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What are some cosplay stories that you'll remember for the rest of your life?

Wholesome: Cosplaying some My Little Penis characters with my then-gf when a little girl started freaking out over how great we looked. She got her dad to take loads of pictures with both of us.

Less wholesome: I saw a fur-suiter yelling at his wife.

Least wholesome: Walking to the convention center behind my friend's sister in her Sailor Saturn cosplay, on a windy day. She either didn't notice or didn't care that her bare ass was playing aggressive peekaboo with me. Only time I've ever wanted the walk from the hotel to be longer.

Sad: I was at Twitchcon when that lady broke her spine.
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I'll remember the first time I went to a con by myself and I met my best friend and we partied the entire weekend. This went on to him introducing me to my curent best pals and going to a bunch of party conventions around Ohio. Best memories i've had at conventions involve him. Some of the best was us sauntering through the Kalahari at Colossalcon Prime talking to everyone and getting a big crowd before going to the villas to party some more. He was on the dealer and staff badges for last year's Colossalcon. I'll be going to this year's Colossal Prime handing out weed edibles and pouring out some sake for this interested, we're gonna make this year special.
Will be on the look out for ya buddy
whoa, that's legendary.
got any recordings?
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did i post here already? maybe i did but whatever;
start at 47 seconds.
my first convention. never been to one before, just found out it was in town the day before or something, get a last minute ticket.
as i walk up, i start seeing cosplayers, first one i see is very obviously a boy dressed as a japanese school girl anime character, then more movie characters, storm troopers, wizards, hobbits, mad max, rei, asuka, shinji, you name it. hundreds of them before me, nerdy things i've only seen on screen suddenly in reality, and i can buy most of them or interact with them! it was magical and the feeling is only captured by the jurassic park theme music.

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ITT: why you couldn't go to a con last-minute, and how that impacted you.
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Come prepared with a back up plan next time then?
there is no taxi or uber. there isnt even a bus or train system. sure, once you get inside the city there is, but not when you live outside of it
>there is no taxi or uber
you're retarded. next time call up a taxi service from the city and ask for a quote for your location. they'll charge you a hefty amount for the cost of the miles to the pickup address, but it's not like it's impossible.
the city is 3.5 hours away by car. that is relatively short, but even choosing the closest town to me that has public transport, taxis and ubers from there dont go out to where i live. uber won't even give a price estimate. this is why i had paid for the hotel room and tickets and so on for my ride in exchange for them agreeing to drive me - because there is no other way to get there other than driving, or at least getting driven partway until public transportation starts.
Last time I checked, public transportation betwen cities is a thing in the forst world. Maybe you should consider migrating out of whatever third world hellhole you're living in. Might be a bigger priority than cosplaying, wouldn't it?

reviving bc the previous thread from a while ago got nuked

what's everyone's thoughts on cosplay photography in 2024/the foreseeable future? it seems like the amount of bullshit we have to put up with as photographers in the cosplay scene only increases day by day and the cons outweigh the pros
Then stop doing it, it sounds like it's making you unhappy.
If you don't like cosplay photography then don't do it anymore!
don't do it anymore!
don't do it anymore!

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In December last year I bought some blue contact lenses for a convention. I didn't use them because I didn't have time to put them on. I want to cosplay any character (I don't mind cross-dressing) with blue eyes so I can use the blue contact lenses and the money I spent on them does not go to waste.
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a couple characters in .hack//sign or the .hack// saga in general with blue eyes
johan liebert and anna liebert from monster have blue eyes
several characters in geneshaft with blue eyes
also in a lot of anime, eyes change from blue to purple depending on the scene
Whatever this is. It's adorable.

I lost my nail inspo folder on my old pc so I'm starting with a mini dump in hopes of other anons dumping as well :)
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Scrotes are too sensitive to handle the concept that not everything is meant for them. Nothing new. Now back to our regularly scheduled program
these are very good though
>t. scrote
ok gulls, I know you're too sensitive I won't bother you again for a few days
>when you stab someone with your nails
Does anyone order nails from specific places? I know a lot of people like to make their own, but I was wondering if there were also gulls with favorite press-ons.

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How come there are no western cosplays of the lovely Katsugano siblings, but only Asian ones?

Just wanted to share the cosplays I completed last year
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I can't tell if you're the real deal or some degen playing pretend, but easy test:

What ribbons were you handing out at Katsu this year?
The cute ones!

