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Last thread >>10824009
Post big people fucking or otherwise being intimate
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no speech
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Great to see this thread back. Anyone know other places to see giant couple stuff?
bang a chick on a trainset map or globe I guess maybe a citymodel lmfao rizzless ahh ohioan
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I don't think so unless some private Discord has the secret motherload. I scour art and writing sites once a month or so in hopes of finding something new
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On-topic writing, feel free to submit more:
>Hey Carrie Ann
>Game of Sizes I and II
>Love Drugs
>Evil and in Love
>The Scientist's Serum
>Dream Machine
>Big Impression
>War Games I
>War Games II
>Yao Jing
>Utter Smut I and II
>A Couple Buy a City
>City of the Shrunken Morsels
>Dinner Date
>The Terror of the Seas
>Punies Rescue Force
>Between the Roommates (New, unaware MF/f)
>The Terror of the Seas
Dreams really do make the best stories.
Unfortunately The Scientist's Serum is no longer available, arealgiantess deactivated her account.
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That is unfortunate. I have some DA stories backed up locally but not theirs.
Mhmm a demon queen using a portal condom connected to the hero's hometown/the continent the hero is trying to save would be absolutely devilish.
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maledom giant couple
femdom giant couple?
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both are good
femdom scenarios I like
>demon queen and young hero
>giantess grows someone she finds handsome to be her living dildo and tool of destruction
>revenge on an ex (male)
>guy can only grow/stay giant by eating the giantess's pussy, drinking her milk and/or making her orgasm in general
>oneechan and little bro
maledom scenarios I like
>guy grows with military science to stop a rampaging giantess, gives her extremely rough sex/rape as a punishment
>really any kind of scenario where a guy grows to be equal or more with giant woman that exist in the setting
>revenge on an ex (female)
>fantasy scenario where the gods are giants and the couple are married gods with the wife being submissive
>woman can only grow/stay giant by drinking the giant's cum and/or making him orgasm in general
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When is Aphrodite going to release more content? Her GC stories are literally the best I've ever read...
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>rampaging giant boy
>military gets into position to stop him
>just as he's about to squash them without a second thought, notices with his powers a really cute girl in the army with big boobs
>grows her gigantic, but still a head shorter than him, and pushes her down onto the city to have fun with her
>girl feels extremely powerless underneath this horny giant
>but also feels even more powerless when she notices the little explosions over both him and her, and realizes just how worthless her and her compatriots would have been at normal size
Maledom is fun
Yeah this is good, especially if he can make her squirt or something else specific on her former platoon or company.
My own modifications would be to make it a historical fantasy scenario with a female empress and Amazonian military. The empress is up leading her troops personally when she gets grown and fucked.
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>drinking her milk
One of my favorites of all time. I just love that shit.
>revenge on an ex
Revenge plots have always piqued my interest even in non-coom stuff, so I like this one.
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Seems topical
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yes washing tinies down a girl's throat with your cum is very on topic
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I prefare the girl to be the focus, so femdom
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Found this one a guy and two women trapped in a shrink and growth cycle. Slow start but becomes mostly smut by the end.
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Its pretty good.
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That little image set is great.
She's supposed ot be Pekora's mom in "lore", right?
No "lore" about it, she commissioned her IRL mom a Vtuber model for April Fools.
This is extremely hot, where did you get this?
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>a girl who rampages and then uses her dirty feet for a footjob while the news plays footage of it
do you miss the big artist name and logo Anon?
I don't think the black-haired granblue midget actually got any dicking
sauce sauce sauce sauce
draws a lot of hard vore and sometimes throws in a pregnant/couple angle
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not enough giant potato girls
shes so hot, want to suck on her giant breasts
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Giant beach seggs >
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Mhmm yes perfect scale for ruining some tinies beach day or making them apart of the fun
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quick green
>you were meant to be the hero of the story
>the heroic knight to finally subdue the dark lady
>not only had she humbled you, now she sought to humiliate you
>the capital city was a proud place, a bustling hub filled with tens of thousands of people, with grand fortresses overlooking a suburban sprawl barely contained by mighty walls
>it was until she made it your bed
>the people barely had time to register the shadow above them, for one moment it was clear sky, next a mountain of flesh
>stripped naked, you landed on the capital city, flattening hundreds underneath you with a mighty crash that shook the land
>rather than revilement, you only felt revelation, a sick preserve joy at the deaths of so many under your now gargantuan body
>emerging from the portal above was your nemesis, the sight of her thick curves laid bare arousing you to the point of madness
>"Fufu~ so many dead already," she stepped forward, her feet eradicating entire neighbourhoods beneath her earth shattering tread
>"And yet we've only just started~"
>she squared herself, lowered, guided her pussy onto your dick
>gasping in pleasure, she ground herself against you
>out of instinct, you reached out for leverage, grasping onto her thickness
>the earthquakes wrought with your combined might shattered the capital
>screams died in throats as buildings collapsed in on themselves, unable to withstand the tremors your sex was creating
>between her hectic panting, she couldnt help but laugh
>cum flooded out from her pussy, a wave of sticky fluids coursing through the ravaged streets
>she leveraged herself and made you aim your erect cock at the final fortress
>stroking away, a stream of cum blasted against the fort, the impact of your seed shattering and then submerging it
>in a short span, you and the dark lady had eradicated the capital from the face of the earth
>she now keeps you as her loyal pet, a bound pleasure thrall and a ready reminder for the fate met onto those who sought her end
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How to rizz the cute girl into jerking you off with the local infastructure?
put a hundred into wagie's tip jar
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Can't go wrong with a beach episode.
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I would make them leave
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I realy like this one
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who's more embarrassed, the girl getting used like that public or the tiny guys wishing they were the giant?
Tiny guys.
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>Be normal human
