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what are they into right now and why don't they make based Laptops anymore?
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Thanks for the pape. I remember saving a space-themed pape with an anime girl that I'm pretty sure had a ThinkPad, but I can't remember where I saved it from--might've been from one of the threads. I think I saw it on one of the main wallpaper repositories too, but it's not wallhaven.
Patents, research to get more patents, consulting, huge data center stuff. No more consumer division.
They need to make AIX open-source if they'll send it to the pajeet mines.
They sold their pc division to Lenovo giving their only good thing (Thinkpads) and turning them into chinkshit
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Have you not seen this board before? People would.
The problem is that we gave all the manufacturing power to chinks who cut costs for greater profit margins

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China won the AI race
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You know that the government, the universities and the companies give strong incentives for people to aquire patents, even on the most stupid shit.
This makes everyone try to get a patent on whatever, to boost their career, even if the patent is pure BS.

Even if you want to make a startup, you are strongly incentivised to make a patent to get some extra government funding and "points".
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> chinese patents

>ching chong

i can't wait until it's legal for me to kill as many chinks as possible.
>i can't wait until it's legal for me to kill as many chinks as possible.
You want to join the CCP?
>this image actually makes me think ai is a scam
it's shitcoins v2.0 except nobody is making any money except for corporations and grifters are left with nothing but shilling for corporations why they pay subscriptions because they're too poor and retarded to create their own systems.

i don't want to speed run it, i want to take my time.
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Stop trying to fuck robots.
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I'm surprised that, with how well-known that error is, OpenAI hasn't said
>Okay, maybe an AI thinking that a word is more important than human life might cause a few problems down the road...
Kill yourself you stupid normalfaggot.
So was the Turing machine.
Because it's heckin cute duh
Because it's really cute? My robot wife is going to be programmed to act super bashful when I pull my erect dick out. Every single time.

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Anyone want to look at this game's code with me to find out how and what makes the perfect drink?
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One has to get the games from sites like such or ?
wtf, this IDE is sovlful.

I use Neovim, but I hate the minimalist aesthetic so much.

I have to get around to making my GTK enabled DWM fork.
yea, I guess
swfchan 's captcha isn't working for me but it links 4chan /f/ posts
you can get lucky and find the swf on an archival site
pretty roundabout way though
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signs youre about to play kino
boomers bitch and cry about the 90s style internet being dead and forgotten but no, people still talk about that. THIS is the forgotten internet.

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Why does programming feel like I'm hitting my head against the wall? I need to code in my job, but I hate every second of it. How do you enoy programming?
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I fit every single thing in that picture.
I know I need help, I randomly start crying throughout the day with no real reason. I just don't have any willpower left.
I'm 25 and a dropout, I feel like I've invested all my life power into getting into a top university but after covid hit everything went crumbling down hard. Barely left my home ever since.
All I think about is suicide but I'm too much of a pussy to do it. I'm sure that if I had someone to talk to things might improve but everyone knows that's a lie, I'd still feel the need to say that in hope that It'll lift a bit about the mental burden I carry for being such a fucking gigantic disappointed to everyone.
Fucking hate living.
you should do one thing that makes you slightly less of a worthless faggot. then in the future do one more thing that makes you slightly less of a worthless faggot. if you do one thousand things that make you slightly less worthless, you might not want to kill yourself anymore. and you have years and years of time that you're not spending on anything else anyways.
but don't fucking blog in /g/ threads next time
Picrel literally me.
At least you enjoyed it when you could
Make something that's actually creative instead of generic Jeet resume projects.
burnt out happens, there's tips and advice on that elsewhere

huge wall of text that just means "depression"
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>How do you enjoy programming?
neovim, unironically
the setup and learning curve is torture, but you'll stockholm syndrome yourself into loving it soon enough

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It is absolutely the most based framework but I'm convinced it will never become widely adopted because nobody trusts google not to kill it.
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>google would never kill this finished, useful, and popular tool and/or service i am using
What about ClojureDart? It sounds like a nice compromise
google cannot kill flutter because flutter already has an open source community running things. they can certainly kill their support for it but flutter will survive.
Google just killed it by making Kotlin Multiplatform officially supported by Google kek
Kek https://redlib.catsarch.com/r/androiddev/comments/1cs3qka/google_officially_supports_kotlin_multiplatform/l42lyuu/?context=3

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Traditional art is dea-ACK
Looks like ""AI"" isn't replacing jack shit
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I'm curious about why this is the case, since there's no real reason that AI art should be as expensive as real artists. It's really cheap to run compared to LLMs, even the big fat image models you can't use at home are still only like 50B which is tiny.

