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You are a weirdo, an absolute strange one. After a lightning strike against some magic clay, you were born. You have no name, no goals, and an entire world of poorly illustrated weirdos who each likely have their own schizophrenic wants and needs!

Our story begins on the road where you finally have your ego slip into your new form. No deity claims you, and you don’t know what to do with your hands. In the distance, you see a quaint village bustling with activity. Its inhabitants are just as bizarrely drawn as you, moving in peculiar, jerky motions as if they're part of a child's flip book animation.

Nearby, a crooked sign swings slightly in the wind. It reads 'Welcome to Twisty Hollow.' Just past the sign, a group of creatures, looking like a mix of turnip and human, argue loudly about the best way to grow magical carrots.

As you stand there, trying to make sense of this odd world, a small, scribbly cat with two heads, one smiling and one frowning, approaches you. The smiling head purrs and says cheerfully, 'Hello there! New to these parts? You look like you could use a purpose! The folks around here always need help with something. Maybe helping them will help you find your own path!' The frowning head adds grumpily, 'Or just create more confusion. They're a weird bunch, after all.'

Your hands still feel weird and awkward, but you decide it's time to interact with this strange world. The cat continues, 'If you're looking for something to do, I know a few troubled souls who could use a hand:

>Help the turnip-humans with their magical carrot cultivation problem.
>Assist the local baker, a floating loaf of bread, who seems to be missing some crucial baking ingredients.
>Investigate the mysterious singing coming from the old well on the edge of the village.
>Simply explore the village and see what other odd jobs you might stumble upon.
What will you do?
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I agree with this.

>attempt to use divination to diagnose the problem
We aren't a druid, we have a diverse skillset and the willingness to use it.
Rolled 2, 11, 2 = 15 (3d20)

First 2 are for how clear of a vision, 3rd is what is causing it
OP here, plans have changed unfortunately, I may get around to updating later but no promises, quest is not flaked on I promise just busy
You got this OP.

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Pick race and location
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Big Ma'ma sends out her workers to acquire resources in the swamp! They return to the nest carrying large boulders! With some effort, flint can be chipped away from them!

Resource acquired: Boulders!

Your warriors capture a slime girl. You attempt to interbreed with her but you fail. Your reproductive systems are too different. The slimes just eat a lot and then they duplicate their core and become two slimes. Their breeding patterns seem incompatible with your current reproductive capabilities. Maybe if you evolve your reproductive system first you would be able to breed with slimes.

Year 2

Food: 6/10 (4% pop growth)

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> Improve Culture
Bugmen shall lift boulders the bigger the more food they get.
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You introduce boulder lifting culture with the bugmen! The population begins to become stronger! However, they start eating more and so the food situation degrades slightly.

The slime girl multiplies.

A bunch of orcs show up at our settlement. They kill a few workers and leave. Our warriors track them back to their tribe by scent. The orcs have more warriors than we do.
> Send a gift to the orcs seeking peace
> Launch a raid on the orcs
> Now is not the time

Year 2

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it was year 3 I forgot to change
> Now is not the time

> Improve Food
Expand the fields. Use the Shinanas to clear the weeds.

> Diplomacy/War
Have Big Ma'ma talk with the slime girls and then release them.

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If you want to play from here, you can, but be aware it's hard for you to do anything covertly All your moves can be looked up by other players.

We are missing Iran and Sunni Opposition, but we got enough people to play.

>Last thread
>Recruitment Ad
Ready for a wargame with a unique twist? Introducing a "Matrix Game" where your strategic arguments and knowledge of history directly impact the outcome. Think Clancy/Battlefield triller intensity with deeper geopolitical intrigue.

>Key Features:

- Argument is Your Weapon: Persuasive tactics earn you combat modifiers. I'll arbitrate, channeling my history expertise and healthy dose of insanity.
- Volatile Modern World: Choose between Central Asia, the Middle East, or East/Central Africa. Expect volatile factions and superpower powerplays. (Mercenaries 1/2 fans, this will feel familiar)
- Hyper-Realistic Conflict: Amplified economic and technological factors fuel relentless, plausible warfare (The Pentagon/Analysts uses Marix games).

