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If France is not the BIG BOSS of Europe, then why Georgian president called the Mac for this ?

Don't worry my lady, we will arrive to save and to do the knights

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when was the last time you puked (in your country)
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Last time I vomited was last year in your cunt, I swallowed too much seawater in the beach
>Sometime around last month on April around the 21st or 22nd or before or after.
>I ate eggplant curry, and then sometime after eating a few minutes later I threw up.
>Had to run to the second bathroom upstairs in my parents room instead of the one next to my room because my dad was taking a shower in it.
>It found out later that whenever I ate eggplant as a meal I would throw up, it happened to me on 2 separate occasions around 10 or so years ago when I was much more younger though I had no memory about it.
>For me, eating eggplant is ok if it is a small bite but not as a meal by the looks of it.
>Because of this, the next time I will try eggplant will probably be in a couple of years or so.
>I'm glad that I at least only have this small sorta specific allergy to eggplant instead of something else at least, as if I was allergic to something like peanuts then I would have to check the ingredients in basically every single meal that I eat.
>Also, I clogged the sink in the bathroom that I threw up in. Yes, I used the sink instead of the bathroom.
>I mean, that is kind of because during the other times I would use the sink to throw up (Last year in 2022 during a vacation in India I threw up in the sink and it was fine) and I would throw up in the sink many times in my house but still. Pretty sure that the sink clogged up though because there were already some issues with it.
Ate too much 'raclette' and it went back up 5 minutes after putting down the fork. There must have been like 2kg of cheese and potatoes that squirted out of the tiny tube of my oesophagus. It felt like giving birth upwards, I was tearing up from the blood pressure inside my head.
I was on psy meds that suppressed the feeling of fullness. I stopped the meds.
2021 from alcohol
datamining thread

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>Former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says, God willing, Michigan football 'will return to its glory days'
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>Source: my mom's IRGC lover
Sure thing, cocksucker.
I'd love to believe that most Iranians are anti-establishment secularists, but let's be real - a significant portion aren't. You just live in a bubble.
No, I’m happy for you
>fly helicopter in terrible weather conditions
oh my science how could this happen? must be da jooos

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Does this happen in your cunt?
That's a Pole
>This is what greets chechen soldiers back in barracks after a hard day of fighting ukies
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Up his ass? Probably

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מהדורת תשומת לב
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הזמנתי פיצה עם אננס
>let me tell you about your country
matthew didn't get sex from jewish women so he's projecting or randos on 4chan
did you drop the religious larp finally?
Initial Reports that 3 Members of a Red Crescent Search-and-Rescue Team have Died while attempting to look for the Helicopter Crash Site of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in Northwestern Iran. The Cause of Death for the Rescuers is still Unknown.
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my country is so poor that owning a house and a car without a loan is something to brag about
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thanks obama
Because dumb Americans think you need a huge car even if you’re a single cuck and it’s 95% empty

Europeans buy small cars
smol peepees
It's IMPOSSIBLE to buy a house here nigga
Who's living in the houses then? Vampires?

What are some key giveaways that a woman is “yellow only” in ur cuntry?
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She does not reply to English posts even if someone paid for it.

Meanwhile she'll only reply to Japanese posts.
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>When she's of lower age than 18
>Vulnerable and utterly helpless

A lot of them unironically hold beliefs that they won't be controlled in the relationship kek
Dicks are not smaller, hairless bodies, baby face, gentlemen, good hygiene, visa to asia residency

such a mystery

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Coffee with a troon after a court hearing edition.

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Looks like a mexican house
Why should we beautify that Arabic slum of a city?
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>Neo Psychiko
We have greenery in Shkup too bro
where are the mosques and hammams?

