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Fully loaded edition

Prev: >>100494841

>What is DALL-E 3?
You type some text and it makes some images


Bing AI Slop 0.6.2

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this is cohesive image generation using gpt-4o which is not really designed with image output built-in, yet it can. Also you can feed it images to combine, not sure how restricted it is, but you can trail it on mac and some API users I believe - guess it has various filters to stop idiot gooners wasting bandwidth or then posting multiple /pol/ images on the net
Cope, Hogbert

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whats really going on between these two?
Cousins who dominate in their fields in completely different technologies cant be a coincidence.
are AMD and Nvidia in fact the same company?
You do know that AMD also produces GPUs, right?
Based Chinks saving us from the Jewish Intel-Aviv menace

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No Jeets Allowed Edition.

Neetcode 150: https://neetcode.io/practice
Tips and interview practice: https://blog.interviewing.io/

>Resume Stuff

>Salary Stuff
"What's your expected salary?": https://www.fearlesssalarynegotiation.com/salary-expectations-interview-question/
Negotiation advice: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-not-to-bomb-your-offer-negotiation-c46bb9bc7dea/
Salary data: https://levels.fyi/

Don't disclose your current salary to recruiters.

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no, school is gay and teaches you nothing
Should've known better than to join MS.
We had two really qt3.14s over the past few years.

Both shared the same first name. Both were from Germany. Both left the company by now. :(
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>finally get a helpdesk position after months of applying
>getting more certs
>all these mid tier jobs are open to me now from jr linux sysadmins to network analysts to security specialist

I'm finally going to escape $30k/yr hell this year. Just studying and passing sec+/linux+/aws between calls.
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>tfw senior devs threw Spring Boot at a project that doesn't even need an HTTP server because they couldn't figure out how to load application.properties from the classpath
bros, it's getting really hard to just shut the fuck up and go with the flow

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haven't seen one of these in a while
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>The 7800X3D is incredibly energy efficient. Like, record setting levels of energy efficiency.
only when the cache difference is used because it makes the FPS artificially high. Any situation where the cache doesn't matter will nullify the "efficiency"
If this was real I'd vandalise every last one I saw.
No, even if the cache doesn't matter it's energy efficiency out of the box is record setting. But not because of cache but because Zen4 can be tuned to be incredibly energy efficient, and the X3D chips have to be tuned that way to prevent the cache from melting.
Your pic singlehandedly cured my antisemetism and transphobia.
Thanks anon.

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Do you use them?
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There are a few weird issues surrounding them at the moment, mainly related to import/export between different authenticators. See >>100514143
The general impression I get is that they're an improvement for the average normie (and for the IT depts who manage said normies), but technically knowledgeable people are probably better off sticking with passwords for now.
What are any of you on about, the way passkeys were described were as a SSO in a SSH formfactor.
SSO = single sign on
that means if I've signed into any website, then all the other websites that use passkeys are also logged in.
And as other people have said in the thread, you cannot use different passkeys for different websites, and anyways what would even be the point then? my password manager has 20+ character randomized passwords and is self hosted.
>faggot faggot nigger nigger
I have 1 main computer. I don't mind sharing it because my shit is password protected. Passkeys are SSOs for all passkey'd accounts. I wasn't sure if thats how it works, because that sounds utterly retarded, and thats why i asked the scenario you retarded nigger faggot.
It's bad because it has a chance of being mainstream.
t. Linoox installer turbo power yuuuuza
Passwords are protected under the 5th amendment. Passkeys and biometrics aren't.
>cannot be hijacked
It absolutely can be hijacked. Just take the device while its unlocked. Or some eventual bug in tpm/attestation hw.