>You weren’t born with the 1 in a billion gene that makes males compatible with the same growth procedure that they used to create the ship girls
>Everyday at work you are constantly assaulted by the sights, rumbles, and moans of your boss plowing the hot as fuck warships all day and night seething that will never ever be you
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>I'm sorry, 〇〇-kun.I can't be satisfied unless I'm with this person.
>Then, as if to show off to her stunned 〇〇, she begins the act while grinding down the city...
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Want to write FE:A Robin x Cordelia couple growth, blanking on content, any thoughts?
Scenarios where a queen or other female grows to easily destroy an enemy army and/or fortress are always hot. Why not have them grow with magic to do that and involve the enemies soldiers and their castle in the lovemaking? Shoving them in places, feeding each other, using a castle's turret as a sex toy, etc.
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I fucking love giantesses getting their pussy rubbed above a city. I need to die in that inevitable waterfall. If anyone has more giga-scale art like this (it can be a guy rubbing her too) please post it.
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Huh pretty good op
Found some straightforward smut about space explorers using a planet of micro people for their pleasure
I wish Deepl and all the other translators weren't complete shit at translating stories
If you found something good on pixiv or whatever then post it and maybe a lurking TLfag will be interested
>Be sultan
>Feel assassin smacking against your dick with each thrust
Wat do
I don't think I would feel what's in her stomach
Expand on this a little. How is she big? How is the dude big? What's the backstory?
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Never forget
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There isn't one. iori is just following the trends making NTR to appeal to the herbivores.
Well, that seems dull. No wonder you said "herbivores".
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>lovers quarrel between a giant couple
>they end up destroying part of the city during their spat
>the other half gets used as their bed during the makeup sex
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>they laugh about all the news coverage of both parts at home later and it becomes a cute story for them
Wonder if anyone stuck to their bodies gets shrunk when they're back to normal
Most probably don't survive past the first shower they take after coming back. But maybe they'll survive in bedding and the carpet and have to repeat the experience of getting fucked on whenever the couple decides to stay in.
This is why unironically the safest place to be is in the guy's asscrack. Don't have to worry about being fucked.
It's all fun and games until the lady grows a futa dick
What makes this fetish hot as a tiny is the ability to live off your owner couple's cum. Can't do that as a same size sub to a couple, eventually you have to eat more then just cum.
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If it's like that I'd force you to eat a balanced diet lol
>Match with 7/10 Filipina Bitch on Portalfux
>4'10 thick, small tits but nice ass
>Kinky whore wants to sizefuck, a lot
>Pop a cumalot pill, gonna fuck all day
>Let her pick the location and size, IDGAF
>She picks a Chinese military base
>Little soldiers are maybe a millimeter tall and there must be a million of them.
>She wants to punish them with our bodies
>She breaks out some sort of contraption to gather them up with crushing them
>She opens a condom and drops thousands of mites inside before rolling it over my cock
>We get to fucking
>Between tingle of thousands of little faggots squirming on my dick and her tight, wet pussy, cum in record time, bit embarrassed actually.
>We fuck about 6 more times, every time I finish she ties the condom off and lines it up and then coats my dick in tinies.
>Timer goes off, she has to go, forgot about appointment.
>She takes the time to watch my foreskin slowly role over the soldiers on my cock before she goes.
>Still horny as fuck, cumalot pill doing it's magic
>Hop back on Portalfux, can't find matches
>Getting desperate, balls are painfully swollen
>Match with 5/10 African bitch
>5'10, Nice tits, giant ass, but just a bit chubby for my tastes. Obviously doesn't shave
>Just wants to meet at her place
>Portal hop direct, place is a shithole, a literal third world shack made of sheet metal.
>It must be 200 degrees inside, I can literally drink the humidity, place smells like a sewer
>Want to nope out, but my balls say otherwise
>"Did you bring a condom?"
>"No matter, fuck me in the ass"
>She spreads her big meaty cheeks and I can see her hairy, dirty asshole, it's calling me
>Enter her like a runaway train and start pounding away
>no need for lube, our sweat, her shit and a hundred thousand screaming Chinese Infantry provide plenty of lubricant.
>Slam fuck this bitch's tight asshole for what feels like an eternity (1/2)
Where's part 2?
>Tingle tells me some of the little mites found their way down my piss slit
>Her moans tell me she is close
>Keep pounding away, the rhythmic sound of my sweaty balls slapping against her cheeks.
>Suddenly her tight asshole clenches tighter
>My balls spasm as I blast them into her butthole
>Longest, most powerful orgasm of my life
>Painful even, but in a good way
>I collapse onto her back
>My cock is still firmly in her ass, continuously pumping out loads, my balls twitch with vigor
>After a few minutes I pull out
>She is half spread, her cream pie'd sphincter drips a milky little pool onto the dirt floor
>I make sure to grab a quick picture of my work
>A few little specks seem to move around in it
>No fucking way!
>I check the Portalfux app, it has a feature that lets you check the people you jump with
>I jumped in with almost 200,000
>It still says nearly 50,000 are still alive inside this African woman's cum filled anus
>She stands up, her ass cheeks sealing them in
>She stretches, I definitely underestimated her 8/10
>"I have to shit, you should go"
>Post nut clarity is a motherfucker
>I just sentenced 50,000 Chinese soldiers to be buried alive in my cum and her waste in some filthy communal outhouse in the sweltering African heat, they might live for days at that size
>Sucks to be them, hahaha
>A few days after I jumped home, I notice something strange, the Portalfux app says I have a few stragglers somehow
>5,934 to be exact, I start checking myself
>I can tell my the hundreds of miniscule bumps that many are trapped under my foreskin
>The head of my cock has a sticky glaze, I can see hundreds of Chinese losers are glued to it
>I lift up my sack and hundreds more are plastered to it, flattened out like pancakes
>Quite the predicament
>I take a quick dick pick and make a Portalfux post to ask for advice
>Chinese are seething, want revenge
>10/10 Indian chick offers to help me dispose of these dorks in ever hole on her body
>I love Portalfux
Sorry, I should have prewritten before posting, it's up now
Good premise, but...
>Tingle tells me some of the little mites found their way down my piss slit
This line immediately killed my boner. I would never want shit crawling up my piss slit. Also, can you explain what Portalfux is for those of us in the back?
hot, fuck a navy sometime with some big booty chick
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Does the Portalfux app tell you where the micros are? Would be awkward to find out you still have one living person somewhere on your body that you can't find.
the tiny food groups
1) male cum
2) female cum
3) toe jam
4) seeds or undigested bits I can scavenge out of your asshole
>This line immediately killed my boner. I would never want shit crawling up my piss slit.

