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267 replies and 215 images omitted. Click here to view.
Really don’t know if here is the right place to ask but I require your guys help. If this is not the place then please redirect me.

I have been looking for a specific hentai/manga/comic i once read a few years age on e-hentai for too many hours now, I’m not even horny anymore just need to find it to know I’m not crazy. I don’t know the name, the artist and don’t quite remember what the art style was, but I know what happened in it.

Group of girls go to the beach, one becomes a futa, they blow their load onto someone else and they become a futa too, and this goes on until everyone are futas.

The only but most distinct part of the art style is that cum was always drawn weirdly thick and yellow.

Any help is appreciated.
That sounds like this.
You my friend are a legend.
My mind is at peace not having think about this anymore and I can finally sleep.
You're correct, it's not the right place. >>/r/

Onaholes, sex dolls, and more! The girl of your dreams could be yours; just don't expect her to carry much of a conversation...
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Why aren't there more onaholes with the full body?
Like, not just the bust but also a head.
I would instantly buy any onahole that looked like this
To give a few examples.
Molding Process.

It's a lot cheaper and easier to just mold an inside with the pussy and anus than it is to do a full body downsized.

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Preferably wide, and not just long.
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bump, praying
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holy shit I remember reading this on Fakku like 13 years ago.

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>What is this?
A place to share and discuss the piss, shit, farts, sweat, smell, burps, etc. of VTubers. We maintain a collection of real instances that have happened on stream, fanart, and fanfic stories. Reminder: visible scat is not allowed in /d/
>Why "ringo"?
>>>/vt/5422936 tl;dr /vt/ memes that lead to euphemisms for piss (ringo), shit (choco), farts (braps), and sweat (water)
>The usual BRAAP
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Rentry links: https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
Artworks collection: https://mega.nz/folder/T81nEZJI#3rwtDHdd7RExZNH7k6A2xA
Anon's creations: https://mega.nz/folder/aCpmnIDY#a6wR-s7376_R3HWvM6KEgg
Previous thread: >>10923206
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Thanks, bro. I was that anon
I wish I had that view when IRyS was having her emergency idol meetings
You want a face full of stinky Nephilim diarrhea?
This might be too out there for many of you but there’s already a few stories like this in the archive so hopefully some people are into it. >>10975949 seriously activated my neurons and I’m interested to try to write something similar in tone but with choco instead of brap as the main focus and with other holomems as the victim(s) instead of a second-person protagonist. I’ve been getting more into human toilet stuff and hardcore femdom in general and my idea for the basic premise is that some of the holomems who take huge dumps get tired of clogging the toilet and/or are too lazy to go to the bathroom to shit and decide to use one or more of their genmates as a toilet instead. Main character(s) would likely be Mori, Kronii, and maybe Kiara. It would be especially hot to add some kind of competitive element but that seems difficult to do without making it goofy.

My main problems would be fleshing this out into a fic-length scenario and balancing making it hot with avoiding being so extremely unrealistic that it breaks the flow. To the latter point you can add in-universe reasons for why it would work that way but that itself gets silly if you try too hard.

Any input?

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This thread is for male milking machine images especially with stationary restraints, but also any cool self-bondage scenarios anyone has come up with- especially those involving some kind of milker or stroker.

Apologies for starting the thread with this crummy image I threw together in koikatsu studio, but I wanted to pitch my idea here and get some feedback. (I will follow this image with some proper ones so I'm not just being a faggot)

Basically pic related will give you the main idea of what I'd like to have made, rough as it is, but a few details elaborated on here/how I'd like to really flesh it out.

Essentially it's just an overdesigned chair or chaise lounge, function will come over form but if it can look nice and sci-fi by the addition of a nice white plexiglass 'shell' of some kind or something I'm going to spend the money to do it.

The idea comes from some other machine bondage images I've seen with these kind of inflatable 'sleeve' cuffs where the limbs can be placed in, then the interior soft lining inflates to 'trap' the limb. I was thinking latex for mine, but I'm open to suggestions, just needs to be a material thats fairly tough, stretchy so it can be inflated, and comfy. Latex is sexy but it doesn't breath very well... So maybe something more like the sort of fabric used by those blood pressure sleeves from a doctor. It seems pretty comfortable while also being really restrictive, kind of like a full latex vacbed but just for the limbs with straps to supplement and add restriction.

The idea is with this you could easily self-gag, attach the harness at the top to stop head movement, buckle up your waist/chest, place your limbs into the sleeves, then a (analogue/non digital of course) timer would begin after a short delay that inflates the sleeves for however long you wanted to be restrained. Obviously this is also accompanied by something like the serious kit milker or even something 'simpler' like the Venus 2000 for men.
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Oh that's hot actually
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Thread for genie tf, lamp/bottle suction, and general "wishes gone wrong"
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DFC Edition
Previous thread: >>10937754
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One more for today.
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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
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You are now a living slime trapped inside of a cursed Egyptian necklace.