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Important question for my next action, are Kurdistan's troops from Arbil currently in Dahuk since they intercepted my oil trade, or did they use some imaginary/not-displayed militia to do it

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>You are an Inspecter looking to find out the truth on the matter of Son Gohan being severely injured. His sister, Son Peppa, has not been injured, but may have some clue as to why her brother was injured. You will have to find out what she knows.

>WARNING: This is a spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. Being familiar with Tuffle Quest helps, but this spinoff will also have topics such as bullying, abuse, self-harm, drug use, grief, suicidal ideation, grooming, violence, and rape.


The Inspecter actually three of the tuffle Maple Son-Mahogany, Peppa's Mom, in a trenchcoat has heard Peppa describe in detail how her chocolate, meant for her girlfriend, was stolen from her on February 14th.

Then, Peppa talked of how she was fighting with her brother Gohan since that incident, but then the fights got too severe for Peppa to recount the rest, so the Inspecter motioned for her to take a break.

The Inspecter went out and had coffee, and the three components of the Inspecter (Scolding, Doting, and Inquiring) discussed some theories based on the info they had, then went over some of the big questions of the case.

In the end, there was only one question that could be answered with any certainty...
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“Maybe the culprit behind stealing the chocolate has a crush on Peppa?”

After a long pause, Inquiring pipes up, “Dottie? Let’s say that’s true or not. In either case, how would that factor into what happened on White Day?”


Scolding shrugs, which sorta throws off the balance of their totem a smidge. “Eh, Dottie did figure out something to link the dates together. By like, a hair. But it is something.”

Inquiring scuffs her shoe against pavement as she mulls it over. “How is it helpful though?”

Doting thinks for a bit. “...hm, hm!” She raises a finger, which jostles the crank on the mechanism for their arms. “It is something else to talk about!”

Inquiring compensates with some quick steps to the side, and asks, “Why would we talk about something else?”

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>C. You have gleaned new info about Izzy, what with these odd reactions to her name. Ask Peppa if she saw anything else like that.
>B. Go hard, go ham, go hear about Gohan. Doting will have to pull double duty, but it should be worth it. Peppa wants her brother’s torturer to be punished after all.
And also
>D. Put the other two of us in timeout, have both of them wear a sign that says "We Get Along"
>A. Go on a trip down Filler Lane, this business about Valentine’s is unrelated but it should have less bumps in the road.
And this D

"Become my husband, Yuusha! Together we can overthrow the demon king and rule the kingdom as equals!" The demon king's top general whom you've fought multiple times as the chosen hero makes a shocking proposal! How do you respond?

>No, you're evil, I'll never marry you!
>You're just going to betray me after defeating the demon king!
>Sorry, I already have a girlfriend.
>Write In
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>"I want to marry him for power, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything!" The demon king's top general mumbles while going to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow!
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!

echoing >>5994045, you are only on page 2, unless you need to take an extended break I don't see why the thread needs to end here
I don't know, anon. Feels like it would turn into a harem situation easily. I kind of want to focus on the dense, innocent, battle maniac instead of the elf girl. As for the thread, maybe QM meant it's the start of the next chapter and interchanged that with the word "thread"?
The elf girl can be a comedic unsuccesful rival.
Then just don't vote for a harem. Simple as.
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!

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Welcome to Do Your Best Quest: Relevant Times. A collection of auto-conclusive short sidestories in Prancijan!

Select one of the characters, complete their short story, and move to the next one! You’ll decide the fate of each one, help them succeed or watch them fail! It’s all down to your choices!

Please, pick who you want to play as first:

Rob Banks – Officially demoted (again) from his position as Police Chief, Rob Banks has been tasked to aid the mysterious Unit 95 with its most important mission so far: Apprehend the most powerful homeless man in the shelter. Can they defeat the man blessed by the city itself?

Dunja – This Orange Star United spy snuck into a high society party where President Lazarus Gordon Junior and his cabinet are guests of honor. Her mission is to assassinate the ‘Air Force General’ Wichapi Cherrikano. Will she taint her hands with blood? Or will she die in the process?

