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Dotto! Koni-chan and Let's Dance With Papa are probably best remembered in Latin America, and nowhere else.
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Probably this.
It's a dutch-japanese anime made by the moomin guys.
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Doraemon / Detective Conan were the first manga & anime to be allowed into Vietnam for a long time, literally everyone under the age of 35 read / watched them
no idea how popular they are elsewhere though to be fair
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UFO Robo Grendizer failed in Japan but became a cultural phenomenon in France/Canada and to lesser extent in Georgia, Russia and Turkey.
So much so that recent licenced videogame was made by French studio first, and exported to Japan only a year later.
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Fisherman Sampei was a cult classic in Italy. I doubt even Japanese people would recognize this
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It was also big in the Middle East. That's why there's a life-size metal Grendizer statue in Saudi Arabia.

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New key visual, PV 2, OP/ED titles, start date.


OP theme: "Ano Hikari" by Nogizaka46
ED theme: "YES to NO no Aida ni" by 22/7

July 13
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All these people saying how sad it'll be... Guess this'll be another Plastic Memories huh...
This had a good ending in the visual novel. Atri ending is technically worse than Plamemo anime ending.
People remember that?!
>Atri ending is technically worse than Plamemo anime ending
>worse than literal tearjerker ending
Fucking hell...
This'll be 2 cours?

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Uhh... Lolicon Godbros?!
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Symptoms of the ahegao curse...
Thanks op
Bros he still has his feet. I don't feel good about this.

Chapter 177 tl is out, new girlfriend time !
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>We're about to pass the 30 GF landmark.
Current milestone gfs:
5 - Kusuri
10 - Mimimi
15 - Momiji
20 - Mai
25 - Tama
30 better be great
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Imagine not appreciating Momiji chad. She is easily the girlfriend I like the most
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Hahari would kidnap him

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>why do you like him
>because he's nice to me
Majima's properties

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Guys, let's talk about this show.

I like this show but the weird "yuri NTR subtext" storyline stuff are the weakest parts of it to me.

Also, in my opinion, in the latest episode, Kano was being unreasonable to be quite honest.

What will happen with Uraume? Sequel bait?
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Yes. Four arms never made sense in fiction. Arms require shoulders and shoulders require around 20 different muscle groups to be as mobile as they are. One could imagine a 4-armed creature to have a duplicate for every one of those muscles, but that's a lot of extra bulk PLUS you would require extra bone surface for the muscles to be as effective. Such a creature would have to have a comparatively enormous torso.
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Kozo… I just wanted to make you stronger… I wanted you to find out what love is
So, since Kenny's technique let's him have access to the memories of his host body, does that mean Yuta has knowledge of all the times Gojo gooned to Utahime's feet?
>midway in the domain clash with Sukuna
>gets a sudden surge of Gojo's memories where Gojo thinks about Utahime's feet
>gets distracted and loses
Sukuna killed him and took his CE, the world won't give him more because the individual they comprise has already the CE he should.

What does the ideal tomboy look like?
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kill me
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To cousins or tomboys?
Only strictly in the first few volumes of Index after that the most tomboyish behavior she engages in is reading manga without paying for it at the convenience store.
In Railgun and other spin-offs she has a bit tomboy stuff but overall compared to other iconic tomboys she's really fucking girly.
Takahashi Note doujin, but whipped out to tomboys here

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G-Witch Novelization volume 4 will go on sale on July 25th. Coolest Char mommy and permet gremlinGOD on the front page!
Did you rike it /a/?
Figure-Rise Nika has been decided to be released in October. Slowly waiting for more details and new character info as usual
Beautiful TenoHira SuleMio figurines are finally out and nips cannot stop playing with them btw
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Does it has original lesbians too?
pretty awesome
5 days more...
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Reminder that Suletta's endgame suit has a fucking broom. Because of course it does. And I'm not gonna lie, I wish they had gone further and given Calibarn a cloak and hat. Fuck it, go hard or go home. I'm calling you out for cowardice on this one, Bandai.

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New short anime content about MyGO members daily lives. Episode 1 is out in Youtube. English, Korean adn Trad. Chinese sub is available
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Despite her antics Anon is quite clever and able to read the room if she wants to, imo she would take a good care of Lanzhu
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>Why is Mutsumi so repulsive? Like some ancient monster dwelling under that skin, those soulless eyes hiding aeons of indifference and contempt. Any second she will sprout tentacles and morph into her true monstorus nature...
>Why is she so bad, my friends? Why one wants to destroy her, cut her to pieces, because she elicits such an emotion of disgust and wrongness?
>Kill Mutsumi, drown Mutsumi, shoot Mutsumi, use pesticides on Mutsumi, nuke Mutsumi, burn Mutsumi...
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An extra obscuring a character.
>You can watch near the end of Mygo 5th live, fans were screaming for Soyo so much
Must be chinks.
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It's too late I'm long hyped into believing Ave Mujica will be a psychological horror anime where Mutsumi and Uika are the real landmines.

on the proposal to be friends
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"But i see you as a man"
So you would be okay to go out with me if I were a girl?
Meh, I got told this by a friend in highschool once when people asked why we wereso close without dating. "Why'd you say it like that?" Was enough to get multiple apologies to this day so I never minded it. It was insulting as an off hand comment. Must be devastating to hear as a rejection.
lmao cuck

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"The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald is getting a manga adaptation in March 2025.

It will be part of KADOKAWA Masterpiece Comics, an initiative to make manga adaptations of classic literature
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I actually loved the book as a teen. Read it before they had a chance to cock it up in English class. Fumed when I realized we'd have to read it for school. Adored the Baz movie. Every single time I end up fuming because I hate Daisy so fucking much and husbando'd Gatsby.
you don't even know what capitalism describes
It's a great message honestly
Money is just a tool, not a goal
Potential to be either total garbage or really good

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Will we be getting a season 2?

That’s when all the best stuff happens.
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>prominently featured
For fan artists. They're in two or three extras and never appear in the main story at all.
Thanks, Anon. I didn't liked these new what ifs that much. The previous ones at least had the characters reasoning of what would have happened, these just go direct to the what if situation without a funny consequence for conclusion.

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Chapter is out.
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Okay, so why exactly is this so insanely popular?
>Medical mysteries title, but the medical mysteries are kind of meh and it's the usual trapping that writing a genius character comes down to being an insanely good guesser to often
>interesting girl vs. rapechad, but one of the worst executions of it with almost nothing happening in that direction. Though I guess it's original that the interesting girl is the opposite of having temper issues this time around
>Some thin background plot that sees conclusion after like 24 episodes or something
Why is it so insanely popular? Is it just because the protagonist is super cute and has funny quirks?
bureaucracy drama
Maybe stop thinking in retarded tropes and you'll see?
It is not popular at all, Frieren mogged with.
Nahh, just spoonfeed me instead, its easier.
So why is it so popular.

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