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Anime North is only a month away, anyone else going but not buying a ticket this year?
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I assume this means the truck is gonna be there again? I missed it last year.
Need a pass to go to the nominoichi junk sale, hope the line isn't shit this time.
does Boston pizza still do the welcome sign?
One of these days, sure...when my local con isn't running on the same days. (I've already said this at least twice before in other threads just this year, and it won't be the last time)
What's your local con?
Mizucon in Miami. I've been wanting to do a Canadian con now but haven't had the chance yet
never been to anime north before but I’ve only heard bad things
should I save my money for other cons
Shots 'n squats
Might no pass it if I find a room. But probably just going to something local that weekend one this year.
These niggas eatin beans
not that many other cons in toronto honestly
The transparent tranny is a good addition kek. No trannies at the truck YWNBAW
What else is there?
>biggest convention in Canada
>guests are all dub voice actors
>attendance numbers are skyhigh so if you go into the convention itself, you're rubbing elbows with sweaty nerds
>this year they got rid of the Sheraton for con events
>no parking because it's all concentrated in a single lot for 30k+ people
>the only hotel in a reasonable distance (Delta) sells out the day it goes up
>halfassed AliExpress stuff thrown together for cosplays or people there to do "professional shoots" with crappy photographers
>will either rain or be unreasonably hot
Not sure why anyone would buy a ticket for this convention, much less go to it at all. You'd have more fun driving nails through your dick for a weekend.
hot girls dtf if you aren't a sweaty neckbeard
>if you aren't a sweaty neckbeard
So nobody here has a reason to go.
I like gatherings.
This convention is a fucking joke
Will there be another lobster fight this year?
Why are those lobsters black? Why are there lobsters in the first place?
That's what lobsters look like anon. They were on acid.
They're refugee lobsters who were staying in the old Radisson hotel

On a completely unrelated topic, if you are in the AN dealers room/artist alley watch out for pickpockets and outright theives targeting artist cash boxes and big spenders.
Lobsters are red, not black.
>They were on acid.
Lobsters aren't red until they're cooked lmao
what the fuck
how do you decide who wins? Can farm grown lobsters even kill each other? They look so docile in the tanks.
It's like arm wrestling, but about which one grabs the other's claw first
Crab fights would be much better spectacle because they can actually walk on land. The lobsters basically shuffled around a little because they're so heavy for their legs. Their big tail is meant for swimming not walking
Coconut crab VS a human
Is there anything to look forward to for this con besides hotel parties in cosplay?
Truck parties in cosplay
So basically nothing for you.
im looking forward to finding a friend i met at the previous con
Anybody pulling up in a Limbus cosplay?
i'm thingken bout it but the cost of hotel + viarail there & back is kinda whack since i don't have anyone to carpool with
plus i don't have a cos...mabe i could pull one together in a month
Where are you coming in from
All the girls who go to these things are fat pigs with cum leaking out of their pussies and asses in hell
yeah, my cum
Unfortunately accurate. The amount of overweight women in crappy cosplay is unfortunate.
>35 days
What time did the lot fill on Saturday last year? 11AM?
Around that time.
Comicon already passed last month and fanexpo is in June. That’s it
I have some intel to share for Saturday of AN. Get ready
Okay, go ahead. If you don't respond within the day, fuck off.
There will be a private booth in the truck where you can rail a femboy who is chained up inside
What truck?
Check the OP image, he's in the forest not the truck.
Femboys are based and not troons
You mean traps (2D) are based and not troons. Everything else is a disgusting abomination and you will be judged accordingly when the time comes. You'll die early, after you dilate.
Traps (3D) are based, you are just gay.
Calling those subhumans traps implies you could be trapped by them, which unfortunately for you, they are and always will be undeniably a man in all regards. You are a homosexual.
seems like the issues with running major con in an ill equipped venue is catching up with them.
also, apologies for the typos in my reply.
The penis is a feature. If you don't like it, you're a latent fag, unbased, and probably a normie to boot. Traps are anime culture.
Hello normalfag.
aren’t the guys who host this in their 30s already?how long can you find solace in being a depressed weeb lol
The people that host Anime North are in their 40s-60s.
I'm hoping to find more Madokas and Jannas
Aren't you a little old to be at an anime convention? Madoka aired 13 years ago, no one cares about it anymore except boomers.
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There are still lots of sailor moon cosplays and there's a new Madoka movie coming
damn those are some ugly girls
You aren't a newfag or even a normalfag you are a normie. Shouldn't you be out protesting to free Gaza or something right now?
Ain’t no way you’re rating minors
>porn addict thinks everything is in relation to sex appeal
kill yourself
I'll be turning 34 right after AN and head's up: being a depressed weeb doesn't have an age limit. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but some people are miserable forever :^)
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welp looks like we got something for the sub fans.
>Tatsunoko shit and Speed Racer