Ivanna L. Tavarez – After years under the tutelage of the former head of government Lazarus Gordon Senior, the second phase of his revenge is underway. As the future head of state, Ivanna has to pick a right-hand man from the prisoners locked up in the highest security prison in the country to serve her. Will she choose wisely?

Uzziel – The most outstanding prospect of the Saoinji & Koroma Educational Program of Excellency is being interviewed to work directly under presidential candidate Elicarto Lloydington. To test his competency, he’ll face challenges not even the bravest in Pokyo Lokyo could hope to survive. Will he tame the metaphorical White Tiger of the Concrete Jungle?

Richard Wright – The reinstated detective started his own private investigation on Elicarto Lloydington, and gathered enough information to get a search warrant for his office. He’ll find more than mere clues if he’s not cautious. Will this be the first step towards the politician’s downfall? Or will Richard be made to disappear like countless others?

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“That’s what you know about me? Haha!” The man cheerfully claps. He asked if you knew who he was, and you went on a long tirade about why he is here for life. “I’ve been writing my biography, care to share some pointers with this old man?” He’s not taking you seriously.

You took an elevator, and walked through a long corridor to get here. You’re standing in front of his cell as you watch him wash his hands. There’s plenty of space between the jails in this section.

“It’s on me if I sound lethargic, I can’t tell if it’s day or night from here anymore. Can’t say I’m used to visitors either.” Wigmar the Conspirator acts like he has just a little bit of wit left, but that’s not the case. He’s sharp as ever. “Now, can you enlighten me as to why you called me a *Cake* Plotter?”

...You did what?

>>How do you respond?

>“I misspoke. It’s not a big deal.” Retain your dignity with humbleness.
>“Build a case. I can let you go if you agree to be my right-hand man. I’m sure you’re interested in leaving this place.” Don’t play games, be straightforward.

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>>“Build a case. I can let you go if you agree to be my right-hand man. I’m sure you’re interested in leaving this place.” Don’t play games, be straightforward.
>(writes note to pretend mistake was deliberate) “Shows an ear for small details…”
>“Build a case. I can let you go if you agree to be my right-hand man. I’m sure you’re interested in leaving this place.” Don’t play games, be straightforward.
This guy's good. I like him. He's in.
We only get to pick one right hand, anon.

Also, I'd like to think that the recipe Kobashi made was developed from some sort of failed secret Prancijanian government MK-Ultra-esque project to create sleeper agents for assassinating dissidents and political rivals, but it just made the test subjects heavily attracted to whoever made the cake.

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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
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Intangerbil crawls under the door again and then you stick one arm under the door and push your head and shoulders through the gap behind it! When you pull your legs through you crouch down and peek under the door at Dipoelagus.

"Come on, Dipoelagus!"

Dipoelagus tilts its face downward and then back up. "THE OPENING IS TOO SMALL."

It seems like Dipoelagus can't fit! You'll have to open the door to let him out.

You look up at the door and see a big lock! Even though you pull on it as hard as you can, it won't open! You pull so hard you fall down in the snow and when you look over your shoulder you see the sun going behind the big mountain and the sky getting dark.

You can't help crying again because Dipoelagus is stuck inside the mon pen and because it's getting dark and because the mountain is so big and because Snowsquash is probably going to get captured by those humans?

"I miss Joe!"

You didn't mean to say that out loud!

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The big lock unlocks and the mon pen door swings open and you see Dipoelagus! You're so happy you can't contain yourself!


"I APPRECIATE BEING RELEASED." Dipoelagus waddles out of the mon pen and says "WHERE ARE WE GOING NOW?"

You point away from the cabin toward the big mountain!

"That way!"



You start walking toward the big mountain with Dipoelagus and Intangerbil next to you! After a little while you look back but you can't see the cabin anymore!

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>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
One (two?) crisis at a time.
>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
>>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash

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A cute voice echoes,"Yuusha-sama! Yuusha-sama! Rise and shine!"

Startled, you snap awake. But there's nobody there. It was just a dream. Alone in your cramped studio apartment, you realize it's Monday morning. School awaits, yet the thought fills you with dread. The bullies are going to beat you up and steal your lunch money once more. Such is the fate of a fat loser in a school from a poor neighborhood.

