ass and self-esteem than her, and only accidentally angers and stokes her insecurities (and hunger) further as he tries to convince her she doesn't need the padding from his protein to be attractive

Men topping Futanari and Shemales/Newhalf. Images with no penetrative sex are fine as long as they still follow the theme.
Futa power bottoms are fine as well.

Previous thread
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I want to suck Kronii's cock so bad
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Honestly, I am more interested in seeing what others like. Storys for me are hit or miss, even when in the same tags. Asking people what they like helps me sort through the dross to find what I like.
Poor Teto

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