Does anyone below the age of 40 even give a shit about this guy?
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definitely odd choices to put in an announcement but here's part of a list of the characters he's voiced.
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and the second part
So again, does anyone below the age of 40 care?
Haha not bad news to me don’t worry, if being miserable makes you happy then go for it my man
I get some people just have nothing better going on in their lives, take care.
Is the con center as ugly as it looks?

i hope she's coming to anime north
i do not care for gooks
literally who?
literally gook
one of the hottest girls in toronto, she seems like things in life have gone easy for her
The people in their 30s/40s who have "nothing better going on in their lives" are the ones who make it possible for cons to exist at all lol
ya if you like plank from ed edd n eddy. you yellow fever faggots have no taste.
They should get a life, old geriatric boomers. Being at a convention over 30 is creepy and pedophilia coded.
You can go without a ticket?
Is it worth going? Do seiyuu and directors actually fly to Canada?
>no parking
really? what do people do with their cars then?
>hotel parties in cosplay
QRD? never been to a non-Japanese event
finding? did you not exchange contact info or something? Finding does sound fun.
They basically mean staying outside in the grassy areas and parking lots where a lot of people congregate.
Yes, the seiyuus and directors who are invited actually do fly to Canada, unless otherwise noted.
There's almost 30k people in recent years. Look at the convention/congress centre. Does it look like it can fit anywhere close to that many cars? You either carpool, get dropped or, commute or hope for the best.
Put all your shit in one post lmao
>creepy and pedophilia coded
Yeah officer.. this one here, thanks.
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I hope I can see this girl again...
That's not a girl.
so they just go to say hi to other anime bros who haven't bought tickets? and chat all day?
i heard if you get there before 11am you're good for parking? or nah
They hang around outside and talk to cosplayers.
I hope I can fuck that girl again as her useless little gock slaps my belly
if you do see her, tell her she would look really good with eyeliner wings
i'm honestly surprised anime fans could talk to other people for a whole day without losing social stamina. i guess that's just me.
If this is the guy from /a/, it's probably because you're autistic.
which guy from /a/?
The guy that made a thread about AN.
That's me, why am I autistic? :S
have you been to AN before
come hang out this year at the truck
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sure dude will do
should i bring my own condoms?
How old are you bro
mid 20s
yeah, you're mid alright
what are you watching this season
unironically nothing
how about you?
kys ironic weeb
I'm not an ironic weeb. I just ended up dropping everything i picked up this cour
kys ironic weeb
are you jelqer
Will there be jelqing in the truck?
Yes, jelqing and gooning all night long.
that's gay
>he doesn't charge his JO crystal with his bros
saving money for Otak this year, probably lobby conning but the thought of finding a parking spot is not enticing20gs
Who spends money on AN? Just drink and talk to people in the lot.
exactly why I'm not buying a ticket
Last year was my first year, had a blast at the truck so I'm planning on coming back. Only reason I'm tempted to buy a pass is there is a DJ on Saturday that played at the truck last year and I enjoy listening to online, but I could just listen outside of the stage cage for free instead. No idea why they set up the outdoor stage that way, it looks absolutely horrible with the giant fence around it.
>saving money for Otak

It's $60 lmao how broke are you?
>paying to go to the AN rave
kill yourself, not even worth a (You)
Well damn, they got Garma Zabi
I'll go see him
i don't even watch anime
Theres an American vendor that might be there that I can hopefully hound a sale from without a ticket
Neither does anyone else on /cgl/.
Drink what, alcohol? Isn't that illegal in Canada, public drinking
I take it you don't have any friends.
What does that have to do with public drinking?
Yes, it's illegal. People do it anyways.
you also have to pay for fare on ttc streetcars lol
aight whos got the discord link, time for my yearly rejoin
>the discord full of stormfront /pol/tards
>but if you say that, they pretend that's not true
>even when last year the admin considered shutting down the discord because it was 99.9% /pol/ discussion instead of /cgl/ stuff
no thanks
let me in
Based and kekistani pilled how can I join and make the cucks seethe
discord dot gg/flatearth
Ukraine lost
Sounds like my type of gals and guys.
yeah, too bad about their appearances tho
show pics
They have none. They don't go to any conventions, they don't even cosplay.
You mean the guys in the discord? lol
it's just a bunch of pasty white dudes and manlet asians that got abandoned by all the decent looking guys because those ones managed to have an actual social circle beyond whining about politics
acne ridden manchildren
>the admin
Not saving up for it, saving the money I would’ve spent at AN for Otakuthon instead, silly