Will you attend school today?
>Yes, there’s no choice.
>No, perhaps it's best to skip.

Roll 1d100. The result will determine today's luck.
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Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

>Aaaiieeee Nakamura sama I kneel! Please don't unleash your wrath against me!
>I’m sorry, Nakamura-san. My bad. I'll get you a strawberry milk to make up for it. [DC 80]
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Assault her

Year: UC 0080's
After the devastation of the Stardust Incident, trust eroded in the capability of the Earth Federation, and the need for an task force that could operate outside the purview of the law to prevent an similar event from ever happening again. Thus the rise of the Titans was officially declared, an sizable chunk of the Federation budget poured into the coffers of the Titans as they began to develop and test countless mobile suits and variations, all at the behest of their leader, Jamitov Hymen and his right hand man, Bask Om.

But not all were content to simply lie back and let the Titans rise be absolute, their heavy handed policies brought upon them the scorn and distaste for not only the Titans, but also the Earth Federation as well. Still, your father was a federation man, who lost his life in the war. Even so, you left to become a soldier...

[When did you join the Titans?]
A. 0083, when it was first established.
B. 0085, just before the Bunch 30 Incident
C. 0086, Prior to the AEUG performing their Gundamjack operation.

[What type of Newtype are you?]
Oldtype, sadly
Dormant Newtype
Average Newtype
Potent Newtype

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>Galbaldy Alpha
>GM Custom
I know what you are, spacebattles qm.
>Galbaldy Alpha
If I am going to pilot zeekshit with a new paint job it better be the good zeekshit
>GM Custom

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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian and Orkney. You are also King of Camelot by right and claim! Of course, so far, shouldering this heady title has only resulted in lots of work, bizarre discoveries of how things work in Avalon, and the responsibility of fending off attacks from enemies.

Like the monstrous Wyvern, which had the temerity to eat two of your vassals!

Even if all the vassals are unruly Anarchists, rigid Nomenklatura, religious Fanatics, disloyal Pirates and other such odd characters... Going down that mental route is verboten for a King. You need as many Baphomets alive to enact your ultimate ambition of returning home with your identity restored!

The unnatural two headed creature lashes out with its long, poisonous stinger tail to disrupt your attack. Black smoking ichor beads at the end of the scorpion-like stinger, and the odd droplet sizzles as it drips on to the ground.

Perhaps attracting the attention of this thing wasn't the best idea...

Kuroda Haruka, 16 year old. A forgotten but genuine member of the Kuroda samurai clan.

Identity: King Lot of Lothian and Orkney

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>You hear unnerving whispers...

I'm off on my trip so I won't be posting soon... but I guess everyone really like J-Horror stuff.
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>You hear unnerving whispers...
bet its gonna be ghosts
>>You hear unnerving whispers...

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You politely listen to you friend's concerns. Given all that the two of you have been through you found their fears to be valid although Xin Lan was never one to exaggerate or dance around the point when they were serious. A trait that only served to punctuate what they said as they didn't hide it within a joke or a tease. "Xin, I don't intend to use magic or even want you to attempt to remember what was done to you." You stroke your chin as think about how best to explain your intent. "I don't want to completely cut my emotions out. Hmm..." You pause again. "This new style is supposed to be empathetic. To truly understand their suffering or anger. To that extent I need to be able to ignore everything else. Any anger I have towards them, or fear, or perhaps even doubt. If wanted to use this style then I can't be angry if they're holding you, Ming, or Ren hostage. You're the best at doing that sort of thing and given that you can do it at will, I was hoping you can teach me."

"It seems rather limiting. I mean the reason you're fighting someone is because you're angry at them." Xin Lan points out. "Do you really think you can empathize with say...the guy who destroyed the Library?" You go quiet. You weren't sure about that. You did defeat the ones who were behind that atrocity and even let them live but you couldn't say you did it because you felt bad for them. You're not sure if you could do the same for whoever sent the order out.

"Well, I suppose for now I'd try to use it against those who are simply lost. People who are simply lashing out. I think it's at least worth learning for purpose. Someone who doesn't really want to hurt others but they think they have no other option isn't the same as say a bandit or raider who sees themselves above morality." You explain. Xin Lan might have a point but you'd be glad if you could use it to pacify innocent people at least. Xin Lan tilts their head.