I try to insert a good variety of fetish check boxes, it sounds like this one isn't really your thing. Personally I find the idea of tinies being swallowed up by a dick like a hungry snake amusing, and I like tinies getting annihilated by cumshot.

If it makes you feel better, It's improbable what the protagonist felt was some very unfortunate micros. His cock would have been continuously leaking pre, no micro could possibly swim against the current, and if forced in they would be quickly flushed out.

Also, can you explain what Portalfux is for those of us in the back?

It was a poorly thought out plot device, but here's some fluff.

Teleportation technology was originally invented on Earth prime (Not our Earth) as means of transport, relying on principles so simple existing cell phones only need to download an app to use it. It was soon discovered that the same tech could be used to access an infinite number of alternate dimensions. Additionally it was discovered that by manipulating the frequencies of the device, one could alter their size in the target dimension. This does not work in reverse, you cannot go on a giant rampage on Earth Prime, nor can you return home as a micro. YOU will always return as original size, this does not apply to anyone that comes back with you. It also will not bring back non-biological materials, so no raiding Fort Knox to make yourself rich.

There are many different uses of this technology, Portalfux is one of them. A "dating" app that takes advantage of this tech to allow people to teleport to each other to fuck. It has some other functions and a social media element.

Most users use this as a conventional dating app, however the size changing aspect has led to proliferation of size fetishes among the general public, being far more common among men and women than in our reality.
>Does the Portalfux app tell you where the micros are?

There is a dedicated device that when paired with the app can help you get a good idea of where a micro is. The Translocator can locate a micro to within a 1ft radius. It can also monitor their brain waves to tell you their emotional state (scared, aroused, disgusted, submissive, etc) it even has the capability to tap into social media of other dimensions, allowing users to communicate and post content.

Unfortunately the app itself can only tell you the number of living human beings "hopping" with you to and from a location. Additionally it is a feature hidden in the settings and most users are completely unaware of it. This has led to untold billions of unintentional micro deaths.

This is mostly uncontroversial, there are versions of the basic tech used in Portalfux that harvest micros from the other dimensions. Harvested micros are used for many applications as they are essentially free and 100% environmentally friendly. Micros are used in everything from food & agriculture, sanitation and hygiene to scientific research and even building materials.

>Would be awkward to find out you still have one living person somewhere on your body that you can't find.

Most users wouldn't care or would just find it amusing, perhaps even arousing. Worse, at millimeter size and smaller, they can survive for days completely sealed off from oxygen and have a higher tolerance for pressure than larger micros. This is due to a quirk of physics that I made up just now for my own enjoyment.

Size fetishists have a nickname for tinies under a half inch but larger than a millimeter:

>"Taint Stains"

They tend to die completely unnoticed and in embarrassing ways.

Millimeter and smaller micros also have their own nickname:

>"Crotch Sand"

