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Seems the gap is closing. Thoughts?
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your dad is a faggot
I let my chubby ex do this to my twink ass all the time just so I could lift her up. she was retarded and I'd have to guide her into positions that put me at the most disadvantage. terrible at play fighting.
>She's very athletic for her age.

Her 40s?
This thread has existed for over a year on this dead board.
>This thread has existed for over a year
>I'm still Yet to meet a woman that can handle me in a mixed wrestling match

Nah, the gap isn't closing at all! Even by modernist standards.

Not happening like you think.

Seriously though, where are the bad bitches that grapple?

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
When and why did you first start Judo? How's it going so far?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2024


>Video Resources

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luv sasae simple as
It's definitely in my top five, where exactly in the top five depends on the day.
She was in the wrong
Don't put your hands on someone else's kid
bump limit

new thread
I don't like sasae, always feel like I'm falling back. Much perfer Tai.

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Power rankings edition



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>191535
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to save you a click, no one wants to talk to him
The JSA must have sent goons round to retired wrestlers to scare them out of talking to gaijin. Sad!
chris is a massive faggot simping for enho like that too
>"The JSA should bend the rules and give Enho elder stock even though there's 40 guys right now properly eligible who don't have it yet."
/sp/ game thread up

No Battlebots thread? Champions II is airing right now.
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DCMA'd I'm afraid.
Spectre was the chink show, in BB it's Quantum
No, Spectrum is the name of my cable tv provider.
They let you watch some episodes whenever you want, but they screwed up the order so I accidentally watched the finale of the bolt thing first.
Just don't tell the Jannies.

For discussion of hang gliding, paragliding, and other gliding sports.

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>nobody would die of dehydratation (so far it hasn't happened in the UFC though)
>no fights would be called off because of too harsh dehydration (it has actually happened)
>performance of fighters would be slightly better
>more fighters might be unable to make weight and some fights might be called off because of it

Also, it may require changes in weightclasses. Current LHWs wouldn't be able to cut to LHW so they would need additional 225 lbs class to avoid fighting much bigger guys. Giants like Derrick Lewis wouldn't be able to make 265 so the limit in HW should be abolished or moved up. Same with current woman's featherweights who might need a 155 class.
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People will always find a way to cheat. If fighters longevity was of concern the best solution would be to make more weight classes but that's not gonna happen
They should do the weight in the day of the fight, everything else is a bullshit
Dude, every competitor in every sport that I have EVER known, in either fighting or even in wrestling, makes weight with serious dehydration. On weight day, you can't do shit, you feel weak as fuck. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.
This. But they would pretty much have to completely redefine weight classes.
That's no one's problem but their own.
You're pathetic and you lack self control. It's extremely easy to meet weight without excuses and if you think professional fighters can't do that, you lack the brain of an adult.

>watching The Alpinist
>movie about free solo climbing
>introduces a bunch of famous free solo climbers at the beginning
>ALL of them died climbing
>the two climbers the movie is about died climbing

this sport is ridiculous. EVERYONE who made a name for themselves in it fucking died due to climbing aside from Alex Honnold

Why would anyone do this?
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>erosion of ego
Most climbers are silver spoon starbucks hipsters anon. The kind of people that are quick to jump on their high horse but love to larp as salt of the earth types. You know, yuppies.
She's a bag of redflags
IoM TT is not comparable. They are not a bunch of stoners downplaying the risks, talking about "flow states" and believing their own bullshit. They also have nearly an entire island on standby as volunteers and everyone involved is well aware their actions are dangerous and put themselves and others at risk of death.
Just because you are clever does not mean you are not susceptible to stupid behaviour. Humans are notoriously good at self-rationalizing. Climbing grades encapsulates that concept very well.
Free-solo climbers regularly absolve themselves of stupid behaviour because they falsely believe the only cost of an accident is their life.

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Samurai of the dark future edition.

A thread to discuss Kendo/jutsu, Iaido/jutsu.