"There's plenty of styles for that. Or you can just hit their Chi points like you always do." They point out.

"Yes, but there's the challenge of it. It's like...writing a whole new story. Or discovering a new medicine. Right now, it's less about it's use but more about making it. We might never find it's true potential but now it exists. Someone else can find it, learn it, and take it to new heights I could never dream of. Just thinking of that...I think it makes it worth it." You eagerly. Xin Lan let's out a sigh before moving to lay on their back with a bit of a struggle.

"You're being weird." They say and you take their tone to indicate they had be placated and their worries assuaged.

"I can't help it." You say. "So can you help?"

"I dunno..." They admit. "You're asking for something weird. To not feel and feel at the same time. You know I don't work like that right?"

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I'll support >>5992025

Fuck it, we got 5 limbs fools!
The cats are fighting! But our cat is bigger. Writing
I come back to see that my post did not go through...damn.
You were impressed by Tigress's plan at least in concept. She was attempting to deny you the advantage you had for being taller by preventing you from being able to draw back and strike. In staying this close, you had less options and attempts to attack would leave you open with no ability to dodge or evade. Such a tactic would have served well to lock down an opponent while maintaining a full on attack. However, you weren't just any opponent and her strategy came with an obvious drawback. It was a double edge sword and in denying her opponent room to maneuver and defend so did she lose her ability to do the same.

You use your legs to lock Tigress's down before shifting your body to pin her arms under the one she was clinging to. It was a bit of a mess and it looked more like you were simply trying to sit atop her but the awkward positioning allowed you to drive your only free elbow between her shoulders. Tigress was no fool and she headbutts you with the back of her head and begins to shift her position. The two of you roll around the ground attempting to get the upperhand. You strike with everything you had arms, legs, knees, elbows but Tigress returns equal fervor. Even on the ground, the two of you knock chairs arounds, topple vases, and crush some plants. It was clear that something needed to change or the two of you were simply going to spend the rest of the day giving one another cuts and bruises.

>What do you do?
>Aim for the steps. Falling down them would probably cause the two of you to split in an attempt to break your falls.
>Turn it up a notch and simply tear Tigress off of you. You're not really supposed to escalate a spar but you don't really have anything else.
>Just hug Tigress. Fighters are more than just who's stronger. There's also the mental aspect. Simply hugging her would probably confuse her enough to throw her off her game.
>Write in.
>Down the stairs.

Scene transition! Get em outside! More space to move and more time to fight.
More spectators to increase the emotional tension as we meditate.

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Megan was trembling in fear, as she and her three guardsmen friends, Flora, Daniel and Gregor entered the large, dimly lit hallway. The four were noticeably injured and anxious, with Flora being carried by Daniel. "G-Guys, I-I can't do this... I-I don't wanna t-tell her we failed. I-I know s-she'll hurt us if we tell her the bad news." Megan said, Gregor sighing in defeat. "We agreed to just tell her the truth. I'm sure that, if we're just honest, she might show some mercy. We just... need to keep calm, okay? Besides, if you run from her, you'll be as good as dead anyway..." Daniel started sobbing already, shaking his head and clearly panicking. "W-Why did have to happen to me... I-I just wanted to do a good job... w-why me..." The four would soon make their way to what used to be a containment chamber, the glass wall leading up to it having been destroyed. Aside from the destruction, the place was eerily clean and well maintained, with electricity allowing the place to be properly illuminated.

And in the remnants of the chamber, upon a large golden throne, sat their queen. Beside the queen sat many anxious guardsmen and a few scientist, some crouching whilst others were clearly on guard. Their queen had her legs crossed, her eyes looking down at the four soldiers who approached anxiously. She kept quiet, as the four would immediately bow in fear. "Y-Your majesty, w-we have failed t-to... c-convince the s-survivors n-near the f-factory of your rule. T-They f-fought back... a-and as you c-can already s-see, we... w-we unfortunately lost a m-man." The queen scoffed, hardly seeming to care as she leaned back a little. "I am already well aware of your co-workers failure. He was shot in the leg and taken in by those non-believers. Of course, I made sure he did not... betray me and my mission." The four guardsmen all looked terrified, knowing what that entailed.

