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If you want to play from here, you can, but be aware it's hard for you to do anything covertly All your moves can be looked up by other players.

We are missing Iran and Sunni Opposition, but we got enough people to play.

>Last thread
>Recruitment Ad
Ready for a wargame with a unique twist? Introducing a "Matrix Game" where your strategic arguments and knowledge of history directly impact the outcome. Think Clancy/Battlefield triller intensity with deeper geopolitical intrigue.

>Key Features:

- Argument is Your Weapon: Persuasive tactics earn you combat modifiers. I'll arbitrate, channeling my history expertise and healthy dose of insanity.
- Volatile Modern World: Choose between Central Asia, the Middle East, or East/Central Africa. Expect volatile factions and superpower powerplays. (Mercenaries 1/2 fans, this will feel familiar)
- Hyper-Realistic Conflict: Amplified economic and technological factors fuel relentless, plausible warfare (The Pentagon/Analysts uses Marix games).
What sets this apart:
- Historical depth: My BoA in history (Magna Cum Lade) informs a setting where your knowledge matters.
- Player Agency: You don't just roll dice. You shape the narrative and propose lore to build the world collaboratively.

>How to Get Involved
- Vote: Where should the conflict unfold? [NM, we voted for Middle East]
- Choose Your Platform: How should we run this? [They voted for Discord, https://discord.gg/UzmPCYUD]
Inspiration: This draws from PaxSims (https://paxsims.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/150314-isiscrisismaster-v2.pdf) and similar politically charged wargames.

>Let's Build This Together!
Important question for my next action, are Kurdistan's troops from Arbil currently in Dahuk since they intercepted my oil trade, or did they use some imaginary/not-displayed militia to do it
"The Kurdistani — Today at 7:26 PM
Of course I used the real militia"
Alright, very cool, has Poland's actions been resolved
I'm going to allow them to continue since neither side proposed additional arguments.
Waiting on ISIS to make it's moves.
Isis has imported several cheap cars and guns, resulting modern cavalry
Some technical squads leave to capture oil drills and platforms, netting them steady income
Alright I'm going big on this turn
Military move: Attack the Kurd troops currently in Dahuk using both troops from Mosul
Arguments: They're way out of position with no defensive fortifications or anything whatsoever
It would be an easy phone call from my oil transport guys to notify us that they're being attacked
I outnumber them 2:1
I outgun them with that truck with a gun mounted on it troop
They would not be able to anticipate my retaliation
They're trying to safely convey the oil back to sell it, and are hindered because of that
I am very close to the region and can travel there on that white line/road quickly

Nonmilitary action: Repair any damage done to the oil fields by the drone strikes
Arguments: The damages were minimal and didn't hit key infrastructure
All the parts are replaceable and easy to repair
ISIS has a team of engineers that can work on this stuff
The parts needed to repair the damages are relatively cheap
I control the area around the oil fields so the engineers can work in peace
For the military argument, they forget that Kurds are being backed up by Iraqi troops
so that evens the numbers and they are outgunned with professional equipment from outside forces aid
For the nonmilitary argument, the damages would put the oil field out of commission since it got hit by fighters alongside Iraqi help
Rolled 6, 2 + 2 = 10 (2d6 + 2)

I am seeing a lot of stuff being countered... I see that you have like +2 or +3 afterward.. but that's reduced by the penalties of fighting outside Sunni Areas. I do indeed see that the Iraq forces are nearby and that there is support resources nearby or made available in previous turns.

So this is a 2d6+2. Rolling now to speed things along.
Okay how the fuck did the Iraqi troops manage to trek through all of ISIS controlled territory or on a long round-about route through the entirety of Kurdistan to get to Dahuk on time, and which Iraqi troops, the ones from Baghdad or the ones from Taji, I call immense bullshit on that military counter-argument
If Iran wants to try something, I'd maybe see it as being possible, but you'd have to sell me the idea that they could fucking get through the entirety of Kurdistan before I can hit them and get back
Guess it's a moot point with this success roll though, so cool
The Iraq player forgot several arguments and other players didn't make any. I'm going to say it's 2d6+1 for repair because of the airstrikes
Rolled 3, 5 + 1 = 9 (2d6 + 1)

Awesome, I don't mind letting you roll for me from now on if this is how the results are gonna be lol
Iraq has been enduring what shouldn't have to be endured. Kurdistan has academic stuff keeping them busy till Wensday I believe.

I waited before poking Iraq as I first didn't want to be bothersome (And because Poland got off and on busy too), but then I had stuff coming up distracting me.

Iraq will be an NPC faction, that others can act on. They will have the same agenda as before.
My IP is gonna be different since I'm mobileposting, but it's me, ISIS
Nah it's fine, if people have shit to deal with, they got shit to deal with, we can just suspend this until things settle down and everyone can have fun together. This seems like it's been a wargame among friends, and if some friends can't make it we don't have to force it for the sake of some random anonymous dude on 4chan (me)
If I can't reprise my role as ISIS in the future, at least I set down a decent enough foundation for whoever takes up the reins to wreck house in the middle east, wiping out 1/4th of Kurdistan's military was a big win (sorry buddy, but you way overextended there in trying to get the oil in one action, and I couldn't just let it slide that troops could just show up from nowhere so those guys had to have been that unit defending Arbil)

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