Admission is nothing, it’s the hotel and travel fees that are expensive anyway
What about the girls? Is there's any lol
the attractive ones left after making the rounds or realizing that it's all losers, there's only a few left but they're not easy on the eyes
Obviously not. Is this even a real question . Plus they are all tranny faggots
Is Canada just one huge /pol/ containment?
No, just Ontario.
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This is inaccurate given the amount of immigrants that come to Canada with little to no grasp of English and do fine.
chinks and pajeets are able to get away with it because they have enclaves big enough to support them, japs don't. The racism parts were the point though, and are very true.
Japan is also very racist. Who gives a shit?
I do, because racism is based
I don't get it
I'm a visible immigrant and haven't faced that much racism
I can't even imagine why someone would be racist against a jap who could speak fluent English. If you can't then of course people will not want to deal with you, but that's not really racism imo.
Just take Martin Grove and turn onto the Dosco road entrance if you want to avoid the lines.
which jap wrote this kek
Also what's wrong with the japanese community in canada? they do seem pretty insular from what i've seen.
>Just take Martin Grove and turn onto the Dosco road entrance
Thanks, I'll try this.
Unless someone can prove otherwise, I'm guess no Jap wrote it. Even with the mistakes, it reads too much like something from a native English speaker. Also the first results when you look it up are on Reddit, which isn't as damningly fake as iFunny but pretty close
I doubt a Japanese person would write to bring salt.

As far as insular goes, most Japanese people abroad in the West end up that way because Japanese education and media raises them from infancy to believe it's impossible for a Westerner to learn the Japanese language or Japanese customs EVEN IF they've been in Japan for 10+ years, that a Westerner is some magical ambassador of their country doomed to constantly tell all Japanese people in Japan they meet about where New York is and how to eat a hamburger. Japanese people are raised with the same exact
concept about themselves, that they're born as and will die as Japanese speaking, Japanese living people and that Japan is so unique they'll never be able to assimilate abroad in the West so they should just give up. Obviously this is nonsense but if you believe it that's how you'll end up.

In America the internment camps brought Japanese Americans together as a culture and the result is many neighborhoods actually
ostracized the FOB Japanese who came to America after WWii because those guys didn't experience the camps. This resulted in Japanese descendants from internment camp families keeping their culture and isolationism/racism in the family as a defense mechanism and mark of elitism but the "pure" Japanese who didn't experience the camps ended up mixing with non-Japanese
and getting fluent in English right from the first generation, because they had no choice - the American-Japanese refused to associate with them. I imagine there's some story behind the unique attitudes of Japanese in Brazil and Canada as well.
can confirm. if you're mixed blood, in a mixed marriage, or have mixed kids, these types won't associate with you either.
surprise surprise, the thread is /pol/ lite instead of anything about the con, the discord must have caught wind that people were making fun of them
very interesting.
Cope and seethe harder troon.

- much hate, from the official AN Discord server
>official AN Discord
is comprised primarily of trannies so you mean >much hate, from the moids on the "official" Toronto /cgl/ Discord server
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ok bros i've never been to anime north before...
honest thoughts?
yiff in hell furfags
welcome to tranime north
This is ordinary for Anime North. You don't go there for the guests or the programming, you go there to hang out with fellow weebs.
You are vaxxed and will die from a blood clot.
getting angry that someone pointed out how pathetic the discord is doesn't help your point
still contemplating if i should attend this one, my house is less than 10km away from the convention centre, but i can see parking will be an issue so i might as well take the ttc.
whats up with that cos club led by that fat chick who abuses her husband? how tf has no one called them out
You shouldn't pay for a pass at the very least.
imagine the culture shock of weebs going to japan, where they are socially required to "look not touch" the culture.
Canadian cosplay community?
is this a joke
think he's talking about ontario cosplay club. Didnt she get cancelled because of the chink flu?
Who are all these he/him rainbow flag in bio who are liking this? We need to go back to gatekeeping the truck. TRANNYS FUCK OFF
probably from the discord
I agree. We are cooking up some plans of action in the discord
Can all the grotesque fat chick's 30+ kill themselves tyvm. I'm a zoomer and I don't like looking at your aged gunts
>gatekeeping the truck
Who is this "we"? /cgl/ doesn't have anything to do with the truck
Wear cosplay that conceals your eyes so you can leer at underage girls instead
Keep pretending like the truck is a safe space hug box dilation station for trannies
Fat chicks under 30 can hit me up
Nobody wants trannies at the truck
>/cgl/ doesn't have anything to do with the truck
Imagine being this fucking delusional. Is that why you come to cgl everyday to defend yourself Crumbs? I understand gotta keep it corporate so the tranny anime cons don't boot you
I wouldn't trust anyone who talks about "the discord" to keep trannies away from anything, they're probably busy dilating themselves already
I don't know who that is or care about your faggy drama. If I'm so delusional, why don't you tell me what the two banners at the truck said? Because they didn't say /cgl/, did they?
/cgl/ has nothing to do with the truck you dumb faggot. It's hosted by /a/ and /cgl/ is just there in ``attendance".
Literal retard tier post
you people are really hyping this truck up
I hope I don't go there to see it sells ice cream or something
No, the food trucks do that.
This truck sells rock CDs.
Show me the difference between /a/ and /cgl/ because none of your faggots cosplay anyway.
the difference is that the /cgl/ toronto group, for all their political posturing and joking in discord, is entirely minorities and enables trannies
Most of Animaple and /a/ crew are Asian, or tranny sympathetic, literally no different than /cgl/. Welcome to Toronto.
Animaple only because they have trannies in their staff
Is the /a/ crew tranny sympathetic?
Considering the OP image has one hanging in the forest, probably not
People from /a/ actually contribute to weeb culture with the truck setup, DJing, a projector showing anime, weeb food at the truck, etc. The /cgl/ group is a bunch of coattail riding trannies that are only involved in this community because they are desperate losers who want a girlfriend and think anime conventions are where they can find one.
True, we should let all the cons Animaple guests at know how they really feel
"weeb culture" get a load of this guy, he thinks throwing parties is culture. Go read a book get married have kids.
As a celebration of the culture, yes. What have you ever contributed?
I am married, I just take time away from being a family man to party and discuss which underage cartoon character I would engage in illicit acts with