>What is Kendo?
Kendo is a modern Japanese martial art which combines traditional Japanese swordsmanship (Kenjutsu) techniques with sporting elements for competition. It is practiced with shinai (bamboo swords) and armor. The philosophy of modern Kendo is based off of Budo concepts and aims to develop the self through practice.

>What are the rules of Kendo?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cb13DKpDd_k [Open]

>Am I too old to practice Kendo?
No. Westerns start later and many people practice Kendo until they’re dead.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm3CmNE72Bw [Open]

>Is Kendo a martial art or a sport?

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>Make it make sense anons.
JSA lives rent free in their head. Simple as that.
In other semi related news:
RIP aikiweb
I understand that the jujutsu part of the jikishinkage ryu were lost due to disuse.
Are their scrolls also lost?
aren't kata names and descriptions in the surviving documentation?
I say this because even if they are not the "traditional" kata, surely they can be recreated in some way using the theory and principles of the kenjutsu part.
I don't think I'm the first to have this idea either.
>aren't kata names and descriptions in the surviving documentation?
There might be, and there are surviving, related styles that still have stuff they may no longer practice
There are some schools that have done what you suggest and are public about it. Either they used documents, or consulted with related styles, or both to bring back some lost section of their curriculum, but many practitioners feel that if something was not handed down person to person, then it is lost, and any reconstruction from records is suspect.
Lamest attempt at flame war award.

No rules except no weapons allowed
Who is the strongest of all time?
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Some promotions allow giants and some of hese giant like Bob Sapp and Hong Man Choi were quite popular but non of them was very successful in mma. The largest mma champ I can think of is Grigoriy Ponomarev who's 264-302 lbs.
Shuwen is more verifiable than most, purely because we know he was sought after, the People's Liberation Army hired his students for their security detail, and this was after the Boxer Rebellion humiliated the martial artist gangs/cults of China. Does it completely prove he was the greatest badass ever or something? No, but it does tell us the myth has some actual founding facts behind it.
how the fuck you know that obscure guy?
I have internet access and autism
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Very real possibility.

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>If a boxer lands a Good hit on a grappler they wont get up anytime soon
Makes you think
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How is a striker supposed to outstrike me when I double leg him?
would bin ladin have been a good fighter? dude was tall as fuck, long reach
>long reach
yeah no kidding
Maybe like get good at striking AND grappling.
i love how that counts as a knock down but what Justin landed on Max wasnt
Glazing hard

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So I've been trying to get the balls to attend a gym that does freestyle and Greco wrestling. It took a lot to go to it as I know it's the toughest sport, and I'm not "young".

Twice now I have managed to gather up all my strength and start making my way to the gym, only for freak occurances (train literally going straight past the station, train being delayed for an hour) which left me unable to get there on time

I'm just wondering if any of you had the same sort of issues when you started training. Was the universe basically telling you to stay away but you persisted? Feel like im pushing my luck trying to go a third time lmao

Thank you for reading
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I take signs from God as they come

Like I have a few cars needing repairs laying around so my drive way is full and I have to park one on the street at night next to a hydrant
Been doing this for almost a year a this point and then 2 days ago a guy randomly comes to the front door and says "I see there's no plates on that jeep in the drive way, I'll give you $400" for it
So I sold it to him and now I can park in the drive way
Then last night wouldn't you know it ther was something going on at the neighbors house and the fire department came and needed to use that hydrant which I had been blocking for months
Wow that's lucky. it's weird the universe didn't stop me from going to judo or BJJ even though I did not enjoy those and only went for three sessions yet wrestling it just seems to not even want to let me go once
very weird. Maybe I'll get suplexed and dieded
That means you have to go now
where do you live that they actually teach wrestling to adults?
Not doxxing myself but near a major city, there are exactly 2 pure wrestling gyms (too far away for me) and 1 martial arts gym that does 2 wrestling classes a week

There are MMA gyms located more frequently that do striking/bjj/wrestling but usually only one class a week and very expensive. It's rare here and I still have to travel close to an hour to reach my nearest one

Also we don't have any school or college wrestling here.