This is due to their size, tendency to get into ever crack, fold and crevice, stick to sweat and the fact that even days later you still find them.
I guess at their size it's unlikely the Chinese could've wandered far off, so you're probably not gonna find one in your buttcrack or something. Wonder what the tinies typically try to do, maybe they just wait for you to use the app again in the hope of returning to a world more their size?
>Horny, hope on Portalfux
>Match with 6/10 Puerto Rican chick
>5'8, decent tits and perfect dick sucking lips
>a little muscular for my tastes, hairy armpits
>Piercings tats and gauges, definitely bi
>Perfect ass though, God I love Latinas
>Turns out she's some sort of college activist
>Wants to make a film fucking the Navy
>I just want to drain my balls
>"Are you down for a threesome?"
>Pop a Cumalot SR pill, got to impress the ladies
>Hop in to what looks like an enclosed harbour
>Locals are gonna be millimeter size again
>There's three chicks there!
>4/10 femcel looking brunette with serial killer glasses, cigarette hanging from her lip
>4 eyes has got the camera going
>5/10 girl with blue hair and a nose ring
>Nice body but she has a mullet
>Blue is currently using some sort of amphibious assault ship like a double headed dildo
>She's fucking herself and my match
>The Puerto Rican is moaning, and her open mouth I can see thousands of little marines & sailors stuck to her wide wet tongue
>Her moans must be defining to them, but they sound like lovely music to me.
>Instantly hard, she beacons me over
>She starts kissing my cock and my uncomfortably swollen ball sack
>I didn't notice the mites stuck in her lipstick
>She drags her wide tongue across the underside of my balls all the way to the tip of my penis
>She teases the head with the tip of her tongue
>It's a miracle I didn't shoot my load right then
>She takes me into her hot wet mouth
>All the way to the back of her throat
>Then she starts moving her head
>The little dweebs on her tongue feel like thousands of tongue piercings
>Delightful little bumps that heighten the pleasure of an already stellar blowjob
>Blue stars whispering in my ear with a raspy smokers voice and working my balls in her hand
>"Blast those fucks right down Maria's throat"
>"Can't you tell how hungry she is? She's starving for some seamen"
>"Cum for her, feed her some losers"
>Maria takes me all the way in looking up at me with mischievous brown eyes
>She moans with my cock in her mouth
>The vibration is the final straw, I moan in an involuntary and almost embarrassing manner
>I shoot my first load directly down her throat, something more than a few of those poor fucks directly into her stomach
>She lets two more spasms rocket down her throat before backing up
>She starts working my shaft with her hands as Blue gently squeezes my balls, they are milking me for every bounce of hot batter I can give
>She sucks on me like a straw, trying not to waste a drop
>It's the best blowjob of my life
>Eight spasms later and I'm spent
>Maria shows her cum filled mouth off to me, Blue and the Camera
>Thousands of micros are in a hot pool of my spunk
>She holds on the camera, letting her friend zoom in to catch the looks on their faces
>Blue sticks her own tongue out and flips them off with both fingers
>"HaHa you militarist loser fucks! Maria is gonna swallow you all alive!"
>Blue gets takes a selfie with her friend for good measure, then blows them all a teasing kiss
>Maria takes another long drag off a joint, exhaling through her nose
>She then swallows them all down with an audible gulp, her throat bulging briefly
>Maria shows me her clean tongue, not a single micro left, every last one of them sent directly to her stomach.
>A quick flash of mischief goes across her face
>She hand goes to her mouth and she lets out to decidedly feminine giggle
>It's almost too perfect
>A vague feeling of suspicion washes over me
>But I'm already horny again
>Cumalot SR: Short Refractory
>The wonders of modern medicine
>Blue took notice, I feel her breasts on my back as she reaches around to my engorged cock
>A destroyer is in her hand, it's 127mm gun fires rapidly until she squeezes the turret between her fingers, I'm surprised it didn't explode.
>She brings the stern towards the head of my cock.
>She brings the vessel down
>My head penetrates it, slamming through multiple bulkheads as she works the vessel down the length of my shaft
>It's warm and tight and feels soft even
>I can feel the ships crew squirm against me
>"How do you like your Navy fleshlight?"
>I let her know it seems a bit delicate
>She gestures with her other hand over part of the fleet, dozens of destroyers are trying to make steam and escape
>"Don't worry big boy, there's more to play with"
>She starts jerking me off with the vessel
>Maria is putting on a show of her own
