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Passed away on May 20, but news is just now getting out. RIP
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What’s this?
Glad she had a long life.
How the fuck does this not have a sticky yet?
>all trash shows
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Sadly, She was the last original cast member of the Lupin the 3rd cast.
Monkey Punch (creator) Died: April 11, 2019
Lupin (Yasuo Yamada), March 19, 1995 (before his passing, He knew Kanichi Kurita was the perfect successor in voicing lupin)
Jigen, (Kiyoshi Kobayashi), Jul 30, 2022 (He voice Jigen one last time in the OVA before he official Retired from voice acting of over 50 years)
Goemon (Chikao Ōtsuka) Jan 15, 2015 (you may know him as Eggman, DOA's Gen Fu, Mercenary Tao And tekken's Jinpachi Mishima)
Fujiko (Masuyama Eiko) May 20th 2024 (Her official Last time voicing the character Mine Fujiko. in the opening as Sawashiro Will take over as the new voice. )


Zenigata (Goro Naya) March 5, 2013 (At Yasuo Yamada's Funeral, he made a Short Eulogy in Zenigata's voice saying “hey, lupin, who the hell am I supposed to chase now?”)
All these voice actors have been with Lupin franchise since part 1. Continuing to voice their characters in the movies, OVA's Even Collabs (such as conon vs lupin the 3rd) Her last role as Fujiko was The women named Mine Fujiko. She would voice the intro, and give the role of fujiko to Miyuki Sawashiro. May all rest in peace drinking in heaven together like the ending theme of Part 5 at 0:46.


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Yup, Togashi just confirmed a sequel to Hunter x Hunter called "Hunter x Hunter FIVE", in it, we will see Killua suffering through more emotional and physical abuse, look forward to it!
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Because Togashi based his appearance off T.M.Revolution.
My money would be on Theta being transformed, not Melody.
You have to lie 3 times to Tse and each time there's a cooldown in between since the nen beast makes you faint, so you have to lie on 3 separate occasions and the nen beast even warns you.
I'm pretty sure someone will get transformed in the end though, I can't see Togashi teasing us and then not going through with it, especially since he loves to draw body horror.
Also I doubt a spider will die through one of the goons, maybe they get injured, but Togashi will probably save the next spider death for either Hisoka or one of the nen beasts/princes so the spider also becomes involved with the succession war and not only the mafia.
I wonder if Melody could be immune to the Nen beast, she's already met with a terrible fate.
>Nen beast morphs her, but minus times minus equals plus, so we see premorph melody.
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>that zipper
Gon's shoe. trust the plan.

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monogatari lost the steam in second season and zoku killed it completely
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1 month left

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If doesn't then tie me to a missle and fire it at Shaft office
Still the cutest.

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This is my wife, she's called Mahiro, and I love her so much I'm going to marry her!
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out of ten!

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Reminder this is getting an anime
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What about his little sister that you can only recognize because her ahoge is the other way
Wow, and I thought the main chick already looked like the MC with long hair.
It's not worse, it's just staying the same. Eri's girlfriend always looked like Takamine (and like Shirota) anyway.
Reminder kill all adultphiles, loligods destroy these threads!
You sound upset at men

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Because of CERTAIN EVENTS, let's post romcom/romance manga that did NOT end immediately or a few chapters after the couple confessed. I'll start with an easy one
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Komi can't communicate
This is literally the worst example
Sadako chan is so cute.
A series that should have ended after the confession so the author wouldn't embarrass themself
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actually common in wsm romcom/romance manga

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Leaks incoming. The preserved vegetable is back
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Do you think Pickle made that himself from something he killed?
I doubt he would bother with a collar
reading it irt was a bit of a drag, Sukune was the least entertaining sumo in the end. Tournament was sweet, Sukune vs Jack was sweet, Kehaya was fucking hilarious, overall quite good, not as good as Musashi.
motobe is next
Why'd you kill me bear, Jack?