It’s incredible how poor a reputation AN has that no one is excited for it
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>no anime corporate booths like AX or Otakuthon
>not as well organized as the above two cons
>not particularly well known
It's one of those cons that's worth it of you're a local or have friends here. I don't think it's worth travelling out to but it's definitely the best con in Toronto. Fan expo is full of capeshit, not enough cosplay and too packed in general. IFF / Anime Toronto is usually pretty dead.

Having said all that I always look forward to it every year. I'm grateful for all the cool people I've met in the anime scene over the last year. The dudes who run the truck and the IJA guys are pretty cool.
It's the biggest anime convention in Canada, Canadians all know it, it's just shit. It's not well known outside of Canada because Americans have their own cons to go to and AX, already located in the US, would be the premier convention to attend for them.
>isn't hosted in toronto proper but mississauga
absolute shit tier con
Etobicoke which is slightly better
hey so if you guys see a guy on May 25th at AN2024 cosplaying as Ethan Thomas from Condemned 2, that's me
If I see him I'll be sure to call him a faggot
just go to anirevo instead
kill yourself
Why would I spend $500 on flights just to go to another garbage Canadian con?
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Is the truck gonna run over another car this year?
yeah it's gonna be a monster truck rally consisting of shitboxes and tranny necks
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you mean the tr-ACK
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can't wait to charge my JO crystal with my bros when i see the blue archive cosplayers
actually, it's xa'am
us xisters won't stand for this
does the truck do advertising? who does it? how did everyone find out about it?
i found out about it when i was smoking meth in the back of the parking lot and gooning to lucky star
Does anyone else feel too old for anime conventions? The last couple times I've attended AN, I feel out of place even though I'm only 26. I don't know most of the stuff that's being cosplayed and I don't have much fun with the convention itself.
>biggest convention in Canada
they're not you illiterate retard, they're the biggest 'non profit' con in canada, which somehow manages to be more expensive, with far less going for it than the 'for profit' cons

who cares about them being /pol/ thats the least of the server's concerns. issue is half the server is just a bunch of closeted manlet homosexuals that whine about how much they hate their race, its the worst of many worlds while they larp like they're not as cringe as troons
Anirevo is mid at best
t. Bc resident

Try Yeti-con It's incredible but it's hosted out in blue mountain. the venue in fantastic for pictures and there are pools+hot tubs.

Last year it got overrun by pajeet though so hope that clears up
Anyone get an early look at the schedule?
What looks good?
please tell the class what the biggest anime convention in canada is
That's normal for Canada and no it's not going to stop.
>prison gay
Very sad but it makes sense since they scared away any remotely attractive women.
remotely attractive women on /cgl/ are not people you want anything to do with, scaring them away is a public service
Is that what you tell yourself to feel better about having a sausage fest every year

