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What the fuck is her problem?
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A teenage girl in the mid-2000s being quirky and random. It's endearing looking back.
>gender: shemale
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oh no
fucking kek
two gross looking bodies right there

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>this kills the grappler
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yeah but wrestling someone makes u win
I got 4 years of Muay Thai experience and 1 amateur fight. My only grappling experience is 2 weeks of training take down defense with my friend who does BJJ,(He is brown belt)
I plan to compete in an amateur MMA tournament. Do I have a chance of winning my fight?
I've seen the striking level of the guys who compete there and its absolute dogshit.
Cage size usually heavily favors grappling at the amateur level. If it's a ring, it'll depend a lot on how reset heavy your referee is. All that said, if you're not in an area known for its competitive wrestling, you'll probably be fine.
The grappling to pro wrestling pipeline was simply guys wanting to keep the money coming in without fucking their bodies up so bad without realizing faggots would overtake the sport (""sport"")
Real matches took very long and the performers were constantly injured, so they decided to start working the matches to make it easier for themselves and make the matches more exciting to watch, which brought in more money.
From there it quickly snowballed into the absurdity that is today's pro wrestling

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Roller blading and roller skating general
>Don't do crack, just roller skate edition
Discuss tricks, gear, hobbies, and anything else relating to rolling. Derby and hockey fans are welcome to join as well.
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right, so i guess a thinner soul plateand smaller wheels would help.

it's physically impossible to get the frame and soul to touch the ground without the wheels also touching on my current setup.
What's your current setup?
aeons, 60 flat.
What's a good outdoor setting to practice basic drills without dealing with too many people? Pretty soon the local courts and parks are going to be flooded with kids during the day.
I go somewhere with a smooth empty parking lot. On weekends I'll go to basketball courts at schools. Usually this is in wealthy hard to reach areas.

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I know the japanese tourism and animation industry have a lot to thank toriyama for, but something underrated is how much the martial arts industry has to thank him for
fact is it wouldn't be nearly as popular of a hobby as it is if this show never existed since it's the thing that inspired so many kids to get involved

so ITT we will discuss all things related to our training and self improvement and helping each other
exercises, training routines, diets, motivation, etc.
work hard, study well, and eat and sleep plenty
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Eddie Hall used something like that for his 500kg deadlift record.
holy fucking cringe
>he said on the martial arts board of the anime website
man I keep screwing up my diet, I just went out and got 2 donuts
it's freakin 1:30 in the morning. I dont know why I do this.
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I think you meant to say, holy fucking based!

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What's your favorite martial arts movie?
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>The Quest from JCVD is a personal favorite of mine.
That movie doesn't get enough love. It's the best Street Fighter movie we'll ever get.
100% agree.
Kung Fu is bullshit, but Jackie movies fights choreography and stunts are amazing
fpbp, watched that shit so many times as a kid.

five deadly venoms, raging bull, kung fu hustle, clan of the white lotus, 8 diagram pole fighter, enter the dragon, crouching tiger hidden dragon, drunken master 2

teenage mutant ninja turtles
Animated features ok? Kung Fu Panda is my shit. I basically am Po.
You knew it was gonna be a good time when Jet Li and DMX were in the credits together

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Grappling causes skin infections
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You have to wear flipflops outside of the mat as you go through the actual gym and lobby to the locker and toilets heh
You also have to clean it up the tatame from time to time . Use a broom then alcohol. I used to clean it up the tatame for free with a friend of mine before the class.
weak genetic
need to be culled from the gene pool
>broom and alcohol
So has your dumb ass never heard of a mop?
Where the fuck did I said "broom AND alcohol", retard? We use cloths btw

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for 5 years i’ve tried to learn the ollie, this summer…this summer will be the one i know it
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lmfao all these fuckers are lying to you

you have to have already jumped milliseconds before the pop occurs

basically pretend its sf and ur sagat and ur regular so tiger knee happens with leading left knee
>tiger knee (+kick)
>pop happens behind you (your right foot taps the ground very rapidly using your ankle and calf)
>you've already tiger knee'd so the leading foot is dragging up as the board comes into your foot *
>lift your back mother fucking foot as soon as your ankle snaps, tuck that back knee into your shoulder as you tiger knee

boom city trashcans are your bitch

additional caveats include

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you can do it. an ollie is just a human jumping while kicking a skateboard in a way that makes it follow your trajectory. it’ll happen. never give up!
Thanks fren
I got my pop down, now it looks my next thing I need to get better at is leveling. I slide my foot up the board then just fall right back down on the board. I recorded myself and saw the frame by frame, back foot is fine it’s just the front foot that’s not pushing it forward. I’m practicing stationary on a doormat, does the board level out easier when you’re moving?