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Was training muay thai in class with my friend. Got my kick caught and he pulled. When I was hopping in my grounded foot, I landed funny, felt something in my knee like a pop and collapsed. No swelling at all, feels weird and tingly. Hurts when I attempt to walk on it. Doctor claims only meniscus tear but nurse told me the doctor half asses his job. Going to try to schedule an MRI.
Do you guys thing its a ligament, and how bad is it to come back from those?
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How's the myocarditis going buddy? I'm sure it's because of global warming and not your shot. Remember, for each booster you take, 10 palestinians die for the promise land
>for each booster you take, 10 palestinians die for the promise land
How many fake identities can I get away with before the nurse notices?
>Doctor claims only meniscus tear but nurse told me the doctor half asses his job
did he at least do a lachman test?
Yes and my tibia is intact. No shifting. Just an update, I can walk but can't straighten my knee or twist.

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Free Livestream
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A girl just won state against guys in ohio
One of the freshmen at Cal Baptist went to high school with me last year, granted I go to one of the best schools in the country for wrestling but still cool to see him go up against some big boys
Thank you, this looks very thorough and inspires flashbacks to wrestling practice.
>Is it true Amerimutts have no wrestling for adults and it's all in high school or collegiate
Pretty muxh, but the Only exception is if your mma (or just bjj) gym has someone on staff who wrestled in high school and college and specifically offers wrestling classes. Out of the 10 gyms in my city, only one offers actual wrestling classes

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/archery/ Thread #2

What's your style?
What you shooting?
What you hitting?
Recs for bows?
Why is the Timber Creek Mamba the best first horsebow?
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Does anyone know how the draw weight is measured on a yumi? I know draw weights are usually measured at a standard 28in, but kyudo seems to do nothing like the rest of the world, so at what length do they measure it?
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New NU just dropped. Confirmed that he lurks and probably shits on anons here.
>probably shits on anons here
Entirely justified
There's been some drama recently with Sanlida using youtube content creators' content without permission. I don't understand how people didn't see it coming before, considering it's a chinese company, and they've never been known to grasp the concept of intellectual property.
got a 100lbs safari bow. anyone here bear hunt?

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I am planning on visiting an MMA gym soon. Being honest, I am scared as fuck. I am a long time sufferer of imposter syndrome and I feel like there's no way a physically awkward nerd like me can do this without embarrassing myself badly but I gotta try. My gf is constantly pestering me about having kids and deep down I feel like "how can I be a father if I can't even protect my family from other dudes?". That's basically my biggest motivation. I was wondering if you guys would be ok with me blogposting my progress here somewhere as I am also socially awkward(literally diagnosed with autism) and it's kinda easier to talk online about stuff like this than it is irl. Any beginners tips? Is there a general I should redirect my posts too? Btw I am a Vegeta chad(undefeated against Goku)
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For shitposting, not much else
Thats all this board is. This place is unironically worse than /pol/ or /b/
Just go, your body will eventually adapt to what's required.
Also try out various schools, there is more than just MMA.
>american freestyle/boxing/kickboxing
Lol you're a karate dork. And not even one of the good ones.
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Your mind is in the right place anon. Deep down everyone has some level of imposter syndrome, just keep moving and doing your thing. If you ever feel unmotivated remember that motivation is the fuel of the week, the strong thrive on discipline. Go exercise a bit, work on your cardio and flexibility, specially if you hear any pops or anything weird. Don't be too picky about the gym you are going to, at first, go to the nearest one, get some experience, and if with time you want to experience other stuff or go to a more hardcore gym do it. And yes, do post your progress, I believe it will motivate other anons to do the same. Just remember this is a slow thread so keep using the same one for as long as possible.
>Any beginners tips?
Fighting for me is about two things: control and creativity. Control as in breathing control, stamina control, distance control, pain control, body control, etc. Most of these things you can learn and practice before even fighting. Muscle memory also, that is half of the game to almost any physical endeavor. Follow your coaches instructions, don't worry about speed, don't worry about energy, focus on your form and repeat, repeat, repeat. Lastly, when you gain confidence and learn the basics and its forms, don't be afraid to try new techniques, just don't get hurt.

Good luck anon.

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