Though soon after, Daniel broke down in front of her, much to the panic of the guardsmen. "P-Please, y-your majesty, h-have mercy! W-We're sorry for f-failing you! W-We will do better, we promise! Please j-just-" The queen would stand up with a soft stomp, before approaching Daniel and grabbing him by the neck. "Did I allow you to speak?" Daniel kept quiet, trembling in fear as the queen would tighten her grip on his neck. "I was going to pardon you, yet you speak out of turn and show your cowardice." She jabbed her fingernails into his flesh, before he moved his hands to her arms to try and get her to stop. Daniel started screaming in agony, the rest of his men looking down or away. Daniel's screams soon turned to gurgles, before a strange fleshy matter would wrap around the queens fingers, seeping into her flesh. She let go of Daniel, who fell to the ground and covered his neck with his hands as his breath sounded raspy and broken. He tried speaking, but no voice came out as he started letting out tears.
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Then we'd better make damn sure we give them one because this is going to come to a head in the finale, and they will make it out of here as free individuals or die trying. I want to give them the opportunity for some character development and become more complex people and provide more emotional torque for us because they are main characters now that we are already emotionally invested in and deserve it even if they aren't guaranteed to have a happy ending.
I wouldn't reccomend getting emotionally invested into those we might have to put down later.
But that's just the Death Squad part of us speaking.
>Have a little chat with the subjects. Oreas, Anofelis and Morgan clearly wanted to help you out with combat, so perhaps you could discuss some things with them now. (Write in who you'll chat with and what you wanna ask them.)
Morgan's already proven herself, but for Oreas and Ano ask what their capabilities are and how much experience they have.
Too late, we already are. Most players in this quest would move heaven and earth for them, especially Anofelis. Having to kill them all later would be a catastrophic bad end.
Supporting. Though I'd like to chat with Chrys as well. Despite being the first subject we found we really haven't done much with the poor moth.

We aren't. Even if we personally don't connect to them, it is clear that our soldiers are. Despite our bonuses, keeping them around us for so long will make our soldiers grow attached to them as they speak with them and get to know them as people. It's one thing to execute someone who you just met. It's another to execute someone who put their trust in you and who you've known for months. If we didn't plan to get attached we would have killed Chrys when we had the option. We chose to spare her and go down the route of discovering what's going on here rather than just gunning for big time payments.

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Come help this talentless and skill-less peasant forge a future, or will you let them fade into obscurity?

What were they again?

This is my first time as QM and I make no promises this is going to be any good or enjoyable! I hope I got the formatting down and haven't already butchered this into oblivion.I will try my best, hope you enjoy!
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>Fetch Water from well
Please do not send me out alone, not in the darkness on my own
>> Collecting Firewood
>Collecting Firewood
I'm still alive! I 've ust been drawing and planning alot of stuff. Just to let you guys know.
Thanks for the heads up, we'll be waiting

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Anon, you, that's right, you have somehow acquired Feyd Rautha's harem of cannibal slave girls (after Feyd Rautha was killed by Paul Atreides). What do?

>Ask for a blowjob.
>Ponder the life choices that have led to this moment.
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First they came for the ape rape quests, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not rape apes.

Then they came for the midget rape quests, and I did not speak out—
Because I did not rape midgets.

Then they came for the cannibal blowie quest—
Yet there are non-qsts polluting the catalog right now, shameful.
And containment board breaching quests earlier in the year in a flood
You blow cannibals?

Have you tried running a quest which isn't incredibly low-effort and primarily about having sex?
Fuck off janny

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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: The Huntsman swung over to Central Park and met up with the Morlocks residing there. Shortly after arriving, he ran into Gwen Stacy, a.k.a. "Bastion", and her father, Captain George Stacy, and played a part in introducing them to Gwen's clone, Joy.

They didn't get along at first, but with a bit of persuasion, Joy was willing to sit down and hear her family out.

While that was happening, Ben spent some time with Ester, met up with Glass, and helped the two of them gather the rest of the Central Park mutants in order to discuss their plans going forward. Only, those plans were almost immediately derailed when Screwball crashed the party!

