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I refuse to watch K-On past S1E7. I hate when new main characters are added.
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>reddit spacing
i liked the azusa from baku-on
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I hope she's happy doing whatever she's up to

This is the hidden gem of the season.
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very lewd behavior, showing off her panties.
I'll have to check it out
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Is there any truth in this reply? >>267239688
I'm wondering since we haven't had any panservice for this anime yet
>showing off her panties
There's no panchira.
Which exact frame can you see her pantsu? Screenshot it and let everyone see her panty.
It was just a joke post about how she kicking her legs up and how it could show her undergarments.

This thread is dedicated to the waifus that were taken away from us.
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Cute friends.

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yet another maruko thread

>no Super 0-kun mention
>Coji-Coji has a dub
>Her pet turtle was moved to a zoo after her passing
>Kami no Chikara is a thing
>Artist for a Japanese Xbox 360 game
>Writer of nearly all lyrics for the Maruko show
>Had a fucking ham radio license
>The real life Sakiko teamed up with Momoko for a GBA game
>Momoko Sakura's town got flooded
>Decorative manhole covers
>Maruko meets Momoko at one point
>There's entire books that haven't been scanned
>Momoko Sakura's last activity was on July talking about the world cup

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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So, so much cunny... Thank you!
Is that a cute blonde little girl? Very nice
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So it appears my attempts at nudging /a/ to look into Sakura's other work has had mixed results...
I wish the rest of you the best of luck but this is making me feel like the principal from Beavis and Butthead lol. Just know like that one anon said this is going to cause burnout for this board very quickly...
I *will* leave this thread with these tho.
If you look psst the rather empty Wikipedia article in English, you'll find a utter monster bibilography full of experimemtation. Momoko Sakura was actually a little involved with gaming (the GBA game was just one piece of the puzzle).
As a part of her one-man-band status of dabbling in a little bit of everything, she also did artwork for one of the first games for the Xbox 360.
This game is known as Every Party, and anyone who's looked into the 360 might have come across this game at one point. It's a very interesting bit in her line of work.
Also, she had a blog where she talked about a wide variety of things. Her last entry was in July 2018, where she was talking about the World Cup that year. Right before she passed away, she was still doing work by writing lyrics for what would eventually be the current ED (you can argue this was a swan song) and for doing illustrations for Nivea.
She had a bunch of stuff left over for what would be the 17th volume of the manga. Even still, she was involved with a music project with another musician. I can't actually find much information because my Google-fu has failed me, but it appears she worked directly as lyricist.
She lived and breathed writing. When you look into her Japanese Wikipedia page, you'll see a total beast who was not afraid to experiment. I find that damn cool.
It's kind of sad that her Wikipedia page doesn't do it justice, she's a absolute beast. We were taken of her too soon.
That's all I can say at the moment. I'll say some stuff here and there but wow these threads can get tiring at times...

Each week I will be posting the corresponding chapters for the episode.

Chapter 47: Griffin
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You just know.
The classic.
So that's why Kui never gave us female Kobolds
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Now I'm hungry.

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>Villain is bad because... HE JUST IS OK!!??
He has to be one of the most disappointing villains in shounen.
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He's not a bad character
Well for one thing, he isn't a perfect immortal and needs to do chinese chemistry to perfect his body.
But he's also a lazy asshole so made an entire organization of vampires to brute force the method for him, but in the mean time he doesn't want to be at work all the time so he can relax.
I love trivia but this faggot and the gun ho 9 were the worst part of it hands down. At least the guy from demon slayer is more relatable in that he just wants to live longer where as that guy is just a edgy faggot
>but in the mean time he doesn't want to be at work all the time so he can relax.
Why is it relaxing to play house with humans? The implication seems to be that deep down he wants a family, but this goes nowhere, the only thing we got from him is
>Aiieeee tanjiro I kneel to your collectivism, individual power is truly nothing compared to the inherited will of kamikaze seppuku please inherit my demon shit too
*tri gun

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This list should be required reading before posting on /a/.
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>133 posts
>no mention of Strike Witches
Be ashamed of who you are, /a/.
>Blade Braver
we got that recently.
rabu is alive and well
Shigurui is so good, i'm confused that it's not popular outside japan. Maybe it's too serious?
Gantz where? Lotsa good stuff tho

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Quick, we must defeat this dangerous Hollow.
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How many children with the Bambies?
zombies cant have children

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>no s2 air date announced
>no translations in a month
>/a/ hates Teru now
face it
it's over
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she also has a nice butt
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The legendary smile that captivated millions
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Perish the thought
Yeah, I'm thinking that they will perish
She happens to do that always and only when Hinagiku is around
Getting your pelvis crushed by Dokudami

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Chapter 42: Before Supper
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>Ever read Sachiroku?
Still extremely funny he named one of the main characters Ran
I'm glad there's an anon that makes chapter threads for it occasionally
mans dedicated. and his manga is hilarious so good for him
The end is nigh.

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What went wrong?
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I also really disliked Fatso story, I thought the manga was about destroying "pure love events" like falling in love with your neighbor or because someone was nice to you once and borrowed your notes.

>I like her because she needs help
>I like her because she smiled at me once when we were kids
>I like her because we are childhood friends
Fuck off with that crap

Either axe fault or Hacka. Probably both
I'm just glad Oshi no Ko will be helicopter-free during its final arc.
imagine if oda ended one piece properly after water 7, and then made another banger, soulful series. that would have been awesome.
>most of Kaguya's demographic was women
just because women loved it doesn't mean that it was aimed at them, it ran in Young Jump, which is a seinen magazine
Oshit no ko and this manga also run in that magazine
>Too gimmick, also a female protagonist is also a hard sell with the audience this series was being promoted for, most of Kaguya's demographic was women.

>play games against God.
>all God does is cheat.
>gets mad when you call them out for cheating.
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So... is it better or worse than Liar Liar?
alot worse.
I was expecting the response to just be she used her God Magic, making it a match to see if Fay can think outside the box
it's on the same level, Liar Liar has better girls tho
how is that even possible?
t. somehow watched liar liar but dropped this after episode 1 sensing it would be a similar blunder
this was the first episode that actually had me curious and thinking about how the game could be solved while watching. episode 10 is a little late to hit your stride though

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Held a feast for myself
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Pay rent
Today I put TWO hot dogs on my microwave mac and cheese bowl.
why is ume such a pig
Dining like a king.
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Being the best at Animal Crossing is not easy.

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this thread being on page 10 with no replies of proof /a/ has degraded
Full ED 1 > TV ED 2 > TV ED 1 > Full ED 2
ed 1 is whack

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