Don't you find it the least bit peculiar that all the people, including the guys, that were in the party pictures with women in the past years have all disappeared for bigger and better things
Is this the truck you guys have been hyping?
they were normies only there for booze and women, good riddance. I get to dedicate a weekend to hanging out with my bros and have a great time.
Simp brains can't understand enjoying oneself without somehow pandering to women, truly sad.
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Have fun at your normie truck-kun rave
both sides of the truck shit are cringe
all i'm going for is to drink in the parking lot and stare at cosplayers until they get uncomfortable
everyone here is a "normie" you normalFAG mouthbreather
you're going to a convention, you are not excluded from that group
I'll have more fun than you will desperately kowtowing to "remotely attractive" slampigs that wont even look at your pathetic weiner
thanks nigger
Is the schedule out? I couldn't find this on the website at all. Would be pretty ironic if it's actually officially part of AN now.
It is on the schedule https://animenorth.sfo2.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/Documents/Anime_North_2024_schedule_web.pdf
It's way down at the bottom. Also the truck happens both Friday and Saturday, and doesn't have a name (especially not truck-kun lmfao), so this reeks of some retard at AN doing this without consulting the people who organized and paid for all of this. Also deciding they can fence it off.
The leverage they have is it takes place on con grounds but I can't imagine they actually want to consider it official given who gathers there. Feels like a case of "wtf people are having fun, that's not allowed." It would make more sense to just call the cops or some shit, not like the con reputation can get much worse anyway.
For me, its getting shit faced and talking to my friends, somehow convinced Europeans to fly in. Con is much more fun and less autistic than the thread thankfully.
does anyone else want to smoke meth and talk about our hatred for minorities
IFF got Suzuki Konomi first year, then seemed to drop the ball the next year it was running. Now it might spilt into 2 cons somehow? For JP guests Otakuthon is MILES better, AN is only worth it if you have friends or can make friends, which used to be easier with meetups but now... they are kind of shit.
Probably because the meetups nowadays are middle aged guys with beer guts that don't even cosplay or have hobbies (including anime)
sounds like a you issue. 27 and still enjoying cons [spoiler] but I swear if anyone talks about mortgage rates I am throwing them in front of the truck, that kind of stuff does make me feel old [/spoiler]
the truck hasn't killed anyone for years now
Gonna be honest here, I lurk threads for any con including ones I'm 100% sure I won't be attending. These are always by far the funniest and make me upset I have to wait at least another year before *the truck*, again
im a minority but still racist, does that work
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When has the truck party ever costed money
Aren't the /a/ people that bring the truck anyways
Sounds like the pajeets and chinks that rent the truck are sellouts
Took them long enough, years of paying for it so others will be entertained is a waste of money
Yeah spending money on doing fun things with your bros is a total waste of money
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is it worth playing DND there? At the TTRPG events?

Also advice on picking up anime north girls?
here's some advice
they're all trannies
Idk I only do the Battletech event
there's so many fucking panels and whatnot how do you decide what to attend?
are you a zoomer
most people who have been to cons before forgo panels altogether, it's the same shit every time at every convention
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I've never been to a con before. wdym it's the same shit? I do think that most of it sounds horrible. this is just a random screencap i took:
Easy. I decide not to attend any of them, because all of them are shit.
Pick the panels that are relevant to your fandoms and add the ones that look entertaining enough on their own.
Filter out the introduction/101 panels because they won't say anything you don't already know.
A lot of the "panels" are actually video rooms showing random anime.
If it's your first time then it's worth seeing Anime Hell at least once.
If you like live music the Idol singing contest usually has some pretty good singers.
If you like ogling cute girls and don't mind sitting through the occasional hambeast the dance showcase and the kpop circle are good fodder.
If you wanna take pictures of asses hanging out look for one of the scheduled group photoshoots in the 5 designated areas and you can be part of the wall of cameras. Long zoom lens strongly recommended.
If you're into history there's usually an old guy amateur historian doing a couple of panels per year about WWII history.
If you get there early try to snag a maid cafe ticket to at least get the experience once.
The crafting stuff you can ignore if you're not into it already, same for the video games.
Avoid any character roleplay or Ask Me Anything panels like the plague.
I haven't tried the DND at AN but if it's the same people that are present in Breakoutcon they should be decent with DMs that know what they're doing.
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>be Zankye
>throw false strikes at people who use stuff that he does not own
>makes immature responses to critics
>takes over organizing of the Beyblade North tournament in 2023
I guess this dumpster fire couldn't get any worse.
>Ace Combat Panel
>Oh sick lets check it out
>3 random dudes at stage table with a room at 1% capacity
>same 2 dudes just raising hands asking questions
>When new game?
>"We dont know"
>what did this character mean?
>"We dont know"
>Who is best girl?
>"we dont know"

repeat for 45 mins
How about if I wanted to ogle minors?
Why don't you have a seat...
good advice
You simply die alone
>truck-kun rave
more like cuck-kun rave, yikes is all I can say from this year's paltry display
incredibly reddit, besides everyone actually in the know also knows those most involved with creating it are long gone. I know I have the irc logs still, not sure how many can say the same

this isnt necessarily why most are long gone but it is a weird bit
the crab manletality surrounding members with gfs isnt even the worst of their concerns, though I dont really mind guys like that convincing one another to avoid females. its for everyone's best interests
what the fuck are you even talking about retard
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trannies on the mind of some these faggots so hard you swear they're almost gonna become ones, no wonder they're so against biological females too
>those most involved with creating it are long gone
Since you're so well informed, why don't you tell us who they are?
If you see a jacked chad walking around that's unironically me. if you're not a complete faggot come say hey
is that for real kek? is that what i can expect from most of the panels?
??? it hasn't even started yet how would you know?
Are you Indian?
I was thinking of going to Ai-kon; has anyone been to it? Is going to a con without (as many) jeets worth $500
/a/toronto must be seething that their comfy truck hang out now requires a badge and bag checks, meaning no booze. They should park in the other corner and leave AN hanging with a fence around nothing.
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one day I dream of a thread without the troon obsessed jeets
no, it's half and half with other panels being hyperfans that know everything about a show and its cast and will talk your ear off about minutiae. But yeah some are just there to collect volunteer hours for a free badge

