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Why is America letting China basically dominate LatAm?
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and what currency is used by the chinese to pay for your goods?
>privatizing a company is giving part of you soil to another country
now i get it when the brazilian yestarday said that the average brazilian iq is lower than 84
You can't even stop the Houthis. Shut up kek

Brazil China is Real - Yuan in some sectors, an agreement signed a year or so ago. >>197496495
Because the transmission networks are suspended in the air kek.
Who will betray who, exactly? And for what reason?
If you want to make up schizo scenarios at least make them clear.

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Why have i never seen a Palestine flag on /int/?
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No a Jew, and Israel's arguments for its existence are based around the concept of indigenous-ness.
it's okay to critzize israel and its goverment, but the pro-palestine retards literally know nothing about the conflict and just scream for israel to cease to exist
but let's be honest those people will never have a say in anything here because they are delusional crybabies. Reasonable people can understand that Israel is never going away nor will they allow every 1948Palestinians back into their homes. But also Palestinians can't be expelled either, it's not realistic, nor can Hamas be completely wiped out militarily, so some form of peace, rebuilding, and politican solution will need to happen with genious politicians on both sides.
>Isn't active

lmao, IDF involvement in the west bank is the only thing that keep this place from looking like current Gaza
We are not pretending to be the victims, just showing their hypocrisy.
Your ignorance is what pathetic here.

>You belong in Poland, Morocco or whatever shithole your grandparents came from.
If they cotinine with this attitude they won't get anything.


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Ah ok
Danke Schön
no, im just stronger than all of you fake muscle retards
Just road cycling
no, therea is no real purpose for working out in current day other than vanity
Building muscle makes it easier to be lean since it raises your TDEE. Who doesn't want a chiseled face?

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Why doesn't your country play hockey? Your proximity to nordics surely would guarantee you above-average results. Instead you leave it up to us to carry the white man's burden
I'm trying different /int/y beers, what are some good ones from lietuva? Up here lithuanian products aren't generally associated with any kind of quality so I skipped over all of them, but I've seen Canis Lupus in my local alcohol store, is that one any good?
yea i wish it was common here, seems fun
Švyturio baltas with a dash of citrus is best you can get.
Yea never seen that one here. Anything else?

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302 replies and 66 images omitted. Click here to view.
Ingen vill ligga med dig
du är en vänsterbög
omöjligt att ligga om du inte blir inbjuden att medverka på någon inceldokumentär/konstprojekt
får åka till tjeckien och dyka upp i dr.lomps produktioner asg
>sida 1

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Does your cunt have a turbosperg lolcow? Tell us all about them
No all of ours are zainichi [insert race]
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Yes we have mersh.

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Seriously they are the least empathtic in the world.
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i never tipped anyone in my life. NO PUSSY NO TIP. Make it my problem wagies.
The jews of the east
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Fuck tipping, simple as.
In France the bill is "service compris" = "service is included", tipping is officially forbidden by the tax department. But we do have a tipping culture called "pourboire" which means something like "I pay you a drink bro", you leave some coins if the waiter was nice.

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How do I manage to fuck a woman like that in my country?
How would you achieve it in your country?
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This phenotype gets me diamonds for some reason someone please let me know how I can mate with a woman like this, marry her, and have little goblinos
i have no idea, bimbos never liked me and i only want to fuck them
I am in love with her. How do I get his love?
Shout obscenities when your favorite fuutbal team loses. This shows you have conviction and don't take setbacks kindly saar

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מהדורת תשומת לב
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מצד שני הוא היה היורש לחמינאי, הנשיאים הקודים נדחו על ידו.
לא כל אחד מתאים מבחינת רוחנית(דת) בשביל התפקיד הזה, וזה שמת כן התאים.

גם לחמינאי יש סרטן
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למה יש לנו ערוץ חדשות בצרפתית שוב?

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>but when I went home, my mom really liked them

Ehh, not the case with my mom. She never listens to music through headphones, she'd rather connect her phone to our TV and listen/watch to the MTV clips on it. (and wake the whole neighbourhood.)
>Use tinder
theres no news of it for hours now, so im thinking hes dead
>nothing ever happens
>(and wake the whole neighbourhood.)
based gyppo mom

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The black population of the USA is bigger than most Latin countries, that's how bad things really are.
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I was comparing nations populations. Whole hispanic population in south america is about the same as brazil, it's embarrasing.
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It increases by a few million every decade
that's because the population of the US overall increases every year
The aging process of le blaques is literally the same as le whites only 25 years (one generation) delayed.

They should have a baby boom atm, which didn't occur and their population will decrease in 10-15 years.

Stop being a postmodern feelings fag.
Why do you complain about a Minority which is culturally same as yours and shares the same religion of you?

I think you aren’t able to see the chance you have for having not massive muslim diaspora in your country.

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Immersive learning edition

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read the wiki:

Useful links:
>Free language-learning book archive:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
168 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
大拇指 (big thumb)
食指 (food finger)
中指 (middle finger)
无名指 (no name finger)
小拇指 (little thumb)
option c: throw bacon at you and watch you catch fire
why is it called no name finger?
C'est vrai, j'étais là il y a 2 semaines.
Je suis intéressé par les langues germaniques, et je trouve que l'allemand est le plus accessible (dehors de l'anglais évidemment). Je ne sais pas comment expliquer pourquoi je le trouve difficile, c'est peut-être à cause de la grammaire. C'est plus ou moins comparable à l'anglais, mais le vocabulaire paraît très différent. Ou peut-être je suis simplement accoutumé à apprendre une langue similaire et apprendre une langue assez différent comme l'allemand me paraît vraiment défiant.

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How common are big titted girls in your cunt?
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did you enjoyed it?
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based boob connoisseur
sauce me up before the jannie finishes dilating
The only women with that breast size I have seen are landwhales.

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Why are racist white supremacist nazis more likely to either get girlfriends of a different race or be total incels who hate women and refuse to reproduce?

I'm white and want white kids, but I'm consistent, so I'll marry my white girlfriend and have kids with her eventually.
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Turns out that a lot of chuds are just lonely and sexually frustrated
When did saars start arriving in Latvia?
i swear its this, you can't feel good in your life if you have no partner.
Culture is more important than blood purity, this has been true since ancient times when the sons of Aryas thundered across Eurasia
>more likely to either get girlfriends of a different race

is this true though? what are you basing this on?

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Everyone wishes they had African hair
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There's straight hair
wavy hair
curly hair
and pubic hair like blacks have

Wavy hair is the best
Well fuck my ass I love cucumbers
they wear rags, caps or have a buzz cut 90% of the time
I don't know if they're insecure or what, but you can't not notice it
are you a regular indog or a based negrito native man?
No, I'm happy with my curly blond hair.

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