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Don't buy anything OTHER THAN IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T, X, and W/P Series if you want the Real Business Experience™
>Other business laptops are welcome in /tpg/ (Dell Latitude/Precision, HP EliteBook/ZBook)

Why ThinkPad?
>Used machines are plentiful and cheap
>Excellent keyboards, tactile feel and quiet
>Great durability: magnesium roll cage for structural integrity, with high quality plastic body panels
>Utilitarian design: e.g. indicator LEDs, 7 row keyboard layout on older models
>Docking stations that easily turns your laptop into a desktop
>Easy to repair (most models), upgrade & maintain thanks to readily available service manuals for every model, spare parts easy & cheap to obtain
>Excellent Linux & *BSD support

ThinkWiki - General info about ThinkPads/specs

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Are X1 series really worth it or should I buy a T serie?
Yeah man sounds like it'll be fun for installing Debian/Arch and toy around in the terminal but will end up becoming useless after doing anything like using telegram to trade my shitcoins.

Language Servers are the things that help your code editor do stuff like autocomplete or suggest functions and show documentation right?
Damn, because I thought I could AT LEAST use Doom Emacs on it to practice my C or C++. Guess even that will have hiccups.

Anyway thanks for the info, anon.
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vehicle datalogger here. seller sent pic of the battery data. im going to be using windows software to make changes to the ecu at track days. my plan is to get a thinkpad for the size and durability like the x2- with no mains power available maybe i need a car charger or several batteries. pls r8 my plan
Yup, it's the modern standard for showing real-time feedback on your code - including things like intelligent autocomplete (based on the semantics of your current namespace and what you're typing - rather than just dumb "all words that exist in your current buffer" suggestion lists), highlighting errors directly in your editor, code actions (intelligent renaming, quickfixing issues, autoimports...), yeah showing documentation on any objects you're hovering with your cursor, etc.
I can't say for sure that it won't run well - especially C, afaik, is a pretty simple language. Maybe it'll be fine. C++ is notoriously more complex to parse and compile. I probably wouldn't bet on it, unless I had the money to throw on it for fun just for the novelty to see whether it works or not.
Emacs is also not the lightest code editor, if it works it might work better with (neo)vim or something.

I do know some people who use absolutely ancient machines for, of all things, creative writing. Just typing text requires zero advanced tooling, you could do it with machines from the 80's, the only degraded experience is the screen quality. And in exchange you get the whole "distraction-free" meme that hipster companies are pushing $400 e-ink phones for.
Can you do it with a tablet? ARM is always going to get better battery life than x86. Though looking it up for 5 seconds, it seems that windows on ARM is pretty limited so maybe not a good idea.

Get an X-series, as modern as your budget allows - newer processors are almost always more power-efficient. Then get a power bank that can charge laptops. Older model have some nice perks such as bigger built-in batteries (sometimes even two batteries), and swappable batteries; however, with no mains power swapping would require a temporary shutdown, and I genuinely believe you're better off using a more efficient modern system (even if the built-in battery is smaller) and a big power bank or two as backup. If the model uses USB-C charging that's gonna be a nice perk for powerbank compatibility. The internal battery may be smaller but your power banks will last longer with the newer system.

X260 is fine, I think, if that's how far your budget stretches. (Newer is better but you get diminishing returns with rapidly-increasing prices on used stuff. Pick whatever's reasonable.)

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Are you running an advanced filesystem like ZFS or bcachefs, anons?
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As far as I know, ZFS without ECC RAM is no worse than any other FS without ECC RAM. ZFS and ECC are discussed together often only because the ZFS people have high standards for data integrity in general.

Nah, it's maintained and still getting major features from time to time. For example, in 2019 it got TRIM and encryption. This year it got misc. performance improvements and CLI tool usability improvements. It's probably just never going to be upstreamed into Linux.
Which case is this?
>LVM is fucking retarded.
Probably Lian Li PC-A76X.
thanks anon :)

old >>100440705
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Is this just one game or several different games?
Does Windows XP Professional x64 Edition support disks greater than 2 TB?
Microsoft's website speaks about XP in general and says "No", but Wikipedia says:
>Supports GPT-partitioned disks for data volumes (but not bootable volumes) after SP1, which allows disks greater than 2 TB to be used as a single GPT partition for storing data.
Does that mean I can use my 4 TB NTFS formatted HDD and back-up old data without any fear?
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>2-3 websites out of hundreds I use daily load forever
>happens in Firefox on any security settings, any dns settings whatever
>try the sites on my phone on the same network
>they are still fucked up
>try to load them on my PC in Edge on the same computer I tried with FIrefox
>they aren't slow
>try on my phone on cell data
>they aren't slow
Explain this... please....
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Strangely, though I live in a college town, we don't seem to have one of those. There are scrap metal places (lol meth), but they only buy then resell in ton lots.