I haven't been to Ai-Kon but yes it's worth the $500. You can also look at Anime Central and Offkai expo the week before and after AN
What do you mean. They are just gonna go somewhere else, cook shawarma, drink and get high like every year except this time they aren't going to tell you normies who fucking>>10914665
ruin everything.
That would be hilarious.
i don't know who these are but hell yeah melty
What other corner? The lot is going to be filled with cars almost scraping each other by like noon on Friday and by 11 AM on Saturday/Sunday. Now that they're using the north building, there's no free space unless you just have a regular car/SUV that doesn't use up too much space or isn't identifiable from a crowd by being too loud or obnoxious
If you see a fat old balding virile chad walking around that's unironically me. if you're not a complete faggot come say hey
No one will say hi to you
Everyone in and involved with that image is still involved with the truck, time to make yourself taller tranny
Already got tons of hello's and hi's in the past years get to my level.
If you see someone soliciting cosplayers, that's unironically me, if you're not a complete faggot come say hey
I am ready /a/.
Also I look like him.
If you're over 180lbs, come say hey.
this nigga zesty
does anyone here actually watch anime
No, this is where burned out failed normies orbit fat cosplayers because they believe they're more attainable
If you see someone smashing and slamming the astolfo cosplayer with the cute eyeliner wings, that's me making a 12x bussy 8x fempenis successor to pimpy son opp
if you see someone telling the fat aged female pigs that enter our vicinity to get the fuck out, that is literally fucking me, come say hi to me if you're gay and most definitely do not say hi if you are female
Ok pajeet
I am more interested to fly here than drive to L.A
Must be miserable being you, shitting up these threads all the time. Couldn't ever be me
Loved danjan meshi so much I started reading the manga
These threads have always been shit since people like you came by
spotted the fat fucking whale female. Please just end it already I beg you. Im tired of seeing you freaks wear short shorts and think you're attractive
>Plus Size Cosplay
this is how you know its Canada lol
as opposed to the states??!
I know everyone is fat there, but is it really celebrated?
sometimes but I loath talking to people who *only* watch anime
I do but only mecha
AX is much more worth this then this "literal who" con. Fuck driving there tho, that would take forever from around these parts
I'm the Chad. Let's hang out brother
I also masturbate.
I'm a man, if anyone is acting like a fat whale it's you whiners shitting up the thread constantly and adding nothing
One more week hons, hope you remembered to buy your Anime North badge to visit the heckin' chonker truck-kun!
That's actually the only reason I did, yeah
Badges aren't needed though
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it keeps getting worse
a poster with dj names tells me everything I need to know
not going to this shit
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yes, can I talk about king gainer to someone?
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A challenger appears?
>cgl discord
No thanks I'd rather eat dog shit off the ground
Cool Rajeesh.
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wt snacks is a dj now? or is this a q&a or something?
average toronto resident (pajeet)
Snacks has been a DJ for a really long time. Over 18 years now.
you have never heard of him because his mixes are dogshit
>another year of retards trying to hijack the truck without doing any work of their own
i should have expected that box to be checked off from the outset
If they put on a good party and actually encourage more trucks or just encourage more people to tailgate picnic and grill in the parking lot it could actually be a huge positive change to the AN experience. Fuck the lame panels and literal who guests, come to the parking lot and grill in cosplay with your friends
none of the toronto /cgl/, /a/ or animaple people cosplay
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yes, people that go to anime cons and don't even cosplay are reddit
If I grill the hotdogs on cosplay will you stfu about the cgl not cosplaying? I literally have 3 fucking costumes to put on that weekend under scorching ass heat of the parking lot.
lets see it
One person doesn't count for everyone. There's a few people in the /a/ and Animaple groups that cosplay too but like 95% of them don't.
Enjoy your cuck cage while we have a real party with djs and hotdogs
>real party
>setting up outside the cuck cage to give mystery meat to people waiting in line
sounds like you're all cucks lmao
Don't forget your badge and your clot shot so you can enter your cuck cage while the real party is outside
i don't know why you niggers don't just rent your own truck instead of being attached at the hip with the cuck cage truck
that way you don't have people crying that they're the "real" organizers of the event or without any stupid rules you don't like
I mean have you looked at many of them when not entirely shitfaced? I'd rather not be seeing any of them trying to cosplay and especially not crossdress
it's like people said before, all the attractive people left years ago
Can you fags just throw a room party like everyone else and shut up
The only hotel worth partying in is the Delta because it's right by the con and most people can't get a room because it's booked out the day it becomes available.
>he didnt get an invite
30 year old boomer using green text wrong wants me to feel jealous I'm not invited to their "old guard" Discord party
old boys done even drink cuz they'll be hungover for the rest of the con
you need to link up with the new blood and reach these ends in the delta
It’s my first time going, is there anything to look out for besides the truck and grill party?
Look out for your next booster so you can party in the cuck cage, water only remember vaxxies, wouldn't want a drink or some drugs to give you a blood clot!
i'm already gigavaxxed
do they actually mandate vaccines? Most public places in Toronto don't even require a mask anymore.
So what’s the consensus, do you need a badge to get into the truck rave this year ?
Yes, you do.
Nobody knows since Animaple deleted their tweet.
>old boys don't even drink cuz they'll be hungover
Too real. First year that I'm thinking to myself "Maybe I should take it easy and not be drunk the whole time."
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This tweet is still up
Thanks for the idea anon, working on it.
why do they sound like complete faggots
I'm looking forwards to some [spoiler]VTumor[/spoiler] shit
>spoiler tags are not supported on /cgl/
Yeah, I'm going to settle for cocaine this year.
Occham's razor anon
well yes, every year i've spoken to animaple they are faggots but that can't actually be the case
Oh but it can, it absolutely can...
No, there will be wristbands for people without an anime north badge. Don't worry, we got you guys. Badges not necessary.
That's pretty funny, I'll come for a glizzy.
This is actually what I had in mind. AN would never ever allow that, but we could start our own truck party convention. It would be like burning man except for weebs and not burnt-out hippies and SF dorks.
is this animaple
Thanks man, it actually means a lot to me to hear someone will try to enjoy the offspring shit we’re preparing. We hope to help rather than fight, as much as cgl gets shit for the truck. I know AN might hold y’all the shit end of the stick with the badge cage, but we’re hoping to help the situation if possible by either moving away somewhere without their hands, or putting our tailgate to help the (hopefully not) big ass line up morale.