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The new Isekai written by the man Mizukami Satoshi
last chap: >>266848193
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okay that's all guys, hope Shiraishi see this thread and we'll get the translation in a few days.
Now imma got back to reading little buster.
It's getting good.
thanks OP

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Masked Hero Fight!
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>Used to play eroges back on Earth
>He never ever masturbated
Yeah right, he only played for gameplay and nice art.
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Sure. Someone who goes thanks God for deleting the stuff on my PC has not jerked off to porn.
he was a thug poster

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>it's well past time
What new series are you getting into these days? Anything good to look out for on the horizon? I heard there's about 801 titles out now.
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that isn't how it works. make up something less silly.
No i'm not memeing here sister
It's not bad if you both love eachother and are married
I can't wait for this shit to be released
Damn, it's slow this week. Have another Kei.

Yes, they had Iori's mushroom dish and Amahiko's ASSparagus. I hope the next cafe has a dish for Torahime, please watch S2 for him.

It's easier to just say good mecha are about the people. Technology is only an extension of humanity, and military drama thrives on personal struggle and confliction. Mecha series that are harder to get into usually have drier presentation of its characters and take time to demonstrate personalities, series that are very loud and character focused can have immediate appeal to even non-mecha fans because it's easier to understand and root for people. Hotblooded shows have always been the easier sell.

I get dodging mecha because there's been high profile series after series where the writing shits the bed at the end, but it's hard to ditch the genre as a whole because robots. The robots either contain men or are men with rare exceptions. It's homothread civic duty to watch Tiramisu.
I get you anon. I think my first foray into proper mecha was Gundam00 and Code Geass (years are iffy, I never watched anything when it was actually airing). I was too taken with shoujo and shounen at that time. I did enjoy Tiger&Bunny. The scifi jargon generally filtered me.
I was very into Top Gun Maverick because all the twitter fujos I followed kept drawing HangSter and RoosMav. Bravern started out like that but then best boy Bravern showed up and I've mainlined at least 3 episodes in a row and downloaded all the /cm/ threads.

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>gee, this beautiful fantasy world I got transported to full of magic, wonder, companionship, romance and purpose sure does fucking suck, I want to go back to earth and return to my shitty life as an underpaid wagie or friendless NEET in a corrupt and dying society
Why are isekai protagonists like this?
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>The fantasy world must be worse than our world to be interesting.
No. Miseryfags like you need not apply.
Why can't the interactions and relationships formed in the other world be more meaningful to the protagonist that those of his original world?
I haven't seen this happen in a long time. I would be fine with it if they said they missed their friends and family or someshit though, but they never do, it's just "muh ramen, muh vidya gaymes"
If it's directly summoning instead of reincarnating, you'd expect them to get hit with a lot more fantasy racism.
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This movie fucking sucked
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I found Paprika interesting at the very least. What didn't you like about it?
Yeah, I'm 14 and thought it was boring as shit
>t. nolanfag from /tv/
As usual, OP is a faggot posting poor bait
It did. The best part about the movie, was the tiny side story about the detective that used to make films. And holy fuck, that ending, oof

Satoshi kon films look nice but they're seldom good

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Are you excited about the new upcoming Ghost In The Shell anime series?
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>Oshii made one of the best anime films out of a good manga
>science saru
Dead on arrival guaranteed. They're gonna release all episodes in one go, it's gonna trend on twitter for a week and then it's gonna be forgotten
Do you have the fanarof of Major and Batou watching tv? And the one with them on a beach while on vacation?
Why did Shirow abandoned the floof?
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Major is so manly...

Pro Life anime
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Seeing life in terms of pleasure and suffering leads to utter self-destruction. Why? Because it is just rationalizing utter selfishness and self-righteousness

It's a matter of doing the right thing and upholding faith regardless of the pain
There are so many more manga than anime
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darling in the franxx
It was trash, though
Do not watch it.
It was the most consistent work from trigger, I was surprised

gods of destruction don't have super saiyan, you dumb retard

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