So far I've tried Grainger, McMaster-Carr, Digikey, Aliexpress, Alibaba, eBay, Amazon, and the other stuff that comes up in Duckduckgo when I search. I am looking for something specific, and I know it exists, but nobody will sell me just one or two without a "shipping and handling" surcharge that is clearly intended to send the message "if you aren't buying in ton lots then we don't want your money. Go away."

I know it exists and I don't need a custom size. It's an off-the shelf item. But I can't find anybody who will actually sell them in less than freighter load quantities. "Call our toll-free number to discuss your needs with our sales team!" I don't think the sales team wants to speak with one hobbyist, so I'm not going to waste their time.
I'm tired of this shit. I input my search request in English language and get results in my native language. Settings won't do shit or change anything.
Is there a search engine that gives unfiltered results. total freedom and that also doesn't collect my data? Is it in current year even possible to escape the bubbleshit?

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The FUCK is this shit?
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That white line makes oledslop enthusiasts tremble
I don't believe Firefox has allowed for border-radius to effect scrollbars yet but I noticed this weird shit in Chrome.
Why does modern GTK want to hide the scrollbar so much? I'm having trouble scrolling or seeing that I can scroll because they're tiny and get auto-hidden.
pls consider suidoku
actual size, sorry you're blind anon.

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Battlestation Thread
Rate Edition
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Hallo, Herr Anon. :D
Best wishes. Have a happy, healthy Summer.
>We've prevailed against some of the most powerful standing armies throughout history.
You did not. You got help against the bongs from the Fench and German as a "thank you" you backstabbed the Germans to fight for a jewish cause. This is called treason.

>The British at the peak of their empire.
As said, you got help from Germany (Prussia) and France. Without them, you would be an anglo colony still to this day, but you favored to turn into a jewish colony, which is in my based opinion a much worse state in every aspect.

>The Wermacht and SS.
You needed the Bongs the French, the Aussies, the Canadians and New Zealanders to defeat the based Germans and still you needed the soviets too in order to defeat them. And it still took you years whereas the soviets made the major archievements and not you goyims. The US, one on one against Germany and you all would be spared from the jews, niggers and spics. I guess for a slave like you, this is a horrible scenario. since you seem to love your slave status. Why do you even call this freedom?

>We outwitted the USSR just enough to not have to fight them.
Jewish bolshevism against jewish communism outwitting each other and the niggercucking goyim is proud his jewish masters are treasoning their former allies.
Shows how morally rotten you and your goys are.

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Based mini PC chad
Yeah, i mean i only stated to the murricuck how it was and how it will be in the future.
That obiviously goes totally nuts here is a clear sign of me pinpointing the situation i a correct way.

But that's how they react, if you puncture their imaginary bubble of muhh freedom and independence. They collapse and resent to calling you names and making things up instead.
Jewish debating style this is called. They grew up this way and don't know any better.

Isn't it funny, how nigger fetished their society is? The jews really fucked their minds and bodies to an extent, no one even thought would be possible.
Their civcuckery is the reason why their society depletes itself and they are proud of it.

Based Adolf already said it: "One half of their country is niggerized and the other half is judaized, how can someone expect a nation like that to not fall apart!?"
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CPU: i5-9400t
GPU: Radeon RX6400 via PCIE riser
RAM: 32gb 2666mhz
PSU: 230w Lenovo power brick, probably from a Legion laptop or something like that
Storage: samsung 500gb NVME SSD
It works surprisingly well, just added a vented case cover and in the process of adding an external GPU cooler.