Just a side note: the sneed’s event we’re hoping is a short 1 hour thing. We’ll see how it rolls specially with the weather forecast saying there’s rain around that hour…
>as much as cgl gets shit for the truck.
why would cgl get shit for the truck
Ps. Your DJs are invited to play there too.
Stolen valor, flares, “cgl don’t cosplay is a bunch of losers”, this thread…
/cgl/, Animaple, what difference does it make
Both parties involved with the truck don't cosplay outside of the rare specimen
Be the change you want to see anon
I am cosplaying this year
My cosplay is in the forest in the OP.
The more events the merrier. AN seemed pretty dedicated to ending unofficial parking lot events this year (which is why there's the fence) but I hope they don't give you any problems given it's short.
Par for the course given the usual crowd
>AN is going to shut down parking lot events, I swear!
Is this really the justification for the cuck cage
Because we all know AN isn't going to do anything about people in the corner of the parking lot unless they are literally beating up congoers or publicly drinking or doing drugs other than weed
If you aren't publicly drinking and slugging out on the fun stuff what the fuck is even the point?
And how is anyone going to do that in the cuck cage
You drink outside the cage or get let in through the back gate, duh.
So again, what's the point
I want to drink with friends while listening to the music, not have to drink away from the event and then be checked at the cage entrance
All this talk about AN shutting down an improptu party sounds like bs
the parking lot is included in the building rental, they have full jurisdiction to declare us trespassers and have us removed by the police. this almost happened one year when one of our retards pissed them off while setting up.
But it didn't happen, right?
So you just think AN is going to do that without any proof that they will
the last time you jaywalked you could've been hit by a car but it didn't happen. right?
so you just think a car could hit you without any proof that it could.
go play in traffic.
Right, it hasn't stopped me from jaywalking
But apparently it was enough to stop you from doing the truck
Oh wait, you're still doing it, you're just doing it for AN now
>old boys done even drink cuz they'll be hungover for the rest of the con
I'm gonna start beating my 30-40 year old friends if they say this. Some people turn 30 and go "I can't hung out tonight I need to feed my kid (its a cat)", others will party well into their 60s.
The Thunderbolt Fantasy panel is about it in terms of large guests
It sounds like your friends are more responsible than you and should ditch you for a replacement that respects their time
I beat niggers with a stick for fun.
Sure you do, just like you'll beat all the niggers that come into the cuck cage right?
I know 2 AN staff members and they both told me the same thing. You can pretend you didn't know about or didn't expect the big impromptu parking lot party once, even twice, but you can't the third time. If something bad happens it's a liability issue, especially if it's obvious you know about it and you could have done something.
I'm surprised they're still letting it go ahead without any control except the bare minimum legal safety net.
The underlying reason was always understandable. It's the way they went about handling it that's making it a shit-show.
They should have tried to get in contact with the people throwing the party after the second time or so and made it clear they wouldn't allow it again. Instead it seems like they waited until guests were being brought in, two of which are from JP and relatively high-profile among this crowd, which would make shutting it down a very fucked up thing to do, which at least they seem to understand by letting it happen. Mixed with trying to take control and even letting some retard put it on the official guidebook and schedule under a stupid name, it shows the whole reason the truck party was started, which is AN just being awful, is getting worse.
That said, maybe the did try to contact the truck fags and couldn't get anywhere. Seems unlikely given they were able to more recently though. All in all this is probably the last year for truck rave.
It's not AN's problem that a bunch of retards decided to book JP guests for a parking lot rave
I bet it was the truck booking a vtuber that made AN reconsider. No one wants to deal with the unhinged vtuber fan backlash when you cancel their latest obsession. Honestly genius play.