But oddly enough, she actually seems willing to help the Morlocks find their footing here on the surface.

Can she be trusted, or is she simply taking advantage of them in order to gain more clout? How will everyone react to learning that the Morlocks don't have any intention of leaving the park anytime soon? Will Ben ever be able to persuade his team to roll out of bed and help with Screwball's plan?

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While Abe was busy trying to become a social media sensation, you set out to find Joy and the Stacys. Which, after you thought about it for a second, would make for a pretty sick band name.

It didn’t take you long to find them, as they were still generally in the same area you’d left them in. And seeing as how no one was shouting or pummeling one another, you thought it was safe to maintain your optimism towards the situation.

Unsurprisingly, Joy turned to note your approach before the others even got a chance. She’d spread her webs all throughout the trees in this part of the park, and that meant that her little spider sentries were giving her feedback on their surroundings. And you had an inkling that a man in red and black spandex swinging past at roughly 45 mph would set off all sorts of alarms.

“Hey all. How’re things going so far? Good, I hope.”

It was weird how nervous you were for the well-being of a family that wasn’t yours.

Gwen nodded, a slight smile on her red lips.

“We’re making progress. The whole…’Warren’ situation is still a little shaky…”

It was all Captain Stacy could do not to glower at the mention of the man who’d so grossly violated the privacy of his daughter.

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As you glanced over the Stacys, you eventually locked eyes with Joy. It then occurred to you that you never drilled into her the importance of maintaining a secret identity. Especially for someone in your line of work. You really hoped she hadn’t blurted out your name at any point during your conversation.

The blonde clone seemed to be blissfully unaware of your inner turmoil, and was instead content to smile at you from where she sat. And if you had to guess, the empty snack wrappers littering the table had something to do with her good mood. They were no doubt bribes that were used to keep her complacent while the Stacys went over some of the more troubling topics involving Joy’s conception, upbringing, and current living situation.

Judging by the various brands of sugar-filled treats that you recognized from the labels printed on the empty plastic packages, Joy might’ve just been basking in the afterglow of a recent sugar rush.

What will you do/say?

>"Excuse us for a moment." Pull Joy aside for a quick little private chat.
>”Hey Joy, Abe’s here if you want to go say hi! He’s doing a thing with Shark Girl, though, so you might have to wait a bit.”
>”That’s great. I’m glad you guys could come to an understanding. I just hope you have a big enough snack budget to maintain this relationship.”
>”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city since she started living with the mutants.”
>”If you guys want, you can also invite your friends and coworkers to the park’s grand reopening. The Morlocks and I are planning something big that should be a hit with the regular park-goers.”

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>"Excuse us for a moment." Pull Joy aside for a quick little private chat.
Just to be sure we dont get doxxed
>”I guess none of you knew that too much processed sugar is toxic to spiders. If Joy develops a headache or lethargy in the next couple hours we’ll need to pump her out.”
>”But seriously, I’m glad you guys could come to an understanding. I just hope you have a big enough snack budget to maintain this relationship.”
It’s fun to mess with friends.

>”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city before or after she started living with the mutants. Just keep the super senses in mind and skip the rock concerts at first.”
If I remember right, Warren kept her on a tight leash too since bots were out hunting her and Abe. The university was the only safe place.

>”Hey Joy, our brother-in-spiderdom is here if you want to go say hi! He’s doing a thing with Shark Girl, though, so you might have to wait a bit.”
Keeping names out of it just in case, and if she calls him out by name then it gives us an excuse to point out she shouldn’t make a habit of using real names while people are masked up. Even if she has been bribed with a ton of treats. Word spreads, and not everyone around a hero can fight like one.

>”If you guys want, you can also invite your friends and coworkers to the park’s grand reopening. The Morlocks are planning something big that should be a hit with the regular park-goers.”
Let them take full credit unless pressed. We’re just one helper.

>”If Hill is deploying more agents here then what does that mean elsewhere? I appreciate the security, but the acronym agencies are bigger than one city.”

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>"Word to the wise Joy, pace yourself with the sweets. A super metabolism is only gonna make the crash hit that much harder, believe me."
>”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city since she started living with the mutants.”

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