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What went wrong?
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Looking forward to the eventual OnK chapter bitching about the axe
I physically cringed reading this
>Aka has free time now
IB bros, I can feel our promised remake coming
So the reason of why Aka makes fun of Ruby's love than Is beyong death Is because he believes than true love doesnt exist.
Honestly make sense.
What a sad loser.
It means Hacka will straight OnK back into the rails.
>K*na rejection inminent (Aqua missed the ball and had his black eyes all the time)
>Akane having to admit she is the key to Aqua (not Gorou, not "Gorqua")'s happiness.
>Ruby shining brighter than Ai.

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Did Rudy wait til marriage for at least one of his wives?
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>NTR is good if MC does it
>Here comes the porn-adict
Marriage in non-Millis style is simply people living together.
Don't worry they'll keep it in the family
>calling someone a porn addict in a thread for a show for porn addicts written by a porn addict whose protagonist is a porn addict

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ITT: Breeding Material
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Not-Shimakaze is pure SEXO.
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It still saddens me to this day that I will never get any of them pregnant.
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Hips built specifically for producing future slayers.

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Ashaf is like:
>Guideau, my old eldritch creature with a French name stuck in the body of a pretty human being with extremely poor social skills, no table manners, and a fiery temper, I think you should wear a beret, It's quite stylish
Guideau is like
>Yeah, whatever, you tosser
This is how it happened and why Guideau wears a beret?
Not even Guideau can deny Ashaf's sense of style.

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Will ecchi series ever surpass the peak of Manyuu, or is the age of high quality titty anime a bygone relic never to return?
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>high quality
Honestly, if the animation were even a fraction as good as this then I would see the appeal in the show. As is, it's unfortunately whatever.
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Titty ninja?
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Or Titty samurai?
Queen's Blade was good

When cooking your meat, make sure it's golden brown on the outside and juicy and tender on the inside.
Verily, I do so love brown sluts.
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And give it a good glaze

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Which anime pose screams "SEX" the most?
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Why is Shion like this?
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this is the most retarded pose imaginable and I hate how much porn has this stupid pose

Monday Tawawa Part 485 “Busto!!!”
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It will not stop
Why reveal that Onii-san and Volleybu-chan are cousins if they're never going to do anything with it?
At least we had Ai getting so scared that we had art design change.
>ai garbage
She's really Chifusa
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No, no, it's Ai garbage.

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What anime/manga made you feel like this?
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Most Miyazaki films. I don't like his style of story telling.
>All hunterfags think it's a 10/10
frieren was 8/10 plot, 9/10 characters, and 10/10 visuals though.
this but without frieren
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Dotto! Koni-chan and Let's Dance With Papa are probably best remembered in Latin America, and nowhere else.
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UFO Robo Grendizer failed in Japan but became a cultural phenomenon in France/Canada and to lesser extent in Georgia, Russia and Turkey.
So much so that recent licenced videogame was made by French studio first, and exported to Japan only a year later.
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Fisherman Sampei was a cult classic in Italy. I doubt even Japanese people would recognize this
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It was also big in the Middle East. That's why there's a life-size metal Grendizer statue in Saudi Arabia.
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Urotsukidoji was essentially Streisand-effected to popularity in the UK when it and Violence Jack became targets of right-wing rags like the Daily Mail.
La Blue Girl also became sort of a cult legend because of the infamous fallout; it ended up banned here before release and the distributor got raided by police.

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Bienvenue dans l'ère des pirates du nouveau monde, la population est composée de meurtriers, d'espions, de terroristes, de chasseurs de primes et de détritus de la pègre, tous rassemblés en un seul endroit.
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They haven't sent their best
Anybody know what she said in Chinese
It's been true for a long time.

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>Nina-san, I’m afraid to inform you that your creation, “Japmelter 3000 Megalodon hyper T-Rex Ultrakill…. Has been used in an unexpected manner”
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>no when you say unexpected…
>Yes, Suzaku decided to ride it like a bull.
Run the calculations again, that can't possibly be right
I always hated that one red-haired girl from the other Mecha series with a God Mode Suzaku prototype as the main dude. Having a dead father is no excuse to be a purist brat.

I'm watching Arc v right now and it was revealed that racism in the yu gi oh universe is based on the type of summoning method you use, which is extremely hilarious and kinda makes sense.

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Which one of these countries does the best revenge story against bullies ? For me, it's a no-brainer. Manga is at least a bit gore and has some interesting main characters. Webtoon is just mortal kombat on Snes.
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which of the twenty or so redraws of the flash vs sonic battle is the "canon" one?
you write like a fag
beats being a fag, not that you would know
whichever comes out in a collected volume, the way you should be reading this series anyway

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