Now, I know what you're thinking, but stay with me here because it's gonna work out for you in a bit.

As a slime trapped in a necklace, you're basically helpless. You're effectively immortal, but you have little to no agency. Of course, that all changes whenever someone puts on the necklace. Once they do, the necklace releases you, allowing you to soak into the wearer's skin and possess them. You then transform yourself and the body into a shiny, black and gold latex catgirl, and it is always a catgirl regardless of the victim's sex. You'll take on the victim's body shape and hairstyle, and it will be as though you've arrested control away from the original mind. You're in control now, both the body's actions and its words, and the original owner is only able to observe, and their protests can only be heard by you, an unwilling passenger in their own mind. Plus, you can have all the sex you want without the risk of pregnancy!

There is one other catch. If the necklace is taken off for whatever reason, you'll be instantly sucked back into it, and the wearer will be returned back to normal. Also your soul is bound to the necklace, so if it's destroyed, you die with it.

>I wish for chubby, hyper booty magical girls who are obsessed with fat butts and fight bad guys using primarily their butts.
Wish bump.

An alien species known as the Breastians have suddenly discovered earth and have decided to invade to turn humanity into slaves.

To counter this Gaia, the goddess of earth, has created the Hyper Ass Princess Warriors and began enchanting women to do help defend earth, including you (despite being a man).

As a Hyper Ass Princess Warrior your weapon of choice is your ass which has been enhanced to not only be incredibly large but also made to emit A.E Energy that is harmful to the Breastians, and you gain the ability to purify humans that have been tainted with Breastian B.E Energy turning it into A.E Energy that will cause your ass to grow and be even more powerful.

But not all is well, Certain governments and Magical Girls have begun collaborating with the Breastians for unknown reasons meaning that you can't trust anyone outside of the Hyper Ass Princess Warriors. But with the power of friendship, love, and asses you can possibly correct this

>I wish I was a female James Bond/Ethan Hunt level super spy who constantly had to foil /d/ related world domination plans
You become an extremely hot female spy, but all sorts of evil organizations pop up on the world. Little by little things get more and more over-the-top until the world becomes an amalgamation of D-tier near-future sciencefiction or sciencefantasy settings: evil scientist open rifts to hell, aliens invade the planet, evil armies are creating ESPers, cyborgs are being created, etc.

There are all sorts of new techniques and technologies in the world now. so all sorts of weird over-the-top shit will happen to you when you are captured. These guys are not playing around, if you think they´ll settle for normal-ass stuff like gangrape you got another thing coming:
- They´ll use neurosurgery to implanted a demonic parasite in your brain, you will feel it pulsing with excitement and filling you with beast-like lust.
- All your blood with be replaced with the blood of a succubus.
- They will use a virus and nanomachines to overwrite your DNA
- Tentacles or machines will fuck your brain and you will feel the core of your personality being manipulated
- Nerves will be modified to give you inhuman levels of pleasure.
- Aliens will abduct you and turn you into all sort of weird-ass /D/ monsters: An amalgamation of flesh with huge boobs and a pulsing vagina. Your milk will flow into your womb and turn into goey eggs and you will feel incredible pleasure as you lay them.
- You will be put in a simulation where time flows extremely slowly and there you will be "tortured" in all sorts of ways: they could modify your clitoris, jerk it and edge you for 100s of years while in the real world only 1 day passed. They could inject aphrodisiac in your clit to make it 3,000 times more sensitive and make you cum your brains out nonstop for 1,000 years in the simulation.

Maybe you will turn the tables on them and save the day and go back to your base to restore your body to normal, or maybe you will lose for good, only you know.
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Now, for my wish. I am a bit tired so I can´t word it properly:

>I wish to be a girl trapped in a "clitoris box" and experience that over the top BS that you find in those doujins

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The Hero of Justice Thunder Crow Falls into the Role of the Villainesses' Younger Sister edition.

Previous thread: >>10972200
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This would be a dream...
If I win I get enough money to coast for the rest of my life.

And If I lose I get to spend the rest of my life being dressed up in cute outfits and getting dicked down... ffhghg
AND he provides for me.

I know that I'd come to regret it. I know it's a bad idea. But there's no way I could resist.
How do you explain gay people
Anyone remember that monkey punch (lupin the 3rd guy) gender bender series?
Iirc it wasn't body swap but two detectives get injured/cursed and their bodies/souls get mixed so that they switch appearances, mind, etc. every 24 hours
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Cinderella Boy.
Where is TSF Append 7?!

ShindoL needs to impregnate Ryo already

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Post futa pissing, preferably with their cock.
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Not really a fan of piss/fart but I have to admit, your stuff hits in the right places.
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Post males with thighs, asses and hips that put women to shame. No flamewars, please.
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ayo, kitsune boy?! that's some good shit right there
Good pose.
Necrosmos gets me so in the mood

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Futas looking inconvenienced by their erections
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especially hot if they’re gritting their teeth trying their hardest not to cum, while already shooting ropes
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