America is collapsing edition
prev: >>197464476
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Lol nah. See
and if it bothers her she doesn't let on at all. I don't bring it up out of respect but we've talked about it before and she didn't seem to care that much
Second. We weren't even going to get married but buying a house as an unwed couple is a pain so we said fuck it
>buying a house as an unwed couple is a pain so we said fuck it
tf? You married to buy a house? Hope you guys dated for couple of years. I have seen marriages, wherein both dated for a short duration, fall apart quickly as well.
everyone must have perfect customer service mentality at all times even in their personal lives. cult of mammon.
Unmarried Americans be like
>buying a house is so troublesome, let’s get married.

Married Europeans be like
>Darling, can you please ask your parents to sign this letter as guarantors so we can give it to the landlord, hoping that he will rent this two bedroom apartment to us?

It’s just not fair

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I love you
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I love you back
you do?
Thank you, I love me too
if you loved me you wouldnt miss threads so much

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>be American
>live and work abroad
>pay taxes in your country of residence
>also forced to pay taxes to Uncle Sam
>renounce US citizenship?
>get charged thousands of dollars
>still have to pay an expatriation tax
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>america is a dystopian shithole that only exists to benefit rich people
>america has a policy that only affects rich people, what a dystopian shithole
why are leftists like this?
double taxation treaties prevent this kind of thing from happening, this only happens if you are a tax evading faggot
>>also forced to pay taxes to Uncle Sam
How does this work
America bullied most countries into reporting on US citizens living there and forcing them to pay taxes twice over.

>america has a policy that only affects rich people
Why do you think only rich people work abroad?

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Eдицiя бoкcy

Пoпepeднiй: >>197434819
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the beauty of asian women is incomprehensible to the mind
Шo знaйшoв: пpoпoзицiя гepбy Угopщини 1870-их poкiв, зi вciмa мoжливими зeмлями їхньoї кopoни - зoкpeмa yкpaїнcькими.
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Oтaкa poзшифpoвкa. Чoмycь aбcтpaктнa "ruthenian land" бiльшe cхoжa нa cимвoл Moлдoви
Хoчa в opигiнaлi лeв нa гopi (oчeвидний cимвoл гaлицькo-вoлинcькoгo князiвcтвa, a пoтiм i pycькoгo вoєвoдcтвa) взaгaлi нe пiдпиcaний. Пoмилкa?
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>Halych, Galicia, Lodomeria, Ruthenia, Ruthenian Land
Ha щo я взaгaлi дивлюcь? Двi Гaличини, двi Pyci, Лoдoмepiя, пpo якy я тaк нiчoгo i нe зpoзyмiв. Звiдки вoнa взялacь взaгaлi? Щo цe зa зeмля?

hey, frenchbros what happened to him, he was my childhood idol
No se.
He lives in Barcelona, in Poble Nou.
Makes an annual music festival in a nearby city.
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Still making music, it seems.

19 Mayıs baskısı
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btenliler : türkiye iran savaşı - afrin vietnam olucak - karabagda azeriler sikecek

peter zeihan (beyaz adam) : wctc ermenistani folloş edicek , suriye folloş edicek, israil folloş olup tırrıklara domalacak

tırrıkiye iran savaşı diyordunuz israil iran cumbabasını öldürdü iran israil kapışcak tırrıklar bulgur kaşıklayıp ortadoğuya hükmedecek
>israil folloş olup tırrıklara domalacak
israil domalmaz türrükiyeyi koruyucu ülke minvalinde kullanır sadece
Türkiye fransa başlıyoooo
>tüccara domaLmayı dü$ünüorum bu aparat için.
fırın warsa çok gerek yok asLında yaw pHenim fırınım yoq
Seçenek sunmadım + sana aLacağım eLbise we kedikuLakLarını takacaksın + uzun çuraSS giyeceksin
afieD piRem de pHenLik değil ondan yoksa tosunlamadım yanlı$ annama
iffet kafesim de olacak mı OwO

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edizione bisognosa di accadimenti
117 replies and 19 images omitted. Click here to view.
dovete ancora spiegarmi in che modo un coniglio si qualifica come esotico
pensavo un bel pitbull

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