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A place to discuss zorbing and zorbing accessories. A misunderstood but globular extreme sport. Limp Bizkit once wrote a song about this
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I heard zorbing is going to be at the Paris olympics
Feels so crazy that they're actually bringing back zorbing at the Olympics, it's been so long. Did anybody honestly think they'd do it?
No fucking way... Zorb bros, we are going home, at last.
zorb bump
zorbGODS how we livin?

/HEMA/ General - Power of God and Anime Edition 3

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zueF4Mu2uM
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DBmNVHTmNs
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8QlbKfX84k

>Where can I find these treatises?

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Funny, none of the trans people I fight annoy me, unlike the cis dude who won't stop making fucking lightsaber noises while sparring
Lamest attempt at bait award.
>the cis dude who won't stop making fucking lightsaber noises while sparring
Get the based department on the phone immediately
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Are the TSL guys secretly based?
I've seen multiple sigi king's break earlier this year, right at the base where the crossguard meets the blade. They weren't all that old either so be careful of that

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is dancing an extreme sport?
Only break dancing and lion dancing.
you could twist your ankle out there or stub your toe, sounds pretty Xtreem to me.
freerunning is

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>trying to decide between going for a walk or playing disc golf. Played disc golf yesterday for reference.
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discs heavier than 150 grams are banned in japan. rumor has it someone was killed by a frisbee there a few years ago

also anthony barela is mentoring cupcake this is going to end badly for us
Neither are extreme sports
great go tell the janny to take the thread down then
>alt sports removed
>not traditional enough for sp
>not extreme enough for xp
>just want to talk about throwing plastic far without resorting to posting on r*dd*t
beat an, albeit over the hill, legend of the sport at a c tier last weekend

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Modern skateboarding fucking sucks. Everyone skates like a robot: same tricks, same style (both clothing and trick execution), everyone at the skateparks are way too serious and tryhard. Nobody carves or has any real style, just the same in-line tight truck 5 approved tricks tried endlessly in a row.

How do we make skateboarding like 1988-1992 again? Bright day glo colors, giant ass fish boards with rails, tricks that are whatever the fuck you felt like doing that day and who fucking cares if you drag a hand or a toe as long as you surf out of it. People used to all have a sense of humor and goof around and improvise halfway through a trick, not stand around like soulless autistic robots and give up if the autism flip didn't land perfect in the sperg grind. And for the love of fuck, they listened to ROCK and METAL, not this horseshit faggot ass trap music rap bullshit.

Skateboarding used to be rad as fuck and whatever gay shit it is today isn't worth being around. I don't see any tricks around today that weren't being done back then, it just had more pizzaz then.

Like, watch this part and tell me you aren't 1000x more amped to skate than some bullshit dropped today: https://youtu.be/3c7XV-FC59k?si=RAAuO_Fu-BT8R2RF&t=21

Fuck modern skateboarding, make skateboarding rad again.
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dont worry about apologizing i dont care what faggots do
that's an odd non sequitor, but I hope you learn to care about yourself and what you do.
>pennyboarder with faggot redditisms
>saying things is reddit
>doesnt skate

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I have 5 months of nothing starting today.
How can I become the best fighter possible with, say, $1400 USD a month in my pocket.
Mot of the fight camps seem to be in Thailand.
Do they have any good grappling camps there or outside?
I like grappling more, ESPECIALLY nogi

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>Be me
>coaching wrestling for young kids
>getting aid from parent of kid in class cause he’s helping me wrangle the kids and make sure no one’s goofing off
>do a test exercise for the kids to see if they can push through it
>about 6 minutes of jumping jacks no stopping, if pointed at then you shuffle to me and back
>waterbreak after
>parent comes up to me
>starts telling me it was too hard for kids that age group
>Tells me it’s more about trying to keep them interested and having fun cause of their age
>start to understand what he’s saying
>genuinely good advice at first
>”These kids aren’t in competition. Most won’t even make travel teams and become good. There’s no need to push them.”
>woah wtf
>think that’s such a shitty reason to not make them work hard for a bit

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I has job security because nobody had my skill set
So like for example I had a group with 20something 7-11 year Olds in it and I made them all stand in a line at the beginning and I said there's a lot of you in here and only one of me, so there won't be any warnings, if you don't listen you're out and that's it
Well 2 seconds later 2 boys are wrestling on the ground so they were made an example of and banished immediately

Then their affluent Karen moms complained to me about how its unfair and they bring there kids here specifically for class and they're working moms and they're just kids. And I said you know who else are kids? The 20 other ones in the room that listened to what I was saying
Just ignore, anon. Smile and nod and exit the conversation. You owe him none of your time and attention. He can be a drama queen and pull his kid from the class, which is all the better.
wrestle him. whoever wins gets custody of his son
You know what fucking PISSES ME OFF!

Its definitely not worth losing your job keep it tranquillo

Jones would submit + elbow him to oblivion.
Jones is having difficulty submitting paperwork these days.
it would be such a good fight. especially if jones was in his prime


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