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It is absolutely the most based framework but I'm convinced it will never become widely adopted because nobody trusts google not to kill it.
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for desktop or mobile applications? sure, why not
for websites? go kys
Flutter niggas eternally btfo'd for learning a meme dart language and have to move their shit to kotlin

Kotlinchads stay winning
I mean the flavor of the year changes like every four years, no reasonable employer expects you to be trained on the current flavor especially when what happens in reality is you get hired somewhere and learn whatever flavor they use and you're forced to use it years and years. And if you know something it only takes a couple months to get you up to speed on something else.
>build business logic in kotlin and share across platforms
>ui is built using platform specific toolkit (e.g. swiftui for ios)
>app gets native feel and code share but still need platform specific knowledge and skill
>eventually write ui in kotlin too, but that's not the biggest appeal
ClojureDart works in a pinch

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Android 15 edition

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

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>Razr 5G 2020
thats not a really phone, you just made that up
this is a bot
>everyone who disagrees with my is either lying or a bot
die, in minecraft
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>in minecraf-
You're embarrassing, senpai.
New Razr and Razr+ models just got leaked.

>Base Razr is going from Snapdragon to Dimensity
>Outer screen is bigger but not as big as the Razr+

A little weird that they had to artificially make the outer screen of the Razr smaller and leave a little bit of unused area. A little distracting.

But at this point, the Razr and Razr+ are pretty much the same phone but with one having a midrange chipset.

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I've been building PCs since I was like 12. Here's the process today:
>assemble PC
>wait 10mins for DDR5 to train (zero feedback, no POST, nothing)
>something goes wrong (no idea why, because zero feedback)
>want to reset CMOS to troubleshoot
>have to remove fuck-huge GPU that covers 4 PCI slots just to remove the CMOS battery
>there's still no CMOS reset button on 99% of motherboards ofc
>want to update BIOS (just in case)
>hope you have a spare CPU (I do) or your motherboard is premium and supports BIOS flashing without a CPU (of course there will be no feedback, just a black screen)
Hardware used to be engineered properly, but now it seems like everyone is mimicking software "engineers" and designing things shoddily. This is why everyone is moving to Mac, btw. If it performs even half as well without these issues, who in their right mind would bother with PCs?
>t. just swapped out my 7950x for a 7800x3d and despite the BIOS being updated, the memory won't train unless I insert 1 DIMM at a time, train, reboot, and insert another ad nauseum.
Oh, and I forgot. nvidia screwed up PCIE power connector design, so you'll also burn your house down.
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Only AMD has the DDR5 training problems.
No it doesn't
>2x32GB DDR5 cheap kingstons
Training took couple of minutes on XMP profile 1, never touched it since.
You should've instead mentioned how 4xDDR5 is disaster on both AMD and Intel platforms, it barely works even at stock JEDEC speeds.
This "training" sounds like it could be a glownigger op of some sort.
i hope the new jedec timings gets mainstream soon, before i buy my new system https://www.anandtech.com/show/21363/jedec-extends-ddr5-specification-to-8800-mts-adds-anti-rowhammer-features

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Why does he do it? What's his endgame?
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>Why does he do it?
>What's his endgame?
based status
>Why does he do it?
Don't know.
>What's his endgame?
Don't care.
how can I attract him to my repo
Fake account that was created after the meme because that post never existed
concepts not compatible.

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share tips and tricks to become a more productive programmer
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it's over for you
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>disallowing cute lolis from entering
bro.... are you even racist???
Don't accept failure. This is more just your attitude, but I really mean it.

When I got my first job out of college, they sat me down at a desk, helped me set up the environment, and then said "do this, this, and that." And I barely knew fuck all about the language, the framework, and good practices. But I didn't want to fail and be fired, so I hustled as hard as I could, using all resources available. Google as hard as I can, look at all the other repos that might be similar to my project, bug the shit out of my coworkers. I don't care, I need to succeed, or else why did I become a software developer in the first place?
so we are all born niggers and then turn into our respective colors when we are 18?
What are you going to learn from a dismissive YouTuber?

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