>She's dropped her juicy ass directly onto some sort of parade ground and is pulling the roofs off of some buildings
>She's using a MicroMite vacuum to collect micros without killing them
>She then digs in a duffel bag and pulls out some lube and a strand of anal beads
>A tiny bit of lube on her fingertip she dips into the mass of captured military personnel
>She leans back spreading her legs, her tight turdcutter proudly displayed
>Gently she rims her fingertip around her butthole, that look of mischief flashes across her face
>She plunges her finger in up to her knuckles and it comes out with a *pop* it's clean
>She gives the anal beads a healthy coat of lube and then dips them into her captured device
>She catches me looking and slowly starts to churn the beads like a horny milkmaid
>Pulling them out they are so thoroughly coated that they don't even look purple anymore
>She raises it up to her ear then looks at them
>"Your screams won't save you pendejos, my Culero is hungry and she likes to eat little bitch boys like you!"
>She works the first bead into her ass, her tight ring cleans those on the side off, gathering them around it's hungry maw like sarlac pit
>The next bead drags them in and the process repeats until all 8 beads are inside her.
>Her Culero was indeed hungry lol
>A hundred mites fall off into her crack, they are quickly mired in slimy, sticky mix of ass sweat, grime and shit particulates
>The camera lady zooms in to them struggle until they are glued in place
>Maria stands up then bends down to dig through the duffel bag
>He fat Puerto Rican ass cheeks almost completely obscure the safety pull for the anal beads.
>An obviously muffled fart manages to squeeze out from between Maria's cheeks
>A foul smell reaches my nose briefly before the wind carries it away
>"Mierda!" she says with surprise
>She pulls an gnarly looking butt plug out
>"Hey Sydney do you want some?"
>Blue looks up briefly from slow jerking me with the Destroyer/flesh light
>She turns her butt towards and wiggles it in a teasing manner
>"Oh yeah babe! Hook me up"
>Maria repeats the process with the butt plug and her pointer finger, then walks over to Blues awaiting ass, handing off the butt plug to Blue
>She fingers Blues ass and pulls it out clean
>Blue teases the little dorks adhered to her butt plug in her wonderfully raspy smokers voice
>"Hey you little shits you bump into some of your comrades down there, I love to eat military guys"
>Blue then nonchalantly works the butt plug into her ass, she flicks a switch, I can hear it vibrate
>Never once has she stopped the slow jerking me with her other hand. It's torment.
>Maria starts twerking for the camera
>Her meaty cheeks slap together with audible claps, pulverizing the micros in her ass crack
>Raising her arms above her head I can see hundreds of micros entangled in the hair of her sweaty armpits
>What a dirty, kinky bitch
>My cock pulses as I begin to fill my fuck toy with cum, the ship lets out a death groan
>Blue pulls the destroyer off my cock, then she uses a ring welder to seal the entry hole
>She sets it gently onto the ground to bake in the hot sun, a perfectly watertight tomb for dead semen.
>Over the course of the next hour, Blue uses me to cream fill nearly a dozen more destroyers
>I'm finally spent, pills can only take me so far
>The girls aren't done though
>Maria sits down next to her capture device, her massive ass impacting the ground like a pair of 2000lb bombs
>She lights up another joint, taking a drag before letting it limp from the corner of her mouth
>Her pussy was red, swollen and visibly wet
>Gazing down into the device she sneaks
>"You Puta's are going in my crica, I hope you're thirsty because there's gonna be a lot of juice"
>She spread herself, the hot wet maw of a man eating beast eager to receive its meal
>She fed it micros, thousands of them.
>I watched them disappear, surprised at its hunger as it kept gulping them down.
>She released her lips and they slowly closed up on them, once again forming a perfect seal.
>Maria took another drag on the joint
>"Hey Liz you want in on this?"
>The camera lady looked shocked
>Maria leered back, clearly enjoying toying with the socially inept girl
>"Yeah honey, it don't matter if your pussy stink, tiny little fucks like this can't say no.
>Blue put a hand on her shoulder
>"Give it a try gurl, it's fun and it feels great! Have the dude hold the camera, he's spent anyway"
>The camera girl handed the camera off to me and unzipped her jeans
>Blue grabbed the capture device with one hand and pulled back the band of femcels dingy white cotton panties with the other
>An intense smell of pussy filled the air and Blue burst into an immense grin
>"Damn girl that is one baked clam, you show this week?"
>N..n no"
>Maria & Blue stared laughing
>"Yaas! Sucks to be them, hope you tiny fucks like dirty pussy!"
