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Is /int/ a 3 digit IQ board?
When looking at some posts I am surprised the anons here have the mental capacity to breathe
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not sure about others here but my iq is 94
Absolutely not
>Every second 3 Indians get access to the internet for the first time
No it is not

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my country is so poor that owning a house and a car without a loan is something to brag about
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It's IMPOSSIBLE to buy a house here nigga
Who's living in the houses then? Vampires?
It used to not be in the US. When my grandparents were in their 20s and 30s the country was so prosperous that a highschool kid working after school and all summer for 2 years could have their own new car and then buy a plot of land and with one more summer of work could afford ALL of the building supplies to build their own house on that land. All in cash. No loans.

Then you'd round up your family and friends and get to work. Any neighbors to your plot of land were 99% likely to drop by at least a few times per week to help and get to know you. You paid people in beer, dinner, moonshine, etc. It was common for people to buy the land, put a big garden in a corner of it, and feed people helping you build from it. Especially if you had a partner. The husband would focus on building the house and the girlfriend/fiance/wife would tend the garden, bring people drinks, maybe go babysit their kids while they're helping on the house, etc.

And this wasn't full-time work. Everyone still had their day jobs. So it'd take 2-3 months of evening and weekend labor to get your house built.

That's how my grandparents did it. They started with a cozy little 800 square foot starter home and every 1-3 years would add another wing to the place. By the time I was born it was a ~4,000 square foot manor with:
>an in-ground pool
>a large greenhouse
>mechanic's garage with room for 3 vehicles at a time (my grandfather was a mechanic, but the garage was for personal use, it wasn't his main source of income)
>two workshop buildings
>a barn for cows and goats
>a chicken coop
>a big koi pond

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That's literally a pipe dream in any western nation at this point.
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my country is so sexophobic that getting pussy without paying is something to brag about

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Carl Walther Waffenfabrik Ausgabe
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Do you have soft hands and strong, pink nails that will dig into my flesh?
no but I will still choke you to the point of unconsciousness
maybe even beyond if you're lucky
I don't find the idea of you choking my lights out arousing, I'm sorry.
real fucking rude
Y'all niggas ever just stumblebum down the neon music city sidewalks?

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When did you realize that dark eye and hair color is superior to light eye and hair color?
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Shame she looks emaciated nowadays
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the aryan blue eyed gaze terrifies the nafri living in an Amsterdam ghetto
how ironic, only brownies fetishize blue eyes
you have to go back, poojeet
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No country with white people is poor
Even in latin america european ancestry is directly correclated with developement.
The poorest european countries are richer than the richest latinx countries and essentialy 90% of the planet
Why cant whitebpeople be poor?
IQ creates wealth in the modern world. Before the Industrial Revolution it was agricultural land. Everywhere had a similar level of development, except for the cold places like Scandinavia or Iceland. Iceland was poorer than Iraq less than 200 years ago. Icelandic people always had a higher IQ but it took industrial development for it become an advantage.
southern argentina (patagonia) is brown as shit and the most developed region in the country thoughever
explain that

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What are the pros and cons of being Indian?
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your existence makes timmy seethe
women fear you
your race will continue to exist while ytpipo will die out
you will take over the west

Arranged marriage

Literally everything
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>you can live on shit
>you are so tempered in shit that you'll never get sick
>you can build houses out of shit
>your skin color even matches shit
go anywhere in the world and find out that people think you're... well... shit!
You're born into a pressure cooker culture that beats into you from a very early age the importance of material wealth and status. There is no time for bullshit like activism or lounging around in your room all day listening to music. If you don't scale the ladder, you won't get a pretty wife and you might be destined to slave away under a micromanaging shitcunt for 40+ years. Only the sharpest survive.

The culture transmits idiotic ideas about what women find attractive. You have to learn rizz from non-Indians.

t. bro tier
I watched codex pajeet and it was the most accurate portrayal of the Indian experience and mentality I’ve ever seen. The best part which David Attenborough kept repeating again and again is that Indians lack self awareness and are experts at deluding themselves. This is a huge blessing in disguise because if they were self aware they would all be depressed and rope. India is a giant landfill and the people are part of the trash, but luckily they don’t know it.