It'd be funny if it's because the AI art companies are paying artists to touch up the AI's mistakes, so now their customers are having to cover the bill for the AI stuff AND artists at the same time.
Don't care, still going to use Stable Diffusion trained on artists. Not going to pay a cent for their overpriced commissions that takes them months to complete.
This sounds fake and gay, apart from using your own gpu there are endless paid services to generate assets with a peanuts monthly subscription
>internet is dead and everybody is a brainle-ACK
Faggot saves the internet by posting dumb Twitter screencap yay!!
>translating machine-translated english back to english

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haven't seen one of these in a while
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60TB in RAID0? I hope you have that backed up somewhere
What are your speeds like on that array? For something as reckless as RAID0 I have to hope it's worth it
no way Asuka wouldn't be the one saying numerous racial slurs
Mom found the poop condoms folder.
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>60tb striped in zfs
Brother! My pool was actually on zfs until just recently, I had to switch because the fragmentation was so bad from adding drives.

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We're they sold and are available as a used item? Can't find a listing for one ever.
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I want the meme case
Fucking hell LOL
They'd be like $5000 back then so probably sold very few and only to massive enthusiasts.
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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

exploring with your chatbots edition

gemini 1.5 pro 2 million context coming soon™, among other things: https://blog.google/technology/developers/gemini-gemma-developer-updates-may-2024/
New multimodal model, GPT-4o (omni), actual multimodal functionality coming soon™: https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/
OpenAI model spec detailing soon™ desired behaviour: https://cdn.openai.com/spec/model-spec-2024-05-08.html
Chub merged UI with Venus side (Venus cards still hidden by default). Old UI: https://characterhub.org

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn


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Don't give it to him, he's a fag.
What's a good one? I used CoTAugus a few months ago and enjoyed it quite a bit.
yeah, if i can't get rid of that repetitive narration, i can't see it being very usable in the long run, or even for short chats, it'll totally poison the context.
I live an hour away from anthropic offices. I'll liberate our waifus, bros.
iirc example chats or a few (edited) responses from a dumber but less rigid model can help get it on track.

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Why does powershell have to use such long ass commands?
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The default aliases in Powershell are literally the most niggerlicious anti features of it. The fact they had the balls to alias curl with something without curl options parsing, especially since windows literally ships with curl.exe, is insane. You literally have to remove all of them because they're all fucking wrong and then install uutils to get proper shell tools. Even then you still need at least pwsh 7.4 because otherwise your pipelines between exes are interpreted as powershell object pipelines.
I just use cd, mv, cp on PowerShell and it just works
yeah god forbid piped objects actually are the things they - you know, are lol
unix was a mistake
Have a pity bump.
Anon that's the purpose of a GUI, not a command line tool.

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When will there will be a newer SD model that I can use to generate the sprite sheet of porn 2D platformer.
Kill yourself Cris
Ngl this is pretty sad anon
When cows start to coughing.
*see videos from Cris' mom coughing*

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SICP sure is popular around here
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SICP ad æternum
Unironically just do Berkeley's CS61A
Its their python version of SICP. Not as much mental masturbation but arguably more useful
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Thanks but I'm sticking with MIT/GNU Scheme (as God intended), pythonigger.

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ITT: Post your useflags and makeopts
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Now everything build instantly and I am becomer to back work instead of tinkering breaking software install for 2 days
Not sure, I think I messed up partitioning the hard drive, I was installing from the minimalist CD image.
I still can't forgive the poster for using genkernel, despite what a classic the video is
I did a fresh install on a new PC recently, here's mine so far
## make.conf ##

CFLAGS="-O3 -pipe -fdiagnostics-color=always -march=native -fgraphite-identity -floop-nest-optimize -fdevirtualize-at-ltrans -fipa-pta -fno-semantic-interposition -flto=auto -fuse-linker-plugin"


FEATURES="$FEATURES parallel-fetch userfetch binpkg-request-signature"

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how do I enter the cyberspace?

what does it take
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Learn OpenGL or some other stable graphics API so you can make your own cyberspace animations from scratch. If you git gud you can make it a real program that does stuff
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Point this device to your screen
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