Pretty funny it's in the schedule under "truck-kun rave", like they're going to run you over and isekai you.
This vtuber has a tiny following, really doubt it when AN itself brings vtubers of higher acclaim
>Badges not necessary
Can't wait to overdose at the truck kun and hold AN liable so you Anifaggots can never host this dumb chink cuck truck shit again
You and me both brother. What are you taking?
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Anonymous 05/22/24(Wed)09:37:52 No.10917286▶>>10917293

>Badges not necessary
Can't wait to overdose at the truck kun and hold AN liable so you Anifaggots can never host this dumb chink cuck truck shit again
lol the truck people are so mad
Of course they are. They thought we were going to clap and suck their dicks over being caged in and body searched by staffers.
Parking lot shit aside, I hope the con itself is decent this year. I know it’s a pipe dream but still.
>convention starts tomorrow
>no one cares
dang is this the case for all canadian cons or just this one?
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The 5+? little chuddies are getting ready for their first adventure of 2024... Finally back in their own swamp with plenty of reinforcements from all corners of the 'arty, the duskies stand no chance. They will be spending the night in relaxation, their upper deckies packed with lip pillows enjoying a complete 'zellig watch party and discussing eyeliner wings at length.
So… any plans to meetup? what time should I line up to get in anyways?
Based and strong zero pilled
I’m down to hangout at the con or at the rave, if anyone else want to do so dm me on discord (inary4371)
Only if you are a girl
What's the grill party
So we're all meeting up at the truck?
I'm prob down too!
Truck it is
Can't wait for the truck bros!! I got my vaxx card handy and N95 masks for everyone!!! Please make sure to show your badges!
Thank you kind stranger! Remember to stand apart from people and social distance for Fauci.
How early should you arrive for this tomorrow? I remember going in 2022 at 10:00 am and the lineup was massive
What happens at the truck?
>people complained about a cage
>there isn’t one
>people complained about badge check
>there isn’t one
>people complained about bag check
>there isn’t one
Isn't the truck rave tomorrow
if one fewer /cgl/ faggot shows up because if the allegations, it's worth it
How late are you guys staying? I'm planning to swing by after 1230 if anyone will be around
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Where you at ? Everyone just standing it’s fucking boring
Where you guys at ? Everyone is just standing around like autists it’s fucking boring lmaoo
We are at the real party and /cgl/ets aren't invited
Anyone took pics of the girl in the white dress near the entrance?
It's my first time but I'm still at a panel will join up after some food
>t. not even at the con
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nobody told me about Truck-Mahjong
Is that a real automatic table?
2 AM?!
It's right in the op
W-will astolfo-chan be here today?
Is there a discord or something for this btw?
Any girls wanna... tonight..
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I missed the nominoichi market, how was that?

ALSO, truck kun rave is officially in the guidebook? Wtf.

For today (Sat) the things I definitely want to hit are
> Doll marketplace before 4pm
> Gunpla area
> When they Cry at 11pm
> Japanese language workshop to stunt on the N5s at 5:30pm

Not too sure about these:
Remembering Akira toriyama at 4:30pm?
Touhou talk at 1:30pm might be fun?
Hentai game creation might be as well
History of DnD as well
Great visual novels one?

Bot brawl tcc South Hall AB

How's the comic market also?
Kinema Citrus and legends of anime panels seem quality but I dunno if I'll go.

Define girl.
XX chromosome. Has a vagina. Tits are a bonus as well.
Is it okay if they have a penis tho?
I'm glad this thread is pretty much dead during the actual con. If you're worried about this place instead of just going with the flow and having fun then at this point you're beyond saving.
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As it should be.
Have work today so have fun for me.
if they have nice eyeliner wings then it's even better
>swap in with someone at south 1
>their points are in shambles
>turn it around
>niggers leave before finishing south 4
I thought the truck was going to be shit after everything n the thread but it was great after I finally fucking found it
Truck seems abandoned rn are y'all just having a hotel pajama party while waiting out the rain?
bro it's 1:30 pm and raining are you fr
I was over 45k you weren't catching me niqqa
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how many of those points did you win south 1 going forward

how many hands did you win YOURSELF BITCH ASS NIGGA
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I'm sorry I can't hear you over all the point sticks rattling in my drawer
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I'm calling for TND (total nyagger death)
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new thread

truck doesn't start until 7, dumby
I was fr fr
Take that back

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