>She proceeded to pour thousands of micros directly down the dirty, stained panties towards the cleft of the camera girls pussy
>Hundreds stuck fast to various sticky spots, some found their way under the gusset of the panties, the majority tumbled towards certain doom
>Blue chuckled
>"Almost forgot, little shits might help soak up your swamp ass"
>Blue turned the camera girl around
>She poured the rest of the mites down the back of her panties before pulling them up in a wedgie
>The camera girl turned a bright red
>Blue leaned in
>"How do they feel? Do you like it?"
>The camera girl nodded excitedly
>"More please"
>Blue handed the device to the camera girl so she could gather more victims
>I heard a loud click and a buzzing sound
>Maria was teasing her clit with a Deluxo Magic Viber. She gasped as her pussy quaked
>She bore down on it and it quivered, drooling rivlets of her essence down her inner thigh
>I heard a moan and found Blue laying on the flight deck of a surfboard sized Aircraft carrier
>She was rapidly fingering herself as she plunged a big black submarine in and out of her pussy.
>The camera girl writhed on the ground, desperately rubbing herself though her panties
>Maria came with a scream
>I watched her pussy clench as a powerful burst of squirt shot out and swamped a Cruiser
>Blue thrust the entire submarine into her depths, straddled the carrier and began to aggressively grind herself against it
>She came with a loud moan, her powerful thick thighs clenched the Carrier, breaking it in two
>It was all to much, I fell onto my ass
>my cock sprung back to life
>The camera girl was on me in a flash
>She slipped her right foot out its battered Converse and then pushed me onto my back with her sock covered foot
>I watched as she sank her foot down into the capture device, then brought it around over my face
>The yellowed sock had a strong smell, pressed into the darked damp fabric were thousands of squirming mites
>She brought her foot to my cock and began rubbing it up and down
>Blue pulled the crumped remains of the submarine out her pussy and tossed it aside like a used condom, it hit the ground with a wet thwap, it lay completely flat
>Camera girl increased her speed
>I was so close
>Maria came over and deftly removed the camera girls sock, inverting it to envelope my cock
>Camera girl quickly seized it and began rigorously jerking me off
>I was virtually paralyzed, Blue was smiling down on me and Maria hovered over, recording the whole thing with the camera
>My cock spasmed and began violently shooting little painful spurts of cum, my balls ached
>Raw and abused, my dick finally finished with a final spurt, glazing the inside of the sock
>The camera girl admired her handy work, adding a few hundred more micros to the mess before balling it up and stuffing it into her other sock
>I was ready to go home
>Blue squared down over the last bit of resistance left at base, a company of Marines
>The dirty bitch drowned them in her piss
>My footjob queen, the femcel camera girl was busy sucking up every last survivor from the base with the captured device
>Maria came over and had me sign some sort of waiver, she said her art teacher would need it.
>I watched the girls get dressed and we said our goodbyes
>The femcel, Liz I think her name was, eagerly cradled the packed capture device in her arms
>I doubt frighted marines and sailors crammed inside would even last her a week.
>As soon as I got home I collapse in my bed, I slept for 12 hours and called in sick the next day.
>I briefly contemplated uninstalling the Portalfux app, before deciding against it
>A month later I was enjoying a cozy night in and decided to visit GoonHub
>At the top of the page, the most vid popular that month was called "Micro Navy Cumfest"
>$19.95, Top seller
>Those cunts had used me
>My O face was in the thumbnail
>I looked like a retard
>Seeing no other alternative, I paid $19.95 and started my goon sesh
>Totally worth it
giant couples are so fucking good, though that may just be me wanting to be dommed by a duo
tfw will never be blasted down some sluts throat by this guy. mega hot green text
>ywn suffocate on a latino chick's rancid gas after being covered in a man's ballsweat
this is perfect dude, love seeing those speck sized chinese getting played with like that
Are there any good giant couple stories on writing.com that focus on shrink scenarios?
Damn that's fucking hot. Giant couple vore is the best. You're an excellent writer.
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I posted a giant couple evangelion story with Asuka and someone else crushing some tiny clones of Shinji
You can't realy find good stories on writing due to the multiple author thing. You can have good chapters, but they take time to find, especislly in longer interactives
>tfw will never be blasted down some sluts throat by this guy.