But in all seriousness how am I supposed to remember such a small detail like that!?
Oof, it is a degen. They were hololive ribbons to match the hololive cosplay. Plus I doubt the actual cosplayer would be on here when acen is happening rn.
On a separate note, the katsu 4chan meetup was cool.
Just got done ripping my cock off to the one on the right, think I'll try left next or maybe 2nd from left

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Anime North is only a month away, anyone else going but not buying a ticket this year?
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wt snacks is a dj now? or is this a q&a or something?
average toronto resident (pajeet)
Snacks has been a DJ for a really long time. Over 18 years now.
you have never heard of him because his mixes are dogshit
>another year of retards trying to hijack the truck without doing any work of their own
i should have expected that box to be checked off from the outset

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protection from the elements in style
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I'm legit impressed, this whore makes that head thing look good on the coord, I thought I'd never see this day, I've always hated those head things, however they're called
>you dropped this, queen

Last thread went sage >>10849072


Taobao Dictionary:

Store Spreadsheet:

Agent Shipping Comparison:

Translator Plugins:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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I forgot just how ass shipping to canada is
I bought small 4 things for about 30 bucks but the shipping cost 70 I'm gonna cry
Is there a way to change the phone number of your TB account? It won't let me log in unless I use a two-step authentification and I don't have that phone anymore...
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I've been getting this error for to days now with none of the solutions stated in its link working. I'm using a verified account that's many years old, but I can't click anything anymore without that popping up and using a different internet connection also doesn't change anything.
Has anyone ordered from Sosic recently? I ordered two pairs of tea parties on 18th May and the ETA on the listing is 15 days, which has obviously come and gone. My SS is now saying they’ll cancel and refund unless I ask them not to in the next 72 hours.

Wat do
It happened to me too, I ordered from them but since they didn't deliver in time my SS cancelled.

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ITT: We post pictures of cosplay from the 90's or early 2000's.
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nta but i feel this. there are still some people who do it but it's not the same most people only craft or sew to show it off for e-clout. i remember being excited when i drafted my own patterns or designed my own wig, but the only people i shared that with were my friends and people at the con. now people just ask where you got your cosplay, they assume you bought it.
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Oof, that poison ivy thot is on point
i feel this is the same with anime itself. it used to be that you waited years for a single new anime to get released in the west, it was easy to know like all 10 anime that existed total and everyone had the same frame of reference. people just rewatched or reread the same series for years because that was all they had, so cosplaying from it was also a natural choice. but now you can watch the entire new broadcasted lineup of anime the same day it all comes out in japan and there are multiple broadcast seasons a year, there is too much too fast so most people don't get into the series as deep because they just switch to the next new thing immediately after they finish the previous thing.
So cool. Back when nerds were nerds. Absolutely lovely thread. Man, I remember being so entranced by anime back then. It was such an exotic mysterious world from a far away land. It had so much style. I was so cool. I wish I was older back then. I could've had so much fun with this stuff.

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>mfw realizing cosplay is only worth it if you're attractive
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Just cover your ugly ass
And yet I'll do it anyways.
Most hobbies don't do that actually
Literally just stop being fat
>show someone a basic crochet

>show someone some basic anime art'

>show someone cosplay
>heh. isnt that kinda embarassing?

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What would be the best material to make a suit of power armor? Small pieces of 3d print, foam? Should I design it in the early fallout slimmer style or the later fallout mech style?
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I can offer no advise, but please do post pictures of the work in progress and finished results.
Would this armor look weird on a 5’7 guy? Also how do I figure out sizing?
box stilts
As someone who has made 3D printed power armor (Not Fallout).
Don't do it, it's just too heavy. I don't know what the right answer is because I really like the sharpness and symmetry of prints. I really want to try a mix of foam and prints but I'm not there yet

The helmet will help, but the in-game model also has like 6" of stilts in them so it probably would look of not to tower over people

Check out some software called Armorsmith for sizing, basically punch in your measurements and you can snap pieces onto an avatar and tweak on sizes
3/4 wall chromoly steel

old thread reached img limit >>10787408
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Any luck?
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Have many anime cons outgrown their current convention centers / venues?

Anime Expo and Katsucon both seem at their limit
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How did Otakon do in DC? Haven't been since like 2016 or something.
I know that's why Anime Weekend Atlanta had to swap venues.

I'm gonna miss that convention center!
Nope, Anime Boston recently signed contracts keeping them in the Hynes currently up to 2028. It's also been said that the BCEC layout/configuration does not align to what Anime Boston wants to do/offer.
It shrank down to about 24,900 in 2017-first year in DC, climbed up to about 28,500 in 2018 & 2019. Coming back from COVID in 2021, it shrank down to 25,564 despite only having a masking requirement. It climbed to about 40,500 in 2022 (in part due to AnimeNEXT's issues in 2022) and to about 42,000 in 2023.

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