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Poland is rejecting its chud past and embracing American progress.
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Look up your homocide and suicide rates, highest in EU.
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Jesus you are pathetic
>why are europeans abandoning christuckery when the church and pope spend every day promoting migration, LGBT rights and communism while washing nigger feet
Truly a mystery
It's just a b8 thing.
America is a much more religious society than Europe, and has been so since our independence.
Secularism is more of a French/German thing, a western European ideology which is being imported to America, not the other way around
it has nothing to do with that desu, it's just people stop believing in religion, any kind of it

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Are you strong enough to carry international women in your country?
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Was it because of land ownership reforms?
This is someones wife and mother kwab

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Nikolai Astrups utgave
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tre og halv fjems lang
piger der tisser
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jenter som tisser
hvem er mest pervers:
ubåt madsen eller tissedansen?

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Why do you look like Arabs?
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BBC(big berber cock)

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Eдицiя бoкcy

Пoпepeднiй: >>197434819
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Хoчa в opигiнaлi лeв нa гopi (oчeвидний cимвoл гaлицькo-вoлинcькoгo князiвcтвa, a пoтiм i pycькoгo вoєвoдcтвa) взaгaлi нe пiдпиcaний. Пoмилкa?
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>Halych, Galicia, Lodomeria, Ruthenia, Ruthenian Land
Ha щo я взaгaлi дивлюcь? Двi Гaличини, двi Pyci, Лoдoмepiя, пpo якy я тaк нiчoгo i нe зpoзyмiв. Звiдки вoнa взялacь взaгaлi? Щo цe зa зeмля?
Лoдoмepiя цe типy aдaптoвaнa Boлoдимиpiя (тoбтo Boлинь), чиї кoльopи зaвжди бyли бiлo-чepвoнi.

Hacкiльки poзyмiю, кoлиcь в cтoлiттi тaк 14-мy чи paнiшe yгopцi кepyвaли її нeвeликим шмaткoм, тoмy кopoнa збepeглa титyл. Який згaдaли чepeз кiлькa coтeнь poкiв пpи пepшoмy пoдiлi PП, кoли Aвcтpiї тpeбa бyлo oбґpyнтyвaти aнeкciю. Toмy тyт з oднoгo бoкy i cтapa Гaлицькa й Boлинcькa зeмлi, i їх нacтyпник Pycькe кopoлiвcтвo, i cyчacнa нa тoй мoмeнт Ґaлiцiя з тpьoмa кopoнaми iз гepбa.
Aлe щo гoлoвa бикa тyт знaчить я нe знaю. Бyкoвинa мoжe? B тaкoмy випaдкy cхoжe, щo пiдпиc №40 мaв би бyти зaмicть пycтoгo мicця в №37 тyт >>197486327
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kitakski zhinky taki perfekt
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Yoshke Pondrik (may the name of the wicked rot) worshippers used to massacre people for desecrating crackers


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>fuck off, we're full
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based tßh, did not change my opinion thougheverbeit
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Are Twinkjaks welcomed?
it's a human right to live next to white people and shit on their street
>posts indian propaganda video
you wont find any peer reviewed studies disproving me toilet cleaner chud
unfortunately yes
this but unironically

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Why haven't you moved to netherlands?
They are European and quirky
And they believe in open boarders!!
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>And they believe in open boarders!!
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>sex work
>no cars
This is the literal face of u/jaxsonthefurry
Nigga Amsterdam isn't even the best place to live in the Netherlands
I don’t really see any reason to leave my home state (Pennsylvania).
reddit is so fucking cringe
and not at all surprised that subreddit got capture by fucking trannies
can't have anything good

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wud u liv like dis iyc
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Better than no home.
The American dream 2024 editionis to live in a trailer
only if it's very cheap and extremely sound-proof
Is this because Americans don't know how to build durable structures anymore so they're forced to use shipping containers as homes?
Prefabricated only makes sense if you are mass producing, which considerably limits the type of house you can build. 3d printed prefabricated custom parts that are assembled on site is how it should be done.

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