You never know, Portalfux could be coming to a dimension near you. I do love watching dumb sluts swallow hot loads and terrified micros.

>mega hot green text

Thank you

>>ywn suffocate on a latino chick's rancid gas after being covered in a man's ballsweat

Really makes you wonder what happened to all those thousands of micros that ended up in Maria's ass...I sure they're fine.

>this is perfect dude, love seeing those speck sized chinese getting played with like that

I love fuck sessions with micros, If your orgasm doesn't result in at least triple digit fatalities, can you really call it an orgasm *check definition* ok so yes, yes you can. But still it's a lot more fun if mass death and humiliation is involved.

>Damn that's fucking hot. Giant couple vore is the best. You're an excellent writer.

Thank you, I'm a lazy hack-fraud though. Greentext is conducive to writing flow and I'm trying to get back into writing macro/micro smut. /d/'s got a lot of good discussions and comments that stir the imagination so in a way I'm just giving back what I'm getting out.
>Really makes you wonder what happened to all those thousands of micros that ended up in Maria's ass...I sure they're fine.
Makes me wonder how you can condemn tinies to such a fate, there's probably a loose straggler inside your asscrack right now from a sweaty sex session, you ever think about that?
Which is why Portalfux should introduce a purge button.
Have you ever fucked a mother/milf though?
you are a damn good writer. Hope to see more of you.
huh, didn't think futa was wanted here
newest scrag animation is pretty good for this
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? His most recent twitter vids are widowmaker shaking her ass and a non-size tit job piece.
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Giant diapered couple when?
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A dumb idea just occurred to me for some planetary scale sex: an onahole with a blackhole at the far end of it. That way the girl can give you an onahole handjob with maximum suction. On the up stroke it pulls in local planets and stars to get crushed by cock on the down stroke.
Posted this in another thread but figured I'd get an idea of what you guys think of this set up.

>get dragged out to bar with outgoing friends.
>Two of the peppiest ones are in a relationship, always thought the girl was hot.
>dare them to a game of some kind wager my height if the bf wins but he loses his if he loses.
>offer up an extra 100 ask what he can wager to match he offers his gfs height too; she seems a bit upset that he would do that as she does not want to be handled by some geek.
>”don’t worry babe I’m going to destroy this nerd, he never goes to parties and I’m the billiards/foosball etc. champ, then I’ll use the 100 for a date”
>hilarity ensues as I beat him by a huge margin. I watch with a smirk at his disbelief.
>him and his girl dwindle in to a pile of cloths
>they are both pissed “oops did I not specify that your cloths wouldent shrink with you, let me have a closer look”
>before she can tell him off I lift her off the ground in to my palm, her bf protests but there is not really much he can do ”you can go play somewhere else don’t mind if I borrow her for a bit”
>I think I might keep her for a bit.
suddenly the night got more interesting than I thought.
A bully getting his comeuppance is always good, but if both of them shrink where's the extra giant lady (or guy I guess) to make it a couple scenario gonna come from?
>stick your dick in too far
>it gets ripped off
It's size porn, the giants don't take realistic damage from anything whether it's the military or a star.
If you can pull out then it's not a black hole
The dick spaghettication is worth it okay?
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Giant people are just stronger than light
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The Earth getting torn apart by a cum shot is so damn good no matter the context
i often wonder if i could impress my gf by cumshotting a black hole out of existence
Well there are two options either i try hit on a girl in the bar or i start to slowly grow his gf back in exchange for....favours
If you had a light-year long cock wouldn't your orgasms travel faster than the speed of light? As a weird side-effect of being a galactic super being.
find a nerdy femcel that's as desperate as the nerd and that dreamed of having chad inside her and share
well idk if i can describe myself as a superbeing but given how much trouble id cause for everyone I would for sure at least pay everyone back with some contribution to science. I love the idea of my cum breaking the laws of physics
That would be fun. especially after i torture them a bit promising that after she uses my dick as a stripper pole id grow her bf back....only for her to get swallowed in some other girls pussy haha
>A bully getting his comeuppance is always good

I prefer the opposite, the unfair scenario where the victim shrinks and the bully torments them. The bully either ends up keeping them as a slave or eventually snuffing them out in a cruel & humiliating way. The bully either gets away with it, gets a very light punishment or is even rewarded.
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I'd describe anything that indefinitely exists at giga or bigger scale is some kind of super organism that doesn't need need normal respiration or metabolism. Maybe that's why they fuck so much. Nothing else really matter or feels good when you're a walking continent.
that works better for just giant scenarios for me, not sure why maybe because i personally love to torment tiihii
I would for sure change sizes a lot personal. I mean being giga is always great for a statement but being small enough to handle individual humans is always fun
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Same. Size is at its best when subverting expectations. Underdog somehow winning is the norm, so subversion is the clear superiors winning with no twist (or maybe a double twist, since we're twisitng the original twist to backfire)
The latter seems a bit more creative, at the risk of the usual outrage against NTR.
The giants are always the good girl and guys, the protagonists
While that's true to an extent, there comes a point where so many people are subverting the norm that the subversion itself becomes overdone, and I think that has happened here because I definitely see the bully winning more often. People need to change it up or they risk their subversion becoming a cliche.
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i mean thats the fun part of being giant is messing with people and being cruel.

But i can understand why some people have a "cruelty limit". Personally i don't really care i mean if i am going to get the power to shrink others it would be unrealistic for me to not play with tiny couples. Not behaving how i want is just irresponsible for them XD

Plus maybe I'd grow him back once i finish with his girl
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So might (size) makes right then?
You should write a follow-up greentext based on the way the discussion developed NOW.

I suppose so, but I meant less genersl cruelty screaming and more NTR-specific screaming. Both apply here, though.
got anything that focuses more on each other growing rather than on focusing on the tinies?
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I'd appreciate some of this too. Couples growing together sounds romantic.
Size OCs should definitely get fucked by kaiju
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Another hot yuri composition with these two. It's got that pussy juice flooding I love. Sucking on the O'Neil cylinder is good too. Would also like to see it used like a dildo.
And is that the Pillar of Autumn in her tits?
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If you don't mind a decently long story, you might enjoy 'The Goddess' Retreat' on the Shrunken Woman Board website.

>Giant Hera-like Goddess goes back to her favorite world of her linking after making enraging her cheating husband.
>Meets a young, mortal boy there and decides to raise him as her passtime.
>Slowly and without her notice, she starts falling in love with him, something completely taboo for gods.
And, at the risk of spoiling the story
>Eventually through an ocurrence their positions of power and height eventually reverse.

It's a really good, but long read.
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Whether the tiny is on the side like this I get nervous since it seems like tight ass or pussy would decapitate them.
>MMF throuple
>Bubbly girl who's a freak in the sheets into fucking or getting fucked hard, pushes everyone else to their limits
>Handsome bishie top with a cool-guy persona who seems like he doesn't have anything to offer outside his big dick but he actually cares a lot about satisfyin his partner(s)
>Nervous wreck soft-boy switch who blushes at being touched and can't keep it together and is whimpering the whole time - unbeatable stamina though
>All take turns using a shrink way on each other to alternate who's tiny and fucking
>It ends up going haywire and growing them all to be gigantic and they fuck over the city
i wanna make humanity go extinct with my catgirl gf.....
How'd the girl handle two big dicks at once?
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Sakugami's OCs are cute. I wish he'd make a doujin with them or something with em.
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I wish he drew anything besides giants just standing around
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I think implied train handjob is the lewdest he's gotten
